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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
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Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 439943 times)


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #120 on: December 06, 2014, 10:50:03 am »


Summer is still budding and our accomplishments are:
  • Started work on a statue garden/meeting room and hospital
  • Built a cemetery
  • Most importantly, A FUCKING SOAP INDUSTRY

We will be clean, we will be healthy, and we will THROW PARTIES WHEN THE OVERSEER NEEDS WORK DONE. Bah, I hate people sometimes. at least they're not doing it to me, yet.

Also, Humans! They love dwarven craftsmanship, and will pay nicely for our goods! If there's any one reason to like humans, it's this. Well, I guess I also like them because they're not tree-hugging hippies that try to force their ideals upon you. Jeez, man.

Anyways, the meeting has begun with the humans complimenting our domain. How nice of them, considering WE JUST GOT SOAP.
They also bring news, and a lot of it.
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(OOC: Could someone make a list of these names? They're pretty great.)

Looks like we'll have to be on the look out for the Lions of Leading. They don't seem to be the negotiating type.
With that, the diplomat bids us farewell. Time to load goods into the depot, let's see what they got.
With some of our items, I am able to purchase several kinds of plants and foreign boozes. Can't wait to try them. I also import different kinds of cloth, leather, and cheese.

...What's that? A visitor? Who is it?
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Oh, well, shit. The beast's full name is Zuspo Cavesprayed the Deep Plagues of Lust. Suppose that's why there are cages lining the caverns right? Might need a few more. Anyway, let's make sure we don't have anyone down there and hope we can capture this thing. I won't be taking any chances.

The forgotten beast intercepts a civilian whilst they were attempting to bring something in from the caves...
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It is injured, but Kulet, the planter, Mosus, the hunter, and one of our children, Feb, are dead. I have ordered OUR ONLY MARKSDWARF to deal with this beast. It's made of amber, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I have my doubts, though.
Ilral is now confirmed dead as well. We must stop this menace. It is now in the fortress proper, and jumped over one of our cage traps. Shit. I'll have to draft an auxiliary squad of citizens to deal with this. The casualties end here. I draft six people to do the job. This, hopefully, is enough. Sure enough, it was. The six of them instantly converged on the beast and pummeled it to dust, with only one casualty, one of our butchers. Let's butcher the beast, in honor of our fallen. I didn't even realize this, but apparently the mayor was a part of the fight. Now THAT'S a sense of justice if I've ever seen one.

OOC: Combat log:
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That's all I've got this time, guys.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 10:51:43 am by PsychoAngel »
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #121 on: December 07, 2014, 09:13:32 am »

Okay, so one thing I have noticed about our militia is that the squad names DO NOT match with what weapon they are actually wielding. It really annoys me, but I have higher priorities. Anyway, I'll be working on the net update.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2014, 10:24:59 am »

(Side Note: I got my Phoebus to work. Yay!)


The beast is dead! We feast tonight! ...What? Made of amber? I'm sure the cooks can find something tasty in that. What do you mean we can't eat it? What a waste. Wait, what? More death reports? What killed them? The dead are: Deler, the Mason; Cerol, a child; Ustuth, a surgeon; Sarvesh, the marksdwarf; Dishmab, the fortress badass; and Ozum, the butcher. This is saddening and mysterious. Perhaps a syndrome has occurred due to the beast's spittle. This is not good at all. At least we have soap now. I have found out that somehow the beast intercepted many dwarves near the stills before meeting its end in the furniture stockpile. This is weird, I thought it went straight down there. At least we know how they all died, and that there is no syndrome. Time passes without incident.

Hey, look! Migrants! More workers are always nice. To ensure nothing will go to waste, I order two more butcher's shops and one more still built. 

The resident metalcrafter begins acting strangely...
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This ought to produce some interesting results. They claim a forge and grab some gold. At the same time, the merchants disembark and return home. Good luck out there, humans. Atir also grabs gems among other things.

...Oh! Another visitor! ...Bad news again? WHAT!? WEREANTELOPE?!
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We need to get everyone inside, quick! Two very heroic dwarves distract the beast while the others escape. They are Sazir Graspingbell and Ral Dentedcrystal. Glory to their names. They fall unconscious during their battle, and may soon be dead. If they are not, they will bring wereantelopism to the fortress, and we don't want that.

...No! another fisherdwarf AND the mayor are running towards the river! Fools!
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What are you thinking?! Fishing labor!? Ignore it! Get away from here!

Our two heroes are cutting and bruising the beast pretty well, however the cuts and bruises are in no position to kill the beast.
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Thankfully their efforts are not in vain, the others turned tail and ran.

A miner has now begun to stumble about, oblivious to all around her.
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Snap out of it! We need you!

The wereantelope transforms back and tries to make its escape. Our fisherman just won't let that happen. Many injuries are inflicted upon the human.

At the same time, the metalcrafter begins their construction!
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I am excited for this. Many fine things could come of these materials.

Praise be! Atir has finished her creation! What is it?
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That's certainly something. Should bring morale up a bit as well.

...Aaaaand that's all I've got for now! Just so you know, soap productions are going pretty steady.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #123 on: December 07, 2014, 12:48:56 pm »

Could you ride a giant flying squirrel? I would certainly like to try. Just hitch on a saddle and find a cliff. . .


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #124 on: December 07, 2014, 02:54:44 pm »

Considering the artifact's name is "The Permanant Call," I'd say that that's what SHE wants to do as well.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #125 on: December 07, 2014, 10:44:27 pm »

Oh, did we forget to mention the wereantelopes?
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #126 on: December 08, 2014, 09:08:44 am »

I would love to be dwarfed if you don't mind.

I'm willing for them to be trained as some kind of melee solder on the condition (And this is important) you give him equipment and train him to use it. It seems to be something that past Overseers have a hard time wrapping their heads around.

That and their habit of needlessly sending their current armed force outside to their deaths at the first sign of a siege.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #127 on: December 08, 2014, 09:43:38 am »

I would love to be dwarfed if you don't mind.

I'm willing for them to be trained as some kind of melee solder on the condition (And this is important) you give him equipment and train him to use it. It seems to be something that past Overseers have a hard time wrapping their heads around.

That and their habit of needlessly sending their current armed force outside to their deaths at the first sign of a siege.

HEY! I didn't mean to set up an immutable precedent of mismanagement. I'm thoroughly offended at any suggestion of the sort! You'll be hearing from my liaison. . .


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #128 on: December 08, 2014, 09:59:53 am »

A secondary condition is that if Salmeuk's dwarf is still alive (Considering this is Doomforests there is a slim chance of that being the case) that he also be drafted into the military. In fact, draft all the overseers who's mismanagement has left us in such a horrible position military wise into the same squad. Arming and training them is optional, depending on if whoever's currently in charge wants them to be productive or if they believe their comedic deaths will raise moral.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #129 on: December 08, 2014, 12:00:52 pm »

A secondary condition is that if Salmeuk's dwarf is still alive (Considering this is Doomforests there is a slim chance of that being the case) that he also be drafted into the military. In fact, draft all the overseers who's mismanagement has left us in such a horrible position military wise into the same squad. Arming and training them is optional, depending on if whoever's currently in charge wants them to be productive or if they believe their comedic deaths will raise moral.

I think I died somewhere on page 4. . .

Ah, here we go:

Almost as if it was like water, flowing down a stone, Sut, Guardian of the Pit slithered up the stone staircase with the speed of a flying bolt. Immediately, she seized a nearby woodcutter, Salmeuk, and leaps upon him, wrestling him to the ground. He thrashed and fought, but with vicious efficiency, she began breaking his limbs one by one with her thin wings. His screams echoed through the halls, but she showed no mercy. The one final strike that tore off his head was not a graceful one.

Was that gruesome enough? Can my dwarf rest in peace?


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #130 on: December 08, 2014, 09:57:27 pm »

I feel like I should read this for when my turn comes but... Meh, there's never enough chaos.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #131 on: December 08, 2014, 11:15:30 pm »

You come after me. There won't be anything left to play.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #132 on: December 09, 2014, 04:10:09 am »

A secondary condition is that if Salmeuk's dwarf is still alive (Considering this is Doomforests there is a slim chance of that being the case) that he also be drafted into the military. In fact, draft all the overseers who's mismanagement has left us in such a horrible position military wise into the same squad. Arming and training them is optional, depending on if whoever's currently in charge wants them to be productive or if they believe their comedic deaths will raise moral.

I think I died somewhere on page 4. . .

Ah, here we go:

Almost as if it was like water, flowing down a stone, Sut, Guardian of the Pit slithered up the stone staircase with the speed of a flying bolt. Immediately, she seized a nearby woodcutter, Salmeuk, and leaps upon him, wrestling him to the ground. He thrashed and fought, but with vicious efficiency, she began breaking his limbs one by one with her thin wings. His screams echoed through the halls, but she showed no mercy. The one final strike that tore off his head was not a graceful one.

Was that gruesome enough? Can my dwarf rest in peace?

That depends... Can dwarfs use necromancy?

Edit: Not so much to make your dwarf suffer more, but simply because having the ability to raise the dead would be a major asset in Doomforests.

On a related note, we might wish to set up the doors of the various tombs to lock from the outside in case a hostile necromancer shows up. If Doomforest's dead started to raise against us on mass...
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 08:06:11 am by Senshuken »
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #133 on: December 09, 2014, 08:02:17 am »

A secondary condition is that if Salmeuk's dwarf is still alive (Considering this is Doomforests there is a slim chance of that being the case) that he also be drafted into the military. In fact, draft all the overseers who's mismanagement has left us in such a horrible position military wise into the same squad. Arming and training them is optional, depending on if whoever's currently in charge wants them to be productive or if they believe their comedic deaths will raise moral.

I think I died somewhere on page 4. . .

Ah, here we go:

Almost as if it was like water, flowing down a stone, Sut, Guardian of the Pit slithered up the stone staircase with the speed of a flying bolt. Immediately, she seized a nearby woodcutter, Salmeuk, and leaps upon him, wrestling him to the ground. He thrashed and fought, but with vicious efficiency, she began breaking his limbs one by one with her thin wings. His screams echoed through the halls, but she showed no mercy. The one final strike that tore off his head was not a graceful one.

Was that gruesome enough? Can my dwarf rest in peace?
Salmeuk and I, so much work we put into the founding of a great dwarf stronghold and we don't even have a tomb to show for it... I am thoroughly disappointed in you guys ::).
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Cleansing of Doomforests
« Reply #134 on: December 09, 2014, 09:24:39 am »

Sorry, but you guys left WAYYYYY too many bodies lying around for me to just GIVE you a tomb. Seriously, how did my graveyard get filled all the way up so quickly? Why wasn't a tomb built for everyone already? Too many questions about your priorities...

I might have time to do an update today, by the way.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.
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