I'm not new to Dwarf Fortress "Fortress Mode" but I'm quite a noob at the "Adventure Mode."
My whole problem is with getting money. Is it worth selling hides and fat and stuff to get it, or will I get more money by doing quests?
I've never lasted more than 30 minutes with any, because of my bad luck in the wilds. I know not to be out at night (alone), and to not underestimate your opponent.
Money? Whats that?
Money is almost worthless, imo. Each coin is only worth more than 1/500 of the bar its made out of
if you use it in the civ that made it. Otherwise, its toilet paper.
Get yourself some jewels, gems, totems, braclets, and other small things that can be sold to any civ if you want to trade. The good news is that the prices for Adventurer mode is the same as fort mode, so your experience at the Depot should do you some favors there. But you wont know the exact prices (or maybe you do if you somehow have novice or better barter).
Trading in this version is better than last version due to the increased availability of merchants, but I dont do that much of it beyond basic things like weapons/better armor.
You will mostly get better prices by scavenging off the corpses of your opponent and trading the weapons. Carry them in a separate bag or quiver than your main stuff in case you have to drop it in a fight. Dont want to lose everything because you had to flee to survive.
The wilds are a bit more expansive (thus brutal) in this version because the game doesn't even tell you where to go. It can be a bit of a pain even knowing if you found the right place, much less if you have done your job. Fortunately, a companion is easy to get, even for a peasant. Ask somebody to accompany you to a random location. Drunks and soldiers should be happy to help you.
And remember, running (sprinting) is completely viable; many things can roflstomp you (or me, as a peasant), so be ready to abuse ai pathing to get away.