Nice, SJW's in Dwarf Fortress. There's literally nothing they won't attempt to inject their politics in.
It is very irritating they they try to get niche games such as DF to try and cater to their ideologies.
Oh no, I want a game that doesn't passively support homophobia! How annoying! As a straight person, I'm annoyed by something not being about me!
There's a problem with your argument.
I am asexual. Not straight, Not gay, Not bisexual. I am the OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER sexual preference. I agree with the guy. You are basically demanding wish fullfillment. We want realism. It's that simple. Historically, asexual people have been just as demonized and downtrodden as other people who dont fit the "Tab A only goes in slot B!" category. In the dark ages, it was considered a man's civic duty to marry and have children-- something I have absolutely zero interest in. I would have been punished just as severely as you would for being gay. I am considered just as strange as you are, if not more so. Sexual people in general just dont understand what "I dont have sexual impulses" means.
Does that mean I want all dwarves in this game to have no connotations of sexuality in their cultures, so that they would be just like me?
I want diversity, because diversity causes random confluences that make the game interesting and lively.
Please stop with your unfounded accusations and blatant wish fulfillment. Thank you.