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Author Topic: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD  (Read 10870 times)


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2014, 08:25:01 pm »

"I have already said them, you dullard. If you are utterly incapable of listening. Furthermore, while a general may make for a good leader of an army, an empire is far more than just plain conquest. We would need the oversee the reconstruction and administration of any areas regained lest we have the same fate of the previous imperium befall us."

"It's called delegation. I use to do it until you tried to kill me. Repeatedly Seralt. I still remember knives, the gun fire, and the attitude whenever we wanted to do anything.

Luckily the Emperor can simply have the loyal grey guard or competent individuals, unlike your pseudo family, do that work. Truth be told not everyone can do everything. That's why humanity created politics, it was to get help for tasks bigger than the individual.


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2014, 09:52:36 pm »

Alruna saw the growing conflict between the two, and raised a hand in a quelling gesture.  "Please, my fellow nobles, let us have peace for this brief time.  Lord Seralt, I am truly gratified by the confidence you repose in my abilities, but I'm afraid I cannot accept your nomination.  I believe that Sir Valerian may well be a better option than myself in this particular circumstance.  My age is such that some would lack confidence in my abilities, a fact we cannot permit when the hold of the Empire is so tenuous anywhere beyond the guns of the Grey Guard.  Perhaps, were I older and more established in my own right, I would be willing to accept your nomination, but I believe the reputation, decisiveness, and demonstrated martial ability of Sir Valerian is sufficient to consider him, so long as he is also wise enough to accept counsel in administrative matters.  She carefully elided over the accusations Lord Seralt made of Valerian's "traitor's blood;" though she had heard the tales of Hartwing as well, she had little desire to offend said traitor as he stood beside her in this very same hall. 

"As Lord Sigmund has wisely pointed out, perhaps to change our laws in this matter may be entirely too dangerous a course when we have not yet even stabilized the empire, so I withdraw my conditions for the nomination of Sir Valerian.  I must ask, however, are there any others who wish to present candidates, or shall we adopt him as our Emperor by acclamation?"


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2014, 10:23:29 pm »

"I am not going to run and neither is Man-filth Sigmund."

Adrian looks pointedly at his brother with a smile knowing he has won this war of words.

"If not Valerian who has led conquest and his known to be a decent enough administrator then who?"


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2014, 12:51:01 pm »

Getting impatient the Lord Commander steps back up onto the lectern.

I think we have enough concensus to agree on one willing candidate: Valerian Hartwing. Congratulations. The Coronation will be held within three months time. That is all, you may leave

With the Nobles dismissed like commoners the Lord Commander turned around and left them behind, there was security to organized after all...


Valerian Hartwing has been elected as the First Emperor of the Restored Empire.

((OOC: from here on our new emperor can describe a nice Imperial Coronation before we continue with the actual game.))


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2014, 12:59:58 pm »

Adrian walks out of the chamber looking at the Lord commander suspiciously.

 He thinks to himself "Just what gave exactly gave you insurance to step out of the shadows..and what of the legendary Lady Nova and her Daugher..The Daugher could easily have found someone to procreate with and continue the line.

Well, the Empire is back. An know doubt Seralt is eyeing the throne just to snub me.

"I should also look to procreate myself, whether i like it or not Sigmund is in the lead when it comes to numbers. I have so little that my life's work is in danger."

As he completes his thought he sees Luthias walking away with his guards.

"Luthias" he calls out hoping to speak with him.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 04:24:02 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2014, 03:38:59 pm »

The old patriarch stopped the procession of his people, as he was wheeled by one of them.

"Yes? What do you want?"

3 months later....

Halo. Imperial Palace throne room. A chamber of magnificent size and architecture, with a throng of nobles and people of all houses and organizations that remained in the contactable vicinity of the restored Imperium.

Valerian was on the throne, with a marble table in front of him and on it, a red silk pillow and a light golden crown. It did not resemble any of the heavy imperial crowns of the past empire, nor the wreaths or diadems of the ancient Urth.  It was unmistakable,as no one in the human space so far dared to even make themselves monarchs. Until now, by a mixture of a vote and imposition. The Emperor.

The man himself was dressed in a sharp military uniform, without any rank but with golden thread in the braids of the uniform and a silver star with a single wing emblazoned on it, pinned on his chest, the Hartwing symbol. Next to him sat Jekaterina, his beloved wife, dressed in long silks and ornate jewels that accompanied her state dress. Yet everything she wore only added to her charm as she sat beside her husband. A smaller crown, a circlet to be exact, laid in front of her as a designation of Empress Consort.
Valerian raised his hand, clad in a white glove. As the murmuring died down, the Emperor spoke.

"People of the empire! We have long awaited this moment and we have finally reached what was so long sought bu humanity. Unity and brotherhood throughout the stars, finally realized. Yet, only a tiny corner of the galaxy knows this peace and only now we have dragged ourselves out of the pit that was this dark age. As we step back into the light of unity and reason, so we must unite our views and come to a common vision, which I am laying out before you. unity shall be achieved only when our long lost brethren are reunited and our long lost roots are rediscovered and returned to us. While we look into the past, it marks the path for the future as we gather the pieces of humanity and we set them back together. I also want ot welcome all the patriarchs into an Imperial Council, where I shall set out roles and create the government. Let it not be said that the emperor is a tyrant, but a beacon of this empire and all it represents. Humanity."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (4/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2014, 04:03:48 pm »

Lord Adrian extends his hands to the Senior Luthias. He speaks cautiously but quickly.

"Luthias, i feel i need to inform you of something that complicates my soul but something you may know. Nevertheless, i feel i need to speak from my mouth directly whether you truly hear this warning or not.

Trust not in my brother Seralt unless you plan to shield yourself and your house with Grey Guards and other loyalist.

Little many remember but many dispute is the conflict of my house, Azores. When i was designated heir by my Grandfather the Patriarch he told me to trust no one. I fell fatally into the trap of believing in my parents who actually wanted Seralt in charge and not me. Reason being was that Sigmund had ties with the Inquisition of old and said he had procured evidence against them should they not support his coup.

Before i knew, the Coup was launched and many of my supporters were caught unaware. They were either killed or defected at the point of a sword. I am not proud to say that i fought back with all of my might, something that depleted my once bountiful house. I blame weakness in trust. I blame cowardice. I blame Sigmund.

What we both want is to erase failure. I want to erase failure of how i handled that situation. He wants to erase his failure of not killing me. An now i feel he wants to erase his failure of having an Emperor he must answer to. Heed my words, Seralt will do whatever he can when possible to have Valerias removed one way or another. I am, deeply sorry to scare you if i have.

You have seen how he distrusts Valerian and how he would have wanted more control of the Imperial throne despite the evidence of his competence being clear.

He stops and speaks again now in a more negotiating voice.

"I want to see humanity prosper and not splinter again like my family did. I know i am old and may not see this to fruition.

I would like extend a hand in friendship and ask that a betrothal be made between my Son Jerald and your Grand Daughter Ida. They share promising signs of loyalty, intelligence, and no moral flaws. The Emperor has my support but i would like our houses to be held by bonds that will scare away by brother from doing anything rash in the future.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 04:25:59 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2014, 04:08:07 pm »

Luthias looked at the man cautiously before he replied.

"You are speaking rightly, yet the place for it and the desire is rash. This family will not undergo any changes yet, until Emperor is properly enthroned. You may speak to him about the matter, as I fear that my time is nearing the end. After coronation, perhaps."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2014, 04:18:08 pm »

Luthias looked at the man cautiously before he replied.

"You are speaking rightly, yet the place for it and the desire is rash. This family will not undergo any changes yet, until Emperor is properly enthroned. You may speak to him about the matter, as I fear that my time is nearing the end. After coronation, perhaps."

Adrian nods understanding Luthias.

"Yes you are correct. By the way Luthias, i must ask what do you think of this new world? If you had the chance would you live through this age of unknown or are you satisfied with what you've done for humanity?"

"I myself question my abilities at the moment. Working all my life but not seeing the end of the tunnel is daunting to say the least."

After Luthias answers leave. Ask Emperor Valerian about the proposal in secret.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 04:20:58 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2014, 04:26:49 pm »

Luthias smiled.

"There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We are that light, and we carry it forward, lightin the way in front of us for everyone that follows. It never gets brighter, save whenwe finally break free. But when will that be, no one can say."

With those words, the old man departed, shepherded by his children and grandchildren.

Emperor himself was less pleased to see Adrian, straight in his guest chambers in the Halo palace.

"Adrian, while its a pleasure to mee you, its unfortunately a bad timing just now. I do appreciate the offer, but we will consider such only after the coronation and the business of the state is conducted. Now excuse us."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2014, 04:30:09 pm »

Towards the end of the coronation...

Sigmund joined the ovation as the Emperor finished his speech, a light smile on his lips. As the small nobility started clearing out and the House representatives moved to a council room, he lingered, waiting for all others to leave. When only a few remained in the throne room, he walked to the Emperor, who was preparing.

"Emperor Valerian, I would like to congratulate you for your coronation. I knew it was wise to put my faith in your House.

If you would be so kind as to allow it, I would appreciate the chance to have a word with you. Fear not, I have no desire to drag you into House intrigues... I merely wish to speak of marriage."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2014, 04:41:11 pm »

Valerian looked at the Al-Hazar, eyeing him suspiciously as he motioned to him to follow him while they made their way to the council chamber, Hartwing men following them.

"I wanto t thank you for support during the election. It was wise of you to step forward as you did, but I'm guessing its time to pay for that support now..." They walked the long corridors, Grey Guard mixed wit house troops posted all around the palace. This place still felt too sterile and martial for Emperor's own taste. For all his skill and power, he was a family man. That much could have been seen by the stacks of personal times and crates with clothes and ornamentation ready to be placed around the palace.

"What do you have in mind, exactly?"


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2014, 04:54:49 pm »

Sigmund walked along with the newly-made Emperor, his pace made irregular by a slight limp in his left leg. Though he usually hid it fairly well, keeping up with Valerian had him walking faster than usual.

"A hundred years ago, Al-Hazar was the mightiest of these Houses, but lack of foresight and war have diminished us. The old fleets are broken, and the conquerors who made our name are long dead. Our line has been reduced to two noblemen - me and my brother, Wilhelm. I delayed for a long time, but I must face the evidence - it is time for us to both marry."

He sighed before continuing.

"You know of whom I am thinking, so I will not waste my time - your daughter Ida's hand will soon be the most desired in all the Empire. And I know as well that most fathers would not be eager to marry a daughter of theirs to me. I am older, and, without false niceties, hardly an attractive man."

It was true. Sigmund had fought all his life - he had a limp in one leg, large unsightly scars on his cheeks that seemed to have been left there by some beast, and his right arm looked like it had been set on fire once.

"However, I am not unkind, and some will also call me honorable. I would treat your daughter as well as she could hope for, and, in time, her children would rule my House's holdings. Her descendants would come to represent half of all the heirs of my House, and they would be the main branch. Finally, a marriage between your house and mine would mark the beginning, one might hope, of years of cooperation."
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 05:02:35 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2014, 05:04:50 pm »

Valerian thought about the offer , his eyes narrowed in thought.

"Your proposal is a fair one. I am tempted to go with it, however... you offer is not the first."

The thoughtful stare turned into a smile. "However, you are right, my daughter will not be married away at first best occasion. The man to marry her will have to be someone to show and perform deeds on behalf of the Imperium. Deeds that will prove that they are indeed worthy. and since Al-Hazar are premier soldiers, it should not be too much to ask for, hmm? After all, how am I to distinguish you from your competitors?" 


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2014, 05:16:05 pm »

Sigmund stopped walking, turning to face the Emperor eye to eye. As he started speaking, he took on a knowing smile as he spoke.

"The Restored Empire is young, and weak compared to what it once was. A wise man would begin his dynasty's rule with conquest. Fire and blood will buy the Empire stability, lands, and prosperity, and set it on a path of restoration.

I have fought many enemies in my days, your Grace. Some have left me a scar to remember them - others were not so lucky. Scars or no, however, I defeated them all, and now those that once defied Al-Hazar have either died long ago or wish I would grant them a merciful end. If to gain your daughter's hand I must set myself apart from the other suitors, then let me say this: I am more fit than anyone else to command your armies in your name, Emperor."
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