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Author Topic: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix  (Read 210794 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2014, 06:03:31 am »

Here is a little update on our project, this time around we talk about the Open Pre-Alpha Combat Demo that we have in the works right now and are planning to release within the next couple of weeks. Hope you dont mind me sharing this dev blog article with you guys!
Enjoy the read and, as always, we are happy about any thoughts or input!


As you might be aware from reading our previous blog posts and watching our gameplay videos, we already have the combat part of Battle Brothers in a playable state. Now we want to put our game to the test and get you to play it and give us feedback. For this reason, we’ll release a public Pre-Alpha Combat Demo for you to try out (i.e. get horribly slaughtered by the AI) within the next few weeks. Today, we’ll talk a bit about what will be awaiting you exactly.

How far is the development of the tactical combat?

The tactical combat part is already pretty far in development. On the technical side of things, we’ve had our core game engine running for several months. The game has relatively modest demands on computers running it and should generally also do well on Notebooks and older PCs. Any video card supporting OpenGL 3.0 should be able to run the game - and if it isn’t, it’s precisely the job of the upcoming demo to bring this to light so that we can fix it.

As one of our advertised features is the procedural generation of maps, it was one of the first things we implemented when we had the groundwork done, and something that will also be present in the upcoming demo. We have all the basic combat mechanics in the game, including character stats of Battle Brothers and enemies, equipment, combat calculations, different height levels, fog of war and a good selection of different skills with which battles are fought. What is missing now most of all is content, balance and fine-tuning. There are also a few more advanced mechanics still missing (e.g. throwing weapons and limited ammo), but none that should get in the way of enjoying the game.

We have a competent AI ready to control enemy characters on the field of battle. Our AI does not cheat - the same restrictions apply to it that apply to you; it has limited sight range and can not see into the fog of war, and you being able to see them does not necessarily mean that they also see you. We decided early on that we wanted to tailor the AI of individual types of enemies to really reflect their capabilities and mind set, which is why you’ll find that your enemies will behave differently and not always predictable. The simple-minded Zombies possess a simple-minded AI and will just stumble towards the nearest target with no regard to terrain. Skeletons possess more of a cold intelligence and will attempt to gain a positional advantage, raise their shields in defense as you rain arrows on them and attempt to smash your shields as you raise yours. Necromancers will try to avoid getting to close to your Battle Brothers and try to raise the dead from the backline. Vampires will use their unique skill to try to pick off your men one by one, always trying to stay out of the reach of the bulk of your fighting force. Ultimately, we want the AI to be able to do everything that the player can in an intelligent manner (although, of course, not every type of enemy), but we’re not there yet.

The UI of the game is functional and offers helpful tooltips explaining skills, equipment and UI elements. Still, it is work-in-progress. You’ll notice that it currently has a very simple look - that is, because it hasn’t been skinned yet. Our priority here is to optimize usability first, and we’re still shuffling things around and adding new features based on player experience. That includes your experience also - if you have a suggestion on what we should change regarding the UI based on your experience playing the demo, let us know! Only once we’re satisfied with how the UI works will we skin it to give it a real non-placeholder look that actively contributes to the atmosphere of the game.

What will be included in the Pre-Alpha Combat Demo?

The combat demo consists of several scenarios that differ in tactical situation, terrain and quality and numbers of enemy opposition. Those scenarios are designed to showcase various stages of the game and combat situations you may encounter in the finished game. In each scenario you’ll have a set number of Battle Brothers which you can equip with a range of early medieval weaponry and armor to suit your tactical approach. The way you equip your Battle Brothers will to a large part determine the tactical options at your disposal. Not every weapon is suited against every type of enemy or situation, and neither is heavy armor always the best choice. You should experiment with different combinations to find strategies that work well.

The layout of the individual scenarios will be randomly generated to different degrees, as will the equipment of some of your enemies. You shall find that some of them can play out very differently from one playthrough to another. The demo will include the following scenarios:

Combat Basics - A simple scenario to try out the basics of melee combat. Easy.

Swipe - A scenario containing few and easy opponents on a map with lots of terrain features blocking sight. Well suited to get used to lines of sight, fog of war and ranged combat. Easy.

Early Game Combat -  A scenario simulating a possible early game encounter in enemy composition and equipment available. Moderate difficulty.

Defend the Hill - A scenario in which you have to survive against overwhelming odds while positioned on top of a hill. Well suited to learn about height advantage and to test sight and usability issues with height levels. Difficult.

Advanced Combat - A mixed scenario combining all the above elements and simulating more closely what an encounter might feel like at mid-game and later. Terrain can vary greatly between playthroughs, as can the enemies you encounter to some extent. Difficult.

The goal in every demo scenario is to kill all opposition without them killing your Battle Brothers first.

What will not be included?

The demo will be Windows PC only. While the final game will also be available for Mac OSX and Linux, the demo will not for the time being.

The demo will not include any strategic and management aspects of the game, accessible from the worldmap, but will be focused solely on the combat part of the game. As such, it only represents part of what the final game will be about.

Finally, the demo does not represent the amount of content that the final game will have. Only some of the weapons, armor and skills that will be available in the final game are included. Likewise, the demo will only include a limited variety of terrain types and enemy diversity. The final game will feature sound effects for every action and a variety of atmospheric music, but the demo will be quite limited in this regard.

Why release a Combat Demo?

We are now at a point in development where we want to put our game to the test and get people from the outside to play it and give us feedback. Feedback on technical issues, aesthetics, usability, mechanics, gameplay, AI and anything else. Perhaps we can even get some new ideas for the game that we haven’t thought about yet.

In addition, we want to get more people to know about our project, and we think an open demo is a good way to reach a bigger audience so that everyone can check out the game for themselves and discuss how they want it to shape up. We want to engage with you in the development of this game!

How do I get it and when will it be released?

The demo will be released within the next couple of weeks, the exact time depending on our progress. It will be downloadable from our website at and also on our indieDB page at

If you don’t want to miss it, follow us on our social media channels to get all the latest news. We want as many people out there to give us some feedback so be a Bro and spread the word about our project and the upcoming Pre-Alpha Combat Demo!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 08:50:55 am by Jaysen »
Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #46 on: March 25, 2014, 12:05:34 pm »

Hi there, we thought it would be a good idea to write a little narrative story based on actual events from the game. It is a bit like an After Action Report/ Novel mixture.
Anyways, it will give you a better feel for the world we had in mind when starting with Battle Brothers.

Hope you like this kind of material!

A Battle Brothers After Action Report

The Aftermath

Is that a light in the distance? Magnus rubbed the rain out of his eyes and tried to identify the source of the yellow light he thought he saw a couple of seconds ago but it had already disappeared behind the slow moving rain curtains that have had been falling all day. Right next to him, his companions Torstein and Bjarn staggered along the muddy road followed by Carl and the oxwagon that held all their equipment and what was left of their supplies. The lack of fresh food, shelter and a decent night’s sleep took a huge toll on the men’s morale. No one had talked in hours except for the occasional cursing about the weather, their situation and the indifference of the gods in general.

After what seemed an endless time trudging along the road, Magnus smelled fire. When raising his head he had to blink twice before realising that they finally arrived at Wiesendorf, the small settlement they planned on reaching 2 days ago.

Everything was going its way until Bjarn, who was scouting ahead at the time, told them about a strange set of ruins that looked like a burial site he discovered in the hills nearby. To reach the ruins they had to delay their trip and lose another two days, but they hadn’t made a silver piece in a while and the dwellers of the hills were known for burrying their dead with all sorts of riches for the afterlife. In the end, greed won over reason and from that point everything went downhill. There were seven of them when they made that decision.

A world ripe with opportunity

With most of the soldiers and young men being sent away to conquer a land Magnus never even heard of, the time was high for men who where ready to take fate into their own hands. Most settlements still maintained small militia forces, but the land beyond the town gates often had no protection, noone to keep the order of things. Hunger after a bad harvest can turn a good man into a thief, and a thief into a murderer, and there were few good harvests to be had these days with so many men sent beyond the great sea. Thiefs, cutthroats, highwaymen and worse set up camp all over the countryside. But there was also a decent coin to be made with safeguarding villages, caravans and merchants that travelled the land. This was the new order of things. At heart, Magnus always felt the urge to protect the innocent and helpless. A knightly notion, and a naive one some would say, but this was him. If a filled coin purse comes with a clear conscience he would be the last to say no.

Magnus assembled a diverse band of sellswords over the past months. Most of them not trained soldiers, but all of them decent men who knew which end of the sword goes where. All of them wanting to take fate into their own hands. Although they never officially made Magnus their leader, they all seemed to listen to his suggestions and so far they fared well this way.

The weeks leading up to those dreadful events at the ancient burial site had been a dry spot regarding silver pieces. The band encountered neither caravans in need of protection nor anyone else that would hire them. Not even pillagers or bandits to hunt on their own and exact a toll on. When Bjarn came back with the news about the ruins, the men’s eyes started to shine with the prospect of riches guarded only by piles of dust and the shattered bones of men that ended their watch long ago. Only Carl, an older and well-traveled scribe, tried to warn them about things much worse than outlaws. Things that were said to only come out at night, to rise from the graves with a hunger for the flesh and warm blood of the living, things from beyond this world. Laughing at the old man’s tales, the men broke camp and made their way towards the hills.

Fortune Favors the Bold

When they arrived at the ruins at dusk they set up a small camp nearby with Carl staying back and guarding their supplies. Bjarn, having his short bow at the ready, moved some paced ahead of them and scouted the area for any immediate threats like resident hill dwellers, or others also looking to loot the ruins. He had the best eyesight of them all and during his years as a hunter learned to move quietly through the brushes without being detected. The other six approached the burial site carefully in a spread out line.

At the center of the line was Magnus, armed with a short sword and a small wooden shield. He put on the worn metal helmet he found in a bandit’s camp some time ago. Little did he know that it would save his life later that night. To his left and right walked Torstein and Hjalmar, the youngest of their band, both not having seen even their 20th summer. They held their hatchets so tightly that their knuckles turned white and nervously looked at the sun that slowly faded away behind a mountain ridge in the distance, immersing the whole scenery in an orange tint.Magnus and his Battle Brothers approach the forest

To the far right Erik strided along, resting his massive two-handed axe on his mighty shoulder. As a woodcutter he knew how to use that axe. When it came down to it, there was little difference between a tree trunk and a man - or at least so Erik never got tired of claiming. The left end of the line was held by Heinrich. Although the years finally caught up with him, he was the only real soldier in this little company. The years had seen him do little else than fighting for coin, whether paid by noble lords or scraped together by villagers that feared for what little they had, and so joining up with Magnus and the others had come naturally. He needed the coin and this was the way he had always earned it. His face showed no emotion as he slowly walked towards the ruins in a rustling chainmail, the only one with armor that wasn't made out of some poor deer's hide.

Suddenly something moved in the woods to their left, less than a stone throw away. They immediately stopped and turned towards the dark woods where it seemed that a man was standing between the trees just looking at them. Bjarn shouted at the man to come out and show himself but there was no reaction except a moaning sound. They all looked at Magnus waiting for him to tell them what to do next when a tree to the right of the strange man started moving, and then another one.

The fading light tricked their eyes, it was not the tree moving but more human figures that had been standing completely still. As the figures shuffled forward and out of the woods into the last bit of light, Magnus saw their horribly disfigured faces that were covered in rotten flesh. Bjarn was the first to react while the others stood there in shock and disbelief. He pulled the string of his bow as far back as he could and let loose an arrow at the nearest of those things. The arrow hit it right in the chest but the creature just moaned and continued on towards Hjalmar who was closest to the woods. Only when the creature nearly reached him did Hjalmar come to his senses and stumbled backwards. Before any of the others could intervene, the undead managed to grab Hjalmar’s arm, pulling him close as he struggled, and buried its rotten teeth deep in his neck. His scream broke the numbness of the others and they charged at the walking dead that kept stumbling out of the woods.

They made quick work of the first line of undead that made it out of the woods and then rallied around Magnus to catch their breath. Hjalmar lay still on the ground with his face slowly turning white. There was nothing they could do for him, he was dead. The break was way too short, more undead came stumbling from the depths of the woods and headed right at them. They quickly aligned in a battle line and braced themselves for the incoming attack. As the face of the first zombie made contact with Heinrichs shield buckle they heard a loud scream from Erik’s end of the line. Erik struggled to get rid of one of the monsters that was clinging to his leg and biting him repeatedly. With one jump Magnus was at his side and smashed the thing’s head with a blow of his sword. Only then did he realize that it was not one of the zombies from the woods, but poor Hjalmar who had come back from the dead to attack Erik from behind. Magnus and Erik looked at each other and both knew that things looked grim for Erik. “Run” said the brawny man while tightening the grip on his axe “I will hold them back as long as I can! Run!”

“No way” replied Magnus and threw himself at the closing undead.

The next thing Magnus remembers is being shaken roughly by Bjarn whose face was covered in dried blood and mud. He slowly regained consciousness and tried to get his bearings. Blurry shapes around him turned into lifeless bodies, arrows, discarded weapons and smashed shields. Except for Bjarn he only saw Torstein who was leaning over something that was lying on the ground. Magnus tried to get up and groaned while scrambling to his feet. “We need to get out of here fast” said Bjarn. “Erik, Heinrich…?” asked Magnus, but Bjarn just shook his head. With Bjarn and Torstein supporting Magnus, who must have received a blow to the head, they stumbled away from the battlefield that was soon swarming with even more of the walking dead.

The Battle Brothers

The battle by the old ruins was neither their first, nor their last, but it was the first they fought together. They started out as strangers, united only by the prospect of easy riches. The things they saw, the things they did and the things they went through together turned them into brothers. Battle Brothers.
Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2014, 03:09:14 pm »

Very nice AAR! Definitely still want to give this one a whirl. Would have been nice if you interspersed it with ooc comments about how the game mechanics work, but I'm sure we'll get those another time.

Also, minor nitpick: I wish the bow and arrow were slightly larger and angled at 45%, like the swords/axes. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2014, 04:19:46 am »

Thanks for the props, this AAR was an experiment but it was actually a lot of fun writing it and really conveys the atmosphere of our "world" very well. Maybe we turn the story of Magnus and his Brothers into a series or something ; ). Also im gonna think about the ooc comments but i dont want them to hurt the atmosphere of the story.

The Weapon icons are all at different angles, for example the 2 handed weapons are tilted backwards "over the shoulder" so maybe we will reposition the bows at some point.
Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2014, 03:05:03 am »

A lot of stuff is happening in our project right now so i want to give you a quick update on the game. We have been working on UI, Inventory, Soundeffects and more. You can read the details in our latest dev blog below:


Dev Blog #10 Progress Report - An Update on Battle Brothers

UI Improvements

We’ve reworked parts of our tactical battle UI to show you more helpful information in your upcoming engagements. The combat event log can be expanded now to show all previous entries, and we show a count of the number of Battle Brothers and opponents left on the field to keep you updated on how the battle as a whole is going. If the player hovers over a target to attack, we now detail all things, positive and negative, that factor into the hitchance - so there’s no guessing anymore, and you’ll know why you miss those shots and what you can do to improve your hit chances.

We experienced first-hand in one of our early closed tests that players don’t read manuals anymore. That’s why we chose to have every function also as a clearly visible button embedded into the UI - rotating the map and raising and lowering the camera level, for example. Once players are familiar with the game, we’re pretty sure they’ll use hotkeys to quickly access those functions - but until then, buttons should make everyone aware that these functions exist in the first place, and tooltips will explain their use and what key they’re bound to.

Inventory and Character Screen

The inventory and character screen is going to be a central hub for equipping and developing your Battle Brothers. The equipping part will also be featured in our upcoming combat demo, and that’s what we’re working on still. Beyond the demo, every time one of your Battle Brothers levels up, you’ll be able to pick a passive skill (also known as a perk or feat, if you prefer) out of several skill trees here in order to shape them the way you want.

Our basic design of the inventory screen looks like this - though, as you can see, it shows placeholder data currently and we now have to fill it with real one from the game.

On the left you can see our paperdoll-to-be. We have slots for body armor, helmet, main-hand, off-hand, ammo and accessory. Below, there are also 4 backpack slots for additional gear you want your Battle Brothers to carry around, like a spare shield.

On the top right you can spot where all the character stats will be listed. Already we show the most important ones on the tactical battle view, but the more intricate ones (like view range and defensive stats) can be found and read about here. Below the character stats is a list of all active skills (depending on equipment), passive skills (depending on how the character has been leveled up) and status effects (like being stunned) that the character has.

Paul [take a look at his art thread], our artist, is working on finishing up the weapon and armor icons for the inventory system. Each individual item in the inventory will be depicted the same way also on the battlefield, and we have loads of varied color patterns for all helmets and shields available so that you can run wild customizing your men and giving a unique look to your personal gang of Battle Brothers. The screenshot below should give you an impression on how the armor icons evolve from sketches in the top row to the final quality we’ll have in the game at the bottom row.


New Bloodsplatter Effects

Medieval battles are brutal affairs, and we want our game to reflect this visually. We want our battlefields to be littered with discarded shields and arrows, and our combatants to really look the part if they’ve just barely survived a deadly encounter. As you guys know, we already show damaged armor and injuries on the characters. Since last week, we also display blood on weapons that have spilled blood. When characters have spilled lots of it, they’ll now even be sprayed with it themselves. It’s not over the top and looks reasonably subdued unless the character wears white - but skeletons especially look extra fierce now after they’ve slaughtered a few men.

We hope that these effects will do their part for the feeling of achievement after a won battle when you look at your battle-worn and blood-covered men that prevailed against all odds!

New Sound Effects

Having a rich soundscape is really important to us, especially since we can’t convey visually all the intensity of a pseudo-medieval battle we’d like to without fully animated combatants. Previously we only had placeholder sounds in the game, so it is a big step forward for us to now have our very own sound effects for most weapons and skills in the game!

We’ll continue to add new sound effects and replace placeholder ones along the road, so you can expect steady improvements as we go. Of course, the upcoming combat demo should now also sound quite a bit more engaging!

If you have any questions regarding Battle Brothers let us know in this thread or just drop us an e-mail at!

Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2014, 05:26:47 am »

I'm really looking forward to this. The mixture of turn-based tactics with a "Mount-and-Blade-ish" campaign overlay appeals to me. I know the campaign mode (with its free-roaming on a big map) is still way off, but I'll keep an eye on Battle Brothers for sure. Good luck with the development!
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2014, 10:36:47 am »

Looks interesting, but I don't really like the permadeath idea to be honest.


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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #52 on: April 01, 2014, 03:31:14 am »

We intensively discussed the permadeath thing internally because it can easily break the gameplay and flow of the game. For example in the new Xcom from Firaxis there are just 6 soldiers in a squad and each has a lot of leveling to do. Consequently, there is a point where you can hardly lose a single soldiers without being seriously thrown back. This way permadeath becomes a thing that is bad for gameplay and storytelling because it restricts the way you play the game and may even force you to reload (immersion breaker).
In order to alleviate the severeness of permadeath with took a row of measures. Firstly, you will have way bigger squads of initially up to 12 Battle Brothers. So simply by increasing the number of active (and thereby leveling) Battle Brothers the loss of a single Brother loses a lot of weight as he can be replaced more easily.
Secondly, you will be able to buy more experienced Brothers in bigger settlements to refill your losses at a later stage of the game. And thirdly, if a Brother is killed in Battle there is a chance of him actually surviving the fatal blow and instead being just wounded. Also, there are ways that help you increase the survivability chances of your Brothers.

We think we really need permadeath to create a believable and immersive world where decisions are actually meaningful. The permament death of your Brothers will be one of the key-elements in how the game tells its story. Hope this makes you a little more comfortable with the idea of permadeath :)
Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #53 on: April 01, 2014, 03:54:20 am »

I think that is a good call on Perma death. Can you rename troops? Renaming troops + TBS + perma death = good Let's Plays.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2014, 09:59:36 am »

Hehe of course you can do that in the full game, that was actually one of the first features we put on the "make or break" list ; )
Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #55 on: April 01, 2014, 12:31:35 pm »

We intensively discussed the permadeath thing internally because it can easily break the gameplay and flow of the game. For example in the new Xcom from Firaxis there are just 6 soldiers in a squad and each has a lot of leveling to do. Consequently, there is a point where you can hardly lose a single soldiers without being seriously thrown back. This way permadeath becomes a thing that is bad for gameplay and storytelling because it restricts the way you play the game and may even force you to reload (immersion breaker).
In order to alleviate the severeness of permadeath with took a row of measures. Firstly, you will have way bigger squads of initially up to 12 Battle Brothers. So simply by increasing the number of active (and thereby leveling) Battle Brothers the loss of a single Brother loses a lot of weight as he can be replaced more easily.
Secondly, you will be able to buy more experienced Brothers in bigger settlements to refill your losses at a later stage of the game. And thirdly, if a Brother is killed in Battle there is a chance of him actually surviving the fatal blow and instead being just wounded. Also, there are ways that help you increase the survivability chances of your Brothers.

We think we really need permadeath to create a believable and immersive world where decisions are actually meaningful. The permament death of your Brothers will be one of the key-elements in how the game tells its story. Hope this makes you a little more comfortable with the idea of permadeath :)

Thanks for the explanation! Indeed, this makes me feel more comfortable in regard to the permadeath idea.  8)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2014, 08:33:21 pm »

If I could offer one minor suggestion, the bow and arrow icon makes it look like the Brother icon is firing a tiny bow lol. Maybe tilt it and change it size to match the other weapon icons?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #57 on: April 03, 2014, 04:32:45 am »

We have actually been reworking all the weapon icons a short time ago and didnt do the bow yet, so there is that ; ) It really sticks out now compared to the other icons.
Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #58 on: April 03, 2014, 06:57:00 am »

Out of curiosity, will you be planning on adding more monsters in as maybe DLC? like minor tribes of orcs and goblins and the like? Post release of course.
I for one support our child snatching overlords.
there is a difference between droping red numbers representing magma on Es representing elves, and finding it hot when a girl moans like a retarded seal


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    • Battle Brothers - A turn based strategy RPG
Re: Battle Brothers - a turn based strategy RPG mix
« Reply #59 on: April 03, 2014, 09:11:40 am »

We plan on having several different armies in the full game, and one of those are indeed Greenskins - orcs and goblins. When not organised in an army, you can encounter them also in smaller bands, or tribes, just doing their thing. The concept piece below shows what some of the orcs and goblins will look like (although their exact appearance is still subject to change at this point).

As for post-release DLC, we've talked about it. Adding new factions like these would seem great content for DLC - it should add some real value to the game (since we try to have each type of enemy feel very distinct to fight against and they would also come with some unique equipment) while at the same time be manageable for us. It's just something we'd like to do if given the chance, though, and I wouldn't go as far as to call it a plan this early ;)

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