Is this a good game of this kind to lose time with and go "WTF am I doing with my life"
I played for 2-3 days. And by "days" I mean 5-10 minutes. I'd say it's mediocre at best.
are there better alternatives to this style of game?
Sure. Lots.
I think the best one I can recommend is
Idling to Rule the Gods. Give it a try. I think it's the best idle game I've ever played. It is however, fairly complex. Expect to play for at least a month to "beat" it.
Next up,
Clicker Heros managed to hold my interest for a while. It's not nearly as complicated as the previous, but it offers a good sense of progression. If you try it out, be aware that the upgrade systems don't unlock until after your first ascension.
Then there's
Tangerine Tycoon, which is terribly amusing, but doesn't have a lot of staying power. Unlike the previous two that become
more interesting after time, Tangerine Tycooon has a couple quirks that are fun the first playthrough or two, then after that it's all the same. Not a long term game, but definitely worth playing for a few days if you enjoy the genre. If you do play this, don't read the spoilers.
Finally, I'll offer up
Idle Conquest, which is actually not a very good game. It's poorly designed, badly balanced and in general kind of weak. But it also has Catherine Von Conqueror, an adorable protagonist with a strong "Fluffy the Terrible" streak. She chats with you while you play and definitely makes the game worth checking out.
But yeah, if you're looking for an actually "good" game in the genre, I suggest Idling to Rule the Gods.