((I take it as you're using your cloak power?))
((No, I already used my minor action. But, unless I messed up, I should have a utlilty power that's very similar.))
((Just looked. They won't stack unfortunately for you, because how some DMs go, stacking in some cases can get stupid and unrealistic.
Example: You take ongoing 3 fire damage, and then another effect gives you ongoing 2 fire damage. It won't go to 5 ongonig fire, because the 3 is the larger number, and its saying you're either on fire or you're not))
((Thanks for the cover, USEC_OFFICER!))
((Move action: stagger to my feet
Standard action: Lay on Hands on myself.))
"Be careful, Symon, they hit like ogres for all their short stature."
You do so. You regain (10+3) hp.
SD5 begins his turn! He moves up to Karl! He swings his axe again! The attack glances off of Karl's platemail.
SD3 attacks Symon! He hits, dealing (4) damage!
SD6 shifts up and attacks Symon! The attack moves fast, striking several times as the others before have! He hits, dealing (12) damage! Symon is now prone!
SD1 attacks Symon! The attack lands, but instead of swinging his axe, he bashes Symon in the stomach with the shaft! The force deals (6) damage, and Symon is now sick again! (8+6-3) You cough up something nasty, but it doesn't make the whole way up, leaving a very foul taste in your mouth. You think you could do with some crushed mint leaves after this battle...
The new guy begins his turn! (for the record, SD5 is in critical condition)
((It might be my MMO history coming out, but the basic paladin abilities are built around jumping in the middle and making as many new friends as possible while characters with less HP and armor go ahead and do their thing unimpeded.
But yes, it can be a pretty dangerous way to live, especially now that we've lost our dedicated healer.))
((You guys lost a healer, but expect a role playing filled replacement. I expect everyone, excluding Symon, to make diplomacy or bluff rolls every five minutes))