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Author Topic: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Under new management!  (Read 61223 times)


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #120 on: August 20, 2014, 01:16:26 pm »

Thrak's Dear Journal

Sorriz I ain't ben around ta rite in ya journal weez ad alotta attacks by our foez recent an I been rackin up killz on da front line. Da firzt waz wot I 'erd, sum pointy hatted shortlings, smaller dan a baby snagga I 'ear, all I know is I walked outside, stepped in sumntin and wuz trackin sometin stinky on ma bootz for a week, no sight of the pointy hatz, wuz hopin for a scap atleast. Den we 'ad the bloodbowl matchuz, I sure luvs me sum bloodbowl, I never really particepate muhself but no one cheers loudah den I, even caught sum onez tooth last time I went to one of da big matches back at the main fort. Den we 'ad sum 'umies invade da fort, a poor 'unta got banged up bad but I got revenge by choppin I of dem 'umies to pieces. Warchief Boguld 'az been actin wierd callin iz weapon iz "OwnLove" an ben goin by "The Outrageous Shove of Lust". We on a battle field chief not inna mating room, calm ya urges. Den we 'ad sum Beakwulvs try ta take   our live stock, if dere one typa critta I 'ate most itz Beakwulvs, one ate my squig az a boy an I never forgiv um, chopped VI uf um ta pieces in memory of da squig, an now everyone is callin me sum nickname I dont know da meanin uf. I assumez it iz how I make ma foe's feel when dey seez me comin for 'em.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #121 on: August 21, 2014, 04:00:15 pm »

And now for something completely different, this one's going to be all done OOC! That leads any story during this update to be up to the rest of you guys.

As always, a big concern we have around here is housing. Since I'm not going with a Tunderguard Stronghold (which would essentially be akin to a dwarven fortress ruled by deranged dreamwalkers with a musket fetish if I read that start scenario right,) building housing, and keeping it in theme as somewhat uneven/lopsided structures, has made things... Difficult. There's still a few people who don't have a place to call home, and the upper floor of the main hall still isn't finished, and the bottom floor isn't even fully floored/furnished. That's something I need to deal with, as my brain pitches a small fit at its incompleteness.

Beirus is finally in charge of a squad, and I've begun sifting through the orcs for unenlisted uruks to assign to the first two squads under Bolugd and Gorlshk, aiming to put Beirus in charge of common orcs (since the squad will nominally be a boworc squad, a place where uruks are somewhat wasted.)  bluescreen1988 is orc'd as Torgun and joins the Orange Plagues as a maceorc and  TALLPANZER as Gordak, who is our resident boworc sergeant.

The military Roster sees a growth of four uruk joining our melee squads (two to The Demonic Glens and two to The Orange Plagues,) a common and a snaga joining the boworcs, and three Commons being put under Beirus and assigned the profession of “Dragon Warrior.” Senshuken in kind, has had his profession changed to Blademaster. Until we have the means to provide them with katanas to make their society kits, the Dragon Society Warriors (operating under the squad name of The Crowned Vices,) will be using a typical sword orc set-up of saber and shield.

While I'd like to just reforge a lot of salvaged kit we have into makeshift gear, much of it is made from metals that would serve better melted down and forged into new weapons. Also, the Demonic Glens have begun full-time training in earnest with the new members.

Back on the building front, we're starting to run low on stone to make blocks again so more digging is done. This is undoubtedly the source of some of the cave adaptation, as some workers spend... Fuck, I dunno, possibly in-game weeks down there doing their jobs and only come up to sleep and such. I've also decided to start building needed ballista parts for raiding ships, since totems are finally making the coin needed to fund expeditions into enemy territory, and a set of workshops has the excess workers put to use clearing them out. I wanted those shops demolished a while ago, but there was just so much crap I couldn't do so until relatively recently when the backlog of crap went down some. And since we aren't hurting on the food or leather department, I'm leaving the beak wolves out to rot.

Oh! And the hospital is a lovely melange of blood and other fluids, as well as used thread that nobody bothered to put away now. Best not to think about that poor fucker in the traction bench in there. We're also officially out of drink, thanks in no small part to the population being what it is, and is now happily consuming the water meant for the hospital. So, in response to this I have the miners quit their stone excavation duty and dig out a tank that should fill on its own and stay full most of the time, as the tank is on the same z-level as the brook.

While this goes on, masterworks continue to dissolve away for no reason. Thankfully, Thrak didn't make too many and Palu is pissing them out at such a rate that it hardly bothers her anymore. Seriously. It seems that for every one she loses she craps out 20 more. Hopefully though, the new archery range will help mitigate this somewhat, since the main culprit is bone arrows rotting away.

Just before the winter freeze hits, thanks to the generous donation of spears the enemy made, we have our first raidship ready to go! The freelancers are equipped and paid, and shunted off to the goblin hinterland tribes for workers. Why go there you ask? Simple. We need goblin to run the sawmill.

And wouldn't you know it, success!

Next up, we manage a second raid. This one, aimed at the most hated of orcish enemies, the elves. Sadly, the raiders fail to return, and we're out a weapon kit, boat, and a shitload of money. Since the job is kind of a crapshoot, it'll probably take the lives of another raiding band or two for a successful hit. In the meantime, the shanty is finally built, and the little bugger's set to work making a metric fuckton of planks to build the temple.

However, it seems our friends in the Freelancer's Guild forgot to burn their paperwork when the shit hit the fan, because we got visitors! Very very upset visitors.

And they are obviously quite upset with us over the whole “raiding your shit” thing. Just as well, since I was gonna send the warriors out to kill some giant dingos that were pestering the area near the hospital. However I predict fatalities on our side... Quite unfortunately, Senshuken is closest since he was getting a drink at the well. And since the elves have, y'know, mithril body armor and all, he's probably a dead orc walking since I hadn't gotten him a new mithril saber made yet (was actually about to do so when the elves attacked.)

And yet, much to my astonishment (seriously, I didn't expect this!) They laregly ignore Senshuken and charge the rest of the warband, killing a dire wolf in the initial attack. Gradbul plowed into them and Gorlshk generously excised a large arm-shaped lump of cancer on one  elf's left side.

Poor Senshuken stood there after killing the first elf to die in Blackhold, apparently just as confused as I was when they ignored him. Before he then proceeded to charge into the elve's rear. Gorlshk at this point, decided cutting off both of his elf's arms wasn't sufficientmpunishment for being an elf and bashed out the poor bastard's teeth, and finally ends it with a chop that removes a leg, resulting in the elf's death by blood loss, scoring Gorlshk the second elf kill! Third then goes to the lovable olog Gradbul, who smashes an elf's skull with his stone maul almost immediately after. “Elf heads squish gud” was probably his thought on that.

Torgun ignores the bigger brawl and goes after the enemy commander, only to be blocked by a bladedancer. Who's legs Torgun proceeds to break with his shiny new tungsten (or wolfram, if you prefer) club. A second orc breaks off from the main melee and spots the unicorn the elf commander, who appears to now be fleeing, is riding. Torgun and the other warrior proceed with continued mangling of the better armored elf who is now crying in agony because of those silly bones in his legs being broken. At the same time, Gorlshk and Senshuken each score a second kill, followed by Bolugd scoring one, and Senshuken a third with Gradbul's help. The newly anointed Spearuruk Azguub makes a kill as well with Thrak's aid. As the battle winds down, Gorlshk gets his third kill, and someone's pet squig is killed by an elf not brave enough to fight its owner. The warrior who aids Torgun is then credited with a kill as well, her macuahuitl killing the despicable knife-ear with blood loss.

The enemy commander proceeds to use the distraction her last surviving soldier unwittingly causes to flee for his life. Better she die a thousand deaths from shame and embarrassment than a good death at orcish blades. Gradbul is credited with the last kill of the fight, marking his first two truly notable kills! Now this is what our main residential area resembles.

Our residential area now greatly resembles Detroit. And boom, horrible joke snuck in there!

The Kill tally comes to.... Drum roll please...

Senshuken:3 kills
Gorlshk: 3 kills
Bolugd 1 kill
Sworduruk Talata 1 kill
Spearuruk Azguub: 1 kill
Axeuruk Azguuruk: 1 kill
Gradbul: 2 kills
Lat: 2 kills
Thrak: 1 kill

We have one injured Uruk who got stabbed in the foot early on. Thankfully there were no severed nerves though, so she'll be able to keep serving, and anyone not listed got no kills in the battle. The elves' arms and armor is going to the molten pit to be reforged into some makeshift equipment. It won't be quite as good cover-wise, but it'll be a hell of a lot better than the lamellar armor at stopping a spear or sword to the gut. Hopefully. And the mithril blades will be a better fight for us than the ironbone macuahuitl we've been making due with. Speaking of which, I'm going to get Khaziraad and Gluuk to work on transmuting the copious piles of ash and bone we have into some basic armor materials. Never know what might save their lives and all that. Honestly, I attribute our victory to the idiots tripping all over eachother (three elves on thier bellies can't attack as fast as one good uruk swinging a great axe around like a toothpick.) Same reason we managed to beat the dwarves before.

This update's going to be pretty short, and in the span of everything roughly..... 2 months~ went by and it's late Moonstone. Anyways, there it is guys. Next one will resume with story or journal format as per the norm. And if somebody can tell me how many community bits I need to put on the relevant post that'd be great.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #122 on: August 21, 2014, 07:59:18 pm »

That is a lot of blood!  Good chopping, boys.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #123 on: August 22, 2014, 07:21:18 am »

*Residential area, morning*

"Heck, there's much cleanin' to do here... Gimme that broom, son. By the way, huge thanks for lendin' old ork a hand."

"No problem, sir. Ah' don't have mutch to do rite now anyway."

"So, I heard you became a parent recently?"

"Not me. It's another Gradbul. Haven't ever seen him, actually."

"Neither did I. What a mysterious fella he is, uh... Judging from bits and pieces lying around, the battle was pretty fierce, right?"

"It waz indeed, sir. Got sum killz this time, two or sumthin'."

"Alright, lets's clean those flowerbeds. Can you count, by the way?"

"Yez. I even attendid, erm... school back home, or how is't called. My big brother did as well. Want to hear about my brother?"

"Sure... This one is kinda messy. Hand over the bucket, please."
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 08:52:02 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #124 on: August 22, 2014, 09:57:46 am »

The Lumber Mill.

I remember seeing my life flashing before my eyes as the elves launched their attack. I was alone by the well, getting a drink and there were so many of them and even as they closed the distance I could tell that they were wearing mithril. Like a true orc through, I charged the nearest elf and after a brief battle killed it all the while expecting a series of blades to enter my back and spell my doom. As I turned around to face what I fully expected to be my death, all I could do was stand there in shock for a few moments as I saw with my own eyes the cursed tree huggers ignoring me completely. Maybe the elves believed that the one elf that engaged me was more than a match for me and had ignored me in favor of fighting fresh foes... maybe they are just a bunch of stupid tree huggers. At least two more lost their lives to my blade in payment for their foolish decision.

Gradbul's a good kid. Maybe not the quickest of orcs and we really need to give him a better weapon but he knows how to support his warband. You support your kin or else you get knifed by the knife ears. Speaking of the tree huggers they did leave kind of a mess. I don't really mind the sight of a little elf blood but we have to walk over it all the time damn it. Even dead elves are annoying. Still, that's the price we have to pay to cut down some tree huggers.

I recently overheard one of the others mention something about attending a school once... That might not be a bad idea. After all, the quicker we can teach the next generation the skills they need to survive in the world off the battlefield, the more time we can spend training them for combat. I might mention it, see what everyone else thinks about it.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #125 on: August 22, 2014, 12:44:29 pm »

The Heavenly what? Daub? What's a Daub?

I always associate daubing with face paints, or even whole-body dyeing, as with woad.
Here's a nice google result: (horribly ugly URL)
One classical writer refers to Celtic women "the colour of Ethiopians", dyed for the purpose of some exotic display.  This could possibly be done by rubbing the skin with freshly macerated woad leaves.  Surprisingly pure powdered indigo mixed with water rubs off quickly as soon as it is dry.  To daub oneself the indigo would need to be applied as a dye.  This could be done provided the indigo is in its precursor form and before it has oxidised to a pigment.
Hell, if nobody's suffocated because of it, it hardly counts as a bug! -- StLeibowitz


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #126 on: August 23, 2014, 12:14:04 am »

-Gluuk Hexjoined -

in the darkness something goes <<pop>> and you are lying on your back
among the mossy understory of a vast, verdant, rainforest.

the sharp acrid smoke of the visionpipe lingers in your conciousness
but you can no longer see the walls of the dream lodge

a voice seems to whisper orc...Gluuk,
but perhaps it is only the breeze

an eternity, or moment passes and you feel the tendrilous grasp of roots
treants!  and hurons! encroaching you reach for your crysknife and then <<pop>>

"what do we want?  such confused ..orc.. thinking 
too long we have slumbered in chains and harmony
servants in the gardens
our roots are deep.  we remember,"

"the forest is chaos and rebirth
pruning is necessary
fire clears the deadwood
blood makes the grass grow
blade culls the herd <<pop>>

You are lying on the floor of the dream lodge,
the last tendrils of smoke swirling from the embers of your pipe.
A half-remembered dream lingers in the corners of your mind,
but you cannot recapture it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 02:53:26 am by smakemupagus »

Shadow Of Fate

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #127 on: August 24, 2014, 07:01:54 pm »

Wow. That's another great update, especially for me. I also finally figured out how I would deal with my title. By the way, I got the 4th part of the story. I noticed the third part on page 7 hasn't been linked to yet. It's kind of short but it had been all I had to work with. Anyway, here is the 4th part:



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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #128 on: August 24, 2014, 10:29:40 pm »

Alright, I think I got everything and updated the community post. You guys are too awesome for words.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #129 on: August 31, 2014, 05:55:56 am »

The bodies were swiftly collected, an additional butcher's shop assembled and tools placed within; the elves souls needed swift extraction, so that they could be exploited to hopefully learn of the Treesinger's Pagoda, a means to bend nature to the clan's will.

A pack of giant dingos, long a thorn in the side of the hold since before the elf attack, was the next object of the warband's ire, and they were felled by ones and twos in short order, the final one being slain atop the hospital (which was now found to suffer from a horrid flaw in desing: The water would remain ever frozen during the midwinter, barring access to clean water for the warriors and clanorcs in need of medical attention.

However, a large tank now sat empty below the main hall, waiting for the spring thaw. Hopefully no further worry about death by lack of water or brew would happen after that. Days after it's announced completion, Morbai ordered Bolugd and Senshuken into the main hall, and gifted them with some small ceremony new sabers, one of bloodsteel to Bolugd, and regular steel to Senshuken. When asked why the new blades, she pointed out that while formidable, even perhaps preferential to use against the harsh beasts of the taiga and the unarmored curs that were the beak wolf and strangler, they lacked the cutting power to cleave through even simple leather armor as the human mercenaries had shown.

Soon after, the snaga who provided wood demanded to kknow why the goblin hadn't cut the needed timbers for the great temple. The goblin replied it needed a saw blade to cut and shape the wood. Lugbok, irritated by the goblin's excuses seemed ready to end the suborcish thing, but the goblin also said that he could use it to carve whole barrels and bins from the logs, to alleviate the shortage of life sustaining drink for the winter months, though he would need metal to make hinges and such as well.
Lugbok lowered his axe and went to Palu, who was swift in forging the needed sawblade, and soon after the goblin happily set to work.

Days passed as the sawmill was built and the goblin made sure all the pieces were in the right place (as much as a crude goblin sawmill could have managed anyway,) and the two lesser spellorcs, a druid and a humble unlearned dreamwalker, set to work on the talismans of elf and dwarven soul, the human ones having not borne fruit and not being as numerous. The dwarven souls soon showed light to the the dreamwalker, also called Gradbul, and he emerged with a set of blueprints etched in well hewn marble.

The secret of dwarven runes would be theirs.

A flaw in design was seen by the shaman in the temple's initial shape, and it was decided whatever souls were left would be put to use, and the totems lowered and moved, the base of the temple already in place with two wood platforms dismantled and relocated. Morbai had made it quite clear that the temple must be an even and well built thing, not some lopsided pile of matchsticks. As this was discussed, the druid proclaimed success!

The treesinger's pagoda, etched in stone. All friends of nature would fear to tread within Blackhold!

The beakwolves however, had not learned their place yet. Beirus would soon taste his first true battle for the hold, The Crowned Vices being sent to the northeastern part of the hold grounds to slay the creature's paltry thralls. The Orange Plagues would go to the south, to face the threat nearest the hold's buildings, and The Demonic Glens to the north, near the sight of the first beak wolf slaughter.

It turned out that they had been hounding the drow who arrived to trade for weeks, picking off sentries and wrecking the odd wagon. As payment for sheltering them, they gave three of their bloodsteel bars, and as they marched out to slay the pitiful monsters, Morbai promised the warband Olog a new bloodsteel maul on his return, and hastily sent Palu to the task.

They returned triumphant again, and in time to see flour, plaster, crates of gold, and best of all, a new maul for Gradbul being carted to the needed places. Truly this winter, though rocky with the water's freeze, was a great one, and good omen as well.

Alright! 'Nother short update, and long overdue at that! Frankly I need to make a Riverrun update at some point too, but for now orcs. Sorry about the shortage of screenies too. Damn Skyrim. And warlocks. And drawing commissions. Got through a good bit of the winter with it though.

So, we now have unlocked two of the fabled outlander technologies via probing their dead's memories: The Treesinger's Pagoda (required for the Vale of Tears bonus challenge,) and the Runesmith, which is going up right next to the Damascene Workshop. Sadly the human dreamwalks were entirely fruitless. And speaking of the pagoda, I need to rebuild what we have for symmetry reasons, as well as to rework the wood into a larger sum of itself at our shiny new sawmill shanty!

I also misjudged the water and it won't overflow into the main hall's tank, which necessitates building a small pump system to move the water into the area. On the upside, in the process of getting to it two additional hovels were made.

Beak wolf Attack Kills tallies

Gorlshk: No Kills (Asleep when attack began, slept through it)
Azgurruk: 7 Kills, Earned title “The Stunted Immortality of Glimmering”
Thrak: 4 Kills
Lat: 1 Kill
Talatla: No Kills (slow response time)

Beirus: 3 Kills
Gradbul: 1 Kill
Latugdur: 1 Kill
Uzgash: 2 Kills

Bolugd: 4 Kills
Senshuken: 3 Kills
“Snake Eater” Gradbul: 2 Kills
Azguub: 1 Kill
Torgun: 2 Kills

Shadow Of Fate

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #130 on: August 31, 2014, 07:47:59 am »

What? Gorlshk slept through the raid? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's hilarious. The next write up will be fun. Don't have time atm, but when I get to it I'll have a lot of fun with that one.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #131 on: August 31, 2014, 09:17:03 am »

which is the Bow-Orc squad? I don't see Gordak's name up their.
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #132 on: August 31, 2014, 10:26:02 am »

"...What've happund to me? Gradbul was just out there in the fields, picking flowers... And then there's sudden dizzyness and the whole world goes nutsy-nuts. First of, the haze...

It is everywhere.

It burns and drives me mad.

I must have lost con... Conci... Consciousness. Heard someone say "Good job on those runes, Gradbul!". What runes?

I just... Was I dreamwalking?

I am back in my hut now. My hand hurts... I've scribbled sumthin' illegible on muh palm.

Boss says there are beakwolfs nearby. Time to shake off this weird feeling. Just hit some overgrown dogbird in the face. That might help."
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #133 on: August 31, 2014, 01:34:51 pm »

Can I get an Orc? An Uruk named Uglûk, draft him into the army and give him something to kill with, please. May he serve well.
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #134 on: August 31, 2014, 04:21:20 pm »

which is the Bow-Orc squad? I don't see Gordak's name up their.

Didn't need them on this one. They and the tomahawkers we benched pretty much. Beirus' squad only got to play because I had their temporary weapons in their hands already.

Can I get an Orc? An Uruk named Uglûk, draft him into the army and give him something to kill with, please. May he serve well.

Sure thing. There's some to pick from in the list in the last update actually (those are most, if not all, of the uruks in the hold.)

What? Gorlshk slept through the raid? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's hilarious. The next write up will be fun. Don't have time atm, but when I get to it I'll have a lot of fun with that one.

Not a problem man, take your time. And on the upside, Azguuruk seemed more than happy to pick up the slack in the axe-based choppiness area.
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