It would certainly help abate that nothing, even popular games like The Warrens, can escape being shoved to the second or third page daily in the Forum Gamees and Roleplaying section.
I don't think that it would helps games general visability by tucking them into their own corner of the forum.
Not to mention it's a issue that all games, not just table top games, share, just by virtue of how many games there are. Even if table top games were evacuated to their own section of the forum, good games would still have the issue you describe. You could make a TON of little sections for each genera, but I feel like that would split the community way too much and make the games you want to find too hard. Not to mention the inevitable issues with "Where your game should go" (like, you mentioned FEF, I can see that counting as table top, but it's not really a classical table top game, and I could also see it not counting. Hard choice, and no matter what you do it just opens up more questions about other games that are more or less table top then fef.)
I think it'd be best as a sub-forum or whatever of Other Games. Most DnD games that do get started die from a lack of players/interest though, so.... Maybe it'd give them more exposure, maybe it'd just be useless.
I am pretty sure that they would just die then.
Edit: Also back to the main question at hand. I've been wondering why I am so opposed to this idea, and I think I have managed to get my thoughts in order here. A big thing is, I just don't like the idea of splitting the forums up even more. To be honest, I quite dislike the way that the communities get split and then drift apart so radically. Which seems to sometimes lead to unpleasantness. I go to Other Games, Forum Games and Roleplaying, And General discussion myself. And in all three of them I know people who only post in that section, and have a disgust for the other sections. Which is sad (not the only post part, but rather the disgust). The elitism that festers when you split up communities into smaller parts is disgusting, and frankly I really think that table top games would be a breeding ground for such things if allowed to sequester itself from the general forum games.