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Author Topic: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]  (Read 165847 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #165 on: May 23, 2015, 07:51:51 pm »

...Holy crap I think I might have contained it before they transformed, and my fisherdorf just got over the drawbridge one frame before it would've smashed him into the ceiling. Now to wait a week IG and see what happens.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #166 on: May 23, 2015, 10:24:29 pm »

Say, Loud?  I just want you to know that thanks to you, I can now never again embark anywhere without tower access.  Add it to sand, savage, and either aquifers or rivers.

I was building a peaceful fort in a dense savage forest (temperate and tropical biomes in same embark!) just to play with the new crops. (Goblins were extincted in year 32 by megabeasts/titans thanks to my upping them, - most of the surface demons were killed in year 1 - and an extreme concentration of them on the northern glacier.  I think when I up the spawn count, and there isn't enough room, they all get thrown in the top-left corner of the world.) But now I clearly have to retire it to go live on the shores of an evil ocean because the world's only necro tower is there, founded by the first king of an extinct (elf war) dwarven civilization.  Has a sort of Gilgamesh vibe. (Didn't check until after I was looking around wondering why no gobbos were trying to kill me that I'd have to murder some elves or go all FBs all the time to get some action going.  On the other hand, I got kobolds for the first time in a long while.)
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

Improved Farming
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #167 on: May 23, 2015, 11:22:43 pm »

Uh, I just realized something.

If you use mode set to swap to arena and take control of an adventurer you should then be able to leave the fort as-is in what counts as a retired but inhabited state, and I don't see why a siege state would change this process.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #168 on: May 24, 2015, 08:53:01 am »

Actually, you can abandon during a siege and it counts as retiring. Bastiongate was hit by the same bug - I broke it with both retiring and unretiring and also by waiting for the new year.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #169 on: May 24, 2015, 10:12:33 am »

Actually, you can abandon during a siege and it counts as retiring. Bastiongate was hit by the same bug - I broke it with both retiring and unretiring and also by waiting for the new year.
Not in this version of DF, sadly.

Uh, I just realized something.
If you use mode set to swap to arena and take control of an adventurer you should then be able to leave the fort as-is in what counts as a retired but inhabited state, and I don't see why a siege state would change this process.
That won't work. The adventurer would just be stuck within the Fortress borders. A similar trick involves switching from arena to adventure mode, and then starving that adventurer to death within the Fort through the [esc] menu (amusingly, the Dwarves tend to impale aforementioned adventurer on a spike in legends mode). This abandons the Fort with the Dwarves still alive, effectively retiring the Fort in .34, before retiring was a thing. It's buggy to be sure as the game was not meant to do that, but it's a possible way of doing things. I once did that to test my Fort's defences as an adventurer (several adventurers to be precise, including one necromancer adventurer). My most successful foray involved clogging up the front entrance's traps with other people, assassinating a Captain paying respects in the memorial broke, bypassing the Dining Hall's giant axeblades by going through the armory before accidentally walking into a room full of 20 soldiers. It's a fun aside, trying to lay siege to your own fortifications, but the Fort must build onwards. Perhaps when all construction work is done I'll end the Fort this way.

Say, Loud?  I just want you to know that thanks to you, I can now never again embark anywhere without tower access.  Add it to sand, savage, and either aquifers or rivers.
Is that a good or a bad thing? Hahaha

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Attempts to shoot down the shrew fiends have largely failed, what with them being two times outside the maximum effective range of our crossbows. When in doubt, release the troglodyte corpses; we will see if they can be enticed to die.

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My Dwarves have created many works regarding heroes of the past. Tales of the Hunters, who set off to kill great beasts in the Spidery Forest. Most of these tales end in death, Zombie Dragons, Umbral Bones, Skinless Monsters and Titans all ultimately taking their toll on the Dwarves stalking the beasts of the blood rain. I always assumed my Dwarves' propensity for carving out the tragic ends of past hunters was part of a ritualistic celebration of their thankless labour, setting up a great bastion of Dwarfkind to put an end to the monstrous attacks on the river hamlets and cities. Recently their engravings and sculptings have become considerably more optimistic.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
This statue forged by the late Olin, shows the Dwarf Kubuk Townfeeds dying in battle against the Hulking Monster Vucar Urndies in the year 41, whilst hunting great beasts in the Spidery Forest. I thought he was but one more poor sod in history who fell victim to the Forest's denizens. That narrative has changed.

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This is a statue carved by Captain Ingish Bobrukurel. It depicts Kubuk Townfeeds laughing, while Vucar Urndies cringes. It relates to the the Dwarf Kubuk Townfeeds ripping the Hulking Monster Vucar Urndies in half, shortly before succumbing to his injuries. Alongside inevitable death, Silentthunders has embraced triumph.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #170 on: May 24, 2015, 03:30:55 pm »

Now thats a myth. He's like a dwarven beowulf.

Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #171 on: May 24, 2015, 05:30:02 pm »

Beodorf. Yes. I support this.

Also, "Shakes around" apparently doesn't guarantee infection. I've only got one apparent infectee out of four "Shaken around" dwarves. I think it has to be the "Bite" attack that does it.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.

Dozebôm Lolumzalìs

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #172 on: May 25, 2015, 09:57:01 am »

This is legendary.  Masterwork.
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvané Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #173 on: May 25, 2015, 02:00:56 pm »

Also, "Shakes around" apparently doesn't guarantee infection. I've only got one apparent infectee out of four "Shaken around" dwarves. I think it has to be the "Bite" attack that does it.
Hmmm... Perhaps some science will have to be done to solve this for sake of optimization and clarification.

Now thats a myth. He's like a dwarven beowulf.

Beodorf. Yes. I support this.
Kubuk Townfeeds was born in the year 16 of unknown descent. At the age of 1 he settled in Souththeater, at the age of 3 he moved to Shovesvessel and by the age of 12 he became a siege engineer in the town of Lancecrux. What happened to his parents, no one will ever know - these events happened 400 years ago. For just 1 year Kubuk would have spent his time in the Dwarven army laying siege to the walls of goblin and humankind. He would change career path when he was attacked by a monstrous troglodyte Vicira Northheated. Though defeated, the young Kubuk would have escaped with his life. This close encounter with death may have thrilled Kubuk to seek out and hunt the great beasts of the Spidery Forest, perhaps to one day find Vicira and even the score. Kubuk would spend the next 5 years hunting beasts in the spidery forest, killing swathes of undead creatures; twisted mockeries of life. Marrying at the age of 24 to a figure unknown, Kubuk fathered one daughter. 3 years later, hunting again in the forest, Kubuk would be ambushed by the hulking monster Vucar Urndies. The night fiend smashed Kubuk's tongue apart with a vicious claw, bellowing its knobbly trunk in triumph. Enraged, Kubuk charged into the hulking monster. He grabbed at it, and even as the creature tore through his flesh, Kubuk pulled with all his strength. With the last vestiges of his ailing might, Kubuk died, and with the last of his will - an all too sickening pop and tear prefaced the hulking monster Vucar Urndies being ripped in two.
Kubuk's daughter Olon Toeship would become a farmer. For 30 years she would farm plump helmets and harvest pig tail fibre. Then in the year of 82, amidst a constitutional crisis, Olon Toeship would move to Beachshoot and take charge, rising from being a farmer to queen and ruler of the esteemed mechanisms, ruling for 122 years, leading the torches of onslaught to war against the goblin foe. Her youngest son Zasit Walledwound proved to have his grandfather's wanderlust, and became a ranger, famously shooting and killing the minatour Lima. With his great strength and victory, Zasit Walledwound sought to fight the greatest foe there was. He attacked the Titan, Ak Blossomrains, and found he could not destroy rain itself - he was swept away. Olon's oldest son Cerol would briefly rule over the esteemed mechanisms after Olon died of old age, her body being interred beneath the scarlet mountain, until Cerol himself died of old age, ending the Townfeeds dynasty in the 3rd century.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Interestingly the Dwarves of the esteemed mechanisms are not the same Dwarves of Silentthunders, who hail from across the mountains in the south from the coincidental portals. The Dwarves of the esteemed mechanisms are the native Dwarves who settled on the river valley to the east of Silentthunders. Perhaps most interesting of all is that their first King was a Dwarf named Sazir Razorbelts. Like Olon, Sazir Razorbelts was a ruler of the esteemed mechanisms and he too led the torches of onslaught to war. Sazir Razorbelts is notable because he would become one of the world's first, if not the first, necromancer. The very same necromancer who is single-handedly maintaining the attack of volcanoes on Silentthunders. Rather worryingly, amongst the many books on philosophy that Sazir Razorbelts wrote, he appears to be a great military mind too. One of his books is simply titled: The Birth of The Commander. Add to his experience given that he is older than recorded history... Well, Sazir sounds like a Fun Dwarf to be around. It should be Fun to see how he attacks the walls next.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #174 on: May 25, 2015, 02:53:16 pm »

Rather worryingly, amongst the many books on philosophy that Sazir Razorbelts wrote, he appears to be a great military mind too. One of his books is simply titled: The Birth of The Commander.

Well great, you have a Sun Tzu Necromancer somewhere in the fort.

good luck finding him, he wrote the book on conducting a Undead Siege and is probably hidden in ambush somewhere on the map with a bunch of undead ravens


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #175 on: May 25, 2015, 04:43:25 pm »

I don't know what it is, but apparently, there's something in this game that makes it think the most regal of all professions is farming.  Practically every time I look into my king or queen's past, they are ALWAYS a farmer who was not blood-related to the last monarch.  (Even when my monarch is an elf or something - grew up a farmer!)
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

Improved Farming
Class Warfare


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #176 on: May 25, 2015, 04:47:22 pm »

If you play *properly* (sticks nose in air) than farming should be the only survivable profession: no outdoors, only occassional megaprojects, not close to the workshops and the community and the mandates and the trade depot and the FUN, FUN, FUN.

It's a wonder more dwarves don't value it.
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #177 on: May 25, 2015, 04:59:15 pm »

If you play *properly* (sticks nose in air) than farming should be the only survivable profession: no outdoors, only occassional megaprojects, not close to the workshops and the community and the mandates and the trade depot and the FUN, FUN, FUN.

It's a wonder more dwarves don't value it.

Hey, I "outdoor farm" by "greenhouse", too. 

I remember having my first fort actually being near a goblin tower, actually.  In it, the goblins were just getting massacred in worldgen by the local elf and human civs.  However, they were barely hanging on because the child snatchers were A. out of town whenever a war came or something, because they never were killed in them, and B. they stocked their armies with snatched elf and human children.  This resulted in things like the story of one elf girl who appeared in several of my engravings who had 167 kills before she died... after only one year in the army.  She single-handedly turned back 5 elvish armies before dying, and had to be replaced by another who just turned "adult". 

They don't make teenagers like they used to...

Anyway, it seems like farmers are protected in this game like snatchers were for goblins...

Although considering what I saw in cities, with cities never producing stone or metal, I think it may be possible that it's just that something like 95% of worldgen populations are farmers or something, maybe, and it's only when you look at them, the non-historics get all these random other skills?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 05:01:16 pm by NW_Kohaku »
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

Improved Farming
Class Warfare


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #178 on: May 25, 2015, 11:07:10 pm »

The Dread Necromancer Sun Tzu is come! Fear its unbeatable Tactics!

Also, werebeast !!Science!! is very much necessary, I don't know whether to imprison or ignore my militia
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #179 on: May 26, 2015, 01:44:48 am »

I tend to find a lot of ranger kings.

Interestingly I tried to make an adventurer only caste of elves/dorfs/humans with better materials and 0 pop ratio, accessed with an item from killing one of the steel colossi hanging out pretending to be deities at various sites, but I forgot that since I gave them genders and such they could be born normally.

So while trying to track down which of the three hamlets in the area which are said to have dragons ruling them was going to pay off I bump into a hurf (improved human caste, dwarf:dorf, elf:erf, human:hurf) who is the lord of a site which supposedly has a dragon master, and said hurf claimed to have been a ranger before rising to power.

I did not rename him Aragorn... largely because the thought didn't occur to me until just now... never did track down the dragon either, probably be hilarious if it was chilling in one of the little houses.

'Hey, anyone seen a dragon claiming to be a deity?'
"Yeah, that's her right there."
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