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Author Topic: The Siege of Angazea [7/7] - Back in Black  (Read 37569 times)

Patrick Hunt

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - Ogryns De-Feeted: 1
« Reply #225 on: February 23, 2015, 12:45:19 pm »

Send the trooper with me to find a ratling squad. Assign them to watch her on Denos orders as a training excersize to assess them. Report to me anything they discover
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.

Comrade P.

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - Ogryns De-Feeted: 1
« Reply #226 on: February 25, 2015, 02:41:44 pm »

Bartolomeu glances back at Diego as he notices Marn's absence. "...Where is trooper Marn? Find him before I am overtaken by urges of making him into a living dummy for the regiment's target practice."

- Yessir, - Diego replies with a quick nod, then he turns to his sister, who stares straightforward, her sight empty - Come, Maria. I might need your help. Let's see if he got back to hangar first. Because I think he did.

Go find our Chimera, look for Marn around it.
((We are both in combat outfits, armed with lasguns, laspistols and swords, for clearance. If Maria is not, Diego asks her to get those prior to setting out.))

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - Ogryns De-Feeted: 1
« Reply #227 on: February 25, 2015, 08:53:44 pm »


Marn, seeing what was behind him, panics slightly, and proceeds to attempt entry into the chimera as fast as possible, all the while yelling for Poise to get on the gun.
Marn scampers quickly up the Chimera's side, but apparently not quickly enough - another lasbolt from the leading hostile finds him despite his attempt to dodge, burning the flesh of his leg just above his greaves [4 DAMAGE]. The second Tamerian also takes a potshot, but misses. By that time Poise is already manning (womaning?) the autocannon turret. The gun barks, taking the man in the knee, which promptly explodes, separating the sucker from his leg in a gush of blood. His luckless buddy gets showered with bone shards to no great effect. By that time Marn is already comfortably settled in the driver's seat and the Chimera's engine is started.
The last Tamerian takes cover behind another Chimera parked nearby and vanishes from sight.
Diego and Maria appear from behind a storage crate.

Bartolomeu glances back at Diego as he notices Marn's absence. "...Where is trooper Marn? Find him before I am overtaken by urges of making him into a living dummy for the regiment's target practice."

- Yessir, - Diego replies with a quick nod, then he turns to his sister, who stares straightforward, her sight empty - Come, Maria. I might need your help. Let's see if he got back to hangar first. Because I think he did.

Go find our Chimera, look for Marn around it.
((We are both in combat outfits, armed with lasguns, laspistols and swords, for clearance. If Maria is not, Diego asks her to get those prior to setting out.))

You hear gunfire as you approach - first the hiss of lasguns and then the booming report of autocannon fire. You round yet another Emperor-damned container and take in the scene in - the corpse on the floor, the smoking autocannon of the Chimera, and the other dude scrambling toward it.

Diego: roll Initiative.

Send the trooper with me to find a ratling squad. Assign them to watch her on Denos orders as a training excersize to assess them. Report to me anything they discover

The trooper nods and walks away. You wait.

" Results are in sir, would you like me to apprehend her for questioning sir? She may try to flee or cover her tracks once she realizes her plan has failed. "

"No. This is not how things work. Having someone watch her for the moment is preferable." he replies before turning to Terrez. "Please be clearer, Captain. Is she a good friend of yours or have you just been fraternizing a bit too directly? And do you have any idea of any officer that may be involved in contraband? The sergeant who seems to be the clerk's contact over the other regiment specified that the person who had requested the contraband held the rank of captain and was from the Barrablancans."

Bartolomeu glances back at Diego as he notices Marn's absence. "...Where is trooper Marn? Find him before I am overtaken by urges of making him into a living dummy for the regiment's target practice."

Talk. Visually scan the tent for any signs of amasec bottles or similar clues of illegal dealings.

The blush deepens to firebrick hues.
"Fraternizing, sir. Entirely inappropriate, I realize. It's nothing serious, know."
There's a flicker of hurt in his expression.
"Still, I thought we were sort of friends. That's...not what I expected. As for who might have bought the amasec, I cannot really say without degrading myself to the point of slander against a fellow officer. But I believe you will take my meaning if I say that we both know who's the biggest drunkard and liar among our captains."

You believe you do. He means the sixth company captain, one Astorga, a relatively young man of high birth, whose ambition is matched only by his own peculiar brand of stupidity. The dislike Terrez and Astorga have for each other is one of anecdotal proportions.

The tent around you seems clean enough, if a bit sparsely furnished. Bottles, joints, hookahs, syringes, or other traces of illicit substance consumption are absent, although there's a steady smell of lho.

Viverde studied the books and items on display for a moment before making a precise salute. The Colonel was surely one of the finest servants of the Emperor and the people of Barrablanca in the regiment. He smiled at the Colonel's question.

'Fortunately not, sir, but there has been an incident. Or a series of incidents. Commissar Denos and I are still investigating into how this began. It appears, however, that at least one of our men might have been killed by a Tamerian. Said Tamerians were looking to take back something 'owed' to them from a storage area. I discovered this investigating the disappearance of three troopers. Commissar Denos investigated some... well, he discovered contraband amasec being smuggled to one of our officers, with a number of Tamerians involved,' he said. 'We intend to deal with this matter together with the Tamerian Commissars, as an inter-regimental disciplinary action. If word got out that they've killed one of ours... this could escalate into a blood feud. Though they are... less honorable, perhaps, all servants of the Emperor must work together.'

'The murderers will be found and punished, Colonel. As well as any behavior unbecoming of a Guardsman we might discover in our own ranks.'

"Murder and contraband. One of our own, to boot! Well. I expect that Denos can deal with the contraband, if he's on it already... You, on the other hand, can deal with their commissar...if he can be so called. Leon, get the vox working, if you please."

The aide produces a portable vox from behind his cot, fiddles with the dials for a few seconds, then hands the headset to Macias, who punches in a code.

"Macias. I request your presence here to discuss another incident of the previously-discussed sort... What do you mean, you can't come? Is this some sort of joke? Oh, you're busy? What with, pissing yourself, you pathetic excuse for... The last phrase he says with the mic turned off, apparently. Or so you hope.
"Well, then we'll just have to pay you a visit. Yes, absolutely necessary. No. Frankly, I couldn't care less."

With that he returns the headset to his aide and sighs.
"Sorry about that. That spineless excuse for an Imperial servant that passes as the Tamerian commissar refuses to crawl out of the hole in which it has buried its dignity. Probably doing this just to spite us, the wretch. Can you meet him in their camp and see to it that the necessary action is taken? Take some of your own men for an escort, or perhaps volunteer some more."
“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”

Powder Miner

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #228 on: February 25, 2015, 08:59:56 pm »

Amalia whistles lightly to herself as she waits outside the tent. "Wonder what we're gonna have to do next."


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #229 on: February 25, 2015, 09:40:21 pm »

By the grace of the Throne we will soon be deployed to face those who besmirch the honour and glory of the Emperor.

Powder Miner

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #230 on: February 26, 2015, 12:04:47 am »

"Well, yeah! that comes with being part of the Imperial Guard! I just kinda meant I was wondering about how it's gonna go down."


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #231 on: February 26, 2015, 12:48:09 am »

Hm... I'd say... Greenskins. Those unholy xenos pop up everywhere. What do you think?

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #232 on: February 26, 2015, 01:34:03 am »

'Certainly, sir...' Viverde said, frowning. 'You say this man is unfit for his post? A Commissar unable to fulfill his duty compromises the discipline of his whole regiment. No wonder there have been... problems. This likely complicates our task quite somewhat. What is his problem, sir, exactly? Is it drink? Obscura?'

Viverde's expression and posture had grown more tense. This was disgraceful, a failure of duty. Guardsmen could be forgiven for their inherent flaws and vices, but a servant of the Commissariat could not. The schola was there to purge them of weakness.

Whatever the colonel's answer, withdraw and find the squad. Wait outside Terrez' tent for Commissar Denos.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Comrade P.

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #233 on: February 26, 2015, 02:19:58 am »

Initiative: 1d10+3=7
((Ugh, I forgot which bonus do I use for initiative. I rolled 4 on the dice anyways.))

- By Emperors' grace, how many of these unfortunate souls do we have to send to Him before the real battle starts? Let's drag the wounded one out, Maria, that other coward has no chances. We'll return to report later.

Approach wounded tamerian, if he shows no agression, drag him to medics tent. Otherwise finish him. Brutally.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 01:40:58 pm by Comrade P. »

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - Ogryns De-Feeted: 1
« Reply #234 on: February 27, 2015, 10:58:48 am »

Bartholomew furrows his eyebrows. When on the job, he prefers not to have friends of any sorts. "How exactly did she ask you that favor? Did she say you should have men bring the box to the outside of your tent and wait until someone else picked it up?"

"And have you been smoking lho?"
he asks, his eyes still on Terrez.

Try to remember whether Captain Astorga has aides, how many and the one most likely to crack under some pressure. The same for Terrez too, just in case.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 03:00:41 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #235 on: February 27, 2015, 01:07:32 pm »

"Poise! If you see one of those idiots going after us, shoot them. Im gonna try o find out just why these idiots are going after us. Friggin Tamerians... Why the hell are those warp-addled morons attacking us?"

Use comrade's Gunner trait to fire upon any who fires upon the Chimera, attempt to raise someone on the Chimera's vox unit.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #236 on: March 01, 2015, 04:47:32 pm »

Bartholomew furrows his eyebrows. When on the job, he prefers not to have friends of any sorts. "How exactly did she ask you that favor? Did she say you should have men bring the box to the outside of your tent and wait until someone else picked it up?"

"And have you been smoking lho?"
he asks, his eyes still on Terrez.

Try to remember whether Captain Astorga has aides, how many and the one most likely to crack under some pressure. The same for Terrez too, just in case.

"No, she just asked me to have someone bring it to her station. I wanted to check the contents myself first, this being as suspicious as it is. The lho, yes, I've been smoking a lot lately. It's not illegal, though, is it?"

As far as you know, Terrez usually handles his work by himself. Astorga might have an aide, or maybe even several, but they're indistinguishable from the other people of dubious repute that he hangs around with.

Two of Gant's buddies return, leading a Barrablancan trooper - Pinel, according to her uniform tags - between them. They relay something to him in whispers.
Commissar Viverde enters after them with two more stormtroopers.

'Certainly, sir...' Viverde said, frowning. 'You say this man is unfit for his post? A Commissar unable to fulfill his duty compromises the discipline of his whole regiment. No wonder there have been... problems. This likely complicates our task quite somewhat. What is his problem, sir, exactly? Is it drink? Obscura?'

Viverde's expression and posture had grown more tense. This was disgraceful, a failure of duty. Guardsmen could be forgiven for their inherent flaws and vices, but a servant of the Commissariat could not. The schola was there to purge them of weakness.

Whatever the colonel's answer, withdraw and find the squad. Wait outside Terrez' tent for Commissar Denos.

"It's hard to say for sure. It seems to me they have some sort of informal command arrangement in which some of their personnel who participate in certain illicit affairs enjoy more power than their rank would afford. Obviously, a proper commissar would never allow something like that... Maybe he's an addict. My personal hypothesis is that he's just a coward who got assigned to them because the Commissariat didn't want to waste anybody useful on them. I'm not exactly familiar with the man, you understand."

You nod and withdraw. Two stormtroopers join you as you exit the tent. With their guidance you quickly rejoin the rest of the platoon at Terrez's tent. Two more stormtroopers enter the tent before you, leading a Barrablancan woman between them, and start an intense whispered conversation with Gant.

Initiative: 1d10+3=7
((Ugh, I forgot which bonus do I use for initiative. I rolled 4 on the dice anyways.))

- By Emperors' grace, how many of these unfortunate souls do we have to send to Him before the real battle starts? Let's drag the wounded one out, Maria, that other coward has no chances. We'll return to report later.

Approach wounded tamerian, if he shows no agression, drag him to medics tent. Otherwise finish him. Brutally.

As you walk out into the open, a lasbolt whistles past your ear to melt a floorgrate just a few meters from you. It seems to have come from one of the containers in the distance, from a significant range.
The Tamerian is pretty dead, as far as you can tell. Shock, probably. his face is very pale and twisted into a grimace of misery.
The other one reaches the Chimera and leaps onto its side, clinging to it with grim determination.

"Poise! If you see one of those idiots going after us, shoot them. Im gonna try o find out just why these idiots are going after us. Friggin Tamerians... Why the hell are those warp-addled morons attacking us?"

Use comrade's Gunner trait to fire upon any who fires upon the Chimera, attempt to raise someone on the Chimera's vox unit.

The vox unit seems to be intent on performing a warm-up sequence before transmitting. It will probably become operational in a short while.

Nobody shoots you, but you hear something bump into the Chimera's side, and a second later Poise shouts,
"Frak! He's on our armor! The cannon doesn't traverse this far down!"


The two you sent to the Tamerian camp return. They haven't had any luck with their stormtroopers - apparently, they've only found one, and he was drunk and not making much sense, so they left him. However, they found two Barrablancan troopers in the tunnels which lead to the camp - the erstwhile Pinel and Sigala, apparently. Sigala was in a pretty bad way, so they left him at the medical tent.
They brought Pinel - a tall, bony woman with an eyepatch and a slightly ridiculous haircut - with them, surmising that the commissar would wish to see her.
“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #237 on: March 01, 2015, 04:50:37 pm »

"On what side?"
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text

Patrick Hunt

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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #238 on: March 01, 2015, 04:55:40 pm »

Tristan nods as they finish filling him in then turns to Denos.

" Discipline in the Tamarians is even worse then I thought sir. Even the storm troopers got sloppy. This one and a wounded trooper were found in the tunnel between camps.
If I'm not mistaken they'd be our 2 missing troopers. "
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 04:59:50 pm by Patrick Hunt »
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


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Re: The Siege of Angazea [8/8] - De-Feeting Intensifies
« Reply #239 on: March 01, 2015, 04:59:00 pm »

“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”
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