I reckon *insert X* improvements to game is an eventuality. Cause it is still basically in Alpha.
Pretty much. The UI update is going to help with that.
If any of you get a crash surrounding the Inquisition Necron Tomb mission, a thorough, detailed description of what happens prior to the crash will help tremendously. Shoot me an email (listed in the main menu) or post here. Thanks a ton.
0.634Major Changes:
Other Changes:
Founding Chapters get 2000 requisition instead of 500
Recruiting has been fixed.
Damaged ships should no longer kill all marines onboard.
You can no longer unequip Dreadnoughts.
The second problem/quest of each world properly saves now.
Various bugfixes.
And while I'm at it-
0.635Major Changes:
Many new weapons have been added/fixed/included.
Item stats can now be viewed in the armory.
Unidentified STC Fragments can now be traded.
Other Changes:
Control can be returned from Necrons if there is no Awakened Tomb and no Necron Forces.
Control may now be returned to planets by raiding. Unloading is no longer required.
Requisition income has been doubled. Certain trade items are now more expensive.
Unloading troops to a Daemon World no longer crashes the game.
Selecting marines with an empty item slot, and other marines with a non-empty item slot, should no longer try to distribute gear.
Sororitas Cathedrals properly slow the increase of heresy.
Can now longer trade fractions of an item.
Artifact weapons have been buffed.
The experience-modifying-stats ceiling has been raised.
Various bugfixes.
0.636Major Changes:
Other Changes:
During a battle, if the player/enemy army has only 1 unit remaining their health is displayed.
Equipment changing has been fixed.
Jump Packs no longer take additional space.
Lamenters vehicles are usable once more.
Can now exit from 'I want that artifact' trading.
After exiting from 'I want that artifact', and giving up, marines are returned to their ship.
Exiting out of trading for an artifact no longer messes up the next audience.
The Spyrer =][= mission is completable once again.
Gene-seed can no longer be recovered from asploded or daemon'ified librarians.
The info_fragments crash has been fixed.
Fixed a rare crash with fleet retreat.
Artifact Dreadnoughts can now be equip. May have generated new bugs- be vigilous.
Various bugfixes.