I have no idea who that is, but I like this better than being surrounded by the pain I have inflicted, real or not. Still pretty sure this whole "immortal labyrinth" thing is just a bad trip from those shrooms last night. Only plausible explanation, really.
Approach the figure warily. "Hey. Thanks for getting me out of there. So... how's it hanging?"
[6] You carefully watch your steps as you walk towards the figure. It seems as though she doesn't hear you...
CREEK. The floor under you lets out a noise. The girl's head turns to the right, not making eye contact and looks back forward.
You must leave...he will get you and your friends. You mustn't believe a word he says. He's more powerful than any mage there is. I would know. I'm his sister.
She turns to you as you notice her face. She looks as though she's in her teen years, yet her posture tells otherwise. She closes her eyes and reaches out. In an instant, a staff appears in her grasp. She hands it to you.
Take this, it bears the truth of this labyrinth.
You take the staff as you notice it to be light.
So, do you have any questions?
Eat floor.
[1] You remember the floor can't be eaten and decide to not do it before people begin calling you a freak.
Meditate. Get rid of this damn headache.
[1 - 1 = 1] You try to reach into your sanctuary and remove your headache, but all you manage to do is worsen it.
Stand up and reach over to DivideByZero, encourage, but do not force, the mind plant roots to repair his back.
[4] You stand up and head towards _DivideByZero_. You mentally tell the plant to heal him. [Response : 5] The plant glows! A flashing line of light flows into _DivideByZero_ as he feels his back reforming itself. He endures no pain as it also stops the bleeding.
Thank Sinvara, take some ice and melt it to water the plant (EDIT while it heals me, for clarification).
[4] You shake hands with Sinvara, and thank him for his help. You test out your reformed back and crack the ice near the passage. You crack enough for the land of ice to not make a hole and begin transferring your body heat to the ice. It melts in a matter of seconds as you cup the water. You pour the water onto the plant on Sinvara's arm. [Reaction : 1] The water is quickly absorbed by the plant.
Call for help and first aid myself
[2] You cry in pain as you manage to call for no one.
The Ice Golems begin to wander around the room, as if you were all nothing. Statuses :Status: Unconscious (-1 to all physical actions, failguard), Fractured Skull, Moderate Bleeding (Will worsen in one turn.)
Location: In between the first and second room.
- Crossbow
- Metal-Tipped Bolts : +1 to damage with crossbow.
- Leather Armor : "Varee" engraved on the front, Grants +1 to defense.
- Dagger
- Throwing Knives
Bonuses: None.
Status: Headache (-1 to next action)
Location: In between the first and second room.
-Chainmail Armor : Grants +2 to defense against blunt damage.
-Blue Gauntlet : Gives +1 to defense against damage to right arm, Engraved on it is "Beirus" in gold letters.
-Wands : Unknown.
Bonuses: None.
Status: Broken Back (-2 to next physical action)
Location: In between the first and second room.
- Two-Handed Sword
- Plate Armor : +1 to Defense and +1 to Dodge
Bonuses: None.
Status: Plant On Left Arm (-1 to persuasion)
Location: In between the first and second room.
Equipment :
-Red Crimson Robe : "Sinvara" engraved onto the back, Grants +1 to stealth and dodge.
Bonuses: None.
Status: Black Wings On Back
Location: In between the first and second room.
-Chain mail Leggings : +1 to damage on legs.
-Mysterious Staff : Unknown.
Bonuses: None.
Status: Unharmed.
Location: In between the first and second room.
-Steel Shield : +1 to defense, will roll for damage done to shield.
-Chainmail Armor : Grants +2 to defense against blunt damage.
Bonuses: None.