Turn 136Even more unhappy now, Sadfaec tries to focus potency. It's hard, but he finds a way to concentrate his despair into something that might be able to help him out of this slump.
He closes his eyes, focuses his anger, and shouts:
Okay, my costume might not be scary, but I bet this will be!
Someone gotta pick up that boring literal book. It's a telepathic encyclopedia, no?
I don't know what anyone gonna do to me, but whatever.
Well I don't want your silly book.
Stick my finger in the goo because that seems like a great idea.
[Ghostly spd:6
[Redz spd:2
[Marky spd:3
The relative calmness of the Arcane Room is interrupted by a dude wearing a white sheet pretending to be a ghost with the level of detail a 3 year old kid would have. He enters from the East and shouts some words:
[Ghostly pot:4
And a purplish-dark fog covers the Wizard, with a swirling mass of both what appear to be cogs and spooky tribal faces drawn by glowing purple and silver lines, which appear to be coliding with each other, forming other similar shapes. An odd occurrence, one has to admit.
Roll against Entropy:
[Ghostly will:2
Roll against Inertia:
[Ghostly will:2
[Entropy will:5]
[Inertia will:4]
What can barely be seen within the darkness is a man contorting wildly, as the two different coloured lines penetrate his body and creep through his skin, both colors colliding and repelling each other. The struggle over the Wizard's body continues as he frantically moves, scratching his head, like trying to pull something out of it. Eventually his futile attempts at doing so stop, but the uncomfortable movements don't, as now the strange lines have grouped in specific limbs, the colors having segregated themselves into a uniform shade of purple, on the left side of the poor Ghostly Wizard, and a silver one, on the right side. Now, the limbs are erratically moved against each other, as if they were attempting to hit the different coloured ones. The Wizard falls to the ground in this chaotic display of an extradimensional attack of epilepsy, but slowly the silver portion of the lines starts to recede, and the wiggling of the limbs stops, and finally the Wizard stands back, now fully covered in purple lines, which seem to change into different shapes erratically.
It stands with an oddness about him. Like if he wasn't the doofus he was when he entered the room.
The Ghostly Wizard has been permanently possessed by the forces of Entropy. He is no longer under the control of a Player. But he will still act as one, for all purposes it involves. Elephant Parade is free to rewaitlist again.The figure behind the swirling darkness and the white sheet stares at Marky for a brief, uncomfortable time, then launches himself after him, with his arms extended towards his neck:
["Ghostly" dex:5
[Marky dex:2
The possessed figure gets hold of Marky's throat, and the odd black fog surrounding it seems to try to affect his person in some dark way. He tries to resist it:
[Marky end:4]
And despite a great effort in repelling it, the fog managed to penetrate his head somehow, he can feel how it sucks his concentration away!
[Enveloping Darkness: Potency.1]But there is not time to think about that, he has to break free of the hold before his throat gets crushed:
[Marky str:6
["Ghostly" str:3
Fortunately, he breaks the grip, and moves backwards, eyeing the odd person with a mixture of fear and confusion.
Redz, meanwhile, ignoring both guys fighting over apparently nothing, does some of his magic:
A golden line appears, and draws a humanoid figure. Well, actually, a human. With a flash of light, the homunculus materializes into steel. Instantly, it starts to move and look around, until his confused face fixates on you. With a worried voice, it asks:
"Wh-what is happening?"
You grab your book, uncertain on what to answer it. It doesn't do anything remarkable, but the mental speech it emits periodically has changed into "Be hold".
The Tribal fiend stays near you, minding his own business. You, on the other hand, do some science:
You get a weir mental image, but it is not definite enough to discern anything.
You get a vision, one of fire and brimstone, devilish shadows dancing around, and pits of flames. The earth is of a bloody red color, and pillars of flames erupt randomly from cracks on the ground. Screams of agony seem to come from many places at once, maybe from everywhere, and red-skinned demons, in varying sizes and forms, wander around, mischief in their faces, evil in their eyes.
The vision then ends, fortunately.
A golden line appears and draws what appears to be some greaves, but they vanish after a brief time.
Science till I die-nce! Yell it out loud!
"Y-124 Coniliri!
Y-176 Sioruruui!
Y-178 Estin!
Y-185 Quaeri!
Y-194 Aturumatu!
Y-176 Sioruruui!
Y-178 Estin!"
The dragon shouts for the whole arena to listen:
A golden line appears, and draws a warhammer.
Another line appears, but this one moves erratically and does nothing interesting.
Nothing happens. Hmm.
A golden line appears, and proceeds to wiggle and do nothing else.
Another golden line. This one draws what seems to be a long handle attached to a kind of head, but it is not definite enough to know what is being drawn. Of course, if you paid attention to your science, you should know.
Another line that moves oddly, this time until it makes a knot out of itself.
Anyways, back to MURDERRR!
AGAIN! Please
I've got enough Pool to give that another (hopefully not embarrassing) shot 
[Bigf01t spd:3]
[Hydra spd:4]
The monstrous thing charges forward again, tentacle limbs reaching for Bigf01t's legs:
[Hydra dex:1]
[Bigf01t dex:6
But it slips and falls to the ground, just in front of his foe! Bigf01t uses this opportunity to try to bash its ugliest face with his flesh-dissolving shield:
[Bigf01t dex:6]
[Hydra dex:4]
[Bigf01t str:4
The steel lands squarely on the maw of teeth, plenty of the obsidian implements in charge of nasty biting are removed from their places, while the hiss of the dissolved flesh makes some of them fall on their own. The creature stands back, visibly hurt and stunned by this severe hit. Bigf01t uses the opportunity to strike back with magic:
[Hydra dex:4
[Hydra will:5
-1=4] ((one soul damage))
The floor beneath the monstrosity glows and is quickly transformed into a green mass of souls. The creature falls in, dispersing the spirits of the damned, but not without suffering from their attempts to yank its soul away. Interesting... the platform seems to be thicker than what Bigf01t thought, judging by the relative depth of the pit. But it should not be
too deep, right?
Well, it is not time to think, it is time to stab:
[Bigf01t dex:4
[Hydra dex:3
[Bigf01t str:4
[Hydra will:1] ((3 soul damage!))
And a moderately powerful stab to the creature's midsection opens the path fit more damned soul to pour through the cursed blade towards the beast, which screams in agony for a brief time. It seems that Bigf01t is gaining the upper hand here.
You feel the chill running down your spine. You are so used to this that it makes you think you have been slacking too often.
Character sheetsName: Bigf01t
Appearance: Generic science dude with a white robe resembling a lab coat.
Stats: +8
Pol:5 (4)
Status effects:Transformation status: Steel-controlling Ghost Rider
[Smooth surface][Yields]You can control steel!
Inventory:-Silver-biometal gloves:
[Soft][Smooth surface]-Big light diamond armor:
[Crystaline structure]You receive no damage in your hands until they break. Blunt damage just goes through.
-6 Pot Repair flesh chunk:
You may rub it against a damaged flesh part, healing it for a total of 6 damage. Doing this requires spending the physical action for the turn.
-Demonic unholy steel rapier:
[Piercing weapon][Unholy:7]-Big and light flesh-dissolving steel shield:
[Big Shield]Deals one dissolving damage to flesh on contact.
Location:Challenge mode. Flat platform over void.
Name: Robert Todford Williams
Appearance: Around 6 feet tall, with an average build. He has a full beard that has grown long enough to reach the bottom of his neck. He wears a trucker cap, red plaid shirt, jeans, and boots.
Stats: +21
Status effects:Transformation status: small voodoo platinum dragon with darkness and repulsive energy covering!
[Small][Naturally sharp][Yields][Smooth surface][Repulsive energy 6/6]Enveloping darkness 6 (Random)Inventory:Location: Magma Room. East entrance.
Name:Magical researcher who is not Igor
yetAppearance:Completely generic wizard
Stats: +1
Status effects:-Head is
[Slightly mauled][On ground]Transformation status: Big biometal drake
-Lack right foreleg:
-1 to dex and spd, probability is only 1/2 as long as he stays as a four-legged animal.
-Head lacks 2 mass
[Big][Yields][Soft][Naturally sharp]Inventory: Can't grab stuff
-Big diamond glove:
[Heavy][Crystaline structure]You receive no damage in your hands until it breaks. Blunt damage just goes through.
Location:NE hallway. Center.
Name: Redz Biltubacca
Appearance:A man in a fire robe without a wizard hat. His height is average for a human.
Status Effects:
Transformation Status: lacks left hand
-1 to wrestling
Can't dual wield.
Location: Arcane Room. East entrance.
Name: Sadfaec
Appearance: A very unhappy man, wearing a large mask with a frowny face on it
Str: 0
Dex: 1
Spd: 1
Wil: 1
End: 1
Pot: 1
Pol: 4
Status effects:
Transformation status: Missing eft leg
Left leg is concrete:
-1 to dodging and speed
Further -1 to speed due to extra weight
Location: Portal Room. Center.
Name:DRPB-001 "Lemon"
Appearance:Looks fairly human, but with smoothed, indistinct features.
Status effects:
Transformation status:
-Flesh control "dagger"
Can control flesh!
Location: Magma Room. Center.
Appearance:A thin guy in a patchwork robe.
Status effects:[Enveloping Darkness: Potency.1]Transformation status:Inventory:Location: Arcane Room. South entrance.
Name: Ghostly Wizard
Appearance: You're too scared to take a closer look.