Zoe Quinn is the game developer of
Depression Quest, which is a free text based adventure on Steam. The game got a large amount of publicity from a few articles posted on RockPaperShotgun and Kotaku, along with a game jam falling apart due to sexism and misogyny.
Zoe Quinn was involved in the collapse of the game jam named GAME_JAM, which involved her allegedly being sexually harassed and having constant weird emotional pressure being put on the game developers involved in said game jam. Sources:
2Zoe was also involved in a smaller scandal with Wizardchan, an imageboard dedicated to socially awkward perpetual virgins. Essentially, she accused them of harassing her, utilising a few posts from a thread about herself as evidence of this harassment. More information that emerged suggested this wasn't the entire story. Source:
1Recently, accusations have emerged from a former ex boyfriend of her's that she cheated on him with a number of people, including games journalists (primarily Nathan Grayson, the person who wrote the article about the aforementioned game jam on Kotaku and did some opinion pieces on Depression Quest) and her own boss. He posted an extensive and sourced blog post containing all this information. Sources:
1 (Ex-boyfriend's blog),
2Zoe responded to this with a blog post accusing the people of bring this to light of trying to control her and her body, whilst the issue remains that she is sexually involved with at least one journalist that has written about her and her games and has not disclosed it. Source:
1Kotaku's also responded to this with a blog post stating that they are on the side of Nathan Grayson, since any articles he wrote were BEFORE he had started sleeping with her. Allegedly, their relationship started in early April (the fourth month of the year) after the article that was written on the 31st of March. Source:
1Reddit, RockPaperShotgun, Kotaku and similar sites are shutting down all possible discussions of this, due to the fact that this discussion is labelled as harassment of Zoe. Said sites seem to have a relationship beyond the purely professional with Ms Quinn. Sources:
2Anyone that does post about this (TotalBiscuit is the best example, as he made a blog post about it and the lack of transparency about her personal involvement) is harassed and accused of being, essentially, worthless scum who deserves to be gotten rid of. Sources:
2On top of this, Zoe has been promoting her own game jam (Rebel Game Jam), and there have been a large amount of accusations directed towards her that she has intentionally shut down another game jam directed towards women (The Fine Young Capitalists' Game Jam) in order to push her own agenda. There are even accusations heading back to the game jam at the start of the year, since she has gotten the funding for the Rebel Game Jam with the people who were running that one. Sources:
54chan has now donated over $5k to the aforementioned inclusive game jam and gotten a character out of it.The Young Fine Capitalist's IndieGOGO page gets hacked and made to look like it has been closed. Sources:
The Fine Young Capitalists Statement,