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War with the elves of The Dyed Forest - Yea or Nay?

To arms! Death to all friends of nature!
- 32 (66.7%)
- 4 (8.3%)
Let peace return, we've humiliated them enough.
- 12 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 48

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Author Topic: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress RISE AGAIN!!!☼  (Read 156589 times)


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18th Malachite, 148

Been a while Journal. Rakust told the elf to go and fuck himself, though obviously worded a little more elgantly. Vexxy named that old Mithril shield this afternoon, calling it Ugogmondul, “Banegrave.” The miners say they've been getting rather haunting dreams about “the vast emptiness,” and “a terrible catacomb” below the crystal caverns.

Has us all a little freaked out, but so long as the Guard keeps an eye on them we shouldn't have to worry about any of that strangeness.

26th Malachite, 148

Lots of new doors being put in for some reason, and the magma foundry is being re... Prepared or some shit? I dunno the wording. Rebuilt doesn't quite sound right.

8th Galena, 148

West road's getting some work done, which is good. You know, I wonder why nobody comes in from the south road?

12th Galena, 148

Omon crew is here again, so I'm sending out the Caverns out to watch their backs. Hopefully this year we can avoid anyone getting shot by pandashi again.

18th Galena, 148

Badgermen are here in force again. Tenderroast wants to test his new spells, so I gave him the go ahead. Hope he doesn't accidentally light himself on fire or something.

The maulers moved forward, heedless of any concept of stealth. They were eager for battle, and This place, the claimed dominion of the dwarves erected deep in their ancestral hunting grounds, was said to be the truest test of a badgerman warrior now. They pressed on, unaware of the presence of a particular dwarf until they heard him speak, and the flame that followed: "Vabok Ziril!"

A blazing orb smashed into a tree in an instant, causing no harm to the badgermen but severely charring the side and blowing apart a chunk of the tree in a small rain of splinters. They turned and across two small ponds, stood a dwarf in blood red armor of the old dwarf holds, a glowing red stud set in one of his arm guards producing a vaguely round or oval haze of smoke and flame. They couldn't tell the dwarf's gender at a glance, beard and figure hidden by armor, but the voice was male.

"Nist Kel Akith!" He shouted, his "shield" arm sweeping from left to right and in its wake appearing a small wave of fire. One mauler was nearly struck by the blaze, and only their axe lord grabbing the scruff of his neck stopped him from charging headlong into a fiery death. "This is an ill omen." He said, snarling at the dwarf. "It has been a long time since I have faced they who can speak to fire."

The mauler looked to the leader, and said to him "It's just a dwarf, and it will die like any other!" He charged at this, roaring for the blood of the firedwarf, ignoring the fact it spoke again.

"Sid! Ning! Ordir!" He shouted, gesturing in a sweeping motion with his red longsword, hurling a wall of fire towards the unfortunate mauler and one that had joined him in the charge! The lead one of the pair found himself engulfed in searing dragonfire, while the second managed to block most of it, though she still found her legs quickly set alight. She dropped her buckler and sword to try and put out her burning fur in an understandable panic, while again the call of "Vabok Ziril!" Went out, a ball of white-hot fire striking her squarely in the chest. It melted a ragged hole through her mail and paid no heed to her flesh as it burned into her, sending her backwards with desperate cries of suffering.

"Kill the firespeaker! Kill him now!" The Axe Lord shouted, and his foremost troops obeyed. The first to reach the firedwarf lashed out with her hammer, but the blow was blocked by the strange flame shield, and with her vision clouded by smoke and heat, she failed to see the blade swing up, cutting off her shield hand. She let out a pained roar and swung again, the shield again blocking her strike. She bounced backwards and saw the dwarf hold up his shield arm, yelling the dwarven word "Ning!" In an instant, she was caught by a burst of heat that covered her exposed and wounded side with painful blisters. This was followed by a quick stab, the point of the red sword punching through the leather fasteners and digging in deeply, far enough to cut her heart.

She tried to strike again, knowing she would die as her heart, barely working, would pump blood into a gaping wound. However, again the shot was blocked and a counterstrike put the dwarf's sword through her paw. She staggered, but managed to stay standing, that is until the dwarf slammed his armored head and shoulder into her side and sent her crashing to the now burnt land. She did not try to stand, or indeed move, ever again.

Three quickly tried to surround him as this duel ended, and one struck with his shield, only to have it bounce ineffectually off of the firedwarf's armor. The dwarf threw up his shield arm in haste, and quickly shouted "Ning!" Once more, blasting the three with a painful wave of heat and distracting them long enough for the dwarf to cut the attacker's hammer hand clean away while his skin blistered. A honey badgerman threw a kick at the dwarf's shield arm, but staggered backwards with a bruise on his paw with the solid construction of the old hold armor shrugging off the strike effortlessly. The dwarf ducked a hammer strike from behind and jumped on the wounded mauler lopping off the rest of his injured arm. He then wheeled around at one of the others as she charged, sending her staggering off course and into a slightly burnt shrub with a painful slap from the flat of his blade across the snout. She reflexively lashed out as she stumbled past, but the blow only managed to connect awkwardly with the dwarf only slightly staggered for the trouble.

The dwarf raised his aura again, and the badgermen scattered as he yelled "Sakrith!" At this word, a fan of flames blasted out in front of him. The Axe Lord had finally had enough of this, and jumped over the fires, declaring his intent to eat the dwarf's heart. He struck quickly and furiously, the dwarf barely managing to parry two of the the three sudden blows, and staggered backwards as the bulky badgerman collided with his side with the third, silver axe mercifully glancing off his helmet. The Axe Lord took the initiative though, righting himself first and bashed the mage again with his buckler, sending it sideways into a tree. He raised his axe to strike again when the dwarf hastily aimed his blade at the badger and yelled a panicked "Ordir!" Firing off a badly aimed ball of flame from the tip of the sword.

The tiny gap provided next to no time to respond, and the badgerman found himself feeling a rather unwelcome burning sensation. He staggered backwards, dropping his shield and axe while clutching the fiery hole in his chest and looked in disbelief at the dwarf who was regaining his footing as the badgerman officer himself collapsed from a new charred orifice in his right lung, the last thing he saw being two of three maulers hit by a wall of hot death following the dwarf's use of the phrase "Keshan, sid!" The third mauler was caught by the tail end of the flaming wave, the flesh being burnt from his skull and right side as he rounded a tree to join the fray.

Some lost their nerve as their leader and comrades hit the now ash-laden dirt, two still writhing in agony and loosing the most horrific screams they'd ever had the misfortune to hear come from their fellow badgers. The Firedwarf stood up after getting grabbed and thrown into a smoldering pine, looking no worse for wear amid the burning foliage as his attacker stumbled about with blurred, watering eyes. A honey badger woman who could still sort of see through the ashy haze charged him, and while she managed to knock him over again, he was able to scramble to his feet and brace himself for a second charge.

A burst of heat caught and stunned her as it bounced her second attack back, and he rushed forward. Another readied himself to charge but was kept at bay with a ball of fire that exploded at the mauler's feet, and cut the honey badger's left leg was quickly sliced away! As she hit the ground he was swift to chop her head from her shoulders, sending it tumbling into the larger of the two ponds helmet and all.

The other mauler turned and fled, fleeing around the far side of the same pond with another, only for both to be hit by a wall of fire from the other side, the waters simmering as the fan of dragonfire passed over it. The remaining three didn't know what to do as they saw this. One bolted, screaming "CHOOSING LIFE! THE ODEROUS DIAMOND WILL KILL US ALL!!!"

As he did so, the other two charged, resolving to at least die like badgermen.

Battle's over, was fairly standard fare, aside from the massive fuck-all forest fire, caused by Tenderroast of course.

Says only one got away, and... Well, considering the mess he made I will give him one thing, and that's that he is certainly thorough.

21st Galena, 148

Someone's been digging around the old rocks we have laying around, found all kinds of old ranged weapons, including some hand cannons, muskets, that sort of thing. It's amazing what you can find all jammed up in the ground isn't it? Even a few mithril pistols and muskets in there.

1st Limestone, 148

Bim and Unib have started their training, air and water respectively. By the end of next year the two will be able to take to the field with their new elemental powers!

11th Limestone, 148

Two more wings of the library are open for business! The engineering/metalworking and farmworker's wings to be specific. There were also a couple fine items produced, a silk head veil, head scarf... Something that goes on your head anyway, and some kind of... Well, I dunno what it is. The engineer guildies say it's a gnomish combat armor, a “dark matter turret” that conjures up and fires freakin' slade.

Wonder if we can get it fitted to a cragtooth or the shrine-golem?

18th Limestone, 148

There's some kind of freakish plant infestation north of the fortress.

Asked an herbalist about it and he says they're called “Morah Vines.” Got the go ahead to head out tomorrow morning to deal with the things.

3rd Sandstone, 148

We got a visitor, and this one Tenderroast volunteered to take on. Considering he's the only one of us who has the good fortune of being flame retardant, I OK'd it.


He came back in covered in soot and said he hoped that Julius didn't want the bones. Asked him why, and he said that one of his spells tends to not really leave much behind. No skin off my nose, means we don't need to guard the corpse retrieval guys. He is a little bent out of shape though, says one of his snakes got incinerated by the monster.

15th Sandstone, 148

Vexxy's leading another tribal extermination mission in the caverns. I gotta say they'd make for excellent exploration troops if I didn't need them on guard duty down there. Maybe after immigration reopens I can put together a team just for that job, or maybe run Tirion's squad through the basics at the library and send them down to nose around the crystal caverns.

23rd Sandstone, 148

Whole mess of new traps are being installed, mainly to deter vandals and ambush parties, but an extra row is getting set up too. Guess  Rakust wants to be sure anyone who makes it that far still pays a toll trying to get any further in.

2nd Timber, 148

West road's complete. Heard talk of building a proper embassy to keep a flow of trade coming in as per company regulations. Seems last year they left a rather strongly worded letter on the matter.

5th Timber, 148

Unib's first training phase is complete! She's gathering materials for the next phase now.

15th Timber, 148

Goblin ambush party tried to jump Vexxy's youngest son this afternoon. Came running in screaming about goblins threatening to turn him into a stew with some rather ugly bruises and a deep cut on his hand. Took the Caverns out too, since I was expecting barghests. We're any to be seen, thank Rulush, but still. Better safe than sorry.

16th Timber, 148

Company Caravan's here, and again piles of salvage are getting brought out to trade for whatever. We're staked out by the east road to watch their backs, just in case.


No shock, a small group of goblins were right on top of the caravan. The guards held them off and even killed the leader, so we're good even if a couple of them got injured. Also saw two more of those golems on the caravan wagons, hammer and spear-armed ones. Things have price tags on them though, so I suppose they're good.

9th Moonstone, 148

Deadeye's been working off a mix of things an archeologist has been digging up, Arcvasti's ever-present and mostly still unsorted or categorized notes, stuff he's learned from the Teduk's Fine Goods Manager, and old books he bought or salvaged over the last few years from various caravans that have visited or been ransacked, and he says he's worked out something “major,” a secret of the old holds: Runic Magic. Specifically defensive runes.

Says it'd take an engraver to do them right, and he's pretty sure we can get set up with rune inscriptions to keep fever, nausea, and a whole host of other awful things from happening so long as we don't get sliced in half (since he says it'd probably be best if we used our body armor for the task,) though in that case I don't think it'll really matter anymore.

18th Moonstone, 148

Another wyvern, another kill to my name.

28th Moonstone, 148

Lien named her shield today, Spytower. It'd be more fitting if it was one of them big tower shields like the legion used to use, but hey. Who am I to judge?

2nd Opal, 148

Gumka started speaking in tongues today, and ran off into the library's forging-engineering wing with an armful of bifrost ingots and a mess of other crap. Hope it's a helmet!

7th Opal, 148

A giant roach got through the pest cages this morning. According to reports it tried to kill one of the Fort-borns when Vexxy stepped in. She put her sword through it, hopped on its back, and punched its head in with her shield. Damned impressive for a prankster (since I'm pretty sure she's the one who keeps painting my room, or at least she's the one who's been paying someone to.)

18th Opal, 148

I dunno how the hell Gumka managed to work on this that thing for so long without stopping to eat or drink, and this is the.... Fourth gnomish armor this place has crapped out and the third of these weird looking shoulder-mounted death cannons or whatever the fuck they are.

12th Obsidian, 148

Trade with the drow won't happen this year. Frost giants jumped the caravan. We were already heading out when we saw those big fuckers, and during the fighting Dailm got a little... Dramatic. Shouted some crap about “Tunelis Vanelan being upon the worldender's heads!” or something like that. Anyway, a worldender managed to kill a wagon horse, upended the wagon, and spooked off the drow.

Hopefully this won't end in a war with them too.

17th Obsidian, 148

Two groups of frosties were spotted today. Several worldenders, a couple freezers, and some regular sorts. Took them out, mostly by luck. Me and Dailm took down two who were chasing Vexxy's son (that boy seems to be a trouble magnet,) While Fergus went to scout out the rest;  Found a third group and it was all she could do to keep them busy while I had Vexxy's boy get reinforcements. Damned wrestlers were on her and I'm pretty sure the only thing that kept them from actually getting a grip on her was all of them stumbling over eachother.

3rd Granite, 149

So... New Years was a little sad. A war raptor, that one hard-ass mastiff, and Tenderroast's pet asp all died of old age during the celebrations. Just sorta keeled over. Tenderroast is a little low-spirited, but that's to be expected. He lost his other pet to that forgotten beast, and now time does this one in.

11th Granite, 149

Heard that there's some renovation plans underway for the magic schools. First one up? Oceanguide, something about “rebuilding it for the great asp.” More brick ovens are being built, cause apparently the project demands lots of those fancy blue and cyan bricks.

15th Felstie, 149

Been a long time Journal. Not much has happened aside from the usual things, and Bim starting the next phase of his training. Something seemed to be driving the work crews in a single-minded desire to finish that altar space. Guess the plan is to make it double as an alter to Rulush.

Anyway, the elves are here to sue for peace again. Rakust told me to have the troops be ready just in case, since this is prime war-making weather for the elves, but that he'll give them a chance and sign a treaty, provided they don't try to make any overly stupid demands.


The elves got all pissy over an old piece of pandashi armor having crystal glass decoration on it. Pff, stupid elves.

17th Felstie, 149

Leading an extermination mission. Arbelogs were spotted out in the woods, and if memory serves those irritating “little” monsters like to break stuff.

7th Hematite, 149

Seems the bank is getting a small expansion in the form of a “gem hoard.” Complete with jeweler's work station. It'll be nice to not be tripping over the piles of unused amethysts and whatnot laying around, and I'm sure everyone will agree with me on that. The last wings of the library are nearly finished too, just having a few bits of furniture moved around, some stuff put in, and books brought up from the scriptorium. Poor thing's going to be out of service for a long time I think. I also have one question that nobody seems able to answer, and that's who the hell even wrote the books in the first place?

Was also visiting Gumka in manufacturing, to congratulate her on her new little beardling (since I didn't do that... However long ago the kid was born,) and saw the brick ovens kicking into high gear again. Asked around, and apparently the Mage Guild is being more or less rebuilt from the ground up, and going to have the walls and floors laid out to look more like the elements the represent.

And considering what they managed to do with the Ocenaguide alter, it'll probably result in a pretty beautiful place.

Dur dur dur durrrrrrr! Short update away!

So this was by an large a pretty uneventful update, aside from a few highlights.

First, we have our first deployment of a mage in battle! Tenderroast proved to be one hell of a combatant, embellishment of actions and replacing ponds with trees here and there aside. Granted I think a large chunk of it was that he got lucky, because either attacks didn't hit right and glanced off or they tried to bite, punch, or kick him, which was just plain useless up against his armor. I should note that unless this was fixed in the newer version of Masterwork that came out after Riverrun, firemages and dragons have a slight issue with their fat boiling. Tenderroast now has no fat on his upper body, and it was how game!Genlath the dragon died.

We got attacked by another wyvern, and as usual it went down fairly quickly up against Splint and Bifrost, being raised as a dragon I named Dovash. We got a weird fire turret thingamajig made by Gumka in a mood, Gumka is apparently female (sorry about that Lolfail, didn't know that/didn't remember it,) who has also since crapped out a baby boy. On the note of moods, it seems like all our armor -producing moods have resulted in some kind of freaky gnomish armor (currently one adjustable breastplate, two slade cannon equipped ones, and one fire one made of bifrost.) Also bought and/or stole several golems. I am now plotting to ready a golem forge. Unrelated, Vexxy's son seems to be a doom magnet lately.

The one thing I worked hardest on though – to such an extent most of spring is a blank spot – was the Oceanguide Altar, which thanks to the brick ovens and painting, I think looks awesome. Next on the list is the Emberblaze Altar! And as a result of this single-minded desire to build a neat arcane guild, I may do the next update OOC.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #376 on: December 02, 2014, 04:31:26 am »

Vexxy the Crocodile

...No matter what I tell him, he keeps getting into trouble. Must be Mr Frog's rebellious spirit... Or mine, more like it. In my time, I used to leave home secretly to watch wildlife, but the greenskins hardly roamed that freely back then.

On the other note, the frogmen migration ended in a fucking bloodbath. Apparently, one of the guarding troopers picked up someone's clay pot and got stabbed in the balls by the owner. The spear was made of wood, but the stupid brickface drove his sword right through the savage's neck. The frog kin reached for their primitive weaponry, and the fight raged on until the tribals were no more.

I'm not really sure we should tell Splint or any other official about it... Yet one more war crime for the Shovel of Hope.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 04:35:12 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #377 on: December 03, 2014, 11:00:01 pm »

Posting to watch.
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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #378 on: December 04, 2014, 06:40:24 am »


Okay, so, first off like I said I would, this is gonna be done OOC and fairly short, but covers roughly a year's time give or take a month.

It's mainly for convenience because I'm focusing on prettying up the mage guild. Summer just kinda drags on uneventfully, though there are two highlights. First, in malachite, Nidor saves yet another moody dwarf who wanted wool. The end result was a legendary mechanic and an artifact mechanism, “The Equality of Chance,” pictured below. Second was yet another wyvern, which was made extra dead and resurrected as the dragon Tyrus. In an unusual turn of events, Splint was unavailable to kill it so I sent Fergus out to deal with it, because both Splint and Dailm were below deck getting supplies (food and refilling his flask respectively,) and that thing was making a beeline for the fort. A little after that Deadeye craps out the rune weaponry blueprints.

While construction is still going on, badgermen attack. Mix of bladebiters (swordsmen,) berserkers (axeman,) macebadgers, and weapon masters of the same, two swordmasters, an axe lord, and a mace lord. Most of them attacked from the south, and got a face full of ancient mithril plated hate bristling with sharp things. The human diplomat arrived a little after, and Bim finished his level 2 air training. About... Fuck, I dunno, like a month before.

Around this time I also tore down the air altar, and modded the research reaction because there was something silk probably in the caverns cut off by a tree or something they wanted for the reaction. Being sick of shelling out constant streams of gold coins on failed research also had me modify both the white and black mage altars as well for a sure fire outcome. Yeah it's a little wrong cheating like that, but hey. Only time I've done that in a long while. Humans arrived along the way at some point, which can be attributed to our soldiers being highly efficient killers.

Anyway, the haul's pretty good, plenty of scale and shellplate to sell at Bomrek's bargains, a couple crates of gold, musket and hand cannon ammo (since the archeologist has been finding tons of old rusted firearms,) and plenty of cotton cloth to make new clothes out of. There was also an “ambush that consisted of an asshole who startled Pyro, who proceeded to destroy our main gate, a glass cutting station, and three hunks of road along with killing our named Black Caiman, named giant leucro, and several black bears with an overkill four blasts of fire just because the guy was slightly “up” from her. Poor bastard was the only survivor of his ambush party too; the perimeter traps have been doing their job for the most part.

The a kobold got spotted, and proceed to have two dragons worth of fiery death blasted at it, frying the southwest side of the north bank. And by some twisted miracle, in spite of a half dozen animals and a caravan guard being incinerated, the merchants were unhurt, just covered in soot from the smoke.

Sometime into Limestone, a miner gets a secretive mood. By this point the floor's been finished in the Fire Altar, creating a sort of fireball surrounded by smoke look. Isn't exact, but it was the best I could do (as the giant flame I wanted require more space than what I had available.) I also devise a pattern for the new Air Altar space, with a pattern using greens and yellows in mind to pattern the floor of the earth altar space as well (since it's already centered and largely has what it needs for adornment already, being surrounded by brown stone.) Why green? Well, because we have a shitload of green paint.

Around the end of limestone, a small group of cave fish tribals make the mistake of trying to gain entry to the fort. Three get captured, and three end up chopped to pieces. Of course they'll end up chopped to bits soon enough anyway, but still. And on the subject of caverns, I issue Tirion a new bloodsteel bladeshield taken off the drow caravan that got trashed last year as a badge of office.

About mid autumn, Unib's mage training finishes, making her a full blown icemage. The miner also finishes a swanky sandstone throne.

About this time some asshole started a party, which ground work on the air temple to a halt, and I sent the Paints after yet another group of frog tribals. They would have tried to gain entry to the fort forcibly anyway, so best to nip that in the bud right there. Also captured a giant drowspider, and a trio of cave crocs. A month later in Timber, another group of tribals shows up and again it falls to the Paints kill them dead before they start clogging the damned cages. On the way back, they also wipe out a group of

Oh, and right around caravan season someone attacks the fort, this bunch being a squad of swordorcs lead by a maceorc that can count a Corsair, Druid, and regular old dreamwalker among their ranks. I don't send a squad after them immediately just because I'm not really in dire need of anything in particular and they're just setting up camp. And speaking of camp, apparently there's something frogmen in the caverns find really fuckin' interesting near Riverrun, because they keep showing up and I keep having the Paints kill them. At one point they even swarmed out of the cavern lake to try and kill Vexxy, who along with Vukrig, in response proceeded to jump into said lake, and kill them all after knocking them back in, and then swim out no worse for wear. Then a group of those silverfish showed up, to which I of course sent the Paints after.

Vexxy, being the leader, lead the charge and proceeded to plow through four other silverfish to attack the one at the far end of the group for some reason, where she swiftly decapitated it and her squad attacked the predators from behind, and tear them a new one. They then proceed to wipe out a group of giant beetles as well, apparently because the things looked at them funny on the walk back to the outpost. They proved hardier than the frogmen or roaches, taking two on one fights to bring down; the risk of death was non-existent, but the fuckers kept knocking them all over making it very hard for them to fight without a partner.

It's around this time that the work on the Fire Altar is just about finished, and stoneware braziers are moved in to complete the look. I will also add I wish we had a fire deity, but even without any statuary it came out decently. On the note of Altars, I've also decided to brick over access to what was going to be the black altar's place, and build it in a more out of the way area under the cavern outpost, accessible by a door hidden in the now-unused scriptorium storage. In its place, now branched off the mage guild, is a monastery! An altar to the gods is also due to be installed next to it in a separate chamber.

The Paints continue their murder spree unabated, and when there's a sudden lack of giant bugs or tribals to kill, I find the opportunity to get rid of the backlog of captured bugs, olms, tribals, and whatever else that needed killing. Added a couple butcher shops as a result, since there's plenty of fresh meat to be had from the nontribals they massacred. Remaining on the military front, the stream of shit in need of a sword to the face in the caverns bottoms out, and nothing else shows up besides fire maidens playing in the magma pipe in the crystal caverns, and the orcs remain content to sit around their campfire to the north.

It is now winter.

So construction on everything below ground keeps going. I've resolved to use a combination of black and purple for the black altar spaces in keeping with the general feel warlocks tend to give as well, and the light gray I used for the air altar for the religious structures. Work starts on both the monastery itself, and an altar to the gods, complete with pews where Nidor can give sermons.

I also realize I missed a reaction for the white school of magic when I notice no option to upgrade the relevant altar. I proceed to curse my stupidity, send someone to buy both more featherwood and some glumprong, and make sure to have everything ready because god damn it I want these altars!

On the 20th of Moonstone, the orcs finally make their move and charge the front gate. This of course, proved to be a highly ill-advised decision on their commander's part. Fighting spilled into the tavern, though the intruders are quickly chased out and killed outside. Splint proves to have an apparent irrational hatred of orcs, even for a dwarf, and actively chases the fleeing orcs north, killing two of the four survivors while everyone else follows the station order I gave them by the tavern. These were squad level mind you, so clearly Splint has some issue with orcs to run off after them like that.

Anyway, siege lifted and life in Riverrun goes on.

At the start of Opal, the altar for the temple is finished as is the monastery, and Nidor is switched from shrine duty to manning the altar, offering the skulls of our many slain foes and animals in exchange for whatever small reward the gods may see fit to offer. At the same time, a relic is found to be a rusted steel suit of armor discovered during stone excavating by an archeologist and along with the gauntlet-less suit is a rusted steel plate helm of the ancient dwarf holds! Perhaps there is more to this location than the Joyous Steel Company thought?

Nidor's first offering results in a handful of rough topaz and a silver ingot, second some silk and an iron ingot, third a gold ingot and some plump helmets. A few days or so after that we get a mood out of a furnace operator. Took over a craftdwarf shop, and has no excuse not to get some shit done since Nidor got a got storage of wool cloth in the shrine for these situations and we have plenty of silk and cotton.

To start off obsidian is this little “discovery,” which from a story standpoint I'm going to pretend doesn't exist so you guys can run rampant with how it got there. Arcvasti did do many questionable things in the wake of his wife Ducim dying in battle in the pursuit of knowledge... And immediately after (literally not a day after in-game,) is a second “journal.”

I will also take the time to let you know both the emberblaze and stormtempest altars are now complete! :D

The archeologist also discovered amongst the stones, a massive treasure chest which when cracked open revealed an obsidian sword, silver jug, cage, and statue of giant swans, an Earth Blood gem (AKA a blood of armok,) a Stonebone Gem that sent his ass zippin' all over the place (Breath of Armok) and massive iron man: The Destroyer, an Avatar of War.

Obviously due to my misgivings of such a meta concept as Armok being mentioned in-game, I have censored the guardian's description and badly replaced it with my own. About two weeks after we get attacked by the Pandashi, who arrive from the west road. The poor axepandas walked right into the Grasses, who I'd parked there in anticipation of a caravan.

Thinking them gone or at one of the other roads, I pull the squad back. Then this happened.

That's three squads of pandashi, archers, macemen, and lashers. As you can imagine, the drow caravan didn't get far. Deciding I don't wanna drag the fight out, I called in The Darkness and Caverns too, and they made pretty short work of them. Another squad opened up from across the river, and a drow merchant went nutters, requiring a mercy-killing. Anyway, the south raiders buggered off after a shadowsniper got a lucky shot and put an arrow through the squad leader's head. And a squad of swordsmen lead by a lasher showed up, whom Fergus proceeded to disembowel, sending that squad running.

Crisis averted! Kinda. If you don't count two dead drop and a wrecked wagon as a bad thing.

So, moving on, I continue to focus on two things: Mage guild/church, and excavating stones. The former is coming along stunningly well, with the mosaic for the Mountainheart alter completed! However, I realize almost too late the altar chamber for the monastery is off center, so I quickly have that shit fixed.

Spring comes without me even actually noticing, as things continue apace. Highlights though include a minor forest imp incursion fended off by Tekkud, a giant olm deciding it was stronger than the Paints (and ending up as a side dish as a result,) and yet another visit from the wyvern horde.

Seriously, these things are as bad as frog men with how many we've had to deal with.

I sent Splint out, only for him to simply be a witness to our hellfire turret incinerate the poor thing (at a cost of a tread and a cracked casing.) Talk about a buzzkill since that means no body to recover. A little before this, we once again have a white altar!

Shouldn't have needed to research it again, but power outages just happen.

Slate just kinda trundles along without anything really noteworthy aside from a giant roach attack the Paints deal with. On the 1st of Slate though, Khaziraad goes fey, and runs off wanting to be a legendary bone carver based on the fact he grabbed some bones first. I also spot a group of silverfish so you know who got to deal with those monsters. This time around it's out of necessity, since there's not enough traps to catch so many of them.

I continue with stone excavating as well, resulting in a pair of ruby pots, a ruby coffin, and an obsidian spear. It's also around this time I make use of autodump the clear up the remains of the last siege and the pandashi ambush, mainly because I hadn't cleared up the siege in as prompt a manner as I should've, but also to get bits of dead guys and animals out of the river and the trees. Plus we now have a small backlog of oversized armor to melt down, and weapons to jam into anti-ambush/vandal traps, since it feels wasteful melting down perfectly useable weaponry.

Especially since frost giants for whatever reason, are very fond of petty vandalism. Evil is petty indeed.

While paused I also check our stocks and while we have nearly 7000 units of delicious alcoholic goodness ranging from dwarven rum and beer to beetlemead and sunshine, that's not nearly enough! The farms reenter production, finally giving our many farmhands something to do! Production of muck roots for needed the needed white paint for the white altar walls, cave wheat and sweet pod for the obvious needs of beer and rum, and pig tails for fabric. And ale. Lots of ale.

I also decide to use ironbark and steeloak to make the pews and furnishings for the monastery and embassy, which as an embassy, I've resolved to build in the admin wing of the fortress on the far side of the prison (which in theory is the safest part of the fortress, since above is the main military, and past that is the best animal hunting swordsdwarves in the fortress.)

I have also found that it has been an unbelievable 12 years since foundation!

And what better way to celebrate than The Caverns of Torturing wiping out two squads of more fucking Pandashi archers? I sent the Grasses up to back them up and as the bowman massacre is going on, the Grasses run smack into a trio of even more freakin' pandashi fighters: A team of swordsmen and two of pikemen.

Enemy officers: Two Pikemasters,  an Axe Lord, a Mace Lord, and a Master Archer. That last one ended up dead fairly quickly. I will say I'm glad for this, because this time they had the decency to all attack from one direction, saving us the trouble of chasing these fucksticks down. Once the axe and mace lords go down though, the whole Pandashi attack seems to just kinda collapse, the guys in the back quietly spinning right around and fleeing the area while the ones furthest up end up with just a few limbs and a couple liters of blood missing each.

Anyway, business goes as usual, but goblins decide to send ambushes as well, all lead by regular (goblin-raised,) dwarves.

The first one is lead by a dwarf named Olngo Silverincest. Splint slices the girl in half, and her remains seem to imply she is descended from Shovelhope dwarves. This suspicion is confirmed when the dwarves afford her a coffin in the warrior wing of the tombs (as is fitting for a normal lasherdwarf, invader or not.) It happens again with Snodub Cruelsprinkle, who gets slain by the big mama of red dragon kind, Pyro herself! She now has the goblin “surname” of Ustogamxo, or “Obeyedblotch.” The south road was almost totally destroyed, but still. Pyro proceeded to claw a macegoblin's limbs off and cook another. A third dwarf, this one Uko Unuuksos the pikedwarf, is decapitated by Dailm.

I think I'll call Pyro “Pyro, The Obeyed.” Sounds better than “Obeyedblotch.”

Elves show up to trade, and I mark all our raptors and bears to be trained for battle. I can assign them to dwarves on request. The elves actually contributed to Pyro's mini murder spree, distracting Snodub while she clamped down on her from the side (after frying two slashers and trashing the damned road.) While trash is being brought to the depot to trade though, Khaziraad finishes his bitchin' animal trap, Blockhunger!

The trading  haul is decent for what the elves bring, including  replacements for the grizzly and black leucro we lost to the little mess Alacore made last year with the human caravan's visit, a small sum of booze, plants, singing arrows, seeds, and plants. I also have some extra shit brought up for the summer caravan, to save us some hassle of bringing them out then.

I also decide we can start armoring animals, so I have the stuff needed to research the war kennels made or salvaged, and I also decide since we have the materials now, we can research the volcanic foundry and warpstone pool for the hell of it, since thanks to the crucible we can produce obsidian at will and there's warpstone in the crystal caverns we can dig through for needed materials. I'd like to have the golem forge made so we can field the golems we get from up north, but we need orichalcum for that and I need to spy out the crystal caves for ores.

Fun fact, warpstone glows with rendermax enabled, as do fungiwoods.

I've also resolved, in light of our copious amount of firearms from the dwarf I will now simply call “the archeologist,” to assign the fortressborns of military aptitude (a wrestler and two guards born on site,) as the start of the Thunderguard Company, units of dorfs obviously packing rifle-sized heat. Once we get a chemistry station researched of course, since we need to be able to mass produce munitions.

With the arrival of summer, I conclude this update.

In summery, we had artifacts, dragon gained a full name, we buried goblin-raised dwarves, blew up a road with said dragon, did some trade finished all the elemental altars' rooms, finally finished with the black and white altars (now I just need a ridiculous amount of white paint for the altar room's walls,) killed several metric fucktons of predominantly large insect and frogman things in the caverns, restarted farm production, researched the rune armory, killed a pair of wyverns, and partially finished our new monastery. I also fessed up ahead of time to my limited cheating via autodump and the research crap for the white/black altars.

Might not be as interesting due to the OOC nature, but worry not! We will resume your regularly scheduled IC update next time, as our Fortress Guard Captain!


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #379 on: December 06, 2014, 03:07:56 am »

-This is the Journal of Eral Umombumal, Captain of the Riverrun Fortress Guard,of standard quality and decorated with studs of armadillo shell. On the cover is an image of mail gloves in armadillo shell. On the back cover is an image of a land mine in zinc. The entries appear undated, though they still denote the month and year, and are separated by three dashes-


Hematite is here, and with it the Mayor has started discussing a tree fell agreement. I've been asked by the Duke to keep tabs on negotiations, since diplomats have had a bad habit of flipping their lids.

I was also told I may be getting a suit of largely ceremonial armor, plate armor made of platinum! I mean, sure it's because one of the armorers made it by mistake a while back, but still.


I was patrolling the shops when I noticed something today journal.

There's some rather shady looking fellows in Morul's. This is the third time I've seen them there, just ordering the odd drink and watching the fortress. Something's off about them.


Investigations continue. The suspects disappear when I make my rounds now. I think they know I'm trying to keep tabs on them. The Tavern employee doesn't seem to know anything about them other than they generally pay with a variety of coinage from Omon, Dugan, Fereeye, and Rakbinmong. The majority is Dugan currency, usually shillings minted from Ochrelards or Workedsilks, but half of them are too tall to be dwarves. Still, it does mean at least one of them has regular access to the royal treasury in the capital and/or the coin forges in Ochrelards.

Can't be a good sign.


Pews are being moved into the monastery's sermon chamber. Made by some of the best carpenters I've ever seen even! Didn't even scrimp on materials, they're steeloak, some of the finest wood there is. Bet that Nidor guy's loving seeing that stuff be put in.


Seems Tirion's dwarves are slated for exploration duty. Got the usual transcript of work orders to verify from the metalworkers; those people seem to be ridiculously paranoid about forged orders for some reason. All checks out though, and those guys are gonna be set up with bloodsteel old hold plate like the Paints.

Also seems there's a tiny order for the rest of a platinum suit of armor!~


Stuck on Janitor duty for the next two days. I've assigned Ilral to take my rounds of the shops.


No reports of anything unusual in Morul's Tavern, though Ilral did see the suspects a couple times.

Mess of giant wrens apparently couldn't take life anymore and got all jammed up in the anti-vandal traps around the shops; funniest shit I've seen in days.


The Commander just announced he's forming a rifle squad with the Duke's permission. Calling it the Thunderguard, after the old orcish mountain clans or something. A couple of younger dwarves joined up, and some kid was all giddy over getting to play with guns when he gets older.


Just got a list of new uniforms. Fortress Guard even got one listed, and we're getting an upgrade: Dragon scale armor! Well, helmets and body armor anyway. We're keeping our gem hammers and gold chain armor.


Seems someone's finally putting all the flour we've been putting on to use.

Investigations continue with the weird guys, but they seem to be keeping to their rooms, and the Tavern worker won't let me in unless the bastards murder someone and there's someone to accuse them.

-The remainder of the pages are burnt, though the last intact page has one passage-



[We now return you to our regularly scheduled Splint IC updates, because some asshole mechanic didn't reload the traps and the Paints sucked at their one god damn job.]

2nd Galena, 150

Had some very stern words for Vexxy tonight journal. Her squad had one fucking job. ONE. JOB. Keep the cavern critters out. And after all the diligence the last year or so her squad botches that one job, and
 end up with a dead guard captain and the freakin' CMD, and one of my very few friends, is seriously injured.

It was all I could do to not haul off and hit her in the face screaming obscenities, but I will say I'm proud of myself. I just stuck to more-or-less polite insults.

3rd Galena,  150

Emtan's dead, so is the Guard Captain. Some kind of freakish monster (I dunno what it is and it's so badly burnt Vexxy can't identify it,) slipped through chasing a moleweasel kit and Pyro blasted it in the worst place: lunch traffic between the dining hall and Hunter's Lodge. A mess of cragtooths were killed too, as was the moleweasel that got them both killed.

Pyro seems to be... Well, kinda depressed honestly. Saw one of the tamers talking to her, and checked in. Seems she's upset that her attempt to “protect her hoard” got two of parts of it killed. We've buried both, and that means the first of us Founders to end up in a rock box.

10th Galena, 150

Bread. Bread everywhere. And Reksas named that wavy elf sword of his “The Raw Owl.”

14th Galena, 150

Omon diplomat's here, so we're heading out on patrol.

18th Galena, 150

No sign of any raid parties aside from some dead bandit scouts gumming up perimeter traps. Looks like we get to have a quiet summer for once.

Er, two people being accidentally fried by a dragon while it tried to protect us not withstanding.

8th Limestone, 150

Saw a tiny group of wild horses today, didn't even think those existed! Also saw Julius working on those new uniforms for the Coppers and the Guard. Figure Dragon Scale is a suitable thing for them. Wonder if we have enough to set up the Thunderguard with dragoncale armor too...

13th Limestone, 150

There was a mix of a frog- and olm-man incursion down in the caverns. This time though The Paints did their fucking job.

18th Limestone, 150

Julius is going funny in the head, speaking in tongues and shit. Guard's keeping an eye on him.

26th Limestone, 150

The Archeologist found some old schematics tucked into an old chest, and passed them along to Deadeye. Seems Arcvasti had a list of crap in his study and the schematics go with them. At least that's what Deadeye's guessing. The list also has lots of rambling about something called an “Illithid,” floating brains, and ramblings about not having the right schematics to dip in sweet pod syrup.

Anyway, Deadeye's also working on a solo project of his own, something about armoring animals. Says he almost got it down but he fell asleep in the study and knocked a candle on his notes, so he needs to start over.

9th Sandstone, 150

Julius is still rolling rocks around, so that's a good thing. I also got to see an emu woman torn to shreds by a black bear after it tried to sneak into the fort for whatever fucked up reason.

15th Sandstone, 150

Julius finally finished his great work, an amulet that depicts an unnamed genius. Maybe a dwarf from a bygone age?

10th Timber, 150

Heard howling late last night before lockdown, sent the others to bed before checking it out. We'd set up a scare crow someone bought from the company caravan and it seems something too the bait; werewolf, which is pretty unusual. Legend says only silver hurts those things, but Bifrost did the job.

Just took putting a little more 'oomph' behind the blade is all.

16th Timber, 150

Got word the Caverns and Darkness ran into some trouble; a large squad of macegobs on houndback lead a by a pikegoblin were sighted near the hellfire watch tower. I'm told things got a bit burny as well once the turret opened up, started blasting everything to the north indiscriminately judging by that smoke plume we can sea from the east row.

20th Timber, 150

According to our new head physician Telgdr, the merchants went and brought the flu with them. It isn't anywhere near as debilitating as some stuff I've read about in Emtan's medical texts, and with runic protection we'll hopefully be able to shrug off the effects, but even then if worse comes to worse so what. Just means some unlucky pricks gets to be the designated vomit mopper.

Or one of us made them sick, we do seem to have people exhibiting the same symptoms from time to time.

1st Opal, 150

Well, we got suited up, and the runes took effect straight away. Me and Dailm even got to finally wear helmets again! Been puking in the things off and on for the better part of a week now every time we try to put them on.

[NOTE: I went in and modified influenza's nausea to only have an instant of it; everyone besides the then-six guys with rune protection were vomiting so much it caused a massive FPS slowdown (I'm talking so much vomiting it tanked by almost 30.)]

10th Opal, 150

The flu epidemic seems to finally be calming down to an extant. People at least aren't vomitting nearly as much.

18th Opal, 150

Turns out Ngithol never got his plate body armor. That's being rectified after it gets some protective runes inscribed with the rest of his squad's plate.

28th Opal, 150

Nidor let me know he's going to the monastery to pray for the next few months. Said he's reevaluating his life, thinks something's off about the fortress, some nonsense like that. Told him he better be careful, otherwise he might just be considered a Priest.

13th Obsidian, 150

Frost Giants sighted to the south, time to party.

18th Obsidian, 150

Tyrus caught a pair of frosties by the ink-making station, trying to break the door down for fun I guess. Saw the first get a face full of fire and Tyrus just plowed into the other, a worldender. Knocked that big fucker right on his ass, but didn't last long. Got up, took a swing at Tyrus, and got his sword arm clawed off for his trouble. Saw it punch Tyrus in the face twice, and... Well, on the fourth punch with that giant fuck-all buckler, Tyrus just kinda ate the frosty's arm, shield and all. Already told the others that I'm not gonna fish that thing out of Tyrus' shit.

Tryus managed to put a claw through the asshole's foot after it kicked him in the neck, and that was it. Got a blast of fire and was melted down pretty damn quick. Then Tyrus blasted the other one while it was still writhing just for fun it looks like.

Unfortunately, there was another friendly fire incident. Zagith Lolokral was killed when Tyrus went after a snatcher that his pet beetle was trying to drive into the weapon traps (I think. Could've just been trying to protect Zagith without a shred of tactical thinking.) There's nothing left of the beetle, and Zagith's corpse was pretty badly burned when Gusil managed to put him out with a bucket of water or five.

Anyway, Drow are here so we're heading out again. We need to guard the repair crews anyway.

20th Obsidian, 150

Orcs came for a second go, mounted blowgunners and axeorcs lead by a dreamwalker axe lord and a swordmaster.

Won't even be a challenge!

10th Granite, 151

13 years. Hard to believe it.

You know, if anyone told me I'd still be alive after I took this over the hammering I'd have laughed at them and told them I'd have probably been eaten by a giant badger after the first few months. And yet, here I am writing these words. Seen dwarves after a dragon's blasted them, had wyvern sickness, know a ghost dwarf, seen dwarves go mad under the influence of only the gods know what, nearly had my foot twisted off by a man-scorpion thing, been vomited on, seen one of my closest friends as a burnt lump of dwarf jerky, and had to kill fellow dwarves who were only guilty of being misguided by goblins. I also lose half my pay every week playing games in the tavern after dark and my room gets painted every year now.

But I've also  personally slain some of the greatest enemy, frost giants, with their own kin's bones, worked by my friends into a deadly blade. I've killed a Pandashi warlord, and cut down wyvern after wyvern., seen a species revived, and old armor designs recovered I thought were long gone, saw Nidor receive divine aid, led dwarves to victory in battle, killed monsters from a time before time, saw a grand library built, a keep rise, market slowly grow, and been named godfather to my best friend's son.

More than a few dwarves died for this patch of dirt. But this patch of dirt is ours, and for some it's the only home they've known. And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to let anything take this place away from us.

Here's to another 13 years Journal.

18th Granite, 151

Apparently the drow wanted me to pass along that they think we're “knowledgeable” blob trainers. Weirdest shit anyone's ever told me honestly. Well, so far. I'm sure there's something stranger I'll hear before I die.

11th Slate, 151

Nothing of real importance’s gone on, unless you count a miner going off upstairs and taking over a masonry shop, a frog man attack, and a bunch of langur men killing themselves on our perimeter traps. I swear, the wildlife around here is suicidal or something.

23rd Slate, 151

“Achefeast, The Mournful Temple.” Most foreboding fucking name for a coffin ever. Of all time. Only way it could be any more-so is if it was called “Terrorscreams, The Horror-Wails of Dead” or something like that.

28th Slate, 151

We either live in the strangest or most blessed place in The Dyed Forest, because at dinner Vexxy told me she sighted what she was certain was a man made out of beer or something like it. Beats “blob tamers” by a fair bit journal.

Totally called it.

15th Felsite, 151

Genlath spotted two squads of pandashi, lashers lead by a mace lord and master archer.

They've been reduced to fertilizer and the masons need to rebuild the south road again of course.

27th Hematite, 151

Nothing much has happened this month. The Paints took out a group of roaches and Pyro incinerated two bobcats, but that's about it. Hopefully the “Quiet” part will be the trend for the season.

17th Malachite, 151

Two groups of frog men tried to force their way into the fortress. Paints wiped them out, as usual. Is everything just suicidal in this area? I mean honestly, the amount of animals that get gummed up in the traps and the sheer number of tribals who keep trying to barge or sneak into the fortress is mind-boggling.

22nd Malachite, 151

Backlog of tribals and various critters just got put down.

10th Galena, 151

A mason's been acting oddly, looks like we're due for another item of unparallelled value!

Also heard about some plans to build new walls around the surface area; about time I'd say, but talk of making the gatehouses out of steel sounds like a huge waste of resources, but considering how we get our steel I guess I can't rightly complain.

11th Galena, 151

Heard talk about strange goings on. More rusted iron bars appeared in the graveyard, and one of the Fortress Guards found Eral's journal kicked into a corner near Arcvasti's lab. Says “interloper removed” on the last unburnt page which frankly has me a little worried, and is causing some measure of paranoia.

14th Galena, 151

Caravan's here, so we're getting ready for the usual seasonal rush of assholes.

Update, Update, Ra ra ra!

So we had some stuff happen! Both good and bad, but still. Genlath and Tyrus have gained full names and in Genlath's case, a full title to boot. And of course, there was road damage and part of the map burned down again. Three dwarves were killed by the dragons and their apparent obsessive need to use overwhelming force when protecting the fortress from anything: Eral our Guard Captain, Emtan, a founder and original CMD, and Zagith the Legendary Butcher. Nidor's also currently gone through “preist” and is working on becoming a High Priest of the gods.

We got also had an influenza epidemic, but thankfully the sheer amount of plants we can produce in a hurry means anything not imported is getting replaced with copious quantities of medicine; on that note we've also finally deployed runic protection on The Grasses, Caverns, and Darkness, keeping them safe from the flu and making them a barghest's worst nightmare because I also added wolfram runes to prevent stunning when they get knocked over.

We've finished the altars and monastery, work on the library's floors is in progress, and there's some minor remodeling going on in the residential areas, giving them a uniform sandstone appearance while netting us the coal and amethysts in the apartment walls, and an embassy has been built as well.

Eral dying sorta monkey wrenched my plans for the update, but on the upside I now have some more stuff for you guys to try and build a story from: Who are these strangers? What do they want, and why are they watching the fortress?

Hell, even I don't know and I wrote them in.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #380 on: December 06, 2014, 04:14:02 am »

Vexxy the Crocodile

You know, I just hate being yelled on by authorities. Apparently, there was an incident with a trigger-happy dragon involved. Both a fortress guard commander and a CMD were killed in fire (this is way too questionable - two nobles dying simultaneously), because of some cavern creature that snuck in.

Well, too bad, I say. At first, I wanted to ask for a resignation, but I doubt Splint would give me one that easily. So, instead, I am going for a hut in the wilderness. Or in the caves, so I can watch our gates more closely. He can even assign me to one-dwarf squad, I don't care.

Who knows, maybe Splint will approve of this idea.

The frogmen and other tribals keep trying to storm our gates. Must be really eager to avenge their bretheren or something.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #381 on: December 06, 2014, 04:32:27 am »

If I was a betting man, I'd wager that Riverrun will find it's end a fiery one.

... would building the road from magma-proof materials save the poor masons from their sisyphean labor?
Urist McAlchemist cancels extract isotope: interrupted by supercriticality accident.
This kea is so raw it stole my wheelbarrow!


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #382 on: December 06, 2014, 09:16:10 am »

If I was a betting man, I'd wager that Riverrun will find it's end a fiery one.

... would building the road from magma-proof materials save the poor masons from their sisyphean labor?

We probably can, but at present the only stone we have in abundance is sandstone. We can process this into obsidian and build the roads from that, but that'd be a very labor intensive method and divert furnace workers from salvage processing (of which we once again have a stupidly high backlog thanks to all the pandashi and goblins in the last year or so.)

This means the roads and attending gates and doors would need to be made from some form of glass (not reliable and would be slow due to shortage of skilled glassworkers,) or from the few magma safe metals we have in abundance: Steel, mithril, possibly rusty iron, and to a lesser extant bloodsteel. This is probably the best solution, since the architects/road crews don't need to be metalworkers and we have a surplus of these materials, especially steel thanks to the herbalist lab. The one downside is it'd take far longer to do, since the ingots weigh a good bit more than sandstone and processing them into more mobile blocks would be a waste of fuel/magma, along with a greater distance to move materials - the herbalism lab where 80% of the steel is was built in the administration wing of the fortress' far side.

Kind of moot since I plan on reopening immigration next update, so I'll be able to spare some workers and build...

Deler-Kez Igerrur, "The Steel-Gates of Riverrun!"

Because what better way to supplement a large library, an ornate mage guild, and a bank with shiny new metal floors than with a set of steel gatehouses in the four cardinal directions?


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #383 on: December 07, 2014, 07:08:22 am »

Hey there guys, I've been wanting to do this second guided tour for ages, but I wanted the big projects up to now completed before embarking on it: The Bank, School, and Mage Guild. The pictures are a little large, but you'll see everything of importance.

We'll start with the surface and go from there of course. Now, I sometimes had to zoom out pretty far to get a good look, so details may be hard to see. For the most part though, the pictures will do the talking.

Below is the result of two years or so of obsessive building and designing. Only the white alter lacks near-perfect uniformity since the brown of the earth altar would have overpower the white anyway.

Each elemental altar has a theme in its mosaic
Oceanguide is akin to a lake full of many islands, bringing spalshes of brown to the dark blue and cyan color palette in a meaningful way.
Stormtempest is gusts of air and the alchemical symbol for air, with its use of gray to reflect its element.
Emberblaze is like an explosion, complete with smoke (by way of the walls and  floors.) Reds and yellow dominate it of course.
Mountainheart and Enlightened lack a real theme, but stick to symmetrical patterns and colors for the most part. The Enlightened Altar's floors are made of gray blocks, while the walls are pure white, made of white lacquer-painted bricks.
The Mountainheart Altar uses 90% natural sandstone walls, with vibrant emerald patterning to bring a splash of earthy color to the altar.

The Necrophage Altar is intended to be of unknown origin and pure malice. The floor patterns are meant to invoke the warlock-y color scheme of black and purple, and as stated above, give a feel of malevolent energy escaping it. The Skull Chamber has the two hatches made from Black bronze, helping give it a glowing eyes type of feel. If I ever get the chance to build a townportal, this will be the place it's done.

And that's that! Another short update's coming in the next day or two.

EDIT: We have a single orichalcum bar. I dunno if I wanna make a phylactery (needed for mages) or research the golem forge...


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #384 on: December 08, 2014, 06:20:36 pm »

19th Galena, 151

A few days patrol only turned up some kobolds and one squad of bandit archers.

Heard tell of plans to put the slowly increasing number of black bears we have to use, either as personal protectors for the population or as an export like we do with the moleweasels and cragtooths. Wouldn't mind my own black bear, even if as a distraction.

And on that subject, Vexxy bought a basilisk from Khaziraad. Guess she feels her squad needs that petrification ability against larger critters.

21st Galena, 151

Saw a griffon flaying around the fort today. Guess Bim found a changeling.

27th Galena, 151

Amulet, with easily one of the best names ever.

21st Limestone, 151

Migrants have arrived! And as such, I've been tasked with going through and marking off potential militia candidates. Tirion's finally getting that replacement for Lokum. But... There's one that has me a little unnerved.

Not entirely sure why either.

26th Limestone, 151

We have a problem journal. We found an engraver dead in the tombs, with all her major arteries cut. I'm sifting through the new folks to put forward a Guard Captain Recommendation, while the Mayor does the same. I think I know who did it, but I can't base that off that one dwarf's behavior alone, because she's normal otherwise, just has a very disturbing stare, and was the one who found Itur to begin with.

Says she found him at the end of a blood trail, and looked like he'd been attacked with a carving knife.


We've made our choice, we went with Sutham Atoriton, since she's got some shred of combat training and used to be a member of the 18th Guard Regiment. Says she was kicked out for disorderly conduct at Stealmansion, but I have my doubts. Probably just got a bit too sloshed at a party or something and missed roll call one time too many.

27th Limestone, 151

Vexxy lead an expedition to wipe out another group of frogmen, found them beating up on a moleweasel kit. I thought the Duke ordered those damned things to all be caged to sell off to the fall caravan?

It's because of those hyper little fuckers that Emtan and Eral were killed last year.

7th Sandstone, 151

Just heard about a special “murderchain” being forged from bloodsteel, studded with a bunch of metal, and then to be set up in the main hall in a special space surrounded by black and bismuth bronze. Weapon of execution?

A wolfram meteor hammer.

23rd Sandstone, 151

Deadeye's finished his project! Says he plans on armoring up the raptors.

1st Timber, 151

Seems Nidor's done with his prayers. Good to seem him around the poker table at night again!

11th Timber, 151

Rakust made an announcement that the library is complete! Pretty neat to see it all fancy looking and color coded and shit.

18th Timber, 151

Caravan's arrived, so it's time to head out greenskin hunting.

19th Timber, 151

We've lost another one to that fucker. Lien was refill her flask last night for training today and found Zoden with the same injuries.

20th Timber, 151

Badgerman siege! Got to have us a real fight instead of pussy-footing around. No trade this year though, because of Tyrus and Pyro. They spotted a group of maulers to the south and in the chaos a blast of fired carried a good way north. Worst of it hit the walls or trees and went out on its own but a little bit got a tuskox and that was that.

1st Moonstone, 151

That new Guard Captain suited up in what was going to be Eral's ceremony armor, and went after whoever she thought was the culprit of the murders and locked them in an unused apartment.

[NOTE: Masterwork Dragons seem to have a huge problem with either melting their own fat or being unable to path out of the fires they start and suffocating on smoke. And it seems smoke inhalation death is a thing in DF. As such, I used Dfusion to rectify the dragon numbers and ended up with three instead of the one I was expecting. Pyro the Obeyed has departed and in her place has come the dragons Roduk Clockfragments, Risen Tramplespear, and Olon Tallbooks.]

My bad.]

13th Moonstone, 151

Seems fire sprites are a thing, as Tenderroast made himself one which proceeded to melt. Not totally sure what to make of that.

4th Opal, 151

Seems the new Captain's hunch was spot on. No other murders happened, which was good.

10th Opal, 151

Really need to talk to Alacore about that whole “burn everything” approach she has to wildlife.

She accidentally killed someone's pet turtle and wrecked several parts of the road trying to incinerate a small flock of giant wrens (of which she killed two.) On the upside, it saved the road crews the trouble of tearing up a hunk of road themselves.

Speaking of, the steel-plated roads, the south road didn't get destroyed for once!

17th Opal, 151

Got another one Journal.

On a different note, construction on some kind of steel gatehouses is underway.

23rd Opal, 151

Seems the new Guard Captain was spot on. We're stuffing the murderer in a box and calling it a day.

15th Obsidian, 151

Drow are here; first time they've shown up without getting shot at or something in a while, and the west steel towers are part-way finished. All the smiths plus a kid who's come of age are putting in time building them.

21st Obsidian, 151

Tenderroast found a chaos dwarf. Not much left of said chaos dwarf. Was patrolling and ran into a squad of their “triarii” lead by a sword Principes. We carved those bastard heretics up good.

21st Granite, 152

Granite comes and goes, and with it comes another tower and a half. Well, for the bottom parts anyway. And some bridges and portcullis. There's also another group of tribals nosing around the caverns, so its time to send out another extermination team. The Armoring Kennels are ready to go too, and the male raptors save one or two I think are all being armored in steel. Wonder who'll buy them?

26th Granite, 152

I just realized I think we've gone waaaaaay over our chopping quota for the year clearing trees for the towers. Might end up with some pointy-eared visitors in the future.

Oh, and the armoring program was a smashing success! We now have six steel-armored raptors and the trainers think they can teach them to go for the joints of armor and whatnot to make them even deadlier in battle. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to field small groups of raptor-masters to tear enemies to shreds and patrol the countryside!

Heh, packs of armored lizards stalking and killing shit for us sounds like it'd be right up Vexxy's alley.

2nd Slate, 152

Apparently someone got it into their heads to disrupt steel production for the gates to copy the herbalism lab's plans. Why? Well, Erib says there's quite a few cities with affluent folk who'll pay top sovereign for perfumes and ointments, so a second herbalism lab's been set up with the tools to produce orchid fragrance (to be branded as “Akest” for some reason,) and Golden Salve. Now, the part of me that's a soldier wants to slug the mayor. But the part of me that remembers this was supposed to be a trading post just goes “Oh yeaaaaah...”

And on that note, Rakust wants to start mass producing coin to ship back north. Supposedly we owe the company 30,000 sovereigns for the supplies we brought before. Damned vultures. I bet they're actually charging us for the out-of-pocket they're into on the 8 of us they bailed out, one of whom I will add is now deceased.

11th Slate, 152

Rakust brought all of us “officials” into his office to speak with a representative from Teduk's Fine Goods. Seems they're deep in the toxins market, and a few aren't actually... Legal, back north. Bitterroot, Nether Horror, and Voodoo. Anyway, he says we can sell him as much poisons as we can  manage to squeeze out of caravans or produce ourselves, and he knows we have a sum of shadowleaf poison.

Shorast cried foul that the representative got into his stock ledgers, but Rakust wants this apparent debt paid off. I'm taking bets, those fuckers are gonna say we owe them over a decade's worth of interest when the company caravan arrives plus whatever they've lost sending caravans here. Might as well be 100,000 sovereigns.

27th Slate, 152

That new guy who showed up last fall is tinkering with something in Arcvasti's lab, says he noticed the guns we have laying around. I bet he's working on a chemist lab, so we can bulk produce munitions for the Thunderguard's rifles.

3rd Felsite, 152

I gotta say, the Fortress Guard actually looks pretty spiffy in gold mail and dragon scale. Same can be said of the Thirsty coppers; they're using bows the archeologist discovered, and the mithril goes well with the green wyvern scale.

-Meanwhile, below the fortress-

7th Felsite, 152

The dragons caught a group of wood trolls on the south bank, which of course means that side of the river's been incinerated again. But! The steel-plated roads proved to be a good investment, and they held up against all the fire they flung around just fine!

17th Felsite, 152

During salvage operations for the elf caravan we got hit by some (for once unmounted,) goblins. Ablel, the Thunderguard Sergeant, was passing my squad when we spotted them and apparently he always keeps his rifle loaded, because he shot the enemy squad leader square in the junk!

He ran like hell after that of course understandably, though he did stop  near a pond  and started firing more shots into the goblins trying to wade across the river. Missed a bunch and nearly took Fergus' head off, but I'm pretty sure he managed to shot the squad leader again while Dailm was pulling his sword out of the fucker's gut.

Khaziraad Even got in on the fighting; ran into a group of wood trolls. Word from Erib is that he was even able to swing that zweihander around one handed! Took out three of the bastards.

What's more, Lien managed to drive off two squads without back-up. She took out the squad leader of one, and the other was beating a hasty retreat when Lien turned her attention to them.

18th Felsite, 152

Seems we have a group of exceptional murderlizards now, according to the guard captain. She took one on as an assistant of sorts, and says first come first serve on the other five armored raptors.

4th Hematite, 152

Seems we got us a way to produce bullets now! I wonder if we'll ever get the dwarves to man a second small team of Thunderguards...

10th Hematite, 152

I don't believe it. That new guy actually managed to discover something  of extreme value to the fortress, and indeed whole of The Shovel of Hope. Rakust and Erib agree, this knowledge needs to be sent back north, so four copies are being produced in the scriptorium, same for the volcanic foundry.

How is it we've managed to find so much here? Old weaponry, designs of long-lost armors, a means to raise dragons from the dead, and even an Avatar of War... What sort of place is this?

16th Hematite, 152

Psi gave birth to a happy, bubbly little girl yesterday, and we all got hammered to celebrate! Named her Alina, which is a damn sight more acceptable than Jet.

22nd Hematite, 152

Seems the dead goblins' armor is being melted down and re-purposed into roll upon roll of  barbed wire and piles of spikes to be set up around the gate houses. Dunno what the point is, since we don't have walls to close the joint up with.

Speaking of walls, the cauchemar ranch if being sorta... Renovated I guess? Two additional rooms are being added, one for stables and one for a fish farm.

28th Malachite, 152

Malachite's been quiet for the most part, aside from Draeath getting attacked by a giant badger. She fought well though, and killed the damn thing with a little help from Erib. Needed some stitches for a shallow bite wound on her leg though.

The golems are being put into fully functioning order, and it essentially swelled our militia by seven! We've named the shrine golem “Frog” in honor of Mr Frog at Vexxy's request, which I think is fair. He might've been a prick, but he did take his duty as a soldier seriously. I feel like we should name the others too...

10th Galena, 152

Four bandit crews, two from the north, two from the south. Heading out now.


The fight on the south bank was over in less than a half hour. Thank Uz for this Old Hold armor and our sheer skill, otherwise they'd have probably killed us a dozen times over. We're heading back in the morning and hopefully we'll meet Fenglel and Ngithol's squads at the main gate.

12th Galena, 152

The Archeologist tells me we can probably upgrade the golems to be up to snuff with us squishy normal dwarves if we can get some “clockwork” parts judging by some of an old “Golems for Dummies” book he found with the foundry schematics. Guess the ancients had the same sense of humor as whoever wrote our various manuals did.

Told him good luck finding any, at any rate. Only ones who still produce those sorts of parts in bulk anymore are the automatons on the south glacier and the gnomes, and that either way (I did my research,) we'll have to spend sovereigns we need to pay off our debt to the company to either buy them from the gnomes directly – since we need to spend the money to cover travel costs for a caravan - or through Teduk's Fine Goods.

And lo, did I speak: Updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! And it was so.

So! Where to start...

We are now the proud owners of six armored and trained murderlizards for starters, also called raptors! I had them war trained, armored up, and had the trainers spend a ton of time boosting their skills to be on par with the militia. We also now have seven fully ambulatory golems: 2 spear, 1 hammer, and 4 sword, one of whom I've named Frog in honor of our dead Cavern Sergeant. And on that note, we've also had a surge in the child count: 13 in all within the last 6 years, not counting the ones who were born a decade a go (who are now odl enough that they could have grown up a year ago in Vanilla.)

I admit I cheated a little to get the townportal, using hackwish for an extra orichalcum but I hadn't actually expected either research endeavor for either the golemforge or townportal to actually succeed, which was a happy surprise! We also now have a chemistry lab to produce black powder and such, and I even found a spare orichalcum bar forbidden in the stocks screen that was jammed into one of the smelters that had recently been de-clogged of salvaged metal. I think I forbade it during some mood or another, I forget when. Made it into a phylactery, so we can either: Make a mage, or summon a demon. Or not on that last one, I don't remember if that needed a phylactery or an orichalcum bar.

Work on the steel gates is going well, with the north, south, and west ones having their sealing measures installed though until I decide on how to handle the wall. I can either build it directly, or I can start painting and burning blocks and have it rise out of the ground on its own for story purposes. Also been decorating with wooden chests, weapon racks, and bags.

So, that stuff aside we've had a few attacks, Khaziraad got to do some fighting, a goblin sergeant got shot in the dick, we've discovered more crap (ruby and gold trinkets and more dragon scales,) set a goal (30k sovereigns) and various renovations and such were done. I even decided to include my own crude scribbling of the Skull Chamber with its new additions!

Enjoy guys, and seriously: Any ideas on how to proceed with the story at this point would be great, just PM'em to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #385 on: December 08, 2014, 07:13:40 pm »

This is amazing and the best example of a late-late game MDF dwarf fortress I've ever seen. Hope you'll have a chance to find out how strong steel-clad war raptors are, and how weak brass golems can be. ;)

I say go with a demon. Or a demonbound from your hidden altar. :)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #386 on: December 08, 2014, 08:03:19 pm »

Did Tholtig really just show up and scribble "serial killer" on the immigration forms?

Not the smartest one, that.
Urist McAlchemist cancels extract isotope: interrupted by supercriticality accident.
This kea is so raw it stole my wheelbarrow!


  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #387 on: December 08, 2014, 08:23:45 pm »

This is amazing and the best example of a late-late game MDF dwarf fortress I've ever seen. Hope you'll have a chance to find out how strong steel-clad war raptors are, and how weak brass golems can be. ;)

I say go with a demon. Or a demonbound from your hidden altar. :)

Danke good sir, I'm glad you approve, even if it's a slightly older version of the mod.

Not just steel-clad war raptors, but ones I've had trained up to a minimum of legendary in biting, dodging, or striker, and often expert in their other skills. They may as well be reptilian militia members at this point and if they manage to wrestle away a weapon they'll be good as a soldier (as I've had one take a goblin's bow away and beat him to death with it and another stole a bandit's whip once and was a rather frightening raptor to behold.) What's better, is that they were raised on site and only a year or two old so they have at least ten years in them if I recall right.

Brass golems aren't the best in thier base state I know, but with all the shit enemies bring and with the crates I can import from the humans and from the company, purchasing parts to upgrade their skills won't be an issue after I complete my self imposed challenge of attaining 30k sovereigns. Being able to sell off bitterroot and shadowleaf poison elves and drow like to bring will also help because I can flip that for more gold coins at the tavern.

Besides, with the bad habit enemies have of not wearing full armor, all it takes is one or two well-aimed strikes from a legendary dwarven death-bot to end the fight, more or less.

Did Tholtig really just show up and scribble "serial killer" on the immigration forms?

Not the smartest one, that.

Not smart indeed, but I think it's just a minor bug. Also as a side note, sticking them with just bloodsucker would probably work better and really make thier killings seem random, since they won't always target a dwarf when they get thirsty, just if it happens to be more convienent, because interactions don't count as assaulting/murdering someone even if it kills them. Unless it's a material emission anyway since Tenderroast and the dragons kill things with fire fairly regularly and it counted those.

Now, I do have one question and it can be spoilered or PM'd to me, aside from the obvious raising the dead thing, what do Liches do? Demonbound might flip thier shit and try to kill everyone, vampiric mages of course eat your dwarves, but liches seem to be a fairly good deal, since at a glance bone golems aren't opposed to life and my more-or-less meticulous salvage operations ensure corpses don't have items near them for very long.

EDIT: Also, this is the first time I've ever really done anything with magic besides the elementals and the most I've ever really done with the mod, because I usually lose interest in a fort before this point, normally due to not having any idea what to do since nobody else will usually see them.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #388 on: December 08, 2014, 08:35:00 pm »

The liches raise any corpse they see. Which is good, if its corpses of civ-members or pets. But they also revive wildlife or invaders, which results in wild or downright hostile bone golems.

If you manage them right, they have a field day in your graveyard. If you manage them wrong, your murder-pit and refuse stockpile might assault your fort.

The bone golems are also rather independant, you cant control them much. I prefer the Demonbound most, simply because of personal experience. They can dual-wield great weapons.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #389 on: December 16, 2014, 11:29:47 pm »

Woah, I didn't expect this to get a revival. Sadly with holidays and extra work duties sapping my brain I probably won't be able to create any journal entries for quite a while. Good to see Nidorf is still kicking, chuckled at the poker bit, I guess he would be a good bluffer. I will have to go over your entries a bit more thoroughly once I am back.
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