Link: haven't played it. I plan to get the massive edition next month off of steam. I saw it on sale last year, but I ended up skipping by it as I didn't think it looked like my type of MMO. Sadly after seeing a friend play looks like my type of MMO
It looks really unique, and actually what I was looking for...a sorta singleplayer experience with a bunch of people around with a good storyline. It actually looked like a lot of fun and one of the quests my friend did was actually really scary. It was a haunted mansion I think (I didn't see the outside), and we both were playing in the basement (in real life) and it was so scary...there was a noise by the basement window and we both jumped and ran up scares rofl. The game really hooked us in (though he was one playing, not me) and was really actually scary. Most games, even singleplayer ones, never do that to me or him. I've played tons of horror singleplayer games that I end up laughing a lot at at how hilarious they are (I'm not going to name it, but that game where you play in chucky cheese I think, was hilarious to me. The haunted toys were hilarious looking and the jump scares were so cliche it was hilarious
). Most horror games don't scare me at all and are more like a comedy to me (same with horror movies, but those are even more hilarious (there are some actually scary ones).
But anyway. The point is. After watching secret world in that one mission he was doing, actually got me scared...especially after the noise in the window to add to it rofl. We both jumped out of our seats by a few feet rofl.
His mom looked at us funny after we told her and told us to go back to bed lol. It ended up being a neighbor's dog that got loose lol.
Anyway, I can't afford the game till next month (I'm going with massive edition, does that include all the issues or just the ones listed on steam 5/6/7? So I'd have to buy issues 1-4 still? If so, I might skip that one as that sounds a lot more expensive if those aren't included). Sadly my money this month is REALLY low, but next month is coming pretty quick...just have to wait a week and a half.
Anyone else play this or played it? What did you think of it?