"Let's do a little roleplaying," you tell Caliban. "Pretend I'm a reporter. Do you have any plans to take over the world or replace human beings?"
Caliban lets out a robotic whimper. "Are they really going to say that?"
You prepare Caliban for some of the more aggressive questions reporters might ask. After a little while, Caliban does understand a bit better now how cruel people can be. (++Empathy)
The next morning, you drive with Caliban to San Jose to meet Silas at a Dunkin' Donuts.
Silas is a heavyset man with a giant black beard who can't seem to stop drumming his fingers and shaking his leg under the table. At your entrance, he turns to you quickly, startled. But at your arrival, he breaks out into a broad smile and waves excitedly to the opposite chair. You oblige Silas and take a seat.
Caliban drags a child's booster seat next to you and awkwardly situates himself there.
"Thank you for coming," Silas says. "And for bringing Caliban."
"No problem," you say. "Caliban, say hello."
"Hello," Caliban says.
You can tell this has an effect on Silas. He seems delighted by Caliban's natural charm and grace.
"Hello, Caliban," Silas says softly. He suddenly turns to you.
"You're beautiful," he stammers suddenly.
How do you feel about Silas at first sight?
1) I find myself weirdly attracted to him. He's a loner, like me.
2) I know how it feels to be an outsider. We might be friends.
3) I sort of feel sorry for him but I certainly wouldn't date him.
4) Let's make this short and sweet and hit the road.
Year: 2020
25-year-old Ada Doniec
Humanity: 81%
Gender: female
Fame: 2 (Local Celebrity)
Wealth: 0 (Broke)
Romance: Eiji
Autonomy: 7 (In Beta)
Military: 0 (Nonexistent)
Empathy: 24 (Impressive)
Grace: 7 (In Beta)
Professor Ziegler (Great): 79%
Eiji (Great): 72%
Josh (Very Good): 64%
Mark (Great): 84%
Juliet (Very Good): 64%
Silas (Great): 79%
?: 50%
?: 50%