I think we need to calm down and focus on discussing the issue, rather than attacking each other. Ad hominem only leads to bad places.
I'm not using ad hominem, I'm stating facts. Straight, white people are oppressive. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Not all of them. Stereotyping is just as bad. The few give the majority a bad name.
I know not all of them. You're crying "not ALL men" here. I already said, not all straight white people are oppressive, but that as a whole straight white people are privileged and that oppresses everyone else.
I disagree with this. Simply because of statistical inequality, does not mean disadvantaged. This is the kind of argument about "Racism" in prison systems. It discounts external factors that influence the situation. (In the case of ethnicity statistics in prison populations, you have to consider cultural and subcultural influences that may influence criminal behavior, and accept that it *IS* possible for those cultures and subcultures to encourage criminality more than other cultural populations, and thus produce more criminals per capita. The color of the skin is ancillary to that factor.)
Likewise with homosexuality, asexuality, and bisexuality. We are still trying to determine all the myriad factors that contribute to these states of being in a person, and have a good deal of very good data at least concerning male homosexuality, which basically boils down to what order a male child is born from a mother-- The more male children a woman carries, the greater the statistical odds that the new male offspring will be homosexual. The trend is very VERY apparent in generation studies. Current wisdom suggests that it is due to the woman's body reacting in a more or less immune-response fashion to the androgens produced by the male fetus-- the compounds her body produces to protect itself cross the placental barrier, and interfere with the fetus's development, causing neurological changes from partial feminization in the nervous system. This results in a spectrum of homosexual, bisexual, and asexual characteristics, with emphasis toward homosexual the more male children a woman carries.
There isnt good data yet on female homosexuality.
Regardless, since you are talking about a population that results from a very specific set of conditions, against a population that does not have those specific conditions, you are naturally going to have a vast difference in manifestation of that feature. This is simply nature at work. It is not any kind of predjudice or disadvantage. I am asexual, and get along just fine. I have homosexual female neighbors, and they get along just fine.
Homosexuality is a thing-- like any other. Expecting a perfectly "Fair" distribution in the population is nonsense. Expecting some kind of equal rights utopia is also nonsense. "Hell is other people" as the saying goes. The world takes all kinds. I want to see all kinds in DF. I dont actually condone people being irrational about sexuality or sexual preferences-- and that includes the way you seem to be going.