Week 15: Perfectly ReasonableThat's nice and all, but it just makes the Yielding thing even weirder. Maybe she's yielding to her destiny or something?
Uhhhhh. Eye lasers and chakra fields are an interesting Queen Power.
Yielding is starting to make more sense, at least, since I guess we're channeling energies now.
I cannot WAIT to fail the associated skill checks.
Hope neither of them are pissed about that clemency thing!
Oh gods no.
WHEW. Arrows we can dodge; screaming at the crowd and not having any idea what this festival is supposed to be about, on the other hand...
Well... I wouldn't say you're
bad at anything not directly and exclusively involving the military, it's just that... you're still learning, is all!
It's alright, we'll wear our tutu and PRANCE AWAY from any cunning assassins.
Unless they're just there to humiliate us in which case yeesh.
Ooh, let's open it so we can see what knowledge check we're going to fail in relation to its contents.
Oh, and who it's from.
Yaaaaaaaaaaay! We really haven't had enough non-stab BFFs ever since we let our main one get eaten by a snake.
No wonder somebody tried to poison her.
Really. REALLY? HE'S furious. The would-be assassin begs the crown's pardon, he cuts her throat on the spot before we can issue a verdict, and HE'S just ABSOLUTELY LIVID about this chain of events.
Also if we failed a skill check or something in relation to this answer, I missed it entirely. I assume it's based on other things, or maybe just foreshadowing.
I didn't want to dig around for the old one, so I made a new icon chart. My current guess is that Attend Service lowers whatever's your highest emotion on the top half and Tour Barracks lowers your highest on the lower half.