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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1192413 times)


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6405 on: October 22, 2016, 09:45:39 am »

Seeing things was never really my forte. What do I hear? What do I smell? Anything familiar?
This hole's porous and angular structure is especially good at absorbing sound, so using your normal brand of echolocation doesn't work that well. So you resort to shouting a random song down the well and using what little echo you get back to get a vague picture about the area down there. It's a gigantic empty room with a single exit going off towards the east.

You don't smell much. Well, you do smell much, you smell the watchmen, the people that came to see them about... half an hour ago? some food, alcohol, squished stinking bug, something rotten, a rat... But there's not much of interest coming from down the well. Just ash and moisture mixed with a faint smell of fungal spores. Maybe you're just tired.

And then that movement you saw reappears and turns into a humanoid made of fire that turns into a small dog. Well, that was certainly easier to see.

If you want, we can expedite this, say you're smart enough to figure out who you are and how to communicate and skip to your more general plan. You know, something like "offer moral support and then leave Irine to find her own way out", "come up with some elaborate plan to construct an elevator our of palm trees and coconuts", "find enough birds to make a bird-jetpack", "have Alan dump stuff down the hole until he makes a climbable mountain of random stuff or manages to clog the hole", etc.

Yeah, I want to go full-fox. I'm still able to generate plenty of flame to shift back if needed, and there's no way I'm going to mess with that thing until I have more information. However, that food. Was it in here when I was in here earlier? wouldn't I have noticed it then? It's near the sword, did the thing make it? It has a human smell on it, I need to find where that human smell came from. I'm going to be shifting to full-fox anyway, and I am NOT going to waste food by eating it as big me. I need to be full-fox for eating because it'll be a much larger meal in that form.

order of actions: verbal comms check x3, shift full-fox, telepathic comms check, smell dem bones, gnaw on them and attempt to locate human smell source.

besides, I'm curious what changes have been made to my full-fox form, the one with the strongest fire magic. I mean, hybrid clearly was affected noticeably, I've got a good chance of being even more firey as full-fox, and might still look mostly normal as full-human, though I betcha I'm a blonde or redhead now instead of brown hair like I used to have.
You go fox and gnaw on bones. Changing feels a bit uncomfortable and with your weakness you fear you will pass out, but it feels like something is holding you, helping you hold on.

You don't get anything via telepathic comms. You can feel that your signal reached something in the sword, but if it understood your message, it isn't responding. Maybe it can't respond. Maybe it's broken somehow. Maybe it's just rude. Who knows?

Also, there's someone singing above. Looking up, you can see that now there's light at the end of the hole and you can see a shadow moving there, although you can't make it out clearly.

Your colour is quite similar to that orangeish D had when he used a fox form, with a few differences. You've gotten a lot fluffier on your tails, shoulders, elbows (which, if I'm reading this anatomical chart correctly, are actually called hocks) and especially the back of your head and neck. The fur has a tendency to become spiky and stand up, the one on your head and back of your neck being almost vertical, making you look like an artist's attempt to draw an animal with fire coming out of it that has come to life. In this light you can't properly see all the changes, but assuming you go out into the sun (or some other very bright light source) you'll see that on top of being super shiny, those parts are also iridescent, like tiny little prisms that display different colours of different brightness depending on how the light strikes them, with a preference for orange, red and yellow. And assuming someone with good eyesight took a proper and close look at your fur on these parts, they would see that it is not made out of hair but what looks like tiny shards. Still feels the same though, maybe just a bit rougher.

And now I'm imagining what it would be like if Irine was a stereotypical blonde.

I didn't actually think that through all that much, I just registered another possible way to unintentionally annoy the guy. I'd probably have proposed this to Ike and been 'nah'd.
Oh, I know something I could test out before I leave! Can I summon seeds? Would they, if I can, also be subject to the 'vanishes after a few whatevers' limit or would they potentially last long enough to grow up, produce more fruit and thus more seeds, and continue the cycle? Or no?

Well, you don't have powers over time, so you can't get to the second part of your plan, but we can say that you run the test long enough to see some of the seeds grow into small leafy plants. You could take one of your pots with you and continue your experiment. 6

Having a connection with dreams, or at least a vivid impression of lucidity within them, Theri wondered if she could project or visualize a concept for Irine or River. Any idea or sense of communication or connection--even the basest idea would do; but how to do so, even in pondering upon this uncertain act, was the biggest question to be answered.

She wondered if people had connections to physical objects and things too.

Try to focus on Irine; even a simple idea of contact with her would help in meditation.
You focus on Irine, creating a vivid image of her running up to you and then smiling to you. The image seems so vivid you feel as if you could reach out and touch her. You wish it was real, because you'd really like to hug her.

WMD, After the End

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hmm... not good.

Can I see what the source of that is?  Is it coming closer or threatening me?  If yes, take cover.  If no, try again on the sensor suite.  You can never go wrong with a good sensor suite.
A thick spike gets pushed through the back of your neck and head, emerging out of the back of your armour like an antenna. You lose your normal sight and the ability to move your head but gain a top-down view of the surrounding area. You can focus on different parts of your view and apply filters like infrared and electromagnetic, but you can't change your perspective. This will make aiming hard (unless you go the top-down shooter route and use visible lasers or the strategy route and use autonomous units). It also makes looking at far away things a bit frustrating, since you have to keep moving your view for a while or repeatedly zoom way out (as much as you can in this underground space anyway) and then zoom back in. At least you xan easily and quickly recenter on yourself.

Using your newfound sight, you can see that something has exploded close to the edge of the city. Not the communication facility you were interested in, but one close to that section of the city. A quick look shows there's a large crater filled with strange glowing things. And a large rain cloud is slowly filling it.

Yep, going downstairs.
Okay. You reach the lobby, force open a door leading to a stairwell and start going down.

You reach the ground floor. The stairs keep going down but perhaps it might be easier finding your way above ground. You wouldn't want to get lost in the sewers or whatever is down there.

You take a peek through the door and into the ground floor lobby. It's very dark down here. There are sings of combat occurring here recently. Dead humans and grotesquely mutated rats and cockroaches with bioluminescent nodules on them lay on the ground, bleeding or burnt, twitching occasionally. There are scorch marks and bullet holes in the walls. There are a couple of workers in hazmat suits with flashlights attached on their shoulders that are slowly and carefully moving the bodies, putting them in body bags, labeling them and then stacking them in a corner. Maybe you could sneak past them. Or you could just alpha strike them before they have a chance to react.

Kosak Durar, After The End:

"Aha! I see what you're doing!"

Kosak attempts to figure out how many trunks are remaining(as in, unsevered). Afterwards, he severs the trunk he's currently on, and climbs onto the heart, then onto another trunk. As quickly as possible, wouldn't want to be grabbed by the goo stuff.
You are on the heart and it's moving its flesh around, trying to make you fall, but you've managed to hold on for now and make a small hole. The mechanofluid is forming a shell around the entire heart. The shell is rising out of the ground and closing its two halves, like a clam. The shell is not stopped by the trunks, the fluid it is composed of goes around the trunks, like one would expect from a fluid.

Now, what exactly is your plan? Destroy trunks and then climb them to reach more trunks to destroy?

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6406 on: October 22, 2016, 10:02:47 am »

To Irine, yelling: "Little Boy to Fat Man, Little Boy to Fat Man - come in, Fat Man! Whatsherface didn't have any good input on what the hell happened, so rep on the sitch pronto, over!"

Here's a much easier plan, use a goddamn rope to get Irine out of that hole.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 06:50:26 pm by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6407 on: October 22, 2016, 11:45:11 am »

to the sword:<Please? some kind of signal that you understand me at least? just flare your flames or move them around or whatever. Just give me something to work with.>
if I get a response:
<Thank you. when I ask you a question, if you need to answer something other than what I prompted, please signal three times. If me touching you would let you communicate clearly, and will not put me in danger or bind me to you in some way, please signal me again. if it will help communicate, but will bind me or endanger me, signal twice.>
I don't know if it'll tell the truth or not, but at least I'll have an answer.
<If you want me, specifically, to touch you, please signal again, if anyone would do, you just want a wielder, please signal twice. I ask because you're too big for me to use, and I never was taught how to use swords properly anyway, but I know someone who is better trained and stronger.>

<if you are the man painted in the murals of the nearby tomb, please signal once, if someone else, please signal twice.>

<If you can only understand me when I'm using my telepathy, please signal once, if me speaking verbally would work too, please signal twice.>

if the sword doesn't respond, then I'm generating some flame, seeing if my flame generation abilities have been affected, and then using said flame to shift back to hybrid form.

I assume we're communicating BY YELLING SINCE I DONT HAVE A COMMWIRE ON ME.

annnd that's probably going to start a minor coughing fit since I think my throat is raw.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 06:39:55 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6408 on: October 22, 2016, 12:45:20 pm »

Kosak Durar, After The End:


Kosak is uncommonly silent as he focuses, trying to climb up the trunk that connects to the top of the heart(or as close to the top as possible). Once he severs that one, he'll be one step closer to getting the trunk to slam against the wall.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6409 on: October 22, 2016, 06:51:24 pm »

annnd that's probably going to start a minor coughing fit since I think my throat is raw.


((Though I did assume you had "natural" telepathy as well.))


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6410 on: October 22, 2016, 07:07:33 pm »

annnd that's probably going to start a minor coughing fit since I think my throat is raw.


((Though I did assume you had "natural" telepathy as well.))
((her natural telepathy isn't connected to the commwire's telepathy network, and on top of that hers is short ranged, probably too short ranged to go all the way to the top of the well, though I don't know for sure how deep it is.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6411 on: October 22, 2016, 08:04:30 pm »

annnd that's probably going to start a minor coughing fit since I think my throat is raw.


((Though I did assume you had "natural" telepathy as well.))
Alan sayeth yes to this.

Also yeah, take a pot and continue my semi-sensical experiment.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6412 on: October 22, 2016, 09:08:08 pm »

annnd that's probably going to start a minor coughing fit since I think my throat is raw.


((Though I did assume you had "natural" telepathy as well.))
Alan sayeth yes to this.

Also yeah, take a pot and continue my semi-sensical experiment.

You continue experimenting with pot.

To Irine, yelling: "Little Boy to Fat Man, Little Boy to Fat Man - come in, Fat Man! Whatsherface didn't have any good input on what the hell happened, so rep on the sitch pronto, over!"

Here's a much easier plan, use a goddamn rope to get Irine out of that hole.

Okay, let's roll to see if you can find your thing and get it up. Yeah, OK, let's say that when you're ready to go you create a particularly long piece of rope by tying smaller pieces together and pull Irine up with the help of some other people.

to the sword:<Please? some kind of signal that you understand me at least? just flare your flames or move them around or whatever. Just give me something to work with.>
Nothing happens for several seconds. Then the flames calm and recede a bit. It feels a bit colder and darker as a result.

if I get a response:
<Thank you. when I ask you a question, if you need to answer something other than what I prompted, please signal three times. If me touching you would let you communicate clearly, and will not put me in danger or bind me to you in some way, please signal me again. if it will help communicate, but will bind me or endanger me, signal twice.>
I don't know if it'll tell the truth or not, but at least I'll have an answer.
The sword responds by pulsing its flame for half a second, creating a bright light.

<If you want me, specifically, to touch you, please signal again, if anyone would do, you just want a wielder, please signal twice. I ask because you're too big for me to use, and I never was taught how to use swords properly anyway, but I know someone who is better trained and stronger.>
It's quiet for a long while. Then it responds with rapid pulsing.

<if you are the man painted in the murals of the nearby tomb, please signal once, if someone else, please signal twice.>
There's a short silence followed by slow pulses.

<If you can only understand me when I'm using my telepathy, please signal once, if me speaking verbally would work too, please signal twice.>
It responds immediately.

Kosak Durar, After The End:


Kosak is uncommonly silent as he focuses, trying to climb up the trunk that connects to the top of the heart(or as close to the top as possible). Once he severs that one, he'll be one step closer to getting the trunk to slam against the wall.
I'm writing this from my phone and I need my PC for this. Please hold.


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6413 on: October 22, 2016, 09:16:23 pm »

WMD, After the End

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Head away from the alarms.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6414 on: October 22, 2016, 09:32:16 pm »

John, After the End

How about a nice shotgun-esque instead?  I'm thinking one that fires a fairly decent cone of death.  It should use ammo, a copy of which I keep on me and reload by directly copying it into the chamber.  And a good visible laser sight, of course.

The idea is to make precise aiming not required while still giving me a personal weapon.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6415 on: October 22, 2016, 09:57:10 pm »

<As I understand it, you're safe to touch, you need a wielder within specific constraints that I match, but not necessarily just me, you may or may not be who I'm referencing but you don't know, and you can only understand me through telepathy. is all that correct? one for yes, two for no.>

<I'll go ahead and touch you, but if you push strongly against my mind when I do, I'm going to immediately pull away and leave you behind. It will take me a moment to get my hands back, and I'll lose my telepathy when I shift, so expect a delay. Again, do not react strongly to my initial touch. I understand you've probably been left here for a long time, but you'll have to control yourself. I still don't know if you're trustworthy, and have had more mental assaults in the last week than in the rest of my life combined. I do not want to deal with yet another.>
... I'll trust this thing enough to touch it. I'm generating some flame, seeing if my flame generation abilities have been affected when I do, and switching to hybrid form. after I switch to hybrid form. I do NOT grasp the hilt. I'm just going to rest two fingers on the pommel. if there is absolutely no reaction to that, then I'll touch it on the hilt, again with just two fingers. if still nothing, then with all five, but not in a grasping shape, instead just the tips of the fingers touching... and if and only if even that won't cut it will I go ahead and actually grasp it.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 10:51:20 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6416 on: October 23, 2016, 02:14:02 am »

Set up the rope and climb down there! Must be something interesting in there if Irine went and got ported into the place.


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6417 on: October 23, 2016, 06:38:21 am »

Saevus, After the End

Auto-crossbows in both hands. Take them out. Or if there's something I can blast into them with deadly results - do that instead.

Then proceed onwards.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6418 on: October 23, 2016, 12:46:49 pm »

Don't tempt Alan, Paris. I don't know what horrors would result from that.

That said, Alan totes the plant around with him and periodically waters it. He also names it Bill And Ted, because something something time experimentation and that's a great name for a plant.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Fistful of Silence
« Reply #6419 on: October 24, 2016, 02:35:12 pm »

Kosak Durar, After The End:


Kosak is uncommonly silent as he focuses, trying to climb up the trunk that connects to the top of the heart(or as close to the top as possible). Once he severs that one, he'll be one step closer to getting the trunk to slam against the wall.
You reach the top of the heart with some difficulty and start punching the nearest trunk. However you can't cause enough damage before the shell closes all around you. You keep punching until you make a large enough tear and then reach into its slimy insides and pull until it's torn free from the heart. Soft vein-like bundles can be seen pulsing where the trunk was attached to the heart. The trunk starts falling down in slow motion, pushing its way through the surrounding walls like they are syrup.

WMD, After the End

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Head away from the alarms.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

John, After the End

How about a nice shotgun-esque instead?  I'm thinking one that fires a fairly decent cone of death.  It should use ammo, a copy of which I keep on me and reload by directly copying it into the chamber.  And a good visible laser sight, of course.

The idea is to make precise aiming not required while still giving me a personal weapon.

Your first attempt gives you a normal shotgun filled with mud, water and rust. You could repair it, but you decide it might be easier to just try again.

Your second attempt gives you a toy shotgun, its plastic brittle from age, breaking apart from the slightest touch.

Your third attempt gives you a device that looks more like an oversized cannon. It takes both arms to lift, but when it explodes it releases a few dozen large pieces of sharpened scrap at supersonic speeds. The pieces of scrap mow down anything that gets in their path. But even if they weren't there this would still be a terrible weapon. The fire and the shockwave of the explosion alone could ruin the day of anyone standing too close to the wrong end of the barrel. This has only one shot and it would normally be very slow to reload, but your ability means you can work around that limitation and fire as fast as you can summon rounds.

Saevus, After the End

Auto-crossbows in both hands. Take them out. Or if there's something I can blast into them with deadly results - do that instead.

Then proceed onwards.

You summon your crossbows, one on each hand, and hold them next to your head as you face the door. You kick it open and walk through it, lowering the crossbows to take aim on the two men, who are turning around in surprise. Before they have a chance to react, one of them gets a bolt through the gut and the neck, the bolt getting stuck between two vertebrae and severing his spine, while the other gets hit on the leg and left lung, sending him to the ground with a muffled whimper. He struggles to breathe and crawl away. He tries to reach his radio, probably trying to call for help. It is then that the monster lying on the ground next to him, some sort of giant humanoid rat with bioluminescent nodules growing all over its body like cancerous growths, grabs him and pulls him towards it. It keeps biting his face and throat until he stops moving and a while after that.

After it's done, the creature struggles to get up. It does its best to stand upright and look at you, but it doesn't attack you. It's just standing there, making a horrible whistling noise as air escapes through the holes in its throat and lungs due to its attempts to breathe. You can see other monsters stirring, trying to limp to their feet or tear through their body bags.

Don't tempt Alan, Paris. I don't know what horrors would result from that.

That said, Alan totes the plant around with him and periodically waters it. He also names it Bill And Ted, because something something time experimentation and that's a great name for a plant.

Wait, you mean Alan got where he is in life completely drug free?
Well, I guess it's true what they say then, champions don't do drugs.

If you say so. I unfortunately have not read the big book of plant names.

Set up the rope and climb down there! Must be something interesting in there if Irine went and got ported into the place.
You go down the rabbit hole to the underground necropolis to find a Kitsune-turned-Super-Saiyan trying to pull the Excalibur of the Three Fates out of the slade floor.
Nooo! What are you doing? That's too many conflicting cultural references! If you keep this up the universe will explode!
But his warnings to the narrator were not listened to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
And then the sword explodes.
With light, it explodes with light, not literally.
It lights up the entire chamber.

<As I understand it, you're safe to touch, you need a wielder within specific constraints that I match, but not necessarily just me, you may or may not be who I'm referencing but you don't know, and you can only understand me through telepathy. is all that correct? one for yes, two for no.>
It takes a few seconds but responds 2.

<I'll go ahead and touch you, but if you push strongly against my mind when I do, I'm going to immediately pull away and leave you behind. It will take me a moment to get my hands back, and I'll lose my telepathy when I shift, so expect a delay. Again, do not react strongly to my initial touch. I understand you've probably been left here for a long time, but you'll have to control yourself. I still don't know if you're trustworthy, and have had more mental assaults in the last week than in the rest of my life combined. I do not want to deal with yet another.>
... I'll trust this thing enough to touch it. I'm generating some flame, seeing if my flame generation abilities have been affected when I do, and switching to hybrid form. after I switch to hybrid form. I do NOT grasp the hilt. I'm just going to rest two fingers on the pommel. if there is absolutely no reaction to that, then I'll touch it on the hilt, again with just two fingers. if still nothing, then with all five, but not in a grasping shape, instead just the tips of the fingers touching... and if and only if even that won't cut it will I go ahead and actually grasp it.
It's actually quite hard to generate enough fire to change. Maybe you're just tired. If there's any change in the fire itself, you're not seeing it right now. There's nothing beyond the urge to joke about how this has never happened to you before.

The moment you touch the sword you are hit by a bright light. However it doesn't do anything beyond feeling pleasantly warm.
The moment the light hits you, you are also hit by the presence in the sword. Its power feels immense. But it is not actually using that power. It's just there. You're not sure if it's a show of force or if that power is even more inaccessible to it than it is to you, merely seeping out of an overflowing container.
It speaks before you have a chance to, using telepathic waves that to someone not accustomed to telepathic communication would make its voice sound as if it was three, loud and impressive. You're certain that you or any of your comrades (well, perhaps not any) are accustomed enough with this form of commuicaiton to see it for what it is.
<If this is a trick, then know that no scheme will grant our power to the unworthy who seek it. They will find only death, as has every foe who has faced us in combat. So tell us then, who are you and why are you here if not to claim that you are worthy?>
The light fades a second later.
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