The Hira Region...Pokemon Trainers of all kinds are found on this peaceful island. From the Islands of Stocdal and Lebrin to the beaches on the south coast of Central Eridal, the land is diverse and beautiful.
However, all good things must come to an end. A group of radicals in Stocdal have gathered and have invaded and overthrown the Elite Four and the Champion. The numbers of this group, calling themselves Team Highborn, increased to a large number within days. Soon, the capital city of Nold was taken, and people fled to Eridal in hopes of escaping. However, only a handful of ferries made it across, and the rest never left port. The battles began to wage in Central Eridal, as the last of the free people of the Hira Region fight the soldiers of Team Highborn. It seems like a losing war, and if the reinforcements from Kalos and Unova fail to arrive on time, then all hope is lost.
It is here where the story takes place, in Macha Village in North Eridal; the largest cluster of homes excluding Festle City, the capital of North Eridal. Soldiers block anyone from leaving with hopes that they keep the people safe. However, some soldiers are seen with a man in a long white labcoat with sunglasses, blond hair and a brown and green bandana wrapped around his right arm, who are seen with a group of people ranging from twenty to twenty five and those people are not seen of again. The man is seen twice with more soldiers each time.
This time, however, soldiers come to six people, most of whom are refugees escaping the battle. You're all gathered together against your will and brought by soldiers to a spot outside of town near the road to Festle City. You can't seem to get a hold of your pokemon as the man in the labcoat is seen knelt over something with a duster in one hand and a strange rock in the other. The soldiers surround you but let you go as you stand before the man in the labcoat
"I'm sorry I had to do this to you, but there was no other way. I hope you can forgive me. Tell me; do you know who I am?"