Choking children, leaving no blood, and ditching the bodies down the well is genius, and I'll be doing that soon. BECAUSE OF YOU BABIES SHALL BE CHOKED. That's some positive stuff!
Its not quite brutal
or badass, but recently I started a shortsword dwarf specifically to hack his fortress-mates to death until the framerate got playable

Gave him good sneaking ability too, and each dwarf I silently crept up on and hacked (from behind) in the head would get their skulls shattered and would instantly fall unconscious.. Did this to a full room of 10-15 dwarves and then methodically circled back to the first victim and started skull-stabbing them to death..
He suffered a axe to the stomach when an axedwarf with some combat experience burst through the door and magically auto-spotted my devious dwarf and hacked his intestines into macaroni.. Next dwarf-terminator I took was a mid-level skilled crossbowdwarf.. I built a ring of campfires around myself in a room full of dwarves and started blasting 'em :> Each bolt would hit, be it in the hand or foot or lower extremities or stomach, and each bolt would cause unconsciousness
every single time 
So I basically tranqed the whole room, jumped out of the ring of campfires and bow-bashed all their skulls in.. until a marksdwarf burst through the door and put me out of business (by that point I had fired all my starter bolts and hadn't picked any up during the bow-bash phase to fire at him. I had a forgotten beast figurine I hurled at the marksdwarf but they dodged..)
And lastly, I had way too much fun using the jump command to propel myself into other dwarves :O When you make contact it'll skid them across the room and usually into a wall for extra damage.. Not that hitting the wall is needed when they're skidding on their own arms and exploding into gore :|