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Author Topic: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story  (Read 28241 times)


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #105 on: November 22, 2014, 10:36:29 am »


Zalis examined the little patch of blood by the doorframe. He sampled the air, tasting it's age, which was not old at all. He reflexively touched his jacket, feeling the reassuring weight of his personal firearm there. He flicked his comms on and said, "This is IAA Zalis. I've found some blood that's fresh here, south of cargo. I'm going to investigate. I'll leave a couple flares for you."

"Confirmed, Agent Zalis. We have an officer en route momentarily. Be cautious." Axl responded almost immediately, and Zalis opened the door, his small PDA light hardly illuminating anything at all. He flicked it off and let his eyes adjust while the door closed with a quiet hiss. After awhile, he could see the corridor relatively well, for it was not unlit, but the maintenance light strips were low priority and flashlights are cheap.

He moved forward sinuously, following the smell of the human blood deeper into the maintenance rooms. He passed through a couple more doors, coming to a long service hallway with exterior windows. The stars provided a bit of soft light to see by, and Zalis paused a moment beside the window to admire the view.

It probably saved his life. He heard a heavy hissing sound, unnatural and resonate, coming from ahead. No machinery he'd ever worked with had ever made a sound like this. He instinctively crouched behind a nearby crate and stilled his breathing, carefully keeping watch ahead.

The sound rose to a low growling that set Zalis's scales on edge, and he was sure there was some large animal ahead. He drew his sidearm, but it was woefully underpowered for hunting, and the subsonic, non-armor piercing rounds were designed to not penetrate so as to hopefully prevent hull breaches. Still, it was loud as hell and probably would hurt.

The growling faded suddenly, and he heard something making a rather clamorous departure, heavy footsteps thudding into the distance. Zalis rose up, his predatory instincts peaked. He crept down the hall stealthily after the animal, whatever it was. Perhaps he would hunt a fearsome Terran Goat this day.

The blood smell abruptly came back as he turned a corner, and he heard someone making sounds of terror. Zalis froze, raising his pistol cautiously. A big glob of slime drooled down from above and onto his arm. He wiped it off and looked up, but there was no obvious reason for the slime above him. He crept forward into the next room, keeping low.

Inside was a horror house. There were two crewman... Melted into some foul, biomechanical infestation on the walls. They were almost utterly subsumed by it, forming some kind of egg. Beside them, two other members of the crew were restrained and obviously quite injured. Zalis saw signs of broken legs on both of them.

Zalis scanned the room carefully, and the living crew both quietly mewled with hope, then quieted instantly.

Zalis heard a footstep. Behind him. He twisted, whipping his tail across and bringing the pistol around, aiming it at...

The rather surprised face of Officer Helsbrecht, who held up her hands pleadingly and backed up. Zalis stopped, sighing softly, then gasping suddenly as he heard the growl return, twice as fearsome as before, rising into a bone-chilling screech-roar. He spun on the spot again, aiming at the room and swiftly find his target.

It was eight feet tall, with a head three feet long, smooth and with a lethal set of teeth in the forward end. It was basically bipedal, with large claws on each finger. It had jet-black skin on a strange body with tall spires coming from it's back, and a huge tail tipped with a lethal spike.

Zalis fired, emptying his clip into the charging beast, and beside him, Lillian pulled a huge laser cannon from a magnetic clamp on the back of her armor and tried to get aim on it. It flinched when Zalis shot it, and slashed open an air vent in an instant, diving into the vent with a speed that belied it's size. They looked at the vent, horrified. Even Lillian, a good hundred and fifty pounds smaller than Zalis, couldn't fit into that vent.

Lillian activated her comms system, "Axl? Um. I think you need to throw open the armory. We just got attacked. Again."

"... Goddamn it. Everyone who hasn't got a gun meet me in the Sec-lobby, now."

To be continued. :P
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #106 on: November 22, 2014, 11:53:13 am »

Gotta love calamity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #107 on: November 22, 2014, 07:17:04 pm »

And then what happened? It got worse.

Lifelines: Part 2

Lillian looked at Zalis, and said, "You didn't leave any flares. I was bumbling around in the dark. Apparently with that thing on the loose."

Zalis wrinkled his snout for a brief moment, his mouthful of sharp teeth coming into view for a brief second. "You have a seclite. And it is better to move with stealth, and adjust to dark. Light gives you away, makes you a target."

Lillian grinned slightly, "This coming from our IAA, almost sounds like an endorsement of criminal behavior." She gestured with the gun towards the people on the walls. "You bring them down, I'll cover you. My gun is bigger."

Zalis shrugged and got to work pulling the people down. Lillian sent a PDA message one handed, casually slinging the laser cannon on it's strap with one hand. It beeped and she swiftly typed a short response. This went on for a few minutes, then she slipped the message device back into her pocket, saying, "I sent a message to medical and Jericho. He's going to escort someone here to get them out and treat them, then all three of us are going to hunt it down."

Zalis chuffed softly to himself as he gently laid the second crewman on the floor, checking his pulse with an expert touch. He pointed at the egg-monstrosities. "We should destroy those. Nothing good can come of them."

Lillian nodded and pulled her PDA back out to send another message. Then she took the cannon back wordlessly. Zalis looked at her expectantly, but she shook her head. "I had a better plan than the gun. First we get these people out."

After a few minutes of waiting, they heard approaching footsteps. Lillian shined her seclite down the hall while Zalis crouched in the darkness near the survivors, his pistol reloaded. Jericho shined his light back at Lillian and approached swiftly. "I got Hector and Axel with me like you said. We brought roller beds and medical supplies."

The three new arrivals loaded the two survivors onto the beds gently, then pulled the beds up to their full height. Hector checked both survivors with his PDA, gently scanning wounds and over major organs. "There is extensive damage. They need to be in the Medical Bay, as soon as atmosphere is restored. For now we take them to Genetics."

Axel quietly eased over to Lillian, and Zalis stood uneasily nearby. Axel said, "I got that stuff you wanted, Ms. Helsbrecht. Here..." And handed her a backpack that clanked and clattered. "I took the liberty of putting them together. It wasn't hard to guess what you intended to make."

She smiled and unzipped the bag, pulling out a homemade, short range flamethrower. She handed one to Zalis, who eyed it suspiciously. Lillian took the other flamer and turned to the two egg-people. "Alright, we gotta get these people out now. Jericho, go with them." She looked at Zalis, "Ready?"

He nodded, his grim black-scaled visage eyeing her inscrutably. He flicked on the flamethrower pilot light and experimentally sprayed a burst of fire. The heat was intense, and the egg-people caught flame immediately, burning brightly. They both edged back a bit, and Lillian fired a spray of flame, fully dousing the two corpses with fire. They heard an outraged shrieking come from nearby, and they both turned in slow circles, looking for any sign of the creature. It was nowhere to be seen though, and reluctantly they retreated to the maintenance exit Zalis had found the blood at.

There, Jericho had already returned from his escort mission. He had a laser carbine clamped to his armor and a combat shotgun slung across his chest, holding it uneasily. Zalis sealed the Maintenance shaft, activating a local quarantine protocol. He turned to look at Lillian, "We'll have to seal each section's maintenance shafts independently. It will be a tedious, dangerous task. We need more help, and we need to evacuate nearby sections."

She nodded, and keyed her headset, "Axl, we need support if we're going to keep this contained. Anyone you can deputize? We also need the Engineers to start sealing off Maintenance and the air shafts, immediately."

Silence greeted her.

They all three waited a long moment, nervously grinning, or in Zalis's case, thumping his tail against the floor. "Axl?" Lillian said. Nothing. "Um. Let's go to the brig." She concluded. They all nodded solemnly and trotted away at a brisk pace.


Somewhat earlier


Axl closed the Armory doors, and turned to face the empty Security room. He locked a few unlocked Security Officer lockers quietly, and walked towards his office. He heard an odd thumping coming from above, probably in an air vent somewhere. A malfunctioning fan, maybe. He made a mental note to call an engineer about it, and opened the door to his office. He sat at his desk and finished writing a few notes on his Report of Armory Dispensation, then putting it in a folder.

He looked up to see a huge black creature drop out of the vent in the middle of the ceiling in the Security room. He dropped to the floor beside his desk drawers, and scrambled under the desk. It was open, so he had a good view of the creature as it slowly stood fully erect, it's head nearly touching the tall ceiling. He pulled out his energy pistol, flipping it to lethal quietly, and pulled out his telescopic baton.

Axl slid the chair out of the way, and moved to his door swiftly. It hissed open, and the creature turned suddenly. Axl stood, aiming his pistol calmly and with a steady ease. The creature hissed abruptly as it saw him, baring it's teeth. It's posture hunched a little, and it's tail came up straight behind it, slightly curved so the tip faced forward. Attack posture.

Axl fired, the laser blast striking the beast on the side of it's head, but it was moving, so it was a shallow angle and he struck obliquely, doing little damage. His second shot took it in the center of mass, eliciting a savage screech-roar. And then it pounced.

Suddenly it cleared a table and twenty five feet of intervening space in an instant. Axl's third shot went wild into the ceiling, and he flipped out the telebaton, extending the club to it's full length. He smashed it into the beast's side, knocking it off of him and into his office. He sealed the door before it could attack again. It regained it's feet in an instant, and eyed him through the locked door. Except it had no eyes.

Axl smiled and aimed his pistol at the thing again, but it leapt up unexpectedly, yanking off the vent cover of his air vent with astonishing speed. That fast, it was back into the air vents above him. He aimed his pistol cautiously, listening for sound of it's movement, but it was either holding still, or moving very quietly. He turned, watching the ceiling with growing anxiety.

About the time he heard the vent tearing, he remembered that there weren't only vents on the ceiling. He looked down to see a clawed hand latched around his ankle tightly. He turned his aim on it, but the creature yanked him off his feet, and his pistol clattered to the ground next to him. He clubbed the hand, and it retreated, but he knew the beast would press the attack.

He rolled, coming up with his pistol, looking around for it. It dropped from a vent, and bowled a table over with it's huge head. Axl fired at it, emptying his pistol as he tracked fire after the beast. A few shots found their mark, but many struck nothing but hull. The beast came in obliquely at first, then cut around the edge of another table, bounding off of it like a springboard.

Axl swung at it, striking it's face with his baton at it as it powered into him forcefully. They slammed into his office windows and toppled in a heap. Axl slammed his baton into it again, hearing a bone, or perhaps it's exoskeletal hide, crack and snap. One of it's monstrously large hands clamped around his wrist, then it grabbed his other arm. It casually forced his arms away with brutalizing strength.

Axl was not a weak man, by even the most strenuous of standards, but this monster was beyond strong. It pulled his arms to their full extension, and leaned forward, it's mouthful of sharp teeth coming close to his face. Axl headbutted it, and it's mouth opened, and another smaller mouth shot out like a steam-driven piston. Axl's head was down though, and it punched into his armored black cap. The force of the blow was enough to knock Axl unconscious...
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #108 on: November 22, 2014, 07:25:00 pm »

Wow, 2 chapters on the same day, it must be my birthday. I wonder who will join the party next, revolutionaries?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #109 on: November 22, 2014, 08:23:44 pm »

Oh no, something much worse. I won't give it away yet though. :P
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #110 on: November 22, 2014, 08:38:34 pm »

Oh no, something much worse. I won't give it away yet though. :P
So, the possibilities: A traitor, a mutiny, vox , a wizerd, cultists or...
we're getting nuke ops (or possibly a traitor (or both))!
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
Bay12's resident tea drinkers


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #111 on: November 22, 2014, 08:55:40 pm »

Blob, heist (Or was that done?), S-Com or other Admin run event...
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #112 on: November 22, 2014, 11:54:38 pm »

Oh no, something much worse. I won't give it away yet though. :P
So, the possibilities: A traitor, a mutiny, vox , a wizerd, cultists or...
we're getting nuke ops (or possibly a traitor (or both))!

Nothing is worse than cultists. That's my bet.
edit: Or the inevitable deathsquad.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 11:56:28 pm by AH »


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #113 on: January 13, 2015, 08:56:00 am »

R.I.P. story?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #114 on: January 14, 2015, 08:58:42 am »

No, it's not dead yet. I just don't have time right now to update. :/ My living situation has changed rather drastically, and now I spend most of my time with my girlfriend, who doesn't have internet access. I do intend to write more, but time is the issue.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #115 on: March 30, 2015, 02:00:54 pm »

I know I have a lot of (dusty, by now) dangling storylines, but I promise things will come together soon. I actually have internet where I live now, so I should be able to post now. :)

Blood of the Chosen

An ancient consciousness slumbered in the infinite dark between worlds, between time and space. It had a name, a grand and terrible moniker that was whispered with fear by the mightiest of foes. A bright flash of something illuminated the sleeping monster for an instant. For the briefest time, a Skrell male stood in the darkest night beside the Darkest One, unaware of his peril. In an instant, the male was gone.

The repercussions of his visit would be far reaching. The sleeping one awoke, the light of the Skrell's soul rousing an insatiable hunger in the beast. It reached out, into the world of mortals, and whispered delicate orders to it's chosen follower...

The Chosen wore his vestments, the grey cloak and cowling of a Follower. His manner was gentle and unhurried. He dispensed a little caution here and a little bravery there as he made his way through the gathered followers to the podium that sat at the center of the great stage that the hall comprised. As he mounted the steps and set his tome down on the podium, a hush fell on the hall, expectant and full of questions.

The Chosen opened the tome quietly and looked up at his flock. "My friends, the time has come for our master's plans to come to fruition. I will depart to lead the followers in their most holy mission aboard the Thirteenth. Sejanus Reticulus and Hops-On-Leaf will command the two attacks against Nanotrasen forces in this sector. Everyone knows their orders." He bowed his head steeply for an instant, "May the Dark Lord weep for the souls of the fallen, for they are his finest. This time next week, we march to domination of this sector."

The crowd dispersed quietly, everyone shuffling off into the myriad dark maintenance shafts that secretly led to this place. The Chosen and two of his closest aides remained on the stage. A young man walked to the stage, clothed in the garb of an initiate of the mysteries.

After a moment, the Chosen noticed him, and called him forward, "No need to stand on ceremony, Alex. What do you wish to discuss?"

Alex Price frowned and said, "Sir, I just think it's all a bit too bloody. Isn't there some other way to do this?"

The Chosen frowned also, and replied, "Alex, we have tried petitioning NT High Command, local governments, and various other authorities. We've tried walk-outs, sit-ins, nonviolent resistance, civil disobedience, and every manner of way of solving this issue. I am a peaceful man, I desire only a comfortable existence for all. But they have proven their dedication to eradicating us. Our worshippers are harassed, murdered, tortured and brainwashed when they reveal themselves." He shook his head. "This is the only way."

Alex shook his head, "Then I am out. I cannot condone this. I must report all of you to Station Security."

The Chosen smiled at Alex, "Do what you have to do. We shall do what we must." He waved at the two men beside him, who leapt forward and grabbed Alex's arms. He struggled, but they twisted his arms, locking his elbows. Naturally, this forced his head and neck down, til he was bent at the waist, body and legs perpendicular.

The Chosen stepped forward and lifted Alex's face so he could see under the Chosen's cowl. "I am sorry, Alex. We cannot afford to let you give us away. You understand." The Chosen's other hand pulled a long, vicious looking knife from his robe. "Place him on the rune."

Alex jerked violently, trying to free himself, as the two men frogmarched him over to an apparently arbitrary spot on the floor. The Chosen waved a hand and spat out several vile sounding syllables. Suddenly the floor of the great hall was a mosaic of runes drawn in human blood, glowing in strange, evil colors. Alex stood in the middle of a strange red rune.

The men forced him to his knees, and the Chosen slashed Alex's throat with one smooth gesture. Instead of spraying out, the blood oozed out, floating up into the air around him and bouncing off the invisible walls of the rune in little orbs. The guards released Alex and stepped back, knowing what comes next. Alex floated up into the air slightly, and all the blood condensed into a sphere the size of a basketball. This sphere hovered before Alex's face, and the Chosen leaned in and said, "Tell me what you see."

The corpse that floated in the circle was limp and ashen-faced, obviously dead. Yet Alex's mouth moved, words pouring out in a torrent. "I see the Black One consuming the universe. I see the Shining Light in the Darkness waking the beast... I see the fall of all life. I see the destruction of your lord. I see the prophecy burned into the stars, or turning to ash in the depths of space. I see my death. I see yours. I see... NAR-SIE COMES!" With that, the corpse disintegrated, the flesh blowing away as ash, the bones collapsing in a tidy heap on the rune.

In the darkness, the great beast hears it's name, and stirs. A time of reckoning is coming, and the Cultists of Nar-Sie will be there...

The Chosen one smiled at his two guards. "So, now I go to the Thirteenth. Everything is prepared. I will see you two there. Goodbye."

One guard nods silently and walks away. The other says, "Take care of yourself, Hector. We need the Chosen of Nar-Sie to lead us. You must be on that station when the stars align."
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #116 on: March 30, 2015, 03:31:22 pm »

Oh boy, things got very interesting. Glad to see you back Hans!


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #117 on: March 30, 2015, 07:30:38 pm »

So much hype! Glad you're back Hans.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #118 on: April 02, 2015, 06:52:22 pm »

Lifelines: Conclusion

Lillian swiped her ID across the bridge access console, and it flashed red, accepting her Security Override. Jericho and Zalis stayed at the doors while Lillian checked the consoles. She carefully eyed the displays, her stomach dropping at what she saw. Axl, along with maybe a dozen other signatures, were in the Construction Zone south of Atmospherics. She swore quietly. "Zalis, Jericho, we're going to Construction B2. Right now." They nodded tersely.

It was a strangely quiet walk. The radio was free of chatter. Zalis checked the departmental channels manually as they walked, catching only static and automated Engineering alerts. They arrived at the Construction Zone without incident. It was an airlock at one end of a forty foot umbilical connection to the partially constructed sector south of Atmospherics. The airlock gaped open, claw marks slashed through the hydraulic cabling. The lights lining the ceiling of the umbilical flickered rapidly, barely functional.

Lillian gritted her teeth as they passed through the portal, Jericho and Lillian leading, Zalis watching their rear. Zalis quietly gestured at set of numbers imprinted next to the airlock and said, "This was supposed to be a large scale plasma processing section for the station to begin true mining operations instead of asteroid prospecting. Unfortunately, Nanotrasen decided that a station closer to the planets in this system was warranted. Station Ninety-Seven is not often spoken of. I believe it still exists, partially. It was raided and destroyed by militant terrorists." He hissed softly. "This section was never completed because it had an unreasonably high number of fatalities and accidents. Rumors spread of ghosts and wraiths, but I believe that it was a Tiger Corporation operative."

Jericho nodded slightly and said, "Listen, every time you talk, you give our position away."

Zalis snapped his jaws shut with a quiet click, his tongue flickering out of the small hole at the very fore of his muzzle. They reached the end of the umbilical, which opened into a large lobby with a cylindrical enclosed desk behind dark glass. To either side of this desk were large loading bay doors, and on the walls perpendicular to the loading bay were smaller, human sized doors. Zalis pointed at the smaller doors, "Those go into living quarters, and that side is the processing facility. Small, enclosed spaces, lots of doors and corners and places to hide. The loading bay is open to space and sealed off. The creature must have nested within there somewhere."

Lillian licked her lips, looking back and forth at the doors. Jericho stared at her, color draining from his face. "Please, Lil. Please don't say it. Don't. The flickering lights, the monster loose, the missing people. Please don't tell me to split up." She turned to look at him. He shook his head. "Hell no, Lil. I'm not gonna do it. No. Absolutely not."

Zalis chuffed. "I will seal the umbilical door and stay in this chamber to cover our exit. You two will each search one side of the chamber." He turned his head and stared at Jericho with one eye.

Jericho sighed and nodded. "I'll take processing. It's probably curled up around a power conduit or something warm in there." He slid open the door to processing and disappeared into the gloomy corridors, shining his seclite this way and that, gun at the ready.

Lillian did likewise, moving into the living spaces quietly. She thought of Zalis's advice about light, and clicked hers off, waiting awhile to let her eyes adjust to the dark. She crept forward, coming upon a door into a small living space with a bed, table, chair, food prep station, and refreshing station. She saw nothing amiss in the small room, so she moved on. After half a dozen identically non-threatening rooms, she opened the door to the mess hall.

Inside was a monster house. Clearly the creature had nested here first, for there was a huge sprawling mass of the flesh-moss that had been found around the last nest. She passed a deflated egg-sack, whatever contents it once had now expelled. On the walls were cocooned humans, some devoured partially, some with shattered chests. A few more were formed into those grotesque eggs.

Axl was on the wall, unconscious. She ran to him, and he stirred awake, seeing her.


Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #119 on: April 02, 2015, 07:59:00 pm »

The cliff hanger bait is real. Joking aside, great chapter, can't wait to see what happens next to Lillian.
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