Flabort: Have you read any of the Kill Webadict Now games? What influence do you think they'll have on this game?
Not yet, and they might bias one player or another into one way of thinking or another, leading them down the wrong path and missing the right one.
If you had picked another secondary role, would you have picked by how cool the name was, or by how powerful the idea of the role seemed?
Shakerag How many third parties do you expect there to be?
Cheeetar Which is scummier: Lurking day 2, or not answering questions day 1?
Jack A T Would you lie as scum? As a third party?
GayArchaea What is the most effective way to scum hunt without using powers in a high power game?
TheDarkStar What do you suspect these mandates are? Do you suspect that they will have any impact on your play?
Vector If parts of your role weren't shown to you, what would you do?
Varee If you had a kill, right now, who would you kill?
Tiruin If you had a day-jailkeep power, who would you block or protect?
Jim Groovester Do you figure that this game can possibly go into LYLO or MYLO?
Toaster Do you think that it is possible for everyone in the game to win at once?
Persus13 Are you lurking again? How long must someone be gone before he or she can be genuinely accused of lurking? Would you accuse them right away or wait longer?
4maskwolf Is a player's early play more indicative of their roles or wincons?
Mastahcheese How often should one revise their opinions on someone? Should a revision be drastic, and should past opinions have a say in new opinions?
SuperBlackCat How would you treat a vote-stealing power if you had it? How would you treat it in another player?