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Author Topic: Generation of Destiny 2: OOC thread  (Read 89301 times)


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #195 on: June 06, 2014, 03:16:28 pm »

Yea I agree.
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #196 on: June 06, 2014, 03:55:46 pm »

And of course you read RA Lyeos, of course.
As anyone should.

I don't care, I was thinking more along the lines of since-he's-making-this-world-he-should-lead-us.

We should be doing the character that makes the most sense. A womanizing sleazy pervert a good leader does not make, anime tropes aren't realistic. I'm not even sure if Lyeos would want that, but if he did, Ril wouldn't subject an entire village to the whims of a soulsucking monstrosity.
Would want what? And just wait until you meet the combat ones! They're basically a giant spider/scorpion combo. The other types far outclass Ammilek in terms of combat ability.

Exploding, Trap, Keet, Mary Sues. Can't wait to KILL THEM ALL.
Kill all of what? Were those meant describe all of our characters or just the Lunariks? Damn, and I went through that trouble to try not to be a Mary Sue.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #197 on: June 06, 2014, 03:57:29 pm »

Why do you immediately assume the worse? I would never make a sleaze ball character as I despise them and characters that are all 'I'm smart and I'm superior bow down blah, blah, blah'. I much prefer chivalrous perverts.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #198 on: June 06, 2014, 04:07:07 pm »

Why do you immediately assume the worse? I would never make a sleaze ball character as I despise them and characters that are all 'I'm smart and I'm superior bow down blah, blah, blah'. I much prefer chivalrous perverts.
Just sorta assumed based off the character sheet and your comments relating to him. Still a pervert a good leader does not make.

And of course you read RA Lyeos, of course.
As anyone should.

I don't care, I was thinking more along the lines of since-he's-making-this-world-he-should-lead-us.

We should be doing the character that makes the most sense. A womanizing sleazy pervert a good leader does not make, anime tropes aren't realistic. I'm not even sure if Lyeos would want that, but if he did, Ril wouldn't subject an entire village to the whims of a soulsucking monstrosity.
Would want what? And just wait until you meet the combat ones! They're basically a giant spider/scorpion combo. The other types far outclass Ammilek in terms of combat ability.

Exploding, Trap, Keet, Mary Sues. Can't wait to KILL THEM ALL.
Kill all of what? Were those meant describe all of our characters or just the Lunariks? Damn, and I went through that trouble to try not to be a Mary Sue.
Those things wouldn't stand a chance against a pack of Lunarik at night, during the day they would have a decent chance, probably 77% win vs 3-5 average Lunarik. Against the more agile ones though, good luck getting a hit in without firearms or supernatural speeds.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #199 on: June 06, 2014, 04:14:44 pm »

Why do you immediately assume the worse? I would never make a sleaze ball character as I despise them and characters that are all 'I'm smart and I'm superior bow down blah, blah, blah'. I much prefer chivalrous perverts.
Just sorta assumed based off the character sheet and your comments relating to him. Still a pervert a good leader does not make.

Basically this, plus your tendency to try to sleep with... Everything in other games.

Against the more agile ones though, good luck getting a hit in without firearms or supernatural speeds.
I thought we agreed my character was going to use firearms? But, I suppose you didn't read some things. For the last time, they are not evil. The chances of them attacking non-evil without being provoked is next to nil, the chances of encountering any to begin with is next to nil, the only time it would probably even be brought up is if this somehow extends the twenty-two years until the next mating/revival thing and you got Rewose back.

Those things wouldn't stand a chance against a pack of Lunarik at night, during the day they would have a decent chance, probably 77% win vs 3-5 average Lunarik.
No comment. Although something from another thread does come to mind.
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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #200 on: June 06, 2014, 04:19:28 pm »

You would get torn to shreds and eaten if you tried killing them, quite literally, Lunarik are completely fine with eating sapients and a good number of them are into vore, since they can regen from that, it's a fairly common thing for them to do and they don't exactly discriminate when they go into heat. I would highly advise not setting off the horde, Ril wouldn't be able to or be willing to stop them if you riled them up.
Kevak, can you for ONCE be a goddamn fair player instead of creating the most disturbing, overpowered, fetishistic creatures that are fucking impossible to deal with? I mean, you talk so much about balance, but you NEVER HAVE ANY YOURSELF. It makes you come across as a pompous jerk who's a real sore loser. On top of everything else that's wrong with your characters.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #201 on: June 06, 2014, 04:25:45 pm »

You would get torn to shreds and eaten if you tried killing them, quite literally, Lunarik are completely fine with eating sapients and a good number of them are into vore, since they can regen from that, it's a fairly common thing for them to do and they don't exactly discriminate when they go into heat. I would highly advise not setting off the horde, Ril wouldn't be able to or be willing to stop them if you riled them up.
Kevak, can you for ONCE be a goddamn fair player instead of creating the most disturbing, overpowered, fetishistic creatures that are fucking impossible to deal with? I mean, you talk so much about balance, but you NEVER HAVE ANY YOURSELF. It makes you come across as a pompous jerk who's a real sore loser. On top of everything else that's wrong with your characters.

Did you go and read the species sheet for Lunarik? They are quite balanced CMC. Also just because their design unsettles you is no reason to go and do a personal attack at me, you don't see me calling you names do you?

Why do you immediately assume the worse? I would never make a sleaze ball character as I despise them and characters that are all 'I'm smart and I'm superior bow down blah, blah, blah'. I much prefer chivalrous perverts.
Just sorta assumed based off the character sheet and your comments relating to him. Still a pervert a good leader does not make.

Basically this, plus your tendency to try to sleep with... Everything in other games.

Against the more agile ones though, good luck getting a hit in without firearms or supernatural speeds.
I thought we agreed my character was going to use firearms? But, I suppose you didn't read some things. For the last time, they are not evil. The chances of them attacking non-evil without being provoked is next to nil, the chances of encountering any to begin with is next to nil, the only time it would probably even be brought up is if this somehow extends the twenty-two years until the next mating/revival thing and you got Rewose back.

Those things wouldn't stand a chance against a pack of Lunarik at night, during the day they would have a decent chance, probably 77% win vs 3-5 average Lunarik.
No comment. Although something from another thread does come to mind.
And I read the firearms bit, I was talking about the scorpiony ones.



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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #202 on: June 06, 2014, 04:31:55 pm »

Ah, yeah, the scorpion/spider hybrid things are more of a mighty glacier-type group. Still not likely to get in a fight with them, they're typically friendlier than Ammilek. She's kind of an oddball. They still need souls, though, but I guess you would say they'll take them where they can get them and not bother asking.

Although it's still fun to have a character that isn't evil that would be picked up by something like Detect Evil. Confusion and misunderstandings make for fun.

Oh! But, that same kabooming is going to be a bitch when we get to combat. Everybody's gonna have to cover Ril so they don't all die. Bleh.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 04:39:47 pm by Lyeos »
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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #203 on: June 06, 2014, 05:11:06 pm »

Did you go and read the species sheet for Lunarik? They are quite balanced CMC. Also just because their design unsettles you is no reason to go and do a personal attack at me, you don't see me calling you names do you?

You're right. The ad hominem attacks were uncalled for. However, I still wouldn't say something that has genius level intellect, can devour its enemies alive, and explodes on death is balanced. In any sense.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #204 on: June 06, 2014, 05:18:17 pm »


Is reason I want Will to stay alone. No offense, but I don't really like the Lunariks that much.
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #205 on: June 06, 2014, 05:26:09 pm »


Is reason I want Will to stay alone. No offense, but I don't really like the Lunariks that much.

You could start with CMC's pretty boy character, though! I also feel I made mine unbalanced and unfair. Phooey. Though, you did have other options, so that can't just be it.

But yeah, that is kind of... Well, you know. Just a slap in the face, because not only can we not kill him if we dislike him because we'll all die, but we're forced to protect him over anyone else in combat, because if we don't... We'll all die. And we can't let him get too stressed out. Hnnnngh.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #206 on: June 06, 2014, 05:26:45 pm »

We can just leave him.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #207 on: June 06, 2014, 05:28:45 pm »

But plottttttttt!!!!

((Hate this new keyboard, I can't just hold down the key to type a letter over and over.))
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #208 on: June 06, 2014, 05:31:23 pm »

Just do it ourselves.


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Re: Generation of Destiny 2: Pre-Game Planning
« Reply #209 on: June 06, 2014, 05:36:29 pm »

Just do it ourselves.

Do what ourselves? One of my main gripes about the last one was that plot never really came into play. At the very least we need an idea of what our goal is, such as:

Explore X numbers of Y locations.
Retrieve X artifact(s)
Travel to X, Y, and Z kingdoms/nation/locations and gather support for N
Retrieve X from Y, unite ____ nations, uncover knowledge lost in Z, and finally take the fight to A.

I guess we don't need him for plot advancement... Eventual group of four and whatnot, Prophet will stick with Kevak.

But plottttttttt!!!!
The being alone is part of his plot, or...?
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