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Author Topic: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.  (Read 23975 times)


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☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« on: December 10, 2013, 08:04:52 pm »

A ☼MASTERWORK☼ succession fort.

"We have no food, no drink,....  Most of the dwarves are near starvation.  Our military is largely decimated, as the giants lit most of the archers on fire.  One melee squad remains, and a handful of archers.  The giants are camped below the hill to our east.

Good luck.  You’ll need it."


Welcome friends, I have come from beyond the internets to propose a new community fortress based around the MASTERWORK DWARF FORTRESS mod.

For those of you unfamiliar, masterwork is a masterful work of a dwarf fortress mod. It menaces with spikes of raws and is adorned with rings of !!FUN!!. On it is an image of Meph and features. Meph is toiling. Meph is surrounded by the features. The artwork relates to the programming of the MASTERWORK DWARF FORTRESS.

(for more info on the masterwork mod and a place to download the convenient launcher please check

Due to a profound lack of MASTERWORK DWARF FORTRESS succession forts I am endeavoring to start this new game. Hopefully we can see this through to the end and along the way leave an imprint on the soul of the community that will have it waking up from nightmares covered in cold sweat for decades, if not the rest of its PTSD ridden life.

For starters I will discuss the worldgen parameters and the various options I have selected/not selected, as well as a brief rationalization/no rationalization at all for having chosen those options.

-All default enemy races will be active (including frost giants)
-Only several weaker fortress defense races and the Jotun will be active.
-Diseases, "harder X" options and secret fun stuff will not be active (cause I'm a damn dirty noob).
 -Turns out 4e launcher had some things reversed so that selecting them actually chose the opposite. Surprise !!FUN!!
 -This means that harder X options are mostly on, making things like farming substantially more difficult than in vanilla DF.
 -No one actually knows whats on or off until it rears its hideous mug. Surprise!?
-There are vampires and an absurd amount of necromancers.
-Caves will be open and minerals will be plentiful.
-The world will spawn with an inordinate amount of volcanos. While generally making everything hotter this also increases the likelihood of finding a fantastic embark point.
-Workshops, furnaces and features will not be altered.
-THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! Digging invaders will be left on! This means that FB's and antmen can dig into the fortress and that orcs/frost giants/titans and some other megabeasts can break down walls.

-Turns will be one week and span a year of game time. Completing your turn before the week elapses is preferable though.
-No cheating, with the exception of addressing glitchs or employing child labor.
 -I will either make a poll or rely on further input to decide whether or not child labor is considered cheaty.
 -I consider danger rooms cheating.
-A small amount of effort in documenting your turn is required. Not asking for a novel in character, or a photo documentary, just some kind of action report at minimum. However, keep in mind that when it comes to story telling you can never go overboard.

As things stand I have a world generated and a site picked out. The area known by the simple folk as "Growling Mires" is a swamp mountain (how the hell does that work?). We have sand/dirt/clay, little dirt, shallow metals, deep metals and a volcano that's actually named "The Anal Fountains". I have yet to begin my turn but will do so as soon as some people sign on for the project. Our group has decided to call itself "The Whip of Apogees" while our civs name is "The Attics of Harshness". Welcome to SILVERGOOSE.

Strike da erf!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Turn list:
1.mensrea Save [fin] Intro 1
2.jerbot Save [fin] 1 2 3 Journal of mensrea; regarding necromancy 4 5 6 7
3.4maskwolf Save [fin] 1
4.Grimmash Save [fin] 1 2
5.jimboo Save [fin] 1 2 3 4 5
6.Pi_age Save [fin] 1 2 3 4 5
7.4maskwolf [skipped]
8.smurfingtonthethird Save [fin] 1 2
9.Grimmash Save [fin] 1
10.jerbot [active; due 1/21/14]

-KIA's had been dorfed but need redorfed due to sudden and unexpected FUN
-Note: Due to the forts 87% rate of attrition dorfing people has been a ludicrous venture and may not be done in earnest until things stabilize.
mensrea - KIA
grimmash - dorfed
jerbot - KIA
4maskwolf - KIA
meph - not yet dorfed
jimboo - not yet dorfed

« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 10:06:14 am by mensrea »


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 08:31:36 pm »

I'll take a turn, but next week will be hard for me (I am flying cross country to defend my thesis).  So I'll take turn 3/4.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 08:52:42 pm »

I'll take a turn, but next week will be hard for me (I am flying cross country to defend my thesis).  So I'll take turn 3/4.

Ok. I will sign you up for turn 4 and if 3 remains empty and you foresee yourself having the time then we can just bump you up.

I should also start taking dorfing requests as that seems to be the custom. Still the starting 7 and so far I have claimed the obese brewer. The expedition leader and others are still free though.

On a side note I neglected many types of seeds, the wheelbarrow, splints and crutches in exchange for 4 drakes (2 female 2 male). I find that drakes are usually great to embark with as they provide both a renewable source of scales and an expendable front line defense. I also took more steeloak acorns than usual in the hopes that we can have a steeloak plantation up and giving us a trickle within the first season. The herbalist workshop is relatively easy to research so we could feasibly be churning out that sweet, sweet renewable steel before years end.

As far as child labor, will there be any objections? I personally don't see why children as young as 4-5 couldn't do menial labor or even mine. Imagine all the tight, cramped and dangerous places kids could fit into that adults couldn't? Little rascals...

I plan on digging straight down from where the wagon is; it seems to be the center of the map and is surrounded by some little ponds I plan to wall in. Hopefully I can keep things organized around a central 4x4 staircase but necessity and other overseers may have a different opinion on that matter.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 09:50:08 pm »

Put me in at spot 3, if you would be so kind.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2013, 12:32:14 am »

Put me in at spot 3, if you would be so kind.

Absolutely, good sir!


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2013, 10:32:21 am »

I would be up for a turn, although it would be my first succession fort so don't be too mean when I ask dumb questions about uploading saves and whatnot.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2013, 11:43:25 am »

Might as well dorf me up.  I'm not too picky.  If you take no seeds, how are we on food?  I find that is one of the harder parts of starting in MW.  I could just suck at it, though.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2013, 12:04:46 pm »

I would be up for a turn, although it would be my first succession fort so don't be too mean when I ask dumb questions about uploading saves and whatnot.

There are no dumb questions and I would be happy to help in any way. Just let me know what turn you want and I can help you with the other stuff via PM.

As far as seeds go, I took 5 of each for underground crops and 30 for plump helmets, so we are fine on food. I also augment that with whatever can be gathered from surface plants, hunting, pond fishing, and slaughtering those grass vacuum oxen. We have a bunch of ponds on the map and I have noticed that I always get a ridiculous amount of fisherdwarves in masterwork. Those two details could work very well in our favor.

I will also add a list of people who are dorfed/need to be dorfed in the OP.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2013, 12:10:01 pm »

Journal of Mensrea: marksdwarf

10th of Granite, year 70

The Mountainhomes, Armok....still in the mountainhomes...

Everyday brings me a fresh new batch of nightmares. A brand new hell. Sitting here, surrounded by screaming children, quarrelling animals, toiling peasants...they don't understand the terror that lurks just beyond the veil of granite and dicite our so-called nobles saw fit to erect.

To protect us. Hah.

..but everyday I spend here is a day that I get weaker. Meanwhile our enemies - the gobs, the orcs...those fucking giants -are squatting out in the muck..

..getting stronger.

My SO says I need to tone it down. Says I'm losing my grip on reality..that at this rate, I could break at any moment and wind up as one of those gibbering lunatics we have locked up in the dungeons. I say that when a Dwarf cannot fulfill his lifes ambitions that madness is an inevitability. I say that this place is a tomb where they lock young Dwarves up to wait to die. That sort of talk is liable to get you hammered around here.

I'd been stationed here for months; forcibly committed to this endless, static routine. We guard the entrances to the fort, keep an eye on the caravans, try to drive off snatchers, thieves, and those vile animal people. What good does it do, though? Tucked away in our safe stone hole..we grow weaker, while they grow stronger. Attacks grow more frequent, more vicious, more depraved..Last week a gob cut a kids arm off trying to snatch him up. What they can't carry away whole they are pleased to take piecemeal. You try to tell your freinds, your family, any poor schmuck ass mushroom chomping shitbag who will listen...but the horror is overwhelming..words cannot describe. Their eyes glaze over and you know your words are just bouncing around a hollow echo chamber. They cannot understand.

So now I'm here, writing in this fucking book. 'Cause that will put my mind to rest, says our shrink. Course I think it's all a pile of wambler shit; SO and command say otherwise. Better do as I'm told. Only thing worse than the gobbos is that Armok damn hammerer.

21st of Granite, year 70

Finally some good news. I'm gonna be getting out of this Armok damned tomb. Some new opportunities have opened up and command says I'm the guy for the job. Looks like I will be a military attaché to a group of 6 settlers. Though its being referred to as a reclamation party, due to some..catch..that was not fully explained to me. But it's not my job to ask questions: just show me where to point a crossbow. Even if I do have to babysit a bunch of brats and at least one self-important pencil pusher, it beats sitting around here waiting for the giants to snuff us out.

I have to admit, the prospect of seeing some action again gets my blood moving. I've been penned up in this silver cage too long, I've gotten fat and I've learned more about brewing than fighting these past years. I'm more than eager to get the hell out of here.

16th of Felsite, year 70

Its been a month on the road so far. Our group is mundane: 2 miners, 2 farmers, a skilled mason/carpenter and one bag of gas that calls itself an "expedition leader". They possess a nice mix of skills though, some claiming to dabble in herbalism and the "leader" boasting of being able to knock down trees in a single swing of the axe. Any other time or place and these kids would be sitting in a dining hall with no cares other than boozing and knocking up some poor, bearded floozies. Now and here though they are tools of fate, gears in the mighty engine of Dwarven commerce. At the least they make up for their lack of skill or wisdom with an abundance of bravado and enthusiasm. They have taken to calling our little band "The Whip of Apogees". At the least the mountainhome was kind enough to provide us with some drakes; 2 breeding pairs to be precise. I have found more kinship in their cold eyes then in the eyes of my pink, soft brothers. I know that in a scratch at least the drakes won't turn tail and run off; they will stand and fight and die, if need be. You have to respect at least that much when it comes to animals.

We have seen forests, swamps, plains, vast swaths of farmland, a couple Human settlements and plenty of devastation in between. Seems that anything not made of steel grade ice is want to be crushed, stabbed or flayed in this region. The locals huddle indoors at night. Numbers are the only thing that guarantee survival here.

Sure, we've been harried along our route...mostly animal men. Nothing the drakes couldn't handle, though at one point I loosed a bolt into the brush and heard a terrified howl as something shambled away from us as fast as its remaining limbs could carry it. A few red eyes, burning with malice, staring out from the brush, tell me that goblins are watching, too. They will not attack us like this though. They will wait until we feel safe, wait until were hunkered down in some new hole, before they start the harassment and screening attacks. Before they come in force to steal what we have and make thralls of our progeny.

It's only a matter of time before the gobbos hit us now, and when they do these damn peasants will get bled to the last.

20th of Felsite, year 70

Chatter around the campfire has..illuminated some of the details command managed to leave out. This mission is not as straight forward as had been explained to me. No surprise. What I did know was that we would be braving hostiles and some hellish swamp to establish an outpost on the fringe of our civilization. Borders need pushed outwards and the mountainhome needs its ores. The catch is that we aren't just establishing some new fort, but that were reclaiming an old one. Not so much a fort even, just the site that was selected for the fort. See, something happened to the first wave of settlers. Something that either drove them off or ground them up into blood sausage. No one knows exactly because we never received word. The autumn caravan arrived at an empty camp, littered with animal skeletons and scattered belongings left to rot in the muck. Scavengers probably tore up the place and picked over the valuables, this we're sure of. What we don't know is what managed to drive off a half dozen committed settlers before they even managed to dig so much as a trench to shit in. Whatever happened those soup sandwiches didn't leave so much as a bloody -pigtail sock- behind. Spooked the traders, that's for sure. Spooked command too. If they are pushing this far into our territory all the way from the glaciers, unseen and unheard, things do not bode well.

28th of Felsite, year 70

After months on the road we have finally arrived.

I have seen some miserable, stinking, fetid piles of Jotun shit in my life, but this place really takes the syrup roast. Its a swamp, this I knew, but what I didn't know was how damn hot it would be. This place reeks of boiling decay. You can't move without sweating, you can't sweat without sweating, and the pests are fist sized and hell bent on gutting us. I wasn't truly surprised then when we came upon a broken down wagon surrounded by drake bones. Maybe the poor schmucks had sense enough to beat a path out of this Armok forsaken muckhole and not look back. The traders should have made note of this places...climate when they made their report to command. Maybe then there would have been some amount of understanding and they wouldn't have assumed the worst. After all, these Dwarves are not fit to labor under the hot sun, command can't honestly expect them to willingly stay put in a place like this for very long.

Sadly, my realizations have no effect on my companions. The peasants are even more spooked now, seeing the discarded wagon and drake skeletons. Maybe they do have a point; what dwarf in his right mind would leave without even packing up, and how could the former settlers have hoped to survive here, in this desolate mire, without so much as a plump helmet spawn or a beast to watch their back?

Nevertheless, our stout group must press on. We should take a day to inspect our surroundings and make note of the local features before we strike the earth.

29th of Felsite, year 70

After thorough inspection we have determined the following:

-The area does possess abundant minerals, with traces indicating everything we would need to be self sufficient and then some.
-Somewhere there is a active volcano that fortunately, has not erupted. We may be able to tap it for magma. The kids are calling it "The Anal Fountains". Such is my life, situated in a hellish swamp, on top of a volcano known as the anal fountain.
-There is an abundance of snakes and water fowl in the area, good for hunting and making boots.
-Though a mire, the gently rolling terrain affords a certain level of drainage in certain spots, permitting a settlement to be built on something other than shifting sand or muck.
-Numerous ponds are teeming with fish, shellfish, and other hideous mutations that Armok willing can be skinned, cooked and eaten.
-The soil level, according to our resident know-it-all "expedition leader", is shallow. We will be forced to establish our initial farms very close to the surface. I don't like it, but there's not much to be done aside from some fancy irrigation science. A luxury of time and technology that is currently beyond our grasp.

Finally, one of the kids spotted a goose today with a peculiar silver hue. The creature must have struck him in some way because he proposed we name the settlement SILVERGOOSE. Very creative of him..I'm sure this one will be a fort researcher if he doesn't wind up in some gobs goose-egg-and-dwarf-meat omelet.


I accidently embarked once without setting up dwarves labors. I know, what a nooble...rather than lose the fantastic site though I decided to abandon and reclaim. Since I had spent most of the embark points on the drakes there wasnt much to reclaim but some seeds/meager rations, drake bones, etc.

I have actually played through the first year at this point and have some notes on paper and a dozen or so pictures which I will post properly soon enough. However, I wanted to do the intro first. Still waiting for someone to take turn 2 so please weigh in. I just want to share one thing that I feel is a nice achievement: we have a steeloak farm and the plans for an herbalist. All we need is some sawblades for the sawmill and we can start steel production right away (and those could be made with copper which has already been dug up).

« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 01:12:17 pm by mensrea »


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2013, 12:25:44 pm »

I will take turn 2.

As for questions, I hope i can figure things out, but I'll ask if i get stuck.

Also, can you dwarf me as a metal worker of some kind? Thats the industry I intend to focus on during my year, if I can.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2013, 01:00:54 pm »

I will take turn 2.

As for questions, I hope i can figure things out, but I'll ask if i get stuck.

Also, can you dwarf me as a metal worker of some kind? Thats the industry I intend to focus on during my year, if I can.

Done and done. We didn't have a metal worker though, so I just dorfed you as the researcher as he is who I would assign the smith profession to anyway. You should have a good run if you like working with metal, as we already have the foundation of that sweet renewable steel in place.

By the way, and I apologize for not mentioning earlier, I left digging invaders on. I'm pretty sure a dfhack thing needs to be ran for it to work though. I'm kinda interested in seeing how that would work out because almost all the forts I have ever built would have been easy to destroy if they could have been dug into, and frost giants can break walls with it on. I will bring up a poll as to whether it should be employed or not, or whether that should be up to individual overseers.

I also didn't employ child labor for my turn, but I would personally be okay with other people using the little rascals for something productive, whats left of them anyway...


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2013, 04:03:37 pm »

As far as I know, if there is a path into the fort that is open, digging invaders path to that first anyway. So traps plus decent militia is still fine for them, you just can't turtle the same way.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2013, 09:33:47 pm »

So, any updates coming?


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2013, 10:15:37 am »

Yeah, sorry for being so late. I intended to be done in a couple days but then as usual had some problems at work that took up too much time. I will have everything posted and up before tomorrow.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2013, 10:42:17 am »

Cool. I wasn't trying to nag, just excited to see what has been happening and to do my turn.
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