Heyyy, you wouldn't happen to know what changed from the df.viewscreen_setupadventurerst.subscreen[3] trick that broke pulling up the name selection screen with the new pages layout would you?
I tried but couldn't get it to work so far, sorry.
Hey man, I appreciate the effort, wasn't sure if it was just me not being able to work it out or what. It's confusing because the structures lists the page and such but I can't figure out how to point a script at it the same way as the old subscreen[3] method did.
Alright, familiarized myself a little bit with DFHack and did few tests with it.
Point is, I need 'elevate-physical' and 'elevate-mental' plus 'make-legendary' scripts to buff it all up to the very max of 5000 and not 4000 or 2000 something.
EDIT: Erhm.. re-checked the skill max limit and yeah, I just need the very max abilities is all and I suck even more with coding than making/adding reactions and custom creatures in DF.
Save this as elevate_attributes.lua:
-- This script will elevate all the attributes of a unit
-- by vjek
elevate_attributes portion stolen from armoks_blessing
local utils=require('utils')
local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs)
local unit = args.unit and df.unit.find(args.unit) or dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit(true)
function elevate_attributes(unit)
if unit==nil then
print ("No unit available! Aborting with extreme prejudice.")
local ok,f,t,k = pcall(pairs,unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs)
if ok then
for k,v in f,t,k do
local ok,f,t,k = pcall(pairs,unit.body.physical_attrs)
if ok then
for k,v in f,t,k do
You can change the caps to whatever you want, 5000 is not hard cap, only a "natural from the raws" cap.