Anyways, they'd probably stop once they realized it brought the number of living troopers down significantly.
Which have both safety equipment and a decent survival rate, so I don't see your point.
((So, finally trying my hand at a Mk-IV-something-suit. So far, what I hope to include:+2 Str/End
+1 Dex
Improved flight capabilities
Improved medical system
Improved hazardous environment resistance
Improved communications
Lots of useful software (Aux substitute rolls, HUD & map, etc.)
Support AI
Extra limbs (including standart-poking-metal-pole substitutes)
Surface-scaling ability
Brain-Computer Interface
(Possibly) In-built light/medium flexible armor
(Possibly) Something else I forgot
(As things tend to be cheaper when purchased together rather than apart, I intend to include as much as possible and get industrially-produced price somewhere around battlesuit or cheaper)
Now, many of these have been worked on before by other people as well, so I apologise for possible infringements in advance. All in all, I intend this to be more of a compilation project rather than pure prototype, tinkered into being for the good of community. Anyone up for a joint project, perhaps?
I also ask what you would like to see in a hypothetical Mk IV. What should be added to the list, and (if you think so) what should be removed?))
Grate would be glad to help out.
Perhaps rockets so it can maneuver in space?
Good luck with getting a decent price with all those features. Software, AI, limbs, perhaps flight, and maybe surface-scaling would be good things to cut.
EDIT: And I just realized, piecewise is a hipster, because he had his avatar intensify before it was cool.
What does that me, since I won't no matter how cool it gets?