This game is inspired by Pacific Rim and X-COM. Each player controls their own organization, aiming to save Humanity from giant aliens which keep showing up by some sort of gateway. "Saving Humanity" is a fairly vague goal, and you might be able to figure out an alternative method than punching out the invaders.
You may choose to team up however you wish, but your funders will be more impressed by independence. If someone goes full R&D and merges their organization with a combat-specialized player, for example they won't be getting twice as much funding boosts as either would alone. A lone wolf organization 'saving the day' will gain more income than the weaker organization would lose. On the other hand, it's generally inefficient for each of five organizations to keep researching the same technologies.
Oh yes, and nearly everybody's incompetent.
The monster was a massive beast reminiscent of Godzilla. It suddenly appeared in the sea just outside of San Fransisco. The military was quickly on-hand, but somehow, it jammed nearly every electronic tracking system we had on hand, and regenerated any damage within a minute. At the cost of half the civilian populace of the city, two and a half tank brigades, two Chinook helicopters, two Chinook helicopters worth of swordsmen, 57 F-15s, and three Coast Guard PT-boats, it was finally slain.The beast let out a massive roar, with enough force that a skyscraper crumpled over, smashing onto another half dozen tanks. One of the circling fighter jets smashed into its head, unable to regain control in time.
The ground exploded around it as missiles arrived, guided by infantry targeting lasers. It screamed again, dropping two planes this time. A fresh wing of planes arrived, blasting missiles into the back of its head, torso, and knees at near point-blank range. Only two pilots escaped, but it was knocked off balance on the unstable terrain, and fell.
It opened its mouth to blast the artillery brigade just in front of it, but the volley of exploding fire down its gullet was faster. It was finally dead.
In the ensuing panic, five organizations have been founded to understand this new threat and, if needed, save humanity.
[b]Organization Name:[/b]
[b]Leadership Style:[/b]
[b]Organization Plans:[/b]
[b]Primary Location:[/b]
[b]Interesting Flavor Text:[/b]
Organization Name: Maybe you're X-COM? Y-COM? N+1COM?
Leadership Style: Mostly for flavor, but may have some effect. If you lead from the front, you'll have a minor combat bonus (or a minor hero unit), but your death would give a brief penalty while your second-in-command catches up.
Organization Plans: Are you going to make giant suits of powered armor to beat the aliens back? Are you going to save the human race with some clever plan? Are you hoping to just hoping to line your own pockets and build your own self-sustaining Mars colony to escape to?
Trait: Pick one. If you can think of something else, I'll probably allow it.
--Capitalist Funding - Better initial income. Your successes or losses will have more effect on your funding. Your investors won't like it if you work too closely with another organization.
--Superior Scientists - Your scientists will work better.
--Superior Engineering - Your engineers will design and build better precision technology.
--Superior Construction - You'll be able to build buildings and oversized constructs cheaper.
--Superior Combat Personnel - Your soldiers and pilots are better.
--Black Market Connections - You can sell tech and alien remains for more, have greater access to goods, and may buy many things cheaper.
Primary Location: Affects how quickly you'll be able to respond to attacks. Players are allowed to be close to each other.
Interesting Flavor Text: Anything else notable about your organization.
I'll probably have three phases each turn: Purchases and Hiring, R&D, and combat assignments.