*I've recently had major problems eating (keeping food down, etc), have (in a bad way) lost 35 pounds (I've gained maybe 10 or so of that back).
think about the ppl who struggle to lose weight.
*I can't really stomach very much soda or heavier food anymore, so I'm drinking a ton of tea.
eat what you can
*I keep having obsessive, intrusive thoughts (not hearing voices or anything, but rather replaying past events or possible future concerns over and over again in my head).
*I know I am good at what I do, but I have been unfairly told I am not and it's really undermining my self confidence.
realize that you cant change the past, and much of the future, indeed all of it except your own actions are not yours to control naturally. You should not care what other people say, because reputation by natural law is not yours to control. Do what you do, let them think what they will, you are your own judge. Let their actions determine their worth, not yours.
*I've withdrawn socially.
*Within about the past month or so, everything seems to grate on my nerves and I don't know why (I handle it well by ignoring it but the cat meowing or somebody trying to talk to me never bothered me like this before.
there is nothing wrong with being socially withdrawn, but i am talking about solitude, not loneliness. If you are lonely but still have trouble talking to ppl try taking it one step at a time.
thinking of the cat and animals as fuzzy balls of warmness that want to be hugged, and nothing else about them.
Honestly, and with zero sarcasm, masturbation is a great de-stresser. Seriously, i'd either be crazy or dead now without it.
... So ya, LOTS of masturbating.
this works too, the alternative is smoking weed, but not all of us are rich. Try to not tire yourself out too much though heheheh