Codename: Useless Rabbit (URB)
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Physical Description: Is definitely not an alien. Those ears are not just for show.
Great in night battles.Mental Description: A girl having to deal with a lot in many ways. Serious, yet feminine, with a
lot hint of combat craziness. When with her base-mates, she gets concerned about how carefree some are. This sometimes results in lectures that she Just. Won't. Stop. Conversations tend to either be short or slowly degrade into awkward, insane, tangents.
Preferred Stats: Reaction and Time Units. Strength instead of reaction if you prefer another role for that character.
Preferred Loadout: Combat/Assault shield, pistol, medpack/smoke/stun/lethal grenades as necessary. Pistol is just there to test luck with reaction fire, grenades are primary armament.(Effectiveness will probably heavily depend on difficulty)
Battlefield Behavior: Starts out calm, behavior slowly becomes increasingly erratic until it reaches a peak. Then bad things happen to boom. Her after-combat high is starting to become something of a legend.
Base Behavior: Normally spends most of her time in quiet contemplation. However, while her mind wanders, so does her body. Whether pacing in circles, walking into awkward situations, or sneaking into the kitchen and eating all the food.