You decide that this shop seems a bit too shady and turn to leave for the door. You can hear the man sigh and put away everything he has shown you.
This man obviously had something to hide or not share but just what was it. Besides being dry, a terrible dresser, and having almost nothing to sell he felt overly cautious.
You head back to the castle informing one of the guards about the weird weapons shop.
"Yes, Mistress i'll tell captain about the shop since it's his responsibility. However, would you like us to go right away with just an accusation? I ma-mean it's been done before but it riles up the shop owners who pay taxes."
"Could the peasantry go to arms or anything serious?" you ask curiously
"Well no, no i don't think we are at that point in this city. But the merchants tend to have a habit of jacking up prices against the less well off folk and that's just never good. I heard one time speculation on a sharp rise on bread lead some desperate peasants attempt a raid off a Emergency Granary. Captain Blaine stepped in time with her troops an trew 23 into jail that day. Most i hear are still behind bars as a way to make an example of mutiny in the city.
I tell ya, when the war looks so bleak as it does now people just do some of the nastiest of things."
Do you order a government inspection of the shop? Maybe have the city guard keep an eye on it for suspicious behavior?