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Author Topic: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild  (Read 15834 times)

Comrade P.

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #210 on: June 23, 2014, 03:07:02 pm »

She stops crying again and looks up as you start speaking with you pleasant bass. Expression of her eyes and face change from surprise to fear and frome fear to mere exitement until you finish.
- A-a tale? What tale?

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #211 on: June 23, 2014, 03:07:27 pm »

More than a few pieces of the puzzle are missing...

"A tale!"
"Go ahead, we need her to calm down."
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #212 on: June 23, 2014, 03:10:57 pm »

"Come sit down over here - he's not a very good liar, but his tales are entertaining nonetheless. Rest for a bit, have some food, and I'll see if something can be done about your legs."
The Bay12 postcard club
Arguably he's already a progressive, just one in the style of an enlightened Kaiser.
I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.

Harry Baldman

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #213 on: June 23, 2014, 03:12:00 pm »

She stops crying again and looks up as you start speaking with you pleasant bass. Expression of her eyes and face change from surprise to fear and frome fear to mere exitement until you finish.
- A-a tale? What tale?

"A legend of a mythical hero, on a quest to meet his beloved! A favorite tale of many dragonborn, though not quite exclusive enough that we may dub it sacred, and thus I may repeat it freely, after the fashion of my fathers, their mothers and their cousins! And to hear this folkloric account, you need but sit down! Your legs, you see, they bleed from the strain! Relax, milady, and let the sound of my voice bring you peace!" Kraka-Tarr replies, his voice becoming far less shrill, almost attaining a slight level of softness as he reaches the end.

Comrade P.

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #214 on: June 23, 2014, 03:13:27 pm »

Whila a small company of listeners gathers around Elia, Decimus, lpulls a pipe out of his inner pocket and smokes it. He sits in the cabin of the truck, his legs hanging out.

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #215 on: June 23, 2014, 03:15:52 pm »

((Could you slow down the update speed to no more than once per hour or two? I'd like to sleep tonight, without missing too much action.))
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.

Comrade P.

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #216 on: June 23, 2014, 03:18:32 pm »

((Ooookay. Night here too, so we'll continue tomorrow in second half of the day.))

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?

Harry Baldman

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #217 on: June 24, 2014, 07:47:10 am »

"Very well! I shall preface this tale like I do all tales of myth - though many of them are of dubious ultimate truth, we must treat them as what they are - reflections! Folklore is the twisted mirror of the collective psyche of millions, perhaps billions of those that have lived, died and spoken, shaped and polished like little pebbles, and often similarly stripped of their original properties! The tale I shall tell is of Procyon, the one before the Great Dog!"

"Our tale begins, as tales often do, among the shining realms of the Fixed Stars, the second uppermost layer of the Highest Heavens, just beneath the precipice of the First-Moved! There, shining resplendently on all existence were two grand brothers, Procyon the Brighter and Gomeisa Bleary-Eyes! They watched as the mortal world spun and twisted, mountains rising and falling, the seas rising and receding, the life of the world rising from the mud and perishing in eternal, primordial shade as the Greater Seasons of Light and Darkness went by! He and Gomeisa idly spoke of Changes as they observed the mortals gird themselves, though they did not know it yet, for another dusk! Yes, Changes! The intermediates! The Dusks and Dawns of petty gods and mortals alike, and which was the better experience! They were eternal deities, you see, and it was difficult to attain more interesting conversation, even for ones as heavenly educated, greatly scient and glorious as they!"

"Procyon and Gomeisa were true to their names - Procyon defended the Dawn, saying it was a prelude of sorts, a beautiful overture to the greater things yet to come, and that this alone made the Dawn more beautiful than the Dusk by association despite its gentler colors and its humbler progress, while Gomeisa dearly loved the bright, loud, explosive nature of the Dusk, the perfection of its scouring, the sound of a billion hopes extinguished forevermore at once, being a simpler god at heart, and he found the darkness that followed more palatable as well! A lovely argument it was, with the gods' words growing increasingly more poetic as time went by, their expressions more esoteric and their tempers more heated as either refused to back down, for the argument was, like most, rooted in different understandings of basic things!"

"Now, the discussion was well into its fifth year, the bloody mayhem of the violent dusk beneath intensifying with every moment, and Gomeisa could not help but be moved by it!
'Look!' he said to Procyon. 'Gaze at the last breaths of the people of the world! Can you not see the elegance of it? Everything wraps up in on itself, all is resolved! In a single, mighty scream, perfection is attained!' And Procyon, though he cared not to admit it, did feel significantly moved as well! But he felt it was unfair to the spirit of the argument to have one side thus advantaged, and so he, as gods always do, thought of a solution! 'Brother, we see the Dusk before us, and we are both moved by its magnificence - but how are we to know what we feel to be true? Should we not see the rising brightness of the Dawn, the arrival of its heralded complexities, to make an informed judgment of their worth?' Gomeisa supposed it was so, though he did not know how Procyon would make this happen, and asked as much! 'Simple, brother! The flames of the light are waning, yes, but to rekindle them is a simple matter! Observe!' he said, and then vanished from the sky, an event accompanied by the shrill screams of a dozen prophets in the throes of sacral ecstasy!"

"Now, Gomeisa did not know what Procyon had intended to do, but he, with his not inconsiderable light now that Procyon was gone, could plainly see the mortal world - and there, on the surface in the Lands of Darkness, there was Procyon, standing tall and bathing the land in his light! But this lasted for only a moment, as Procyon found his incandescence insufficient to banish the encroaching dark - he was but a torch in the darkest of caves, and his light waned! Having expected as much, Procyon merely smiled! He had an idea of what to do, you see, for he was wise in the ways of the Greater Seasons, and thus sought the Spirit of the Or and Lai, the Earth and the Skies, finding her floating above the blasted fields, looking at the starving peoples of the surface with the emptiness that had been left after compassion had been scoured by flames! Gazing at her husk, Procyon spoke, but was met with no response, for the Dusk had overtaken the Spirit! This was to be expected - this was how things were in the decline of existence! But there was a trick here, and Procyon knew it well - the skies, did they speak? No! The earth, did it speak? Also no! But what they did do was move, and this they did always, in light or in darkness! So Procyon moved while staying in place - the movement all Fixed Stars knew - and moved only the earth below and the skies above! Forming words of the primordial syllables of creation, he spoke to the Spirit, and the Spirit stirred! She looked at the origin of the disturbance - the life had been seeping out of her already, and she knew that this was the way things must be, so she was angered at first! But then she beheld Procyon in all his resplendence and the people of the earth in all their lowliness, and the death in the air in all of its inevitability, and the thin glass pane of predestination resonated! It shivered! It shook! It shattered! And from it flowed deep black waters, manifesting as a gentle rain that tainted the darkness itself with its terrible spray! The air grew heavy and the blood of mortals curdled as the barrier holding back the festering filth broke, and their minds weighed them down with the thoughts of how all this may have happened."

"The Spirit, now no different from mere mortals in her realization, looked at Procyon, who was spared the rain, and the people that he similarly guarded, and was moved to her very core - she asked from whence he got this prized shelter!
'It is my light that guards me, the light of stars, reflections of the First-Moved, burning brighter through the strength of my mind and the breaking of bonds most ancient!' The Spirit knew not what this meant, knowing the sky and the surface of the earth, but not of things beyond either through the intermediacy of her position, and so she, in her ignorance, asked to partake of it! Procyon looked at her, and thought of what he would do next! The mortals had partaken of the light, but they were of small minds - they were as dogs to the Great Dog himself, but the Spirit was of a wholly different make! The mortals would die, and their light would return to Procyon, but the Spirit, you see, was immortal! A creature of the earth itself! And Procyon did not know what would happen then - was he prepared to give up something of himself, perhaps forever, to ensure the arrival of Dawn? He thought for a moment, and did not find this equitable, and so he negotiated with the Spirit! 'Spirit, I may give you my light, but you must give something in return - else, the trade would not be fair, and you would have something of mine, while I would have nothing of yours! To signify our contract, let us make an exchange - I shall take a part of you, and you shall take a part of me! And while we both exist, let us know that both agreed and that both shall bear responsibility for the consequences!' Finding the rain more displeasing by the moment, the Spirit agreed, and both took a part of another - the Spirit grew brighter from the reflection of the First-Moved, Procyon grew kinder from the understanding of Or and Lai, and both seemed to gain more than they had lost!"

"But be that as it may, both had undergone a Change, much as the land around them began to change as well - Procyon, attuned to the earth and the skies, grew brighter than before as his light could bind with the air and the earth, enlightening both as his essence spread out and filled every crack in the fabric of our world, and the Spirit found that her realm became far more receptive to the movements of Procyon's light! And before their combined might, the Dusk began to recede, the power of the union of godlings turning it away, subverting it, all the while banishing the black rain of regret! And the mortals did rejoice! They sang and they danced in the light of the earth and the skies, and hailed the names of Procyon and the Spirit loudly! They... khrm... ahem, excuse me for a moment!"
Kraka-Tarr valiantly filibusters until the hoarseness of his mighty dragon throat interrupts the tale. He takes the tin can of stale water and takes several long sips, taking a moment to recover, his eyes visibly bulging and his breath quickening as his imagination continues to fire.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 09:27:58 am by Harry Baldman »

Harry Baldman

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #218 on: June 24, 2014, 09:22:50 am »

After a moment's respite, Kraka-Tarr continues his lizard tale.

"Right, so, the mortals! They hailed the names of the gods who were banishing the darkness! Procyon and the Spirit! But, naturally, there is one problem with such exaltations, and that is the eternal presence of ears that are all too willing to listen and eyes that are all too eager to observe! The Spirit of Darkest Depths, the terminal spirit of the mortal world, was shocked at this newest development! Empty within and without, exhausted by Dusk and rain alike, he knew only Dark, and awaited its falling on the land of mortals! It was where he was born, and it was where he hid in during the Season of Light, and Dawn was what he feared most as a consequence! His mind stirring like that of a wounded animal, he moved for the first time in aeons!"

"Meanwhile, further upward, Gomeisa was watching the happenings below, his vast mouth agape and his eyes wild! This was not the first time he had observed Procyon do something wildly inappropriate, but it was by far the direst incident yet! For the sake of a simple demonstration, he had disrupted the basic order of the world! Banished Dusk! Cavorted with the alien Spirit of the Earth and the Skies! And from the looks of it, he was becoming dangerously carried away with it! He wondered whether Procyon even remembered what he was doing in the first place, for his interplay with the world was most committed - while the sight of a Dawn as dramatic as this was indeed moving, Gomeisa had to admit, he was much more concerned about his brother, and whether he was not indeed getting himself into trouble that even he couldn't extricate himself from! And so, nervous about the future, Gomeisa the Bleary-Eyed shuffled quietly over to the Great Dog of the Gods, the master of all the nearby stars! Asking him to direct his attention toward the mortal world, Gomeisa pleaded with the Great Dog to help Procyon, who seemed overtaken by a madness more incredible than usual among the Fixed Stars, and to guide him back before he harmed himself, or destabilized the way of things beyond recovery!"

"The Great Dog, it need not be said, was not pleased! Surveying the changes it saw within the world, one thing was clear! This! Was! Wrong! And the Great Dog howled wildly, calling out to the furthest reaches of the void, summoning the Black Legions of the Void! They marshaled from their homes in ancient darkness, clad in the darkest of unknown matter and light, and rode at the call of the gods! To ensure the progression of things, they stormed outward! Whirling through void, the Stars dimming to tiny specks as they passed, the Legions rode down to the world of mortals, the disturbance evident immediately! Procyon, feeling the antithetical power of the Legions from the dimming of his light, turned to the Spirit, now not of only the Earth and the Skies, but also of the Light That Stirs All, Ea. He looked at her, and she knew that she must vanish from the face of the world, for the Legions had come to do their heinous work, and that they sought Procyon! An understanding formed, that they would meet at the Grand Spiral of the Stars, the very conduit of light itself, where Black Legions would not tread and heinous things could not exist, for the light purified all!"

"The Spirit disappeared from sight, and Procyon attempted to do the same, finding the lair of two decrepit Spirits of the Great Rivers and taking shelter within, knowing that the occupants were ancient and empty beyond reasonable help, and that their inner darkness combined with his brilliance would shield him from the predations of the Legions as they upturned earth, flipped mountains and tore great gashes across the land, ones that can hardly be seen after many years, but that nevertheless scar the land, speaking of the unspeakable to all who look! Alas, Procyon burned too brightly, and when the Legions came to tear open the spirits to check their gullets for signs of the god, he burst out in their defense! The Legions, irritated by Procyon's light, yet unable to dim it sufficiently due to its partly earthly origin, decided to bury him in the Darkest Depths with the blessing of their angered Spirit while they could invent a manner of purifying him of this earthly taint! For six full days the Legions worked, day and night, unmindful of the light of stars Fixed and Free, and all the while Procyon languished in the Darkest Depths, suffering, yet surviving, his affinity for the Earth keeping him nourished, his longing for the Skies keeping his mind sharp, his power of the Light That Stirs All preventing the Darkest Depths from making him their own! And most of all, his thought of the Spirit of all three rendering him constant, for his being had a compass to orient itself by!"

"When six days passed, the Black Legions were ready! Their grisly invention, the Voice of the End, was prepared for use - with it, they sought to end the Dawn, and to purify Procyon of his earthly fragments in order that he may be returned to his place! The machine came to terrible life, and you could easily hear the world itself hold its breath as its work began! The silence washed over Procyon, shaking him to his core, pulling and twisting, gnashing and tearing, and he found his light begin to wane! And as the Dark descended, his mind began to go, and his resplendent body withered! The world began to shriek as it saw what was being done, but by then it was too late - the silence and noise, they washed the Earth and the Skies, and the Light That Stirs All from Procyon, rendering him clean as the day he was born in the clouds of creation! Perfect, as the Great Dog intended him to be, unmoving, unconcerned, indifferent! Dim and pale! And it was like this, empty and spent, that Procyon rose out of the pit, and the Black Legions of the Void, their work accomplished, carried him back to Gomeisa, who nearly wept when he saw what had been done to his brother by the beasts of the Legions!"

"But despite this, as it soon became apparent, Dawn had not been abolished entirely! The Legions and the Dog, they were foiled! For they did not realize the most crucial of facts - the Spirit of the Earth and the Skies, and the Light That Stirs All, she still suffused the very fabric of the world of mortals, and while she carried that part of Procyon within her, neither she nor Procyon could truly be bound! And so the both of them, though separated for all time by a distance none could cross more than once in their lives, still live on, in a sense - the Spirit of the Earth and the Skies, and the Light That Stirs All, she moves through the currents of all that is around us, staving off Dusk and Darkness, running forever from the Black Legions that are said to pursue her wherever she goes, creating darkness of the land as well as darkness of the mind where they step just as much as the Spirit moves the Earth and the Skies to touch, to unify in Light and to foster the living as they do so! And Procyon, he dwells in the fields furthest above us, beyond the Moons, the Planets and the Sun, growing brighter by the year as he is heartened by the vitality of the continued Dawn beneath him, and the Spirit of the Lai, the Or and the Ea moving it onward! And someday, when all of us present here will be long-dead, when Braka-Skreek screams across the void with the souls of the living he has pilfered from the purview of the lesser gods, trailed by rumbling, furious Bammu-Biff, perhaps then can Procyon gather his strength and come back to the Spirit! For the Black Legions are, for all their fearsome might, blind as moles, degenerates of the dark, and ultimately of no consequence to anything at all, least of all the affairs of the divine!"

Kraka-Tarr pauses a moment as he takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly and with finality.

"Such is my tale, comrades, and I believe I have repeated it faithfully, much as my father told me to and his mother told him to, and her cousin told her to!" Kraka-Tarr says, then sits down, looking a little exhausted as he sips more of his stale water.

Sit down. That was a pretty long story, after all.


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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #219 on: June 24, 2014, 10:08:44 am »

((Gah, sorry I didn't post yesterday. Still have exams.))

Oskar slings his rifle over his shoulder and goes back to eating his grub while Kraka-Tarr tells his tale. Once he's finished storytelling, Oskar is still munching.


Comrade P.

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #220 on: June 24, 2014, 11:44:41 am »

((Oh dear. That's a wall of text, gotta read this.))

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #221 on: June 24, 2014, 11:46:15 am »

"Well, how did you like his opening remarks?"
The Bay12 postcard club
Arguably he's already a progressive, just one in the style of an enlightened Kaiser.
I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.

Harry Baldman

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #222 on: June 24, 2014, 12:19:18 pm »

((Oh dear. That's a wall of text, gotta read this.))

((Sorry. I tend to filibuster a lot, and this was a bit of a special case, given the specifications this story had to fulfill.))


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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #223 on: June 24, 2014, 01:16:26 pm »

"It's a tale, I suppose. But is it in any way relevant to anything right now?"
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.

Harry Baldman

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Re: New Age Mercenaries II: To the Wild
« Reply #224 on: June 24, 2014, 01:29:23 pm »

"It's a tale, I suppose. But is it in any way relevant to anything right now?"

"I suppose it depends on how narrowly you define relevance! But I would suppose that the answer, when properly spun, would amount to yes under many definitions! But this is not of ultimate importance - tales of myth rarely are, after all! It is like a song, in that you could likely apply it to things on many levels until you find a level you prefer, but it is a distraction at heart!"
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