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Author Topic: "*Nisgaknitig*", from the !EXTREMELY! Attention Deficit overseer of Soapyboar  (Read 3247 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Got bored of doing a science fort, stopped playing for 6 months.

Gunna try a glacier embark on Masterwork.

May continue sciencing, depending on mood.


Journal of Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader of Legon Migrur, "The Wanderers of the Oceans"

1st Granite, 73, Early Spring,
6 Days since the Crash:


We were sent from the old world to seek new territories for the Dwarvan Empire. That was 6 months ago.

Now we've "arrived" in this inhospitable frozen hell. Of the 7 ships of the fleet, only those 4 with ice-breakers made it a respectable distance through the impenetrable ice sheets. Even that was not enough, as eventually our hulls could not hold. 5 ships sank outright into the sea, one turned tail and made way from where we came (hopefully they will send word that we need supplies), and then there is us:

When the ice blade finally broke, we halted with such force, that most of the crewmen on the top deck flew off from the momentum, splattering on the ice far below. Only myself, 6 other dwarves, and 8 "indentured" Plump Helmet Men oarsman remain, as well as a few samples of livestock we were supposed to "seed".

Regardless, we must soldier on. Our task still stands:

-Explore the region.
-Build a colony.
-Find and harvest the natural resources.
-Capture local fauna to send to the old world for study.

Additionally, we should rebuild the Icebreaker ship as soon as possible.

Nisgaknitig *Frostbite*, Strike the earth!

Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 01:49:31 pm by bennerman »


  • Bay Watcher
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*Had to savescum within 45 seconds of starting, because my very first designation killed one of my miners.

Basically, we struck the earth, and the earth struck back. XD*


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From the Desk of Suthmam Cerolshadust:

8th Granite, 73, Early Spring.
1 Week after founding of Nisgaknitig
First Week Report and Memorandum:

As you are aware, construction has begun on temporary quarters.

This is where we will remain until such time as proper housing can be completed. At which point, it will be converted to farming, and quarters for the Plump Helmet Men, so don't put too much work into them. Minimal lighting and amenities will be required.

Note: Can Plump Helmet Men read?

Please begin sorting and pasturing the livestock and servants for inventory purposes. We will decide where to put them when we establish ourselves a little more.

On a side note, I feel like, rather than hunting the horse-men for sport, perhaps we could try to communicate with them? Maybe? Because last I checked, this was an exploratory expedition, so I think it may be best to NOT make the first sentient race we meet our enemies. Get your s**t together, hunters.

Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader


  • Bay Watcher
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Hunter's Journal:
Nuglush Zustziksis,
7th o' Slade, 73.

Dam[n] centor [sic] wench got away, but not 'fore losin' 'er nose.

I tell ya' that'll leave a mark.

Some o' the less skilled dwarfs [sic] 'ave set up a tree farm, to deal with the lack o' wood in the area.

The tunnels're startin' to get damper. Maybe there's a[n] aquifer up ahead. Normally the blasted things're a nightmare, but with no liquid water, it may end up bein' a life save. I'll let the... "less fit" dwarfs [sic] deal with that.

Nuglush "Eagle-eye" Zustziksis,
Outpost Hunter


  • Bay Watcher
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*Think I'll let the next death stick. This playthrough definitely needs some humour*


  • Bay Watcher
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Lol, funny, keep it up! Interesting approach to the glacier. I don't think I would have had the patience for a tree farm right at the start :)


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Memorandum on Current Projects of the Fort
Ingiz Kikrostlur,
Miner, Mason, and Head Architect

To Whom It May Concern,

Temporary bed chambers and work areas have been dug out, details are as follows:

1. a 12x4 room has been hewn from the soil in the tundra to the east, which adjoins the frozen arctic ocean in the north-west, and the glacier in the south-west. This will be used for minor crafting projects. Stone only PLEASE! We have very little wood available.

2. a 12x10 room has also been carved in the vicinity of the workshop, to serve as temporary quarters and dining room. Nearby office space to follow.

3. I recommend that the final fortress be composed of sturdy ice-blocks, as they are plentiful. If anyone wishes to discuss the matter, please meet with me at the earliest convenience.

4. Please separate the animals. The constant fighting is very irritated.
Onol bless us all.
Ingiz Kikrostlur

-Diagram of the working and living quarters.
-The aftermath of another creature fight.



  • Bay Watcher
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Lol, funny, keep it up! Interesting approach to the glacier. I don't think I would have had the patience for a tree farm right at the start :)

I'd love to lie and say it required some skill, but masterwork just lets you plant tree-spores in farming plots xP

Thank you, though. ^-^


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Hunter's Journal:
Nuglush Zustziksis,
17th Felsite, 73.

By Armok's arrow, the eggheads did it. A sourse [sic] of fresh water. An' they managed to dig 'er out without drownin' the fort.

Nuglush "Eagle-eye" Zustziksis,
Outpost Hunter



1st Declaration of Unbridled Success at Nisgaknitig

17th Felsite, 73.

Dictated by Ingiz Kikrostlur and Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Scribed by Besmar Ingizsegam, Record Keeper of Nizgaknitig

On this day of 17th of Felsite, in 73rd year of the common era, our miners struck an aquifer, the first fresh, liquid water we have seen since we left home all those months ago. With this discovery, we have bolstered both our will, and our chances of survival in this harsh land. With this discovery, we will be able to irrigate our crops and bath our wounded. With this discovery, we will have an infinite source of ice for our mighty edifices. With this discovery, we will thrive.

Ingiz Kikrostlur,
Miner, Mason, and Head Architect

Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader

Besmar Ingizsegam,
Record Keeper of Nizgaknitig


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Anybody wanna suggest anything fun or !fun!?

Regardless of if I do it or not, if it sounds like it WOULD be fun to do, I'll name one of my migrants after you. Cheers


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, maybe try the ol' "freezing your enemies to death" tunnel? As in channel the ceiling to your entrance tunnel, then floor it up, connect it to a large liquid water basin from the aquifer and when the experime..I mean enemies come flood the place with 5000 l of insta-freezing water! Goblin icecream, anyone? :D

Or, better yet, dig to the magma, build a magma tower up to 2 z levels over the surface, with channels surrounding a large wall made of ice, when enemies come, release the magma, it melts the ice, the water falls on the enemies but turns to ice before it hits them = rain of death-ice!



  • Bay Watcher
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That seems beyond the scope of my skill, but I'll certainly give it a shot.

One of my migrants shall be named after you.


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From the Desk of Suthmam Cerolshadust:

1st Hematite, 73, First Day of Summer.
3 Months after founding of Nisgaknitig
Three Month Report and Memorandum:

The Aquifer, which was supposed to be our salvation, is far deeper than we expected. Our exploratory mining tunnels quickly hit damp stone. As such, we are warning all miners to stick to designated digging routes, and report any damp stone IMMEDIATELY.
We are going to try digging in the glacier, and then tunneling eastward, hopefully bypassing the aquifers.

Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader


Journal of Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader of Legon Migrur, "The Wanderers of the Oceans"

1st Hematite, 73, First Day of Summer.

Slept on the cavern floor again.

Without stone, we can't make blocks, and without blocks, we can't process the saplings into usable wood for furniture. Situation is getting fairly dire.

Suthmam Cerolshadust,
Expedition Leader


Journal of Besmar Ingizsegam,
Record Keeper of Nizgaknitig

1st Hematite, 73.

"Inventory the food, Bes." "How much wood is left from the ship?" "Do we need to set up a brewery? Are we running low on booze?" How am I supposed to know?! I don't even have a bed, let alone a proper office! We're riding blind here! If they don't hurry, we'll find ourselves out of food and booze, and if progress continues to be this slow, we will die out here. Gotta make sure to tell the miners to hurry up.

Besmar Ingizsegam,
Record Keeper of Nizgaknitig


  • Bay Watcher
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I think this might be better suited for "Community Games and Stories" or "Masterwork DF".  There's a little "Move topic" button near the bottom of the thread you can use to move it to one of those. Also, its considered good form to put "*" on either side of your forts name if its a Masterwork fort. [EX:*Cathedral*]. Aside from that, I'm enjoying reading it so far.
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