Round 1
Tiruin - Stalker - Town
Stalker (town): You can choose to either inspect someone or kill someone. Actions: inspect kill
Notquitethere - Jedi - Town
Jedi (town): You can disable someone's role. That player will temporarily lose all abilities/characteristics until the next night. Each night you learn the role PM of a random role in the setup, but not who has it. Actions: disable (auto)cheat
Imperial Guardsman - Bone Shaman Suicide Bomber - Town
Lovestruck Suicide Bomber (town): When you die, you can return another dead player to life with a new role and team. You can suicide-bomb a player during the day, killing you and your target. Actions: (day)suicidebomb
Toaster - Robot - Town
Robot (town): Whenever you are targeted by an ability, you gain that ability. It still has its normal effect on you.
Shakerag - Nonvoter One-Shot 0% Role Cop Depressed Mafioso Lovestruck Sleeper Unlynchable - Town
Nonvoter One-Shot 0% Role Cop Depressed Mafioso Lovestruck Unlynchable (town): You have no vote. You can inspect a person to find out their rolename. This role's action always fails. You must make the mafia kill or use another night action each night. If you don't, you will commit suicide. You are madly in love with Notquitethere. So madly in love, in fact, that if that player should die, you will immediately commit suicide. Right now, you don't have any powers, but if Notquitethere dies you will become a Unlynchable.
Actions: inspect (1 use)
Ottofar - Yellow Goo - KING MAFIA
Yellow Goo (KING MAFIA): Whenever someone targets you with an action, they lose the ability to use that action and you gain it. This even affects group actions.
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself. Actions: (day)pardon
Night 0 Actions -
Tiruin - Inspect Toaster
Notquitethere - Disable Shakerag, learns about Yellow Goo
Imperial Guardsman - None
Toaster - None (gain Tiruin's inspect)
Shakerag - Inspect NQT
Ottofar - None
Mastahcheese - None
Night 1 Actions -
Tiruin - Inspect NQT
Notquitethere - Disable Tiruin
Imperial Guardsman - None
Toaster - Inspect Tiruin
Shakerag - Role Inspect NQT
Ottofar - Mafiakill NQT
Mastahcheese - None
Imperial Guardsman - nothing
Mastahcheese - nothing
Shakerag - dead because Lovestruck with NQT
NQT - killed by Ottofar, disables Tiruin, learns about Robot
Ottofar - killing NQT
Toaster - town result on Tiruin
Tiruin - disabled
Round 2
Tiruin - Stalker - Town
Stalker (town): You can choose to either inspect someone or kill someone.
Actions: inspect kill
Shakerag - Retired Cop - Town
Retired Cop (town): When the cop dies, you become a Cop.
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself.
Actions: (day)pardon
4maskwolf - Nexus - Town
Nexus (town): Any ability targeting you will target a random player instead. (It might randomly end up still targeting you.)
TheWetSheep - Super Backup - KING MAFIA
Super Backup (mafia): You will take on the role of the first player with a power role to die.
Powder Miner - Cop - Town
Cop (town): You can inspect another player to learn their alignment. Your results are not guaranteed to be accurate.
Actions: inspect
Notquitethere 2.0 - Adventurer - Town
Adventurer (town): You can trek to the secret caves at night, risking death (20% chance) for the chance at gaining an ability. This means all actions targeting you when you trek will not work.
Actions: hide
Night 2 Actions -
Tiruin - Inspect Mastahcheese
Shakerag - Become a real Cop
Mastahcheese - None
4maskwolf - be a Nexus
TheWetSheep - Kill Tiruin, become Stalker
Powder Miner - Inspect Mastashcheese
Notquitethere 2.0 - Hide (rolls 2, survives), get copy one-shot
Night 3 Actions -
Shakerag - Inspect NQT
Mastahcheese - None
TheWetSheep - Kill Powder Miner
Powder Miner - Inspect NQT
Notquitethere 2.0 - Copy Powder Miner onto Shakerag
Round 3
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself.
Actions: (day)pardon
Shakerag - Cop - Town
Cop (town): You can inspect another player to learn their alignment. Your results are not guaranteed to be accurate.
Notquitethere - Adventurer - Town
Adventurer (town): You can trek to the secret caves at night, risking death (20% chance) for the chance at gaining an ability. This means all actions targeting you when you trek will not work.
Actions: hide
Toaster 2.0 - Eavesdropper - Town
Eavesdropper (town): You may tap a player's communication lines, receiving duplicates of all game messages they receive that night. Actions: eavesdrop
Tiruin 2.0 - Lesser Stalker - Town
Lesser Stalker (town): You have a 50% chance of either inspecting your target or killing them.
Actions: 50%inspect/50%kill
TheDarkStar - Mimic - Town
Mimic (town): You can mimic another player. Any actions targetting you will affect that player instead, and vice versa. Actions: mimic
4maskwolf 2.0 - Toxic Goo - KING MAFIA
Toxic Goo (mafia): Anyone who targets you with an ability will die of poison at the end of the next day.
Night 4 Actions -
Mastahcheese - None
Shakerag - Inspect Toaster
Notquitethere 2.0 - Hide (rolls 4, survives), get Alien one-shot
Toaster 2.0 - Eavesdrop Mastahcheese
Tiruin 2.0 - 50%inspect/50%kill Toaster, (rolls 2, kill), Kill Toaster
TheDarkStar - Mimic Notquitethere
4maskwolf 2.0 - Mafiakill Notquitethere
Mastahcheese - nothing
Shakerag - inspect Toaster, get town result
Notquitethere 2.0 - hides, gets abduct one-shot
Toaster 2.0 - gets nothing from eavesdropping, killed by Tiruin
Tiruin 2.0 - kills Toaster
TheDarkStar - try to mimic NQT, fails
4maskwolf 2.0 - try to kill NQT, fails
Night 5 Actions -
Mastahcheese - None
Notquitethere 2.0 - Abduct 4maskwolf
Tiruin 2.0 - 50%inspect/50%kill Notquitethere, (rolls 1, inspect), Inspect Notquitethere
TheDarkStar - Mimic 4maskwolf
4maskwolf 2.0 - Mafiakill Mastahcheese
Mastahcheese - nothing
Notquitethere 2.0 - adduct 4maskwolf, get poisoned
Tiruin 2.0 - inspect NQT, get town result
TheDarkStar - try to mimic 4maskwolf, fails
4maskwolf 2.0 - try to kill Mastahcheese, fails
Night 6 Actions -
Mastahcheese - None
Tiruin 2.0 - 50%inspect/50%kill 4maskwolf, (rolls 2, kill), Kill 4maskwolf
4maskwolf 2.0 - Mafiakill Tiruin
Mastahcheese - nothing
Tiruin 2.0 - kill 4maskwolf, killed by Tiruin
4maskwolf 2.0 - kill Tiruin, killed by 4maskwolf
Round 4
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself.
Actions: (day)pardon
TheWetSheep 2.0 - Network Robot - Town
Network Robot (town): Whenever you are targeted by an ability, all players gain that ability. It still has its normal effect on you.
Ottofar 2.0 - Daykiller - Town
Daykiller (town): You are a daykiller.
Actions: (day)kill
Toaster 3.0 - Silver Goo - KING MAFIA
Silver Goo (King Mafia): Whenever another player targets you with an action, you become a perfect copy of that player.
Tiruin 3.0 - Cheater - Town
Cheater (town): Each night you learn the role PM of a random role in the setup, but not who has it. Actions: (auto)cheat
Notquitethere 3.0 - Echo - Town
Echo (town): Whenever a player dies, you will take on their role. You retain this property.
4maskwolf 3.0 - Hungry Ghoul - Town
Hungry Ghoul (town): Whenever another player dies, you gain a random one-shot ability. You kill other players. Actions: kill kill
Mastahcheese pardons TheWetSheep, so everybody has (day)pardon now.
Ottofar daykills TheWetSheep, so everybody has (day)kill now.
Mastahcheese - pardon used, can't use daykill this day
Ottofar - pardon not used, can't use pardon because already killed
Toaster - pardon not used, daykill not used
Tiruin - pardon not used, daykill not used
Notquitethere - pardon not used, daykill not used, became Network Robot
4maskwolf - pardon not used, daykill not used, gained one-shot redirect
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
Ottofar 2.0 - Daykiller - Town
Daykiller (town): You are a daykiller.
Actions: (day)kill (day)pardon (day)kill
Toaster 3.0 - Silver Goo - KING MAFIA
Silver Goo (King Mafia): Whenever another player targets you with an action, you become a perfect copy of that player.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
Tiruin 3.0 - Cheater - Town
Cheater (town): Each night you learn the role PM of a random role in the setup, but not who has it. Actions: (auto)cheat (day)pardon (day)kill
Notquitethere 3.0 - Network Robot Echo - Town
Echo (town): Whenever a player dies, you will take on their role. You retain this property.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
4maskwolf 3.0 - Hungry Ghoul - Town
Hungry Ghoul (town): Whenever another player dies, you gain a random one-shot ability. You kill other players.
Actions: kill kill (day)pardon (day)kill (oneshot)redirect
Notquitethere daykills Tiruin, becomes Cheater Echo.
4maskwolf gains (oneshot)gift.
Mastahcheese - pardon used, can't use daykill this day
Ottofar - pardon not used, can't use pardon because already killed
Toaster - pardon not used, daykill not used
Notquitethere - pardon not used, daykill used, became Cheater
4maskwolf - pardon not used, daykill not used, gained one-shot gift
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
Ottofar 2.0 - Daykiller - Town
Daykiller (town): You are a daykiller.
Actions: (day)kill (day)pardon (day)kill
Toaster 3.0 - Silver Goo - KING MAFIA
Silver Goo (King Mafia): Whenever another player targets you with an action, you become a perfect copy of that player.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
Notquitethere 3.0 - Cheater Echo - Town
Echo (town): Whenever a player dies, you will take on their role. You retain this property.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill (auto)cheat
4maskwolf 3.0 - Hungry Ghoul - Town
Hungry Ghoul (town): Whenever another player dies, you gain a random one-shot ability. You kill other players.
Actions: kill kill (day)pardon (day)kill (oneshot)redirect (oneshot)gift
4maskwolf daykills Ottofar, gains (oneshot)Guard!Bodyguard
Mastahcheese - pardon used, can't use daykill this day X
Toaster - pardon not used, daykill not used
Notquitethere - pardon not used, daykill used, became Daykiller X
4maskwolf - pardon not used, daykill used, gained one-shot guard!Bodyguard X
Mastahcheese - Magistrate - Town
Magistrate (town): You may pardon someone during the day. If the chosen player is lynched, they return to life. You can't pardon yourself.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
Toaster 3.0 - Silver Goo - KING MAFIA
Silver Goo (King Mafia): Whenever another player targets you with an action, you become a perfect copy of that player.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill
Notquitethere 3.0 - Daykiller Echo - Town
Echo (town): Whenever a player dies, you will take on their role. You retain this property.
Actions: (day)pardon (day)kill (day)kill
4maskwolf 3.0 - Hungry Ghoul - Town
Hungry Ghoul (town): Whenever another player dies, you gain a random one-shot ability. You kill other players.
Actions: kill kill (day)pardon (day)kill (oneshot)redirect (oneshot)gift (oneshot)guard!Bodyguard
Night 7 Actions -
Mastahcheese - None
Toaster 3.0 - None
Notquitethere 3.0 - None
4maskwolf 3.0 - Guard Toaster
Mastahcheese - nothing
Toaster 3.0 - become perfect copy of 4maskwolf
Notquitethere 3.0 - nothing
4maskwolf 3.0 - protect Toaster, (oneshot)guard goes away
4maskwolf shoots NQT
Mastahcheese shoots 4maskwolf
Toaster shoots Mastahcheese
Game Over!