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Author Topic: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge  (Read 8034 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2014, 11:42:04 pm »

Is it all right to post my story here?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2014, 03:20:33 am »

I would appreciate, if you could make an extra thread. We can link each other in the start post.
Oh, and I should be able to start playing this evening... Just having a very busy weekend with some tournament.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2014, 05:34:01 am »

I love your forts! If it is not too late, can I be bolded? if only to see when I die (when, not if)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2014, 04:00:19 pm »

I want more!!! GIVE BOLDS NOW!
Also, can I have a bold called "TemptsFate" please? :D



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2014, 04:14:49 pm »

I'm midsummer by now... Without spoiling too much: Not a single Bold has died yet. But this does not mean, that our numbers have improved...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2014, 10:29:36 pm »

Ooh, another Mahrfort! Requesting a character: Pascale if male, Spascala if female, don't care what I get so long as I get to read about my misadventures.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2014, 06:30:52 am »

In my last fortresses I always described things from the perspective of my dwarf. For the Kobolds I will change this, so I will write either conversations or just from a neutral observer position. (I decided this, before I started playing... gameplay shows it was a wise decision^^)

1st Granite:
Palu: Erm, Mahrgell... we spotted something?
Mahrgell: What? A gold fountain? A dancing jackrat juggling barrels of juice?
Palu: No... Half a dozen drakes.
Shons: uaaaaaah... We are all gonna die!
Mahrgell: Shut up... There are no dragons here. If there would be either they would freeze to death, or they would melt down the whole glacier...
Palu: Drakes! The normal reptiles! Not the fire spewing dragons...
Mahrgell: Erm... Well... And you have seen half a dozen? Let's hope the didn't see us then... Better be silent!
-from the back- croak
Mahrgell: Toad damnit...

17th Granite
The drakes are still around, but haven't shown any hostility. The camp now has some basic workshops. Toadlicker, boneyard, butcher, kitchen, tanner, leatherworker, loom (there were some webs around).
Slaughtering the pack animals gave us the necessary stuff to even build a sawmill. Sadly the reaction to split wood into two valueless woodlogs does not exist anymore. (It is in the manual)
The fur has been crafted into some body armors... Well.. we have only 6 fur, but whatever.
Also we have now the first few toad extracts lying around. Oddly, there seems to be a bug about storing it:

Some is stored in a barrel, but obviously, some is also just lying around... But it still counts as 60 drinks, so I guess it is available for drink...

21st Granite
Artom: I'm not drinking that stuff. This toad shit will kills us all.
-from the back- croak
Mahrgell: Oh come on... You did it before... What could really happen.
Artom: No, I'm not doing it.
Mahrgell: Well, then I will take the first shot to show you, that there is no problem with it.

Palu: Certainly no problem...
Shons: uaaaaaah... We are all gonna die!
Razorback: Oh my god! Everyone stand ready!
Palu: Well, is it hostile?
Razorback: I don't know, but I said everyone prepare for battle.
Jintino: Erm... we have no weapons...
Palu: It looks peaceful... And it is still our high priestess... Maybe she morphes back at some point?
Razorback: I better have an eye on her... it... whatever...
Palu: Oh, and officially she is still our head kobold...and shaman... and hoardcounter, trader and witch doctor!
Artom: Well... that problem is solved...
Palu: I propose we build an office... Maybe she can even do her tasks as... this?
Artom: Certainly! That's what such creatures always do....

OOC: Seriously? My Bold is the first to actually drink... Yeah... fun starts here :D I didn't check the raws for the effects of toad extract, so I have no idea, how many terrible things it can cause... But certainly, this is an awesome start ^^

24th Granite

Palu: We tried everything, but we can't make Mahrgell accept the chair and table. We need a new leader. Who wants to be our new leader? You even get a brand new office.
Artom: I don't even want to be here... And much less lead you guys!
Shons: uaaaaaah... We are all gonna die!
Razorback: I aready have responsibility for our defense! Someone else should do the civilian duties!
Artom: Awesome defense!
Shens: This new office... is a joke, isn't it? It is just a chair, a table and some stairs leader to a small roof.
Palu: Uhm... no... It is all we got right now.
Shens: Then I surely don't want it.
Palu: Oh, good! So we have a new leader!
Kobold chorus: Who?
Palu: Jintino is our new leader!
Jintino: Why me? I didn't say anything!
Palu: That's why... Everyone said, that he doesn't want... and  I don't want eiter... so that leaves only you.
Jintino: But...
Palu: No but...
Jintino: … Okay... But then, as your new leader, I hereby demand, that from now on you call me CptCrunchy!
Shens: What does that mean?
Cpt Crunchy: No clue... Just thought it sounds cool!

7th Slate
Cpt Crunchy: Why is everything full of vomit here?
Shens: The toad extr... BURGH...
Cpt Crunchy: Brilliant, truly brilliant! But anyway, I talked with Razorback, and he wants to tell you something.
Razorback: From now on... Everyone can train here! We got a new armor stand, so whenever you have spare time, I want to see you here to train! Is this clear?
Razorback: …

23rd Slate
The drakes are gone. Now there are gargoyles... Awesome wildlife here, I don't see how we can practice the usage of our bone pointy sticks...

24th Slate
Cpt Crunchy: What?
Shons: uaaaaaah... We are all gonna die!
Palu: The gargoyles are attacking our shalswars.

25th Slate
Erm...I wanted to tell you about the fight, but instead... I will let the picture do the talking.

The gargoyles killed 2 shalswars, 2 toads and a rat.
But the worst thing really was the fact, that my population was at ZERO. All I had:

So fast forward....

From now on I use the date given by the z-menu... It differs by about a month ftom the one in the r- and a-menu. Until now I had used those... So I fast forwarded about 3 months

26th Malachite

kamikazi: Uh... What is this?
Kingu: Erm... Please don't tell me that....
kamikazi: But it looks like it... Look at the workshops... Those are Kobold workshops... And look, there are the toads...
Kingu: Please No!
LMeire: How did they end here? Shouldn't they travel much further?
Kamikazi: The grandmaster certainly said so... but it looks like they settled here!
Kingu: But why? It's so cold here...
TemptsFate: And WHERE are they?
Kamikazi: This is strange.... But we should probably stay around here then.
Kingu: But here is no one... and it is too cold!
Lmeire: But there is also no point in searching further... This is certainly their caravan.
Kamikazi: Anyway, let's get to work everybody... Oh, and if they return, I really want to know, what those rams are doing here.
Kingu: I can't stay in this cold...
Kamikazi: Then grow a fur, toad damnit!
Kingu: Okaaaay....

28th Malachite
Finally here is some life in the settlement again... But we now also got a thieves tunnel. Oh... and we moved the drink stockpile away from the rest... In general it seems, like the wildlife here is highly annoying... drakes, stranglers, gargoyles and other ice predators... Awesome.
PS: Tenderroast and TheCorpse also arrived, so we are 6 in total right now.

8th Galena
Today was a day for celebrations!
>10 new toads, at least 20 jackrats

16th Galena

Uhhhh... okay... whatever...

23rd Galena
We are unable to do anything... Kingu wasted his food and drinks, only to not morph into anything... And now 3 (ouf of 6) Bolds are unconcious from some drinks... Yeah :D

1st Limestone
Still trying to get Kingu to morph into a druid, but Kingu is unconcious right now... Awesome.
Overall we are now at 6 Bolds (2 of them are onconcious), 7 rams, 3 Shalswars, 25 Toads and 75 Jackrats
So if we have nothing, we at least have animals


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2014, 06:39:28 am »

A few comments:
This is quite some fun until here, at least for me ^^
But: I'm highly annoyed by the use of the skills wood cutting and hunting for normal workshops tasks.... This is annoying the crap out of me...

Oh and I will now trade a few jackrats for Kobolds via breeding warren ^^ So we may finally get some sort of population...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2014, 07:06:56 am »

Id say that went well. Technically they are all still alive.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2014, 08:24:32 am »

Well... I just learned, that 2 men squads are not the most efficient way to train... ^^ But that does not mean, that efficient training makes efficient soldiers...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2014, 08:40:22 am »

I think the camp is unrecoverable... (And I didn't think this, when I was at 0 pop)
And this with only one dead Bold...

If anyone can guess, how it happened, 5 imaginary dwarfbucks to you...

I will let it play out, and then probably revert to the summer save.... But this is hilarious as fuck.... And this time I try to somehow find some solution to the problem...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2014, 09:56:08 am »

Oh my god...
This whole thing has to be buried... Unless someone is able to fix this bug, that makes playing Kobolds completely impossible. (maybe playing Kobolds with toad extract?)

Last time, after saving and starting the save everybody turned into a ram... (when the gargs attacked, I went to sleep, as it takes quite some time with fights...) I didn't think much of it, except that I considered it unfortunate timing.
Yeah now I just figured out...
whenever I load any save: The second I unpause EVERY Kobold in the camp will turn into a ram.. no matter where, no matter what he is doing (even the final save, with only one kobold being unconcious and all other dead)
This makes saving entirely impossible. And I often leave my laptop turned on, but I can't do it constantly... And waiting for 6 months whenever I save is certainly not an option....

I have no clue, if they are false flagged with toad extract or if it is a general kobold bug... But in any case... It is unplayable. I tried all my saves I have for this fortress... In every save all Kobolds get turned into rams right away...

edit: I will post the last chapter of the first fortress later this evening... Now I have to think of something new :( So sad... This was so awesome and fun....

edit2: If someone has the magic to fix this bug, I will of course try this whole thing again....


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2014, 10:06:27 am »

You coukd delete the ram and bebelith transformation lines... they have 7% to happen, I didnt knew about the bug. I think splitting it into a syndrome each, instead of having one syndrome with all effects should fix it.

Sorry for that, but I hope you get one more of your awesome forts going.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2014, 10:18:01 am »

But what is really happening here?
Why does after loading the transformation trigger?
Does this mean, that all toad effects are applied to all Bolds after loading?
Or what? ^^
And would I be able to salvage the saves by doing this, or would I have to restart? (Wouldn't be a big deal, only half a year)
In any case, which file, which lines? :D I'm clueless when it comes to raws ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: V.4i - Frozen Kobold Challenge
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2014, 10:41:35 am »

It might be that all effecs happen. Its in three files, best to open eberything and just search for bebelith or ask someone who knows how it works. Its in the creature file, the plant file for the drink and either inorganic or interaction for the reaction. And the 50 drinks you had cant be used... its a bug that happens if the stack of drinks is larger than the container. the reaction needs a DOES NOT DETERMINE PRODUCT AMOUNT and a set product amount. 20 or 15 should be good. Sorry i cant help more, I only have a phone with me on this trip.
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