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Author Topic: Gods and Mortals II (IC)  (Read 9037 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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As he waits to be unrestrained and taken backstage, he can't help but think I miss my fun bits.


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #46 on: May 26, 2014, 08:24:10 am »

This game's pretty much dead, methinks. Don't bother.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2014, 10:16:41 pm »

Book 2: Mortality
Chapter 4: Ascending

Virumlix gazed upon the Jistol throughtfully.  Their progress was far slower than the other races around.  So, the diety gave them a greater penchant towards knowledge and a great variety of plant matter around the area.  While the Jistol began to study the Spires and the plant life, they had nothing to fear upon the plains or any other incentive to progress quickly, so progress was still slow...

Upon Discord, a vast upheaval was occurring.  The Na Draoithe fell into disfavor by the ones that formerly called them their friends and allies, the former jealousy forming into xenophobia.  In response, their god gifted them a great many things, but the amount of essence given by the An Draoi did cost the god.  It wound up binding the deity to the race, making it so that if they die, then so will he.  However, the greater the numbers of the race, the god would grow more powerful.  However, if an Ascendant of the race rises to become a god, then An Draoi and the other would share their power equally...

However, when given the Draoian ran into a problem with the selection of the one who would lead them.  Before, all members of the race viewed themselves as equals, having reverted to the earliest forms of the planet's civilization of all being equal in status.  For a time, the weapon had no wielder, which was mildly problematic for the race's want to perform their god's command of using it to spread their race.  Soon, however, another diety came to one of the Draoithe.  The Unseen, the god that had never been seen or would ever be seen by other gods, had been searching for a volunteer to be able to speak to the Luminox.  That Draoithe, Re'stær, volunteered, and made an oath of secrecy to the god to not reveal the Luminox sentience or the god unless they decided to reveal themselves first.  The Draoithe brought the Luminox to Discord, them acting as a beacon for the Draoithe to their leader.  A large army of Spectres came to kill off the collection when they heard of it, as well as to harvest the Luminox for use as weaponry.  Before they came, Re'stær took the weapon from its holding place.  When they arrived, the Draoithe used the weapon's full power upon the army, disabling it for some time, but converting over three quarters of the army into Draoithe, the remaining dying from the weapon not having enough energy to bring them back, giving the An Draoithe a fighting force...

At the same time on Discord, the first dragons appeared.  As they were only hatched by establishing a link with a Spectre, their growth was the slowest of any race, and with only the Recreationists welcoming them, it was difficult to find pairs for the 499 eggs given by the Light for the race to be started.  They had found allies within the Draoithe, until the mass conversion of the army, when the Recreationists grew fearful of conversion themselves and ran to the grand temple of the Light.  The temple was soon besiged, and the rider Kaos and the dragon Mairune proved themselves in a battle to break the siege, leading an army of five hundred of the Recreationist Spectres and the only 2 Spectre-Dragon pairs with dragons old enough for battle, Madne and Malefor, and Discora and Scorch.  In the battle, the latter of the two other pairs were slain, along with seventy Recreationist Spectres and the forty-four eggs being destroyed, and the other managed to become captured, as well as fourteen Recreationist Spectres and six eggs, but the siege managed to be broken, the capital of the Recreationists eventually being built underneath the temple with twenty five eggs having hatched and nine pairs having grown to maturity as the other nations halted their wars for a time to recover and consolidate power...

Upon Mori, a new race had come.  The race of humanity.  The perchance towards science and technology put them at odds with the other races of the world.  Especially with their hunting and methods of taming the dragons that had recently been created.  These, however, paled in comparison to what they did when they discovered fire.  Their pursuit of science led them to attempt to see the limits of the fire, and in doing so, they set the world's forests on fire.  It would have burned the entire planet to a crisp if not for the elf, Galas, having been gifted with the Staff of Forests.  Using it, the elf created a massive break mile wide break of the rest of the forest from the fire, and caused the blaze to only cover a quarter of the world in size.  The elves waged war upon the humans, who fled into the Burned Lands, as they were now called, where they discovered an entrance to massive caves.  They began to build cities over them, and eventually explorers down into them discovered the Drow.  The two races formed an alliance, the humans acting as protectors, for when the Drow became known of by the elves, they were persecuted greatly, for their skin reminded the elves of the burned lands, and the Drow acting as providers of food through their ability to farm the plants of the underground...

Upon the final world, Thrae, a great volume of peoples arrive through the gates.  Not as much progress is made upon it as other worlds, as they are only setting up, but all arrived before the events upon the other worlds, and the great burning was not visible from the planet...

Spoiler: Gods (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Races (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Areas (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifacts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Technology (click to show/hide)

You know, if a neutral structure for the gods was made, you could have them meet up there and talk/taunt/etc each other so time could be passed.  I would laugh if someone made it to look like an stereotypical office floor with cubicles and a water cooler, scaled up to the size of the gods of course.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 10:19:24 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2014, 10:39:22 pm »

The Light looked upon his planet and sighed--a cesspool of war and filth, it was. But he was confident that only time would cause the dragons to hatch and the world grow and prosper. But for now, he must set to other works.

The Light drew upon the essence of Xaoc from Discord and shaped it into the void of space surrounding it. He molded it into a moon roughly a seventh the size of Discord and slammed a fist against it, thus sending it into a swift orbit around Discord. He conjured purple storms of erratic dark lightning and threw it across the surface of the new moon. He then began to use the Specters' technology and constructed a ring of intricate technology around the moon--a weapon that fired a concentrated beam of chaotic energy, capable of corrupting a great many things. He made the technology so intricate that no mortal being would be able to comprehend it, as its twist and turns seemed to be an enigma almost as complex as the god who created it.

1 Major Chaos Act: Create a moon around Discord and turn it in into a giant weapon that fires chaotic energy. Whatever it hits turns corrupted and chaotic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2014, 11:25:45 pm »

 Oh my they appear to be trying to weaponise my creations... they would best learn not to tamper with me and my creations... very so...

   Virumlix then gazed upon the great Uvirma plains, noticing the lack of progress... He needed to remedy that... He created a small plague... But a dangerous one.... He caused a Jistol to grow a fungus that gnawed at its very soul.... The poor creature was quickly drained of its soul and it finally was able to be rid of its small mortal body to join Virumlix... The husk soon grew larger and tougher... And blood thirsty...

   The new husk would spread its plague to all that it killed... which it would have no trouble with the undeveloped Jistol... However this was a bit cruel to leave them alone with no way of defense... Virumlix decided the ability to control crystalline energies stored within would be suitable... Those which were un afflicted by the plague had the ability to control the energies that radiated from the spires and do the normally impossible with it... Growing... shaping... and distorting the very rock that their patron god controlled...

  Something in the back of his mind was growing but he wasn't sure what it was... it was frightened... scared....

1 MIGHTY act: Gift Jistol with crystalline energy manipulation.
2 Regular acts: Create a fungal plague that 'zombifies' dead Jistol into hulking death machines.


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2014, 12:57:30 am »

Power. Kingship. Control. Worship. Blessed. These words echoed within Galas' mind each time he closed his eyes. Each night he dreamt the same dream; the exact one from when he awoke with the Staff of Forests by his side, though not with the same power it had against him the first time, the dream being a mere echo of it's first appearance. But by the Caretaker, he had a duty to fulfill!

Ever since he had protected Mori from the Inferno started by those clumsy Humans, more and more discoveries had been made across the now scorched Homeworld. First the industrious Humans had created cities, like the vermin they are, and now they have turned creations of the Caretaker,the Drow, against Mother Mori herself!
Galas headed out from his Home, shaped from a tree, staff in hand. He was already quite renowned within much of Mori, as the savior of the Forest, perhaps even the World tree itself; and Galas likes the sound of that, he likes the sound of that indeed. He would use this renown to his advantage, to band together and eventually strike against the vile Humans and their traitorous cohorts. He speaks out, using the staff to make the forest itself speak.

Friends, Mori'ans, Countrymen; lend me your pointed ears! For too long have these Humans evaded our grasp, because of our slacking, these criminals have been allowed to prosper, and have even gained allies amonst the tre(e)asonous Drow. Do you not remember how they have scorched our precious Mori, leaving a dark black scar where lush forests once were! We have fought for too long, and must bring a quick and merciless end to this war! Band together not as tribes, but as an Empire, blessed by the Caretaker himself; for I have received his blessing and will use it to finally bring an end to the fighting, and avenge Mori, with me, Galas, Savior of the Woodland!

And so Galas let the message forth, the forest itself groaning, creaking, and bellowing his call to arms and right to rule; leaving the only the birds and hearsay to relay his speech across the rest of Mori.

Yet Galas was not yet pleased with what he had done. Compared to the Humans, who relied upon great walls to protect themselves from the valiant attacks on part of the elves. Too many good Elves were lost in the Inferno, and the Humans breeding like the vermin they are, the elves needed to be stronger if they wanted to trump this new enemy. Galas gripped the staff, and was reminded of the power it had given, all he had to do was tap into that power. With a deep breath, he attempted the impossible. Power seeped from Galas' body, directed towards the staff. The energy, immense and without purpose, almost alive. He had one thought, and one thought only for this energy: something, anything to defeat the Humans. And with the thought, the power dispersed, never to be seen again. Spent and feeling oddly empty inside, Galas awaited council with the Leaders and Elders of Elvenkind, to see their decision to unite the Elfs against the Humans under a single rule.
Use the power of the Staff of Forests to make the forest speak my speech. Rely on songbird/mockingbirds/otherkindsbirds as to relay message across Mori.
Try to create an Elven empire, using my "blessing" as an incentive for the Elves to declare me their ruler.
Expend a Minor act to gain a random weapon knowledge for Elfs.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 10:21:37 pm by javierpwn »


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #51 on: June 10, 2014, 05:43:06 pm »

Kaos oversaw the construction of the city of the Recreationists with pleasure. He noted the dragon's stables, one of the largest constructions of the city. But he felt that it was undefended, vulnerable, such that if the enemy were to come again, all of this would be destroyed. So he contacted the Light of Madness in the back of his mind, and asked a simple favor:
Protect your people, lord. If it pleases you, direct the weapon in the skies toward your temple, and have it destroy any who approach with hostile intent. We need your protection.
Such was his prayer to the mighty Light.

No? acts: Contact the Light of Madness, asking that the moon/weapon would be used to protect the temple, and thus, the city.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 06:13:56 pm by Scotsmen »
As he waits to be unrestrained and taken backstage, he can't help but think I miss my fun bits.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #52 on: June 10, 2014, 07:24:17 pm »

Wolf gazed down at the world he had created, the world he had sculpted with his own hands.  He knew that it was his ally who had brought such destructive force to the world, but he was willing to forgive the transgression.  It was in the nature of his ally to attempt to preserve balance, and in a way the war had done exactly that.  But perhaps there was somewhere else he was needed, somewhere else he could still bring his power to bear.  His chosen one could manage the forests in his absence.

He turned his eyes to Discord.  This was Havoc's world, a world of war and strife.  He watched as Havoc forged a moon above the world and turned it into a mighty weapon of destruction, poised to destroy his foes.  He heard the dragon rider call out to his god in desperation as the entire world turned on him and his small army.  And Wolf was moved to action.  From the heavens, he extended his staff towards the city, and around the city he willed a massive wall into being, composed entirely of wood.  Wolf's power, combined with the chaos energy of the plane, hardened the wall, making it nearly unbreakable by any attacking force.  The wall itself was hollow, a living thing in its own right, feeding off the raw chaos energies of the realm.  It would let the forces of city in and out but would harden before all others, making the city almost impervious to attack from the land.

Wolf willed himself into the temple, and with a sound like cracking wood he appeared within it.  Standing before the Spectre Kaos, he spoke:"I have heard your pleas, warrior.  Go in peace, knowing that your city will be safe as long as I watch over it.  For no power your enemies can bring to bear can match the might of an elder god."

Before the spectre's eyes, Wolf extended his power throughout the city.  Within the temple, the dragon eggs began to move as the power washed over them, hatching before Kaos's eyes.  They looked much the same as the currently hatched dragons, but a streak of green ran down their snouts as they peered around.  These dragons were born to defend the walls, to guard the city to the death.

Then Wolf placed a hand on Kaos's shoulder, and Kaos felt a rush of energy surge through him, an energy he had never felt before.  Suddenly he could sense everything within the walls, almost as if he could see them.  He felt the walls around the city, strong and impenetrable, and felt them ready for his every command.  He could manipulate the walls at a will, opening gates here and closing them there.

With that, Wolf nodded to the spectre and ascended back into the aether above, to watch the developments around the city.

Spend one forest act to create a semi-living wall around the city that is nearly impervious to attack.
Spend one act to imbue the unhatched dragons with power to defend the walls, so that if either they or their rider (or both) die within the boundaries of the walls, their life energy will be transferred to Kaos, who can return it to them as he sees fit.
Spend one act to give Kaos the ability to see everything within the walls and to manipulate the general shape of the walls as he sees fit, as well as what is noted above with the dragons.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 11:57:36 am by 4maskwolf »


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #53 on: June 10, 2014, 08:41:01 pm »

Protect your people, lord. If it pleases you, direct the weapon in the skies toward your temple, and have it destroy any who approach with hostile intent. We need your protection.
Kaos heard a voice in his mind.
It is done.


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #54 on: June 14, 2014, 12:46:25 pm »

    Aeterne watched the development of his people, seeing their quick advances and growth, and was pleased. Then, the inevitable struck - great swathes of fire burned great areas of the Forest world his ally had so diligently maintained destroyed in a single sweep of ignorance, and foolishness. Aeterne pondered this effect. After a long time in silence, he came to a conclusion; although harmful to the world in the short term, the Great Burning, as it will be remembered, had just effects on the future of the world. Due to the strife and anger it had caused between the Elves and Humans, their civilizations would prosper and continue to grow with competition. The great burned areas will have the Ash interred into the Earth, making huge areas of fertile, flat lands in generations to come. He nodded firmly, thinking - 'The end term of this devastation outweighs it's short term effects... Now my relations with the other god, however...'

He turns to Wolf, and asks for forgiveness to his transgressions, and finds acceptance. Grateful for the understanding, Aeterne Continues to spread knowledge amongst his people, but not without boundaries...

First, he imbues his people with the knowledge of flight - how to build great machines capable of soaring through the sky. he smiles, wondering how long it will take them to reach the other worlds, or perhaps further into the unknown...

Next, he imbues them with the knowledge of wider growth, and the ability to sustain their cities without the dependence of the Drow - Irrigation, to spread the water from the rivers and streams through the land, to make it fertile once more.

Finally, for his last change unto mankind, he gives them the knowledge of commerce - how to communicate and trade with civilizations different to their own, and perhaps seem less threatening. The ability to turn a profitable gain from any enterprise, and be more open to other nations. This he did, after seeing the devastation wrought on Discord - and for the future on Thrae.

Spend 1 minor act each on the three above mentioned actions. Conserve my 'Order' Acts, for now.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 11:31:01 am by WhitiusOpus »
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Masches grabs his "sword." Navi gasps. Her aura flushes a pinkish hue and she flies out the window.


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #55 on: June 14, 2014, 04:36:35 pm »

As Wolf rose into the aether, a frown crossed his face.  In all his actions, he had forgotten his second people, the drow.  They lived in fear of the elves, allying themselves with the humans for protection.  He sighed and returned to Mori, descending into the underground.  In the guise of a wizened, ancient drow, he appeared before the elders of the drow.  He spoke with them, heard of their plight, and his heart was saddened.  Revealing his true nature to them, he drew power from the infinite aether and released it, blessing the drow with the power to walk in the darkness unseen.  This gift, he warned them, was for their protection only: those who used it in aggression blasphemed against their creator.  As he left the tunnels, disguising himself once more, he put a hand on each elder's forehead, saying
The Caretaker will preserve you.  Go in peace, and know that I watch over you always.
Maintaining his disguise, he walked among the buildings the humans had created.  He admitted there was a certain beauty to them, but they were too manufactured, too sharp and contrasting.  He weaved a small enchantment, bestowing upon the humans a desire to become closer to the forest they had once lived in, though they were so far from it.  A desire for natural beauty within the stark, contrasting cities they lived in.  He continued walking, noting the occasional dragon flying overhead, and pondered.  The great dragons had been tamed by the humans, but he wished them to be creatures of peace and wisdom, not of war like the dragons of Discord.  Weaving another small enchantment, he imbued them with a desire for peace and tranquility, as their lives had been in the old forests.
Moving swiftly, he reached the forests beyond the burned land.  The elves, he knew, lived here, hidden in the great trees of Mori.  He gazed upwards at the purple leaves and sighed.  He had preferred them when they were green, but the machinations of other gods had declared it was not to be so.  He reached out and touched the nearest tree, and it began to glow slightly.  The glow spread from tree to tree, covering the whole world before dying out.  With his blessing, a great fire like that the humans had set would never again threaten the forests.  The trees would not be completely fireproof, but his blessing would contain the flames, limiting their spread.
Finally, he traveled to the world tree.  Gazing out, he saw the treants slowly moving below, making their meandering ways through the forest.  They were his first creation guardians of the world tree.  Touching the World Tree, he imbued it with the power to allow any who could reach it to communicate with him, for they would have proved themselves worthy.

Spend one Act to give the drow the ability to hide themselves in darkness, staying completely unnoticed by non-drow.
Split one forest act into three forest minor acts, use one to imbue the humans with the desire for natural spaces within their cities, places of natural beauty.
Use a second forest minor act to imbue the dragons with a longing for the peace and tranquility of their former homes in the forests
Use a third forest minor act to imbue the world tree with power to allow those who reached it to contact Wolf
Use a forest act to make the trees fire-resistant, preventing fires from spreading too far.

Also, I'm naming the mountain range the surrounds the forest where the world tree lies "the spine of Mori"


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2014, 01:58:21 pm »

And then the Light, having finished its song, remembered those forty Chosen that it had forgotten in the darkness below the worlds. Of course, they could travel between wordlds, but that was such a simple, unsatisfying option.

 And so it spun a dream from the fibers of memory and longing: a dream of a silver needle that pierces the skies, bringing worlds together with each stitch, a needle with a thread of flame. A dream of the endless void between the stars, and the far expanses of the universe, and a dream of the thousands of non-Chosen who would never see their worlds as tiny pale dots, small enough to hold in their hands; a dream of melancholia, infused with a desire for greatness.

This dream it cast to the forty, appealing to their daring and their need to lead and guide others. In the dream was that tiny spark of inspiration that starts a wildfire; the knowledge of the fire salts of the earth and of strong metalwork the Chosen had already.

Teach the forty Chosen left on the plane rocketry and send them to visit the three wanderers. Conceal the fact that I sent the dream, but make it instantly recognizable in tone so that if I send another, they notice that the dreams are similar.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2014, 01:40:30 pm »

An Draoi was pleased. He did not wish the destruction of any race, but he would go to any lengths to ensure the survival and longevity of his own. However, Na Draoithe were limited by their population, and with the xenophobia exploding from the Spectres, he knew that turbulent times were ahead if he was not careful. He knew that they must make allies to ensure the survival of the race.
An Draoi went to the Dragons of Discord, to speak with them and ensure neutrality, at least, if not friendship between the two races. He spoke to their leader, requesting friendship in exchange for a promise that Na Draoithe would not convert any of the Dragons to their own race. He then prepared himself to speak to Na Draoithe and in particular Re'stær, who had shown himself as the leader of the race, to ensure that his side of the bargain would be held out.
Finally, on Na Draoithe itself, he performed some social adjustments. He reached within his essence and drew forth power, intertwining it with the population and reshaping their bodies, into those agile and powerful, those who were of regular stature and build, though possessing a strange brute strength and intelligence, and those who kept residual essence in their souls, bonding them far closer to Himself. This resulted in various castes being formed, a Warriors caste, a Citizen caste, and a Religious caste. The Warriors caste excelled in combat, having excellent aiming abilities, reflexes, dexterity, strength, and various other combat related skills. The Citizen caste filled in the majority of the remaining population, and possessed extraordinary intelligence and strength, for commercial jobs and laboring. The Religious caste had residual essence left over from these modifications, and as such were able to call it forth in uses resembling magic, known as Essencry. Essencry, however, posed little use in combat application and more in the form of aiding the user in their various jobs and tasks, or could potentially be used in machinery and trap-making. Although Essencry does not have many combat uses yet, it is possible for the Religious caste to advance it through practicing and researching, making future combat applications plausible. Further, as all of the castes have some residual essence with Religious possessing far more than the others, it is possible to impart a minor degree of their knowledge of Essencry on the other castes. Finally, Essencry can be used only to a certain point, to the point where their spiritual reserves are exhausted, and at which point they must recover through natural means, similar to physical exhaustion.
An Draoi looked over what he had rebirthed, and was satisfied. He only hoped that it would be enough for them to defend themselves in case of war.

An Draoi goes to the Spectre Riders and Discord Dragons to speak with them in terms of a friendship, or alliance between Na Draoithe and themselves. (Action)
(Only if the above action goes successfully) An Draoi goes to Re'stær and informs him of the alliance and that they are under no circumstances to be converted, except in betrayal. (Action)
An Draoi creates three castes of Na Draoithe: Warriors, Citizen, and Religious. Fighting caste members make up ~20% of the population, and excel in all things combat, being worth approx. 2-4 other non-Warriors in combat situations. Citizens make up ~75% of the population and perform most of the jobs of daily life such as laboring, construction, business-owning, banking, etc, and are in effect standard people. They can be conscripted, but are never as powerful as Warriors. Religious make up ~15% of the population and possess Essencry, a form of magic/sorcery which serves little combat purpose can be advanced through the efforts of the Caste. Knowledge of Essencry can be imparted on non-Religious, but is not as strong unless wielded by a Religious. (1 Rebirth Act)

(Also, I think Essencry should be considered Technology in terms of advancement and research, despite being Magic. Combat applications likely wouldn't be researched at all unless a situation arose when it was needed.)


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2014, 02:19:13 pm »

Kaos was overwhelmed, and more than a little bit frightened. First, a strange Elder God, whom he had never seen or heard of before now, appeared in the Temple of the Light. This god, calling himself the Caretaker, created a wall of what appeared to be made of the same stuff as the trees on his native land, but much more... alive. The same god then imparted upon him the control of this wall, to do with what he would. After that, the Light of Madness himself contacted Kaos, telling him that the weapon in the skies would indeed protect him. And now, finally, here was another god, a Younger, asking if an alliance with the Na Draoithe would be in order. Indeed, an alliance would be helpful. Therefore, "I accept" was the answer of the Dragon Rider.

Accept the alliance with the Na Draoithe.
As he waits to be unrestrained and taken backstage, he can't help but think I miss my fun bits.


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Re: Gods and Mortals II (IC)
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2014, 08:43:24 pm »

-RP here later-

Trickster creates the Crow's Eyes, a set of gems the size of a fist each that when assembled, summon Trickster to their present location. 1 Act.
He scatters them across the universe (1 minor act), and informs the various mortal civilizations that they exist and that whoever assembles them will gain incredible power. 1 minor act.
1 Mighty Act: Trickster hides these Eyes from the sight, scent, hearing, etc of other gods.
1 Mighty Act: He also prevents other gods and/or more than mortal beings from coming into contact with them, altering them, destroying them, etc.
Sig! Onol
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