While I appreciated the movie, and what it represented, the world bladerunner is set in is very inefficient.
slave labor never has been and never will be fiscally responsible, even with beings designed to be obsequiously compliant and disposable.
especially for the purposes cited by the franchise; space colonization. The resources to send a human to a colony site, and to send a replicant to a colony site, are identical. The replicant needs food, air, water, et... and also needs humans to administer their mental health checks.
It IS however, the kind of "solution" I could see happening with large numbers of real humans leaving the planet, and with powerful corporations looking for the next evolution of "human resources" in the resulting labor and consumer shortages. [not enough labor or customers? well, make more! this option produces both, AND you dont have to treat them like people!] It would go a long way towards explaining the situation with the dying environment, the "fuck no, we wont fix it." mentality of the world powers, and why dystopian lifestyles dominate. It also explains the systemic racisim against replicants {humans LOVE having their innate sense of superiority stroked, even when it's a damned lie. Especially when psycopathic corporate types dominate the human popultion because everyone else left.}
Maybe I just get something different from that series of movies than other people... I dunno. Just to me, you have to explain why there are no replicant rights movements, et al. "everyone with a conscience left the dying planet" works, but seems too convenient to me. especially with environments like that scrapyard-orphanage. The dominance and "control" are paper thin, given the systemic resource shortages apparent. The regime is poised to collapse spectacularly from systemic mismanagement.
I want to see a "post humanity" bladerunner, where only replicants remain. To me, that's the final stage of the decay humans caused, and replicants making more replicants for the purposes of fixing a dead planet sounds hopeful in comparison. It allows the replicants to explore their repressed humanity without human oppression as well. sadly, such a plot would lack mass market appeal I think.