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Author Topic: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story  (Read 28201 times)


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #120 on: April 04, 2015, 09:04:25 am »

Lifelines: Conclusion. No, seriously this time.

Lillian reached up to help Axl, but his eyes went wide as his gaze drifted past her. Lillian felt cold dread worming around her guts, and she slowly, quietly turned.

The creature was standing, not far away. She saw the laser burns across it's flesh, but they'd scabbed over already in spots, and she thought it's hide looked... Paler? A little more reflective maybe. It was facing away from her and Axl, and she carefully stepped left, moving to hide behind a pillar of the bio-resin. Axl watched her silently from the wall. The creature gave a low growl, it's tail thrashing fitfully. It turned to face Axl, clearly sensing another presence in the room. Lillian held still behind the pillar, absolutely still.

The creature leaned forward, it's head brushing past the pillar and around it. Lillian held still as it searched for her, somehow not quite seeing her. It turned, taking a large step away, ducking it's head to look under a nearby table.

Lillian's PDA lit up in her pocket, the soft beep sounding like a death knell. Axl casually winced and said, "Fuck."

The alien whirled about, already lunging towards Lillian. Lillian leapt forward and rolled, coming through the mess hall doors and into the corridor sliding and trying to regain her footing. She slammed into the wall awkwardly and pushed to her feet, only seconds ahead of a hurtling black mass of hatred. "ZALIS JERICHO GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE GODDAMNIT!" She barked out as she sprinted down the hall, at the last second diving left into one of the empty living rooms. She heard an angry shriek-roar as the monster overtook her hiding place and came about.

Lillian raised her flamethrower, frantically mashing the pilot light button. It flickered on weakly for a moment and she sprayed a partial curtain of fire over the doorway, eliciting another furious roar, this time of pain. The pilot light on her flamethrower winked out, and the rest of the spray came out as gellied plasma, which fueled the fire in the doorway. Lillian looked around the room and flipped the small table over for cover. She didn't know if cover would do her any good, but might as well try.

She grabbed her laser cannon with her left hand, and stood, aiming both weapons at the door, where the fire was guttering and dying. Silence and stillness greeted her as oppressive black smoke started to fill the room. Lillian held back a cough, waiting for the beast to attack again.

She heard a long, low hiss, and then a huge black shape burst through the smoke, tail thrashing.

Lillian almost fired, but stopped within a hair's breadth of blasting Zalis into ash and dust. He lunged forward into the room and sank next to her behind the barricade, wheezing violently. His clawed hand found her shoulder and shook it a bit, as if to ask, Alright?. She nodded, and Zalis pointed at her, then himself, then held up his third clawed finger with a grimace.

Lillian nodded. They had to regroup with Jericho. She stood up, out of cover, and moved out into the hall, covering left while Zalis watched the right. She stopped him with a hand gesture and said softly, "Axl, back there." Zalis nodded, and they went back into the nest, where Axl sat on the wall, kicking his feet with what little leeway he had.

"Oh, hey. Thought it got you for a minute there. Nice to see you, Zalis." He looked around. "It didn't come back this way. Wait." He looked at them closely. "Oh fuck, you left Jericho alone out there?" 


Jericho came back through the darkened processing center, shining his light to and fro. He was jogging back through, his heart racing from the exertion, terror, anticipation, and adrenaline. He entered the lobby and saw a flash of movement in the darkness. He fumbled with his gun, trying to bring it to bear, but the startle put him off his game. He heard a low hiss.

And then, he heard another hiss, from behind him. Jericho brought his light around, to reveal the beast standing in the doorway he'd just exited. As he did, he heard a footstep, and shined his light on... Another of the creatures.

A droplet of drool spattered on his boot, and he looked up to find his face only a foot away from yet another. "Oh. Fuck." He breathed the curse out gently as he backed away. The creatures advanced in attack posture, the beast on the ceiling circling to keep behind him as he manuevered.

Once started to roar, and he fired, the blast from his cannon missing the creature. They pounced, but Jericho sprang forward, sliding under a leaping alien on his knees, leaned back like he was playing limbo, roaring something in archaic German. He pirouetted to his feet, the gun coming around, and something smothering and black and spidery enveloped his face in darkness.

Jericho fell, the gun slipping from his hands as the infant alien wrapped around his face.

In the doorway of the umbilical, another creature of a different breed stood, anger in it's heart. Axel Axel advanced into the room, weaponless, and the pack of beasts turned to face him. He looked down at Jericho, frowning. "It's not nice to team up on someone in the dark." He looked at the monsters, no fear showing in his child-like face. One started to advance and a dark aspect stole across Axel's face. "I sure hope you didn't hurt Ms. Lillian. I'd be positively..."

The creature leapt, and Axl's hands flowed up like a river of flesh. He caught the entire creature, his hand distended and warped far out of proportion. He casually tossed it, throwing it through the glass bubbled lobby desk and bouncing it off the steel bulkhead, leaving a deep dent. His body flowed again, extra limbs snapping out of his flesh. One of the two remaining beasts skittered along the wall at him and lashed out with it's tail, the bladed appendage sinking into Axel's ribcage, right where the lung would be on a man.

Axel reached down and grabbed the tail, pulling the alien closer. It shrieked, almost sounding panicked, as he closed his hands around it's wrists. With horrifying strength, he shattered it's arms, then grabbed the enormous head.

He turned his head as a hiss sounded in his ear, the other creature striking while he was distracted. It punched it's second mouth into his skull, ripping out a chunk of flesh. Axel grinned malevolently and said, "My turn."

His face split at a strange angle, forming a huge mouth. This mouth expanded swiftly, somehow engulfing the whole creature. And then, Axel engulfed the other alien that he was grappling with. The three monsters bucked and fought within the battlefield of Axel's flesh.

But Axel Axel was the Lord of All Flesh And Form. He had no equal. Spears of bone and serrated, slashing fangs and crushing gullets destroyed the monsters as Axel consumed them whole. With this complete, he tapped his communications headset and said, "Medical to assist in the Construction Zone immediately, officer down.

Lillian and Zalis came through the doors at this point, supporting Axl. Lillian looked at the sole remaining monster corpse and Axel, and said, "Did you... Did you throw it into the wall?"

He shrugged. "It wasn't that heavy."

Zalis suspiciously eyed the deep dent in the steel bulkhead, but said nothing. Lillian said, "Axel, grab Jericho. We'll meet Hector at the far end of the umbilical. I'm blowing this section into space."
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #121 on: April 04, 2015, 10:25:25 am » Can't say I expected that.  :P
Great conclusion Hans, hyped for the Blood of the Chosen story continuation.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #122 on: April 07, 2015, 05:24:31 pm »

Let me check the Lillian Helsbrecht Story thread, it's quite some time I don't rea-

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #123 on: April 08, 2015, 08:31:46 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Thanks for the compliments, btw. :)
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #124 on: April 08, 2015, 04:55:24 pm »

Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #125 on: April 09, 2015, 09:00:15 am »

Welcome to Space Station 13

Lillian marched by Jay, barely keeping pace with him. He kept up a steady slew of orders over his comms, and Lillian could barely get a word in edgewise. She said, "Sir, I don't exactly understand what's going on. Can yo-"

"Lillian, I'm promoting you to Brevet Head of Security for the interim. Axl and Jericho are both incapacitated by their encounters, so we're keeping them here for medical reasons. You will be supplied with four new security officers, and the FT on station, one Malachi Kelly, will still be with you." Jay said all this without ever turning to face Lillian or even look up from his PDA, fingers flying across the buttons. "We're appointing a new Captain after the death of Mr. Flickenger. One Everett Owens. He's a solid guy with a solid track record."

Lillian tried to speak, but an adjutant came up to her and pinned a new ID badge on her while taking hers with a single smooth motion. "Oh thank-" The man vanished as Jay turned a corner, gesturing to the muster hall. He spoke.

"Lillian, the rest of the new crew replacements are in here, gearing up as we speak. We've done our level best to fill the station with crew members that have been in crisis situations. Almost all of them have military or paramilitary training, along with combat experience. You are getting the best of the best." He turned to her for the first time since the visitation. "Listen, Lillian. I know I might seem like I'm over doing it right now, but you'll understand soon. It might not be tomorrow or next month or even this year, the Admins are somewhat flighty, but shit is going to hit the fan on that station. Harder than anything you could ever believe." He leaned in close. "I'll be on hand whenever possible with the Deathsquad and the Icarus. You have a double team of Security, an extra Blueshield just for you, a good Captain and set of Heads of Staff, forewarning, and time to prepare yourself."

Lillian tried to speak, but she was overwhelmed. "Sir, I don't... I can't handle this."

Jay smiled sadly, "Unfortunately, young lady, you don't have a choice." He turned back and opened the door to the muster hall, where pandemonium reigned. "It's boarding time."

Several hours later

Lillian fidgeted unhappily in the cockpit of the shuttle, looking down at her new uniform. It was jet black with thin strips of alternating gold and red piping up the side of the legs, the flanks, and from her neck down her arm to her wrist. The material was thick and somewhat stiff in spots, and Jay had assured her it was as good as an armor vest. Her new ID had special identifiers on it, indicating her promotion. In a holster on her hip, she had a brand new, shiny energy pistol, and hanging from the same utility belt that supported the holster was a telescopic baton, a utility knife, a pair of handcuffs, pepperspray, a flash, a seclite, and her HUD sunglasses. Slung over the back of her chair was a black armorweave jacket, not quite a greatcoat like Axl wore, but it covered Lillian from neck to hips to wrists, and was supposedly proof against everything up to a full-powered laser cannon.

Beside her, Everett noticed her fidgeting and nodded gravely. He didn't have much of a personality, Lillian reflected, but he was a good officer. He was maybe forty, with not a touch of gray in his short brown hair. He wore a pair of CommandHUD sunglasses that covered his eye color, and an old fashioned tricorn hat of blue, green and gold like his uniform. The hat was his only affectation, the rest of his gear was all business. A toolbelt filled with worn, well used tools. A recharging-pattern laser pistol of antique make. A beautifully designed armor vest, and a pair of thick black jackboots completed his look.

Past him was Trey Lloyd, the new CMO, a Diona alien. His flesh looked like treebark but was spongy and flexible. He was obviously incredibly intelligent, but his mind ran in directions that humans had trouble following. The uniform barely fit him, and poked out at odd angles in spots. Beyond Trey was Horatio Oppenheimer, the Research Director. The new Chief Engineer was a brown haired woman named Alexa Moon. She kept to herself, and hadn't said anything yet.

She broke that silence. "Why the hell haven't we left yet?"

Everett grunted. "We're waiting on a Head of Personnel. I think they said a Morale Officer had requested posting here too."

At that moment, the cockpit door whooshed open and two men stepped in. The man in the Head of Personnel uniform was dark complected, with black hair and dark, unreadable eyes. He bowed lightly, said, "I am Amir Roadman, Head of Personnel." And sat without any further comment.

The other man was wearing all black, including a long robe that hung to his ankles and wrists, with a large black hood that hid most of his features from view. He said, "I am Avery Price, Nanotrasen Approved Commissar and appointed Morale Officer. I will be with the crew, unless you need me." Everett shook his head at him, and Avery disappeared into the crew compartment.

Everett smiled, "All systems go, launch clearance received. Crew shuttle outbound."


With a boom-claaaang, the shuttle attached to the station like a limpet. Air hissed and whooshed as the docking sequence was completed, then the doors hissed open and the crew vomited forth like an explosion of humanity. The hall was filled with the gabble of voices and the soft noises of footsteps as everyone moved to their job place to begin the shift. In the center of the hall, Lillian almost stepped on a large, circular plate set into the floor, but it flickered and a hologram appeared above it of a man's head with two faces.

"Welcome to Space Station 13." The voice said pleasantly in a neutral voice, devoid of emotion. "I am Janus, your station AI. Please do not hesitate to ask if you require assistance."

Lillian stepped around the holopad, nodding awkwardly, "Uh yeah, thanks mate. I'll be sure to do that." As she turned back to walk away, she almost bumped into a new Security officer. He had sandy blond hair, light freckles on his checks, bright blue eyes, and feminine features. He smiled widely at her.

"Well hello there, gorge- Oh fuck you're my boss." He stiffened and gave a crisp salute. "Vladmir Dimitri reporting for duty SIR! I mean MA'AM! I mean. Er."

"Nice job, Dimitri. We ain't even met her yet and you're already trying to bang her." Another man came up beside Lillian in a security uniform. He was a bit taller than Vlad, with dark hair and pale skin. His eyes were green, and he smiled at her. "I'm Osborn Zimmer, ma'am. I think the other two are already in Sec with Malachi."

Lillian held out her hand to Osborn, then Vlad. "I'm Lillian Helsbrecht, acting Head of Security. Let's hope we have a quiet shift today."

They nodded gravely and fell into step with her as she marched to Security. There they encountered the other two officers, Malachi Kelly, and Zalis, who was snuffling into a cup of coffee oddly. The two new officers were introduced as Gregory Meighan and Valerie Scott. Zalis and Malachi came to join Lillian while the new officers outfitted themselves. Malachi said, "So, Lillian."

"So, Malachi?" She asked, curious.

Zalis replied instead, "What is going on, Lillian?"

"I'm not sure what you mean." She said, her face becoming blank and expressionless.

Malachi and Zalis shared a look. Malachi said, "I told you, man. I told you. It's all her fault."

Zalis sighed. "Lillian gets taken in for questioning. Is in there for one hour, and suddenly it's drop everything and get back to work. Curious. Most curious."

Lillian sighed. "It's so classified I think I might be eligible for execution just for knowing it. I guess there's something bad about to happen and it kind of revolves around me."

"Oh great, you're the center of the world now?" Malachi said, half-jokingly.

Lillian shook her head, then stopped to see a newcomer entering security. Another Unathi, this one with muted green scales and small curling horns on her head. She was smaller and less robust than Zalis was, and she wore the uniform and weapons of a Blueshield. She strode right up to Lillian and proffered her hand. "I am Tina Mouhr'ryk. You may call me Tina Morrissss."

Lillian shook the hand offered to her, and was surprised by how callused it was. She said, "I'm Lillian, Head of Security."

Tina grinned ruefully. "I am your bodyguard. I am not to leave your side."

Lillian chuckled, "Well you won't follow me into the bathroom at least, right?" Tina kept grinning but said nothing. Lillian's face fell a bit. "You mean I can't go to the bathroom alone?" 

"No, ma'am. I am not to leave your side." Tina said, still grinning. All the humor evaporated out of the room for a moment, then Vlad came to the little gathering and spoke.

"Hey, we're ready. Where should we start?" He smiled at Lillian lasciviously.

She narrowed her eyes at him and smiled sweetly. "Gregory, you take the north-east quadrant. Valerie, you've got engineering. Osborn, take the arrivals quadrant. Vladmir, go search the abandoned, creepy-as-fuck, where-I-fought-man-eating-aliens section of the ship alone. Zalis, please mingle with the crew so I can get any complaint reports quickly. Malachi, hold down the fort here, I'm brevet-Warden-ing you." Vladmir's face fell a little, but then he perked back up. They all filed away, except for Vlad.

He sidled a little closer and said, "I know you gave me the section you worked because you think I'm sexy."

Lillian looked at him askance. "I can't tell if you're an idiot, if you're trying to get in my pants and are simply clueless, or if this is all a sham to cover up something up."

He shrugged, "Probably some mixture of the three."

"All Heads of Staff report to the conference room as soon as your department is stable. That means you, Moon. Get the boys working on power, THEN come to the conference room.[color]"

Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #126 on: April 09, 2015, 03:24:58 pm »

Wow, nice to see some iconic regular faces. You also got Vlad down surprisingly accurate, nice break from the hype train for readers to relax.  :P


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #127 on: April 09, 2015, 03:27:56 pm »

jericho is turning in his medical bed
Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #128 on: April 09, 2015, 04:18:36 pm »

Ooh, fun. Owens in the show.

* Aseaheru starts timer for how long he survives...
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #129 on: April 10, 2015, 08:48:15 am »

At some point I intend to go back and edit out some of the glaring errors I miss in my proofreads. >.> But not today! The show is in must go on mode right now.

Welcome to Space Station 13 2: The Revengeancing Part Two

Lillian entered the conference room, Tina following her closely like a lost puppy. Unsurprisingly, she was the first one there. She'd seen Amir Roadman at his desk, busy fixing errors on ID cards and reassigning mistransfers, and Captain Owens was on the bridge communicating with local sector officials of various sorts. A moment later, Trey came in, busy murmuring orders in his raspy voice over his headset. He sat opposite from Lillian.

Captain Owens and Amir came in at about the same time, and Amir filled a small paper cup with water from the dispenser in the corner while Captain Owens sat down. Amir settled himself at the table a moment later, and the Captain nodded. He said, "Alexa, take your time. I'm going to start without you but I'll brief you personally when you get here."

"Kay boss." The curt reply seemed to satisfy the Captain, who stood up and started pacing around the table. He frowned and looked around for the Research Director, but Trey spoke up.

"Director Oppenheimer is currently activating the cyborgs. He will be attending them for at least the next hour, so he said."

The Captain nodded briskly and started speaking. "We're on high alert, from now on. We stay at blue, twenty-four hours a day. Security patrols will be conducted, and any behaving oddly will be searched. All secure areas are to be kept sealed without Head of Staff permission. All of you are required to have your suit sensors to full at all times and all crew are strongly encouraged to do so also." He looked around. "I can't tell you why, but we have a serious, ongoing situation and you all need to be at full readiness to deal with any sort of calamity that might befall us."

The people in the room nodded, except for Tina, who stood still as a statue near the door. Captain Owens gestured at a file folder at each place on the table. "You'll find the current revised standard operating procedures for Blue Alert in those. Study them at your leisure and institute the protocols." He waved in dismissal, "Alright, you can head on back. I'll speak with each of you individually over the course of the day. Amir, you're up first."


Lillian checked her PDA, seeing that Beepsky and Citizen's Riot were operational and patrolling their designated patterns. She was confident that she could alter the paths now, with her upgraded PDA programming, instead of the distress call effect a patrol officer could trigger. She crinkled her nose as she smelled something delightful, and turned towards the cafeteria.

She went around the chapel, not wishing to provoke a potentially troublesome conversation with the Morale Officer, and passed the Medical lobby. Inside, Hector was at the desk and someone was standing at the Chemistry Requests desk. Inside Chemistry, a petite woman with black, shoulder length hair and a dark, intense gaze was patiently mixing things in a beaker. After a moment she nodded and handed the beaker to the man standing on the lobby side of the desk. He nodded and turned, almost walking into Lillian. The beaker wobbled erratically and the chemist winced. Lillian grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt, and he almost reverently kept the beaker from spilling.

Lillian let go of his shirt and smoothed it with a few twitches of her fingers, seeing the Quartermaster ID, Bomrek Nussbaum. She smiled up at him and nodded at the beaker, "Glad you didn't slop that on me, mate. Judging by the Chemist's expression at least."

He grinned, "Oh, it's just thermite. Wouldn't hurt you any, unless someone set it on fire. We use it to pry open the abandoned buildings and stuff left on some of the asteroids around here. Guess there was a big mining op of some sort here, a long time ago." He shrugged. "This melts a hole right through the walls though, even with no oxygen."

Lillian nodded and stepped out of his way. "Sorry I got in your way. It was nice to meet you, Quartermaster Nussbaum." He nodded back and started down the hallway, carefully watching his beaker. Lillian turned to Hector and smiled. "Heya Hector." Hector smiled up at her, a little warily. Lillian thought that was odd, but ignored it. "Who's the new Chemist?"

The dark haired woman waved politely and said, "I'm Alina Koch. One of the new ones in Medical. Gallant is the other guy, big, tall, goofy bastard. Black hair, glasses, wears a biosuit religiously." She shrugged lithely. "Let me know if you need anything for Security."

Lillian paused, considering for a moment. "What about some sort of chemical knock-out bomb? Like a flashbang that keeps you out."

Alina pursed her lips for a moment, then smiled brightly. "I have an idea. Come back in a few hours, I gotta do some paperwork first. Nice meeting you, Security Director."

Lillian groaned inwardly, "Oh god, please just call me Lillian. I'll catch you later, Koch." She grinned at her own double entendre, and waved to Hector as she left. He was already engrossed in a pile of papers written in bright, glossy red ink.

Lillian walked south, past the Cloning bay and went into a set of doors opposite the Research lobby. Inside, it was empty, save for a waiter quietly sweeping the floor, and a bartender behind a long metal counter. Lillian nodded at them and went through a set of sliding glass doors to the cafeteria, where the Chef was cooking some sort of confection laced with cinnamon. He was a burly man, with flamboyant red hair, a big red mustache, and a bulbous nose. Lillian asked, "What you making, mate?"

"E'z ah dah cookeen cerulea hammon boles! Bork bork bork!" The chef had a curious verbal tic, constantly punctuating his sentences with "Bork!".

Lillian just stared for a moment. "Kay, when that's done, text me please. Smells good." She quietly backed away, and went to pass by the stage. A mime stood in front of her, frantically clawing at an invisible wall between them, apparently attempting to escape something. Lillian snorted at the female mime and said, "Very nice. Can you move please?"

The mime eyed her sidelong and stepped to one side, bowing her head a bit and gesturing as if to say, "The way is clear."

Lillian took a step forward and rebounded off something. She didn't see anything, but she sure felt it. Her nose was mashed painfully, and she reeled back, clutching her face. Within an instant, she drew her telescopic baton and flicked it out. The mime jumped back, and waved her hands pleadingly. Lillian shook her head to clear it and said, "Goddamn it, what was that shit? How did you do that?" She relaxed a bit and said, more wonderingly than angry, "No, seriously, how did you do that?"

The mime shrugged, then wilted back and ran from something. Lillian turned to find a clown behind her. She winced, and the clown smiled widely, his painted face grotesque in the bright flourescent lighting. "Hi! I'm..." He leaned forward, tilting his head down and staring at her from this odd position, "Nightmare weaver." He straightened abruptly, smiling once more. "Just kidding! My name is Ruffles the Clown!"

Lillian backed up a step, "Right. I hate clowns, for one. I've had bad experiences with them. For two, you're fucking creepy, get the fuck away from me," She raised the baton a bit. "I will break your evil clown knees. I swear to god."

The clown frowned and dropped character, standing with his hands on his hips. "Come on, Ms. Helsbrecht, I'm just an entertainer. Don't let the outfit freak you out." He brought out a handerchief and wiped the makeup off his face in a wide swathe. "See? Just paint and acting."

Lillian smiled sarcastically, "Yeah, very nice. Thanks. I'm going now." He shrugged helplessly as she walked away. Lillian keyed her communications set, "Patrols check in. Malachi, sound off too."


We end here for the moment. :P I am pressed for time once more. The next few chapters are going to be relatively tame.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #130 on: April 10, 2015, 09:10:21 am »

Oh daaaamn, I wish we had the Swedish mutation enabled in the genetics, just for the Chef now. It's a thing, but it's disabled.
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #131 on: April 10, 2015, 11:31:04 am »

needs moar german
Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #132 on: April 10, 2015, 09:03:47 pm »

Oh man, Nightmare Weaver. Good times, hooded clown with a fireaxe is terrifying.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #133 on: April 25, 2015, 03:18:41 am »

Oh man. I forgot about this.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 02:25:42 am by AH »


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #134 on: April 28, 2015, 10:53:14 am »

Expect delays, sorry folks. I meant to write Meet the Antagonists: Praetor today, but I got distracted.

So instead I'm just going to let you ponder who or what the Praetor may be.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.
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