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Author Topic: First Impressions .40.01 AND BEYOND! (Adventure Mode)  (Read 109281 times)

Broseph Stalin

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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #165 on: July 08, 2014, 09:31:44 am »

Am I the only person unable to claim a site? I keep having 'I've forgotten my bold pronouncement' message.
Is it an elven retreat?


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #166 on: July 08, 2014, 09:42:43 am »

You cannot reason with the undead.



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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #167 on: July 08, 2014, 09:47:32 am »

I take it this is not the market.
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #168 on: July 08, 2014, 09:50:30 am »

What the fuck is happening? I'm in a little house and suddenly people started to attack me and eachother... everyone is proning. 6 people are marked as my allies, another 6 marked as lethal. I got hacked in my legs and lost my ability to stand. I chopped my axe into that guy and killed him but before that happened he chopped off my left hand. I can't get out of this mess (I'm just not moving) nor do I understand what is happening. It's so chaotic, lol. Even children are attacking or being killed. Every turn I get a lot of messages on how they fight eachother...

Now I'm just strucking all the enemies down with an heavy hack on their neck. Heads flying around.

I think those people who attacked me and the others were those bandits the lord talked about. Would make sense since everyone who is my 'ally' were hiding in all the houses.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 10:02:26 am by rumpel »

Broseph Stalin

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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #169 on: July 08, 2014, 10:10:32 am »

You don't cut off the head, though. Just the neck.  The part you pick up off the ground is the neck, the head is still...attached to the body.

Some how.

Although, I like throwing necks at people.

"The Spinning Ostrich neck hits the kolbold in the right hand, which explodes into gore!"

Yeah, take that you filthy kolbold.
Not so, if you butcher a neck you'll find a skull and brain


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #170 on: July 08, 2014, 10:20:35 am »

Jumping on here to share my first 40.1 adventure.

The Tale of Thob Helmdusk

Thob Helmdusk was a fresh recruit into the fortress guard at Helmedrasp. After a brief visit to the forges to pick up his armor, his story begins.
Before heading to the trade depot to receive orders from his commanding officer, he ran across a Human spearman by the name of Eres.
Thob hadn't known him long but they were familiar with one another.
Thob finally asked what Eres was doing here in the depths of Helmedrasp, to which the answer was "Stalking."
They decided to head to the surface trade depot together after a brief conversation about bandits and family.

The trade depot was bustling when they arrived. People of all types were trading wares, sharing stories and carrying stone blocks.
No elfs were present.
Before speaking to his Commanding officer, Thob saw his comrade and childhood friend Ton standing guard.
After an awkward conversation about her lack of a family, they decided to hang out for a while.

Helmedrasp had plenty of troubles, according to the militia commander.
Gangs of criminals holed up in a couple hamlets, more than a couple night beasts, two titans, a dragon
and some wolf named Plankfalls (of neck severing fame).
Thob agreed he'd see what he could do to help the fortress out and began to set out to do some hunting for his trip.

But Eres the human was missing.
Ton and Thob thought they saw him bolt out the door while they talked with their commander, but he hadn't returned.
Thob waited at the entrance and questioned a few inbound visitors, but few had much to say.
One goblin vaguely mentioned another goblin fighting with Eres, but he wasn't much help beyond that.
Eventually a fisherdwarf came from the north, boasting about how he got into a fight with Eres, and Thob followed the clue.
About a quarter day's travel to the north, Thob and Ton found a trail of blood leading up a hill, further north.
Upon cresting the hill, they met two crying goblin fishermen. They didn't seem too interested in talking about what made them sad.
Thob continued to follow the blood trail downhill, where it veered off to the west.
Once they reached the end, they beheld Eres the human standing over the mutilated corpse of a local goblin Thob had met many times.
Ton broke down in tears.
Eres stared with cold, uncaring eyes at the corpse. Was this what he was stalking all along?
Immediately Thob asked Eres what the hell this was all about.
Eres responded coolly,
"It was inevitable"

That night Thob and Eres butchered the corpse and spread it about so the remains could not be identified.
Ton stopped looking at either of them. But followed along meekly.
The next few days would prove to be even stranger.
Yeah yeah yeah!


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #171 on: July 08, 2014, 10:22:27 am »

My second town claim has quite a backstory to it...

I found out that the ruler of the town I'm in is a goblin lady, guarded by a goblin crossbow. So.. suspicious as I am, I approach the goblin lady ruler, ask a few stuff, then talk to the crossbowgoblin. Out of nowhere, the goblady ruler pulls out a knife and i got shot by the crossbowgob, fell unconscious for a very long amount of period, and then suddenly the ruler comes back into the tower after chasing that crossbow. So from what I'm assuming this "guard" turned hostile and ran away. Well. At least I got the goblin ruler's head and the town to pay for the arrow in my arm.


Zan Oltaridor

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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #172 on: July 08, 2014, 10:32:36 am »

Ahhh dammit.
I died. Fuck. :D I dont want to talk about it, heres my legends thingy
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
God dammit Noloc, he ran off and i couldnt find him so i jumped in the river aaand...
New Adventure GO!
This thread is why I love dwarf fortress. We start at engravings of wagons and end up using necromancy to raise them from the dead, and were-wagons.
I jumped off a ramp in a cave and exploded.


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #173 on: July 08, 2014, 10:36:41 am »


"The Jungles of Style"

Being encased in ice, while swimming in jungle river, definitely earns that jungle some style points.
Yeah yeah yeah!


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #174 on: July 08, 2014, 10:39:39 am »

Does anyone knows what the "!" blue symbol means? My followers keep flashing this symbol.


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #175 on: July 08, 2014, 10:43:18 am »

As far as I can tell, it means they're crying.
Or sweating.
Or something.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #176 on: July 08, 2014, 10:44:46 am »

Does anyone knows what the "!" blue symbol means? My followers keep flashing this symbol.
I think it's panic, I see it a lot when the enemy is scared.

Just crawled into a camp on my belly, grabbed a sentry by the throat, choked him before he could scream and stabbed him in the throat. The new stealth system is AWESOME.


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #177 on: July 08, 2014, 10:52:00 am »

Okay. Anyone knows why the hell this is happening in every human hamlet?


Broseph Stalin

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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #178 on: July 08, 2014, 10:55:48 am »

Okay. Anyone knows why the hell this is happening in every human hamlet?

That's an unknown sound. It means people are talking and moving around in there but you can't see them.


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Re: First Impressions .40.01 (Adventure Mode)
« Reply #179 on: July 08, 2014, 10:59:19 am »

That's not what I meant. I want to know why the whole populaton of each town is sitting in the houses, proning and not moving out of those houses. I mean it's fucking crowded in there, lol. Every house looks like this with 2 - 5 humans on one tile.
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