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Author Topic: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!  (Read 52861 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #330 on: March 28, 2015, 09:55:56 am »

The Life and Times of TheCheeseMaker, Reborn, Summer of 108 (Continued)

Vabok came into my royal throne room office today.

Vabok: Excuse me, Mr. CheeseMaker?

Me: It's TheCheeseMaker.

Vabok: Umm, OK, TheCheeseMaker.

Me: What do you want?

Vabok: So you know how the forgotten beast ripped my hand off the other day?

Me: Yes, I'm aware.

Vabok: So I was wondering if I could be taken off of the military, on account of not being able to hold anything.

Me: Maybe, let me look at your report.

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Me: Actually, the doctors say that your ability to grasp is only somewhat impaired.  Also, you appear to only be suffering from moderate blood loss.  You even complained to them about suffering only a minor injury.

Vabok: So, what your saying is-

Me: What I'm saying is that you are definitely going to stay in the military.  I will however, give you a full set of armor for your next battle, and even assign you a weapon and a shield, so you can choose which one to use when you fight.  I wish you luck.

Vabok: Wow, thanks!


Vabok: That went better than expected.
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #331 on: April 01, 2015, 12:02:08 am »

The Life and Times of TheCheeseMaker, Reborn, Summer of 108 (Part 3)

With the death of the forgotten beast, Shadowgraves has settled into a general time of peace and quiet.  By the way, guess who Maxcat is related to?

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I guess superdwarven wrestling skills run in the family.


The remainder of summer went by slowly.  I reorganized all the stockpiles, putting stone next to the masons workshops, metal and ores next to the forges, seeds near the farms, plants near the stills, etc.  Every civilian was assigned hauling, and the result?


The passage winds around another corner.  The cold, muddy floor has begun to stick to my boots.  I can smell the miasma in the air.  It gets stronger with each step.  I come to a woman, sleeping on the ground in front of me.  She smiles.  I decide she must be dreaming.  It looked like a pleasant dream, with how happy she seemed.

As I approach, her smile widens.  It widens much too far to be normal.  I look, and see two giant gashes, on each side of her lips, slowly increasing in length.  Finally, they reach her ears.  She wakes up.  But she didn't open her eyes.  Her eyelids just vanish, leaving two gushing slits above her eyes.

With her horribly enlarged mouth, she screams.  She screams and screams and screams.  I cover my ears and close my eyes to try to ignore her, but it is not enough.  Her bloodied face imprints itself in my brain, and her screams leave my ears ringing.  I run, but I cannot escape the sight or noise.

It ends with a voice, "Now you will know why you fear the night."

I get up.  I pace around my room for a few hours.  Ever since I've moved my quarters to my own floor, the fortress seems so lonely.  Eventually, I get the courage to go back to bed and fall asleep.

Repeat.  Each night.  Every night.


The Life and Times of TheCheeseMaker, Reborn, Fall of 108

Guess what happened today?

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Chaoseed is now merely unhappy, instead of very unhappy.  It is a glorious day indeed.


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The dwarven caravan arrived today.  We mostly just traded metal crafts for food and metal bar, but something else caught my eye.

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I asked how the merchants managed to fill an entire barrel to the brim with gremlin tears.  They explained to me how another fortress in the south had a gremlin infestation.  Hilarity ensued, and now one of the major exports of the fortress is barrels of tears taken from the new slaves.  I asked what its purpose or use was.

"Absolutely nothing," the merchant stated, "But I have a question for you.  If you had the choice to own a barrel of gremlin tears, or not, which would you want?"

I bought it.


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Hauling continued.


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Migrants.  Animals slaughtered.  Pets pastured.  No armorer.  Everyone drafted.


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Finally! This was a chance for excitement.  Actually, I was content with just letting the bronze colossus walk into one of our cage traps, which we could then unleash upon our enemies.  Unfortunately, I noticed a slight design flaw in the surface.

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And by slight, I mean that anything that's a building destroyer can waltz right into our fortress, ignoring both the traps and the military.  How was this not discovered sooner?

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Axedwarves! I choose you!

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The axedwarves engaged the colossus in what I presume is an old dining room.  Now, I would like to say that the attack was glorious.  I would like to say that dwarf fought machine in an epic battle that would decide the fate of Shadowgraves.  I would like to say the fight was even close.

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But in truth the megabeast died faster than a kobold fighting a blind cave ogre.  The killer was named Bomrek.  She was arrived at Shadowgraves in the summer, and was drafted, equipped with elven armor, adequate axedwarf skill, and a steel battle axe, she killed the colossus in only a few hits.  It was her first kill.

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All that was left of the former beast was a bronze statue of two octopi.  No one bothered to tell me how a giant, humanoid abomination turns into a statue of two of the least humanoid animals on the planet, and I didn't ask how.  I've come to accept things like this.  We placed the statue next to our trade depot, along with the artifact statue made during the summer.


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We walled off the old pump stack because I didn't like how dwarves were traveling though it rather than through our main staircase.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the carpenter who finished building it walled herself in, instead of out.  So for the past 2 months, she's been stuck there, without any food or water.  You know, after dying and coming back to life, I stopped caring if others lived or died, so I was about to leave her in there.  Then I realized that if I let her out then the only dwarf to die during this year so far would be the one dwarf I meant to kill.  I want to let this record stand.


Hauling has slowed down immensely, we're finally ready to begin building some more, instead of just waiting.  Nightmare still plague my dreams, but I have come to deal with them.

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 12:16:28 am by TheCheeseMaker »
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #332 on: April 03, 2015, 05:52:34 pm »

The Life and Times of TheCheeseMaker, Reborn, Winter of 108

Winter was very quiet, nearly nothing happened.  We gained a legendary weaponsmith, who began producing masterwork adamantine weapons for our military.  Also, the death office used to kill the king earlier this year has been fully rebuilt and its trap reset.

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I've noticed something.  Remember the night troll and its eyelid getting slashed out that I talked about earlier this year?  I've noticed that engravings of that one creature are everywhere.  Anywhere from 5% to 30% of the engravings are of this one creature, who the records show only killed one being, an elf, before dying.  So why do the engravers care so much about it?

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The slashing of the mouth, the removal of the eyelids, the smell of miasma, all of these relate the dream which haunts me every night.  But why?  Why would some weak crone who barely did anything before dying be so important?  Unless...

I came back from the dead.  I was selected by the gods to return to the mortal realm in order to do their bidding.  Could it be possible that some otherworldly force is also manipulating the fortress?  I must I know.

I've decided to step down from the position of overseer.  I cannot devote my time to both research and ruling.  Someone else can take over the position.  I have another job to do: find out who is manipulating my dreams and why these engravings are being made.

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Spring arrives, and with it, a shout of rejoice.  With the death of the bronze colossus during the summer, only one giant beast remains on the surface of the world.  It should be a time of excitement and peace.  However, I fear that the suffering of this world has only just begun.

OOC: Wow, that was fun!  This was my first succession fort, and what could have been a disaster (like sending the military to fight a forgotten beast unarmed or a bronze colossus getting inside the fort) actually turned out to be fairly successful.  I think that Blackops35 is next, and here's the save:
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.

Working Ogretime

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #333 on: April 03, 2015, 07:02:15 pm »

And after Blackops, I'll be up to bat.
Don't kill the fortress before I get a chance to screw it up, alright?

"Winter is upon you."

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #334 on: April 03, 2015, 10:11:14 pm »

After handing over the overseer hat, TheCheeseMaker felt as though a great tension had left him; yet there was also a feeling of anticipation--or perhaps dread--over what would come next. He wandered the fortress with no particular destination in mind, finally ending up at a dining room.

The corpulent Chaoseed was there, a barrel of dwarven ale next to him. He nodded drunkenly at the former overseer (which is to say, how dwarves usually nod). "Greetin's, TheCheeseMaker."

"Yes, hello, Chaoseed." TheCheeseMaker eyed the other dwarf. "Feeling better?"

"Yes." He belched softly. "Thank you for the rooms. Not sure if that's really what we need though."

A frown creased TheCheeseMaker's forehead. "What do you mean by that?"

"Mmn. Remember that necro siege? I'm not sure I do. But I think that's when all this stuff started." Chaoseed stroked his braided beard. "All those crazy beasts from the caverns. That beast spent all that time in the spore tree. All those spores from the underground. One might almost think there's something...going on..."

TheCheeseMaker sighed. "You don't know the half of it, Chaoseed." His only reply was a drunken snore. The former overseer rolled his eyes and continued on.

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.

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(Anyway, your updates are an excellent read, TheCheeseMaker. :D )
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Competent at Incompetency.
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #335 on: April 04, 2015, 03:53:00 am »

Can I sign up please?
I do stuff, I guess


  • Bay Watcher
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I blame Obamacare
« Reply #336 on: April 04, 2015, 11:42:35 am »

Due to unforseen circumstances, I won't be able to take my turn just yet. Somebody once told me, the next turn was Working Ogretime. He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. He was looking kinda dumb, with his finger and his thumb, in the shape of and "L" on his forehead.

Okay, I'm done.

But seriously, I'll need to take my turn later. Sorry.

Working Ogretime

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #337 on: April 04, 2015, 04:47:10 pm »

Nice! Alright, I'll get on it now, and I'll update later.

"Winter is upon you."

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.

Working Ogretime

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #338 on: April 04, 2015, 04:58:02 pm »

Okay. I have a problem
I copy Shadowgraves to my saves folder but nothing shows up in the actual game.
What version are we using right now?
EDIT: Updated version, got it working. It's a .24 save.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 05:17:10 pm by Working Ogretime »

"Winter is upon you."

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.

Working Ogretime

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #339 on: April 04, 2015, 05:46:00 pm »


1st of Granite, 109.

*The following was taken from a journal found in the ruins of the fortress of Shadowgraves. It details the rule of the Overseer "Ogretime"*
What the hell.
What the everloving shit.
I just got appointed as the leader of this fortress, despite having no idea how to run ANYTHING. These dwarves are crazy, I swear.
Anyways, they slammed a hat on my head, and told me I was chosen as overseer. From the tone of their voices, I assumed that if I said "No", the net person I would've seen would be the Hammerer. So, naturally, I said yes.
First thing I noticed about this Armok forsaken hellhole is that NOTHING. MAKES. ANY. SENSE.
Seriously. Were all the Overseers sick in the head? Were they too drunk? WHY?
Second thing I noticed is that a room full of coffins ISN'T ENGRAVED! What a disgrace! What blasphemy! Why do these maniacs deny the dead of a rest of riches? Again, WHY?
I designate it to be engraved.
Taking a look at our stock, I see that we... won't be needing any food for a while. Still, I set the stills to make drinks. We must keep our stocks high to ensure nobody, y'know, DIES.

"A vile force of darkness has arrived!"
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 05:55:13 pm by Working Ogretime »

"Winter is upon you."

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #340 on: April 04, 2015, 06:05:50 pm »

So I drafted all the migrants from last year into the military and assigned them all uniforms. I didn't, however, actually check to make sure that they actually had weapons and armor. So if it's a big siege, we might have a ton of casualties.  Have fun!
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #341 on: April 04, 2015, 06:08:51 pm »

The fortress made sense when I finished, what have you all been doing since then? :P
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.

Working Ogretime

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #342 on: April 04, 2015, 06:09:02 pm »

So I drafted all the migrants from last year into the military and assigned them all uniforms. I didn't, however, actually check to make sure that they actually had weapons and armor. So if it's a big siege, we might have a ton of casualties.  Have fun!
We had no casualties. The goblins got completely decimated by the Wimps. GOD BLESS THE WIMPS.
The fortress made sense when I finished, what have you all been doing since then? :P
Everything is so convoluted and I can't find the fucking carpenters where are they.

"Winter is upon you."

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #343 on: April 04, 2015, 06:10:48 pm »

We had no casualties. The goblins got completely decimated by the Wimps. GOD BLESS THE WIMPS.

I knew our military was up to the challenge! ;)


Can I sign up please?

A few people have asked to sign up for turns. (Including myself.) Someone's going to have to step up and maintain the turn list. ('s me, isn't it?)
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.

Working Ogretime

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #344 on: April 04, 2015, 06:21:01 pm »


3rd of Granite, 109

The siege was only 6 goblins, and they all got decimated. No harm done.
Immediately after, some chucklenut names his silver mace. Great. I don't care. Now get out of my office.

Taking a look down to the grand forge room, or, "Forgeton"... "Forgetown"? I don't fucking know, I see that we only have zinc and some stray other bars/wafers.
Fan-fucking-tastic. How did we even make ALL these FUCKING steel weapons?

(okay, actually, I can't deal with this low FPS. Sorry guys! Just go back to cheesemaker's save, whoever's next.)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 06:26:26 pm by Working Ogretime »

"Winter is upon you."

They could not have chosen a more menacing way to say that.
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