Hello there, fellow Bay12'ers! I was originally going to put this in General Discussion, but I felt that wasn't the right place for it, since this is meant more as a request than a question or topic of discussion (although it may become one; who knows?). The reason I am making this thread is:
I need friends. Friends that can give me the kind of reinforcement and inspiration to not only succeed in life, but WANT to succeed in life. Most of the people I associate with on a day-by-day basis are indeed good, decent and loyal friends, but many of them are intently focused on their own problems in life; the friend I associate with the most these days either talks about trivial matters or rants about how bad things are in his neighborhood, as the very first topic of discussion. Granted, he's an excellent source of second opinions and the perfect person to talk to if I have a problem, but it seems to me that I have to prompt him anytime I want to take the tone of the conversation in a different direction -- and even then, the first thing he does is usually find the negative angle of things. I do have two very good and very positive friends that are wonderfully inspiring, but one of them has moved to Houston, Texas to pursue full-time college classes + a job, and the other... well, let's just say that there are some lingering emotions there, right now.
The biggest disadvantage of being surrounded by people who are either negative or will not show me anything to inspire me is that it
massively promotes procrastination, because it makes it
much harder to see a definitive goal to strive for in life. I work far, far easier when I have someone nudging me along, or at least holding a stick and carrot in my face by sharing their own experiences with or aspirations for a career, what drives them forward, etc. etc. I seriously need that kind of reinforcement and direction. Something to aspire to. I don't really have much, at the moment. It'd take a bit long to explain my situation here fully in the limited time I have tonight, though. But still, even something as simple as regularly asking me how things are going in my life -- but
not stopping when I say that I'm 'fine', and instead asking me what I've done
specifically -- would help me greatly, too. I currently don't have anyone who can give me that regular nudge or spark of inspiration I often need to get myself going.
And so here is what I'm asking of you, dear reader. If you consider yourself at least a relatively optimistic person who knows what they want from life and is willing to work to achieve it; if you have developed good and constructive habits and/or ways of thinking about life and its challenges; if you genuinely want to make a difference in someone's life by inspiring them to be the best they can be; then I hope that you will at least consider talking to me. Perhaps we can become great friends that help each other out and keep them going. ^^ I would return the favor as best I could, either in the same way you would help me, or simply talking to you about whatever is on your mind. I am a very good listener, and I do enjoy helping my friends out when they have something they want to discuss, be it an idea or an issue they are facing. I'm really looking forward to meeting you!
If anyone is interested -- and I really hope at least one of you are -- then please give me a PM here, or contact me on Skype or Chatango. My contact information is below:
Skype: umbranoth
Chatango: http://setokaiva.chatango.com/FiMFiction: Setokaiva
P.S: I have no working computer microphone right now, so I can't talk via voice. Only text. Sorry. I honestly prefer it that way, though, most of the time.