If I might suggest something about the titling scheme is to make the alliteration rarer. It's not really special when it's like that for EVERY update and sometimes it feels like you're forcing yourself to use words that don't accurately describe the situation JUST for the sake of alliteration. Your choice of course. It's just a suggestion. Possibly also an opinion.
Price check on passing Proposal 18.00 without the help of the other gods
Price check on passing a modified Proposal 18.00 that only applies to humans, without the help of the other gods
Yeah, I think I'll stop with the increasingly forced, silly alliterations. Most of it's not even descriptive of what actually happened, and it adds practically nothing to the game.
Depends on how far up you raise the soul spawning rate. To 100% above birthrate: 40E
Only applies to humans to 100% above: 16E
It only allows us to take 5% of the reincarnates before a penalty is applied. 5% is a very small percentage. Changing it to 100% is a big difference. Keep in mind that if the proposal passes, souls in the afterlife still won't be able to worship. Only living souls can worship.
Calling that specifically a penalty is a bit misleading. It's really more like spending more money in a month than you earn. It works until you lose too much money.
I seem not to have explained the policy sufficiently clearly, so here it is:
- Souls spawn per unit of time enough to produce a surplus of x% (where x is around 5 for most races)
- Removing souls from circulation prevents them from being reborn until released
- Removing more than x% souls per unit of time results in a net decrease in the number of souls eligible for worship
- A net decrease in the number of souls from the baseline does not affect Worship Quality at all
- An increase of more than x% souls per unit of time, however, does result in a drop in Worship Quality
However, increasing the spawn rate of souls will have the effect of devaluing Worship at least slightly. The intention here is that you actually nurture your race instead of giving them a bunch of Years of Fertility and Pleasure or something like that and help them thrive. In practice, this shows up as a penalty to Worship Quality for fast breeding, long life, a larger one for fast breeding and long life together, and having extreme abilities or having an extreme lack of them. The penalties are not so severe that you cannot produce a long-lived race with Worship competitive to that of a more average race.
Also, soul spawning depends on population growth and not the other way around under the current system. Of course, having Years of Fertility and Pleasure will likely distract worshippers from worshiping properly...
Why do I have to deal with it? Why can't I change it? There's no rule saying that seniority is law and just because a world has already been made doesn't mean it can't be changed later. This is a god game. The whole point of it is so that we do what we want and if we change our minds later then so be it.
The important word here is "we." It's hard to get things done alone by design, and when your current ideas are heavily opposed, it's intended that you attempt to convince people to support it or make compromises in exchange for support, just like in real consensus-based systems.
Stirk: This is a warning not to be in-character on the OOC thread even with quotation marks. It will be cleared next tick if nothing else happens. If you want an IC debate, please keep it in IC, and if you want an OOC debate, please keep it in OOC.
I guess you could take humans out and give them a regular afterlife thing, but the other gods probably won't help you with that. You will have to just do it yourself.
Actually that's already happening. It's just that doing so is preventing new sapients from being born. The proposal would eliminate that problem with no negative repercussions, assuming you don't subscribe to 'change is bad'.
No actually, it isn't preventing sapients from being born. I don't know why you thought that, but the population is increasing. Having an afterlife just makes it slower as long as you don't take too many souls out.
And you could increase the humans growth rate by yourself.
$$$ how much would it cost to change humanity into an afterlife from a reincarnation cycle?
This would require that the massive discount from simply recycling souls be removed and 100% of the birth rate manifesting as population. I estimate that it will take 18E for a single god even for aligned creations.