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Author Topic: Thieves and Demons (SG) Open for Criticism.  (Read 9478 times)

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #90 on: March 28, 2015, 01:37:10 pm »

True but we only need to go single celled in the last contingency. And only long enough to hide.


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #91 on: March 28, 2015, 01:41:58 pm »

Insect sized and Burlap Sack colored isn't going to be easy to spot, especially if we hide in a roll of fabric or something. He need to at least have enough vision and hearing to know when we can stop hiding.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #92 on: March 28, 2015, 10:18:00 pm »

It's a simple matter to make a small incision in the bag's fabric large enough for you to fit a small eyestalk through the opening. Once you've done so you find that you are indeed alone in the bed of a truck. So with equal ease you tear your way out of the way with makeshift talons, shifting into a bird as you do so. Then you spread your wings and fly from the back of the truck, coming about to follow at a safe distance. There's only one man in the truck, luckily for you, a chubby bearded man. From your vantage point you spy the shotgun kept propped up on the passenger side, but you don't plan on letting him use it.

After roughly a half hour of driving, your escort pulls into the parking lot of a closed new age book-store, which is when you move to strike. The man just barely notices the ripped bag by the time you dive for him, already shifting claws to rend him, and a mouth to gobble him up. He sees your movement, and rather than going for the shotgun which is too far away behind an already closed door, he begins to pull a knife. His human reflexes are too slow however, and you've already cut his throat and begun to pull him down your demonic gullet by the time the knife is half-out.


The same person again finds a body the following day, at the same place and the same time, with your accompanying note. This time though, he pulls up a chair near your facsimile of a corpse, to smoke and think, before he brings in one of his men. The two of them talk, but the one who found you, a Mastiff lieutenant named Jacky Florentine is clearly giving the orders to the other, who you know nothing about.

"I liked Ray too, but we can't let this get the better of us. We need to play this smart. So how i figure it, either someone is spying on us, with a bug or magic or maybe even on the other side of this fuckin fence. Or they took Ray, and they tortured him before bringin im here. Could also be some sort of fuckin monster, you member that thing the crawlers strung up a couple months ago? The thing that took that ol lady's kids and then stole their voices to lure her out? Could be somethin like that. So, i want you to get your boys and have em cut on poor ol Ray here for a bit just in case. Holy water, silver bullets, i don't give a shit, just have em make sure this really is dead ray and not some zombie fucker lookin ta chew on our faces." He takes a long puff on his cigarette after his agitated diatribe, and then calms down, looking real quiet. "Then hand him over to Rico, guy's an asshole, but if things go south he and his guys will have the guns to take care of it. Have him meet with whoever is fucking with us. Man, wish we could at least keep the guys fucking ashes or somethin. "

Heh. So they're smart enough to try to make sure we really are what we appear to be, but not smart enough to go inside before talking out loud within earshot of what they think might be a monster. I have no issues with letting them put the knife to us for a bit, i highly doubt they will have the means to genuinely hurt us, and a little bit of damaged meat is easily healed or replaced.


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #93 on: March 28, 2015, 10:20:47 pm »

let them test us...unless they have some sort of anti-demonic thiingy, the kill them all and become one of them and pull the same trick again. REPEAT UNTIL IT WORKS!
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #94 on: March 29, 2015, 12:01:35 am »

You know what, they ain't listening. Make your move now. Leap up and kill the mook we don't know before addressing Florentine: "I told you this was your last chance to do things the easy way! I mean your leader no harm. It his not his fault his peons are so terrible at following directions. If you had listened, Ray would still be alive. If you don't get me in contact with your leader now, the resulting blood will all be on your hands Jacky! Do as I say, and instead you will responsible for the Mastiff's greatest triumph! If your boss is not man enough to face me in person, have him call Ray."

At this point, remove Ray's cellphone from hammerspace in the most dramatic fashion you can muster, and perhaps throw in a demonic 360 degrees head rotation.


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #95 on: March 29, 2015, 02:44:51 am »

Do you think you can split into two or more bodies? It would be neat to have a body in safe location when another one goes to dangerous territory.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #96 on: March 29, 2015, 02:50:40 am »

Do you think you can split into two or more bodies? It would be neat to have a body in safe location when another one goes to dangerous territory.

Yeah, but unless we gave this other body a living brain sufficient for sentient autonomy it would basically just be a vegetable disguised as meat. We ourselves are kind of stuck with only having one anchor point.

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #97 on: March 29, 2015, 08:43:18 am »

Can you transfer one of us into a body? Being a demon is pretty fun and we could be your minions or something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #98 on: March 31, 2015, 01:18:25 am »

Can you transfer one of us into a body? Being a demon is pretty fun and we could be your minions or something.

That's... an interesting thought. I honestly have no fuckin clue, there isn't really a precedent for it. Honestly i'm not even sure what you fuckin guys *are* cause you're all dead. Your souls have passed on, and by now many of your brains have been damaged to uselessness, but you're still like... here. I don't fuckin get it, but we gotta deal with the realities. Maybe we can try something like that in the future.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #99 on: March 31, 2015, 01:53:10 am »

You leap onto your two feet, extending your arm towards Jacky's underling. In a motion almost too fast to see you lengthen the tissues in your arm towards the thug, punching through his throat from the sheer speed of your arms growth. Just as fast you retract your arm again, and turn to face the remaining terrified human, with his underling still choking on his own blood.
"I told you this was your last chance to do things the easy way! I mean your leader no harm. It his not his fault his peons are so terrible at following directions. If you had listened, Ray would still be alive. If you don't get me in contact with your leader now, the resulting blood will all be on your hands Jacky! Do as I say, and instead you will responsible for the Mastiff's greatest triumph! If your boss is not man enough to face me in person, have him call Ray."Your ultimatum issued you extend your palm, not to shake his hand, but to squeeze Ray's cell-phone out from it in a gory display. Twisting your head all the way around in a sickening display that clearly breaks your spine, an audible and sickening crunch proving evidence to that.

"You fucker, i knew it. I knew you were a fuckin crawly, you son of a bi-" You interupt him with a flourish of your blood-coated fingers and a menacing glare. And he shuts up, right hand clasping his left, fiddling with a gold band. "Fine, i'll call my boss, but he won't deal with crawlies unless he has to. He hates you fuckers. He's only one of our top guys though, there's also Rico and Maggy." Florentine sighs deeply, looking down at the now thoroughly dead young henchman before uttering in a very quiet voice. "My phone is inside."
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 01:55:13 am by Mlamlah »


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #100 on: March 31, 2015, 04:44:46 am »

Do you think you can split into two or more bodies? It would be neat to have a body in safe location when another one goes to dangerous territory.

Yeah, but unless we gave this other body a living brain sufficient for sentient autonomy it would basically just be a vegetable disguised as meat. We ourselves are kind of stuck with only having one anchor point.

We could spit out a convincing corpse of somebody who vanished in shopping center though... We can drop damning evidence wherever we want, alert the authorities, and ruin lives by linking people to the disaster.

I think I have a plan.

1: When we get the Mastiff leader on the line, this is our message: "I will not yet tell you who or what I am, but rest assured that I am no mere crawly thing. I was summoned to this world to dismantle the Crimsion, and I intend to start with their smaller client factions. Luckily for you, I know the Mastiff's do not associate with the Crimson by choice, and I propose a partnership. I will even perform an act of good faith before I demand you answer this proposal.

Some time in the next 5 days to 2 weeks, I will arrange for the Nightcrawlers to take the brunt of the blame for the shopping mall incident, and the Crimson themselves may draw some heat as well. Use this advance notice for your own gain, but don't tip anybody off. Prepare yourself to take over any of the Crawler's rackets and/or turf that you might want should the police dismantle the organization. Once the shit starts hitting the fan, you have one week to call me after sundown and arrange a meeting at which we will negotiate a plan to destroy the Crimson and leave much of their worldly wealth in the hands of the Mastiffs. If you do not call me, the Mastiffs will be the next group in my crosshairs, so make sure Ray's cell bill is payed."

2: Purchase a power cord comparable with Ray's phone, if we don't already have one in our large collection of hammerspace personal goods. Enter bird mode and explore the city from above; Look for roofs with access to power outlets and a clear line of site in all directions. We are going to be giving sensitive information over less than secure channels, so we need to be able to spot any authorities that trace us before they spot us, and fly away to another roof to continue opperations if need be.

3: Stalk, hunt, kill, and eat a few Nightcrawler Goons. If after eating the goons, we do not have at least two guns on us, go out and buy guns until we have two.

4: Head to the roofs, whip out a smart phone from our collection, and take the form of the guy who's apartment we are crashing in. Get in touch with several journalists, and bait them with pictures of somebody who vanished in the shopping center. Tease and imply that on the fateful day you sold some Nightcrawler agents some components from the Crimson warehouses to complete a device that would allegedly blast hell itself with explosive energy, killing thousands of evil beings, and that you didn't expect them to assemble and detonate the device right in front of you at the shopping center. Inform the journalists that you would be willing to go on record with the full story, including how you survived, over the course of an in-person interview, and schedule them all to meet you at the apartment, at least five days from the present.

5: Prep the crime scene at the apartment. Spit out the corpses of the apartment owner and the recently killed nightcrawler goon, and make it look like the Nightcaller broke in to kill us before we could talk, but got taken down himself.

6: Watch as the press and authorities come down on the Nightcrawlers. A small-time gang should have no chance of survival once blamed for a massive terror attack. Sit back and watch the carnage. Await the call from the Mastiffs.


Also, we should have our Warlock Mook talk to his guys, and tell them to start working with the Crimson on their supernatural projects whenever possible, and to compile a list of as many Crimson supernatural experts/practitioners as possible. This serves two purposes; If somebody tips the Crimson off to what we are doing, the Warlock's group might end up assigned to help investigate us, putting us in position to observe or even sabotage the investigation. Secondly, at some point before we launch our full scale assault on the Crimson, we want to take out as many of their magic guys as possible in one fell swoop, so we might as well start gathering the intelligence to pull that off.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #101 on: March 31, 2015, 06:00:05 am »

Do you think you can split into two or more bodies? It would be neat to have a body in safe location when another one goes to dangerous territory.

Yeah, but unless we gave this other body a living brain sufficient for sentient autonomy it would basically just be a vegetable disguised as meat. We ourselves are kind of stuck with only having one anchor point.

We could spit out a convincing corpse of somebody who vanished in shopping center though... We can drop damning evidence wherever we want, alert the authorities, and ruin lives by linking people to the disaster.

I think I have a plan.

1: When we get the Mastiff leader on the line, this is our message: "I will not yet tell you who or what I am, but rest assured that I am no mere crawly thing. I was summoned to this world to dismantle the Crimsion, and I intend to start with their smaller client factions. Luckily for you, I know the Mastiff's do not associate with the Crimson by choice, and I propose a partnership. I will even perform an act of good faith before I demand you answer this proposal.

Some time in the next 5 days to 2 weeks, I will arrange for the Nightcrawlers to take the brunt of the blame for the shopping mall incident, and the Crimson themselves may draw some heat as well. Use this advance notice for your own gain, but don't tip anybody off. Prepare yourself to take over any of the Crawler's rackets and/or turf that you might want should the police dismantle the organization. Once the shit starts hitting the fan, you have one week to call me after sundown and arrange a meeting at which we will negotiate a plan to destroy the Crimson and leave much of their worldly wealth in the hands of the Mastiffs. If you do not call me, the Mastiffs will be the next group in my crosshairs, so make sure Ray's cell bill is payed."

2: Purchase a power cord comparable with Ray's phone, if we don't already have one in our large collection of hammerspace personal goods. Enter bird mode and explore the city from above; Look for roofs with access to power outlets and a clear line of site in all directions. We are going to be giving sensitive information over less than secure channels, so we need to be able to spot any authorities that trace us before they spot us, and fly away to another roof to continue opperations if need be.

3: Stalk, hunt, kill, and eat a few Nightcrawler Goons. If after eating the goons, we do not have at least two guns on us, go out and buy guns until we have two.

4: Head to the roofs, whip out a smart phone from our collection, and take the form of the guy who's apartment we are crashing in. Get in touch with several journalists, and bait them with pictures of somebody who vanished in the shopping center. Tease and imply that on the fateful day you sold some Nightcrawler agents some components from the Crimson warehouses to complete a device that would allegedly blast hell itself with explosive energy, killing thousands of evil beings, and that you didn't expect them to assemble and detonate the device right in front of you at the shopping center. Inform the journalists that you would be willing to go on record with the full story, including how you survived, over the course of an in-person interview, and schedule them all to meet you at the apartment, at least five days from the present.

5: Prep the crime scene at the apartment. Spit out the corpses of the apartment owner and the recently killed nightcrawler goon, and make it look like the Nightcaller broke in to kill us before we could talk, but got taken down himself.

6: Watch as the press and authorities come down on the Nightcrawlers. A small-time gang should have no chance of survival once blamed for a massive terror attack. Sit back and watch the carnage. Await the call from the Mastiffs.


Also, we should have our Warlock Mook talk to his guys, and tell them to start working with the Crimson on their supernatural projects whenever possible, and to compile a list of as many Crimson supernatural experts/practitioners as possible. This serves two purposes; If somebody tips the Crimson off to what we are doing, the Warlock's group might end up assigned to help investigate us, putting us in position to observe or even sabotage the investigation. Secondly, at some point before we launch our full scale assault on the Crimson, we want to take out as many of their magic guys as possible in one fell swoop, so we might as well start gathering the intelligence to pull that off.

I love this plan.
This is just awesome,
it's awesome, demonic, evil, and usefull.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #102 on: March 31, 2015, 07:38:46 am »

Do you think you can split into two or more bodies? It would be neat to have a body in safe location when another one goes to dangerous territory.

Yeah, but unless we gave this other body a living brain sufficient for sentient autonomy it would basically just be a vegetable disguised as meat. We ourselves are kind of stuck with only having one anchor point.

We could spit out a convincing corpse of somebody who vanished in shopping center though... We can drop damning evidence wherever we want, alert the authorities, and ruin lives by linking people to the disaster.

I think I have a plan.

1: When we get the Mastiff leader on the line, this is our message: "I will not yet tell you who or what I am, but rest assured that I am no mere crawly thing. I was summoned to this world to dismantle the Crimsion, and I intend to start with their smaller client factions. Luckily for you, I know the Mastiff's do not associate with the Crimson by choice, and I propose a partnership. I will even perform an act of good faith before I demand you answer this proposal.

Some time in the next 5 days to 2 weeks, I will arrange for the Nightcrawlers to take the brunt of the blame for the shopping mall incident, and the Crimson themselves may draw some heat as well. Use this advance notice for your own gain, but don't tip anybody off. Prepare yourself to take over any of the Crawler's rackets and/or turf that you might want should the police dismantle the organization. Once the shit starts hitting the fan, you have one week to call me after sundown and arrange a meeting at which we will negotiate a plan to destroy the Crimson and leave much of their worldly wealth in the hands of the Mastiffs. If you do not call me, the Mastiffs will be the next group in my crosshairs, so make sure Ray's cell bill is payed."

2: Purchase a power cord comparable with Ray's phone, if we don't already have one in our large collection of hammerspace personal goods. Enter bird mode and explore the city from above; Look for roofs with access to power outlets and a clear line of site in all directions. We are going to be giving sensitive information over less than secure channels, so we need to be able to spot any authorities that trace us before they spot us, and fly away to another roof to continue opperations if need be.

3: Stalk, hunt, kill, and eat a few Nightcrawler Goons. If after eating the goons, we do not have at least two guns on us, go out and buy guns until we have two.

4: Head to the roofs, whip out a smart phone from our collection, and take the form of the guy who's apartment we are crashing in. Get in touch with several journalists, and bait them with pictures of somebody who vanished in the shopping center. Tease and imply that on the fateful day you sold some Nightcrawler agents some components from the Crimson warehouses to complete a device that would allegedly blast hell itself with explosive energy, killing thousands of evil beings, and that you didn't expect them to assemble and detonate the device right in front of you at the shopping center. Inform the journalists that you would be willing to go on record with the full story, including how you survived, over the course of an in-person interview, and schedule them all to meet you at the apartment, at least five days from the present.

5: Prep the crime scene at the apartment. Spit out the corpses of the apartment owner and the recently killed nightcrawler goon, and make it look like the Nightcaller broke in to kill us before we could talk, but got taken down himself.

6: Watch as the press and authorities come down on the Nightcrawlers. A small-time gang should have no chance of survival once blamed for a massive terror attack. Sit back and watch the carnage. Await the call from the Mastiffs.


Also, we should have our Warlock Mook talk to his guys, and tell them to start working with the Crimson on their supernatural projects whenever possible, and to compile a list of as many Crimson supernatural experts/practitioners as possible. This serves two purposes; If somebody tips the Crimson off to what we are doing, the Warlock's group might end up assigned to help investigate us, putting us in position to observe or even sabotage the investigation. Secondly, at some point before we launch our full scale assault on the Crimson, we want to take out as many of their magic guys as possible in one fell swoop, so we might as well start gathering the intelligence to pull that off.
This is not a suggestion game anymore.


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #103 on: March 31, 2015, 12:56:11 pm »

This is not a suggestion game anymore.

:0 Sorry bout that, not my intent.


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Re: Thieves and Demons (SG)
« Reply #104 on: March 31, 2015, 01:14:59 pm »

This is not a suggestion game anymore.

:0 Sorry bout that, not my intent.
That was actually a Call of Duty reference (RAMIREZ DO EVERYTHING) and not me being angry.
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