"Well, to be entirely honest... Neither of those. I was only hoping to catch you attention Redfort, my real feelings are... *blush* for you."
Now, I can imagine all of you downvoting me. I can hear your arguments in my head.
We're going to be burned at the stake if we're gay!
Nope. Nothing Haspen said hint that homosexuality is looked down on. Granted, men are expected to marry women to have heir and keep the land in the family, but there is nothing saying that we can't have a good "buddy" on the side. Think Greek society: we will marry, but it's ok to sleep with our fellow soldiers.
But we just got kinda engaged with Fayne!
Not a problem. She's looking for a friend and a husband, not a lover. She's obviously faking it to try to grab us: no 16-years old girl would fall in love with a 14 years old in one day for no reasons. Since having an affair with Redfort doesn't change our marriage prospect, she won't care.
You're just going to antagonize Redfort!
Probably not. Think about it, he's obviously a closeted gay. His story of a curse doesn't really make sense. I'm sure he made it up to avoid being married with a woman. Witness how he doesn't seem to care and is content to stay "celibate". He's also the one that invited us all to go all naked in the bath.
I also think he's after us. He ostentiously dislike us, but chose to take us with him on this trip anyway. He's obviously not sure how to act, which is why he often react angrily to us, because he's denying his feeling. That's also why he tried to prevent us from seducing his cousin: he was not after her, but after us.
What's the point?
Well, it's hilarious. Beside, we need a good buddy, a friend we can count on, and frankly, courtship seems to be our only working social skill so far.
You can't have gay sex with a cursed man.
Well, his curse is probably fake (see point 3). Beside, I'm sure we can provide enough penis for two.
Stop with that! It's not what anyone wants!
Well, gay sex *is* leading the poll currently.