There's plenty of reasons to use a pen name just for stuff in different genres, explicit material or not, though. It's not exactly a bad idea to have specific sorts of material attached to a particular name, rather than many different sorts attached to a single one. S'kinda' how some game publishing/development companies run, really, and it can be fairly effective branding and whatnot. It's not like authors
have to use pen-names to manage, after all. Just look at Piers Anthony, who had one major series they were known for that was (almost) entirely clean and basically everything else they wrote (of which there was quite a bit), under the same name, was inundated with smut (say it again, guy who wrote a gigantic series aimed at young adults/older teens also wrote
Pornucopia. And its sequel.). Fairly sure there's no small number of similar cases out there, yeah.
The want to is more of a thing, but... well, it's not the world we live it, heh. If it isn't porn it's ghost writing for some popular series or putting out whatever's trending that month, or just doing some other sort of work. To an extent, I'd even call that kinda' okay, m'self. I don't
entirely mind authors having to branch out and/or keep producing new material to keep themselves afloat, y'know? Also who's to say they actually dislike writing th'stuff :V Some probably do, and yeah, sympathy to 'em, but if there's anything that seems to be a (guilty) pleasure for
prolific writers, it's writing porn.
Though me, I don't dream of a world when an author can get by on writing best-sellers, I dream of a world where they can write and not have to be making best-sellers to get by
... mostly because I don't really read best sellers these days. I just want the internet writing people to be able to eat
and keep producing my readins. Kinda' stopped caring much about the published book scene around the point fresh paperbacks started costing 150-200% more than they did when I was a kid