Just reset your router and do a quick cookie dump on your browser. It should give you a new IP address and get rid of any cookies they have set up.
Static IP unfortunately. The only time that gets renewed is when my router falls off the interwebz due to my ISP going for the lowest bidder approach to hardware.
I notice you don't really have much of a presence in this community except to attack this person, Magic Missile. 15 of your 18 posts are about this person. What's your stake in the events that are happening?
It also seems you made an account on the RockPaperShotgun forums purely to complain about them. Have they personally done you some sort of wrong, that you feel you must so thoroughly sling mud at them?
How DARE you be upset about and discuss something that makes many outlets and notable individuals relating to your hobby look like scumbags! You CLEARLY have personal stakes in the matter!
A: "I really think Russia should stop fucking about with Ukraine, pull their troops out of the area and just hand over the damn relief convoy to the Red Cross to make everyone happy."
B: "Well, you're clearly affiliated with the new government in Kiev!"
Also, I'm really happy 4chan banded together and basically fed money to a project (TFYC) that's been damaged by Zoe Quinn, and that awareness (and funds) for it are also being raised via TB's Reddit and on other outlets. Even if it is a Cynical attempt at improving one's public image, a legitimately reasonable project is being funded, and may result in an entertaining and worthwhile piece of media.
And, y'know, most of the funds from that go to other charities anyway.
Third, the allegation that peoples supressed the stories are a bit empty since no one will want that kind of thing to happen. Peoples go crazy in these witch hunt, and things always turn ugly. And all that for what? The journalist intergrity of gaming journalist, who are well known to have none? A game no one care about?
It's gone past allegations. There's factual, concrete evidence this has happened.
Hell, how come the Escapist (bar clipping some overly combative posts directed at other forumites) didn't stifle the discussion? Was it merely not wanting to bother fostering and moderating discussion? Because if that's it, then they're clearly in the wrong line of business.
I really don't see the Rebel Jam thing being a massive conspiracy- it might be a scam, but what motivation would major games sites have to not cover it? She can't exactly pay them all off, can she?
"It might be a scam and supported by borderline-illegal actions, but hey, she deserves the publicity, right? I mean, she does have a vagina after all!"
Given the purpose of this thread is to either stoke hatred towards somebody the OP personally dislikes, or just get people angry in general, I wouldn't at all mind it being locked.
(racial epithet removed)