Kli scans the flock of (probably) confused Hummingbirds, and gives them a brief explanation of the gift he had placed on them. He tells them that he had taken note of their devotion to Balance, as well as their love for birdsong. Thus, he has given them the ability to do almost anything with magical song and faith to Kli. This may not be strong enough to grant immortality or eternal flight in the air without serious Sacrifice, however, it certainly could severely lengthen their lifespan, their flight, and may even allow the growth of more tall trees for them to nest in should they combine their collective strength. He tells them that they should experiment with the possibilities.
Kli reveals that there are many other sapient creatures scattered throughout the world, and that they will seem strange or different to the Hummingbirds. He assures them that they are still worthy of respect and tolerance; as while they do not believe in Balance, they still a part of it. Only fight for survival or self-defence, he reminds them. Perhaps in time, you may be able to let them understand the importance of Balance and Sacrifice.
However, he tells them to worry about this later. At the moment, there are more pressing matters to attend to.
As he directs their attention to the fledgling who still cannot fly due to his injury, Kli requests them to sing a song of flight and healing, heavily stressing his intention of asking them to test their new magic to heal the fledgling. If their collective song still isn't enough to heal the fledgling, Kli adds a small portion of his power to the song.