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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1126285 times)


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6210 on: June 12, 2016, 01:42:18 pm »

I had many songs in mind for this. Mystery Meat, Id (Purpose), Katyusha, Fortune Days, Castor Inception...
In the end, I think I'll go with something simple, old and with a relatively appropriate name:
POP:WW - Conflict At The Entrance
Campaign, Ike!

"Aha! The Taroids have got our scent, methinks! Back, men! And women too, I assume."

Best to retreat a little. Give some room for the Taroids to charge! Get my trusty peasant regiments back as well.
No men. This society seems close to the ye olde gender separation, although nobody seems to be actively enforcing that, at least not on your companions. Then again, most of the people you've met have thought you were either foreigners, wizards, nobles, monsters or a combination of the above, so it's quite possible they are more tolerant of deviations in these sorts of individuals. There's probably some sort of interesting sociological study to be made there, but you can't really get too much into that right now due to the group of Taroids coming your way.

"Spears front! Hold the line!"
You give your men the order to retreat and prepare to hold them at the gate. They run around the corner, one of them slipping clumsily but quickly getting back up again. They look like humanoids covered by a thick layer of dark smoke that trails behind them as they run. Whenever their limbs thrust forward, you can see their finer details, but they are still obscured by the darkness, making them look like a dark viscous tar-like fluid became animate. They're running full speed now, almost as quick as a normal man, except for one that is moving slower than the rest, as its leg is twisted in the wrong position, causing it to half-jump half-limp forward. They stick close to the sides of the road, to the shade provided by the buildings, but they don't appear to have any trouble stepping into the light.
"Slow them! Pin them down!"
As soon as your men are close to the gate they start throwing rocks, bricks, pieces of wood and whatever else they have on them or can get their hands on. However, their efforts don't appear to be working. For the most part, the projectiles appear to be a minor inconvenience for them. A man manages to get a particularly good hit in, striking one of them in the leg with a powerful blow, causing it to lose its footing and fall down. But the others keep running.

Your spearmen do your best to stop the two advancing Taroids that reach them, the other two still catching up due to their injuries.
"Hungry..." you hear one of them rasp.
One of the spearmen manages to catch the Taroid straight in the chest and completely stop it after sliding back for half a metre. He keeps pushing, throwing it off balance and pinning it to the ground as it thrashes around and tries to hit anything within its reach.
"Sorry..." the other gurgles.
The other spearman is not so lucky. The force of the impact catches him by surprise. He is thrown back and onto the ground. He desperately tries to use his spear to hold the monster back and keep it from jumping on him.
"Hold them down! Remove the head! Destroy the brain!"
The rest of your civilian mobs attempt to mob the Taroids and help their spearmen comrades in arms. They manage to handle the downed Taroid quite well, bashing it in the head with whatever they have until they turn it into a pulp and the monster stops moving coherently (although it continues flailing around and grasping and emitting unsettling noises).
The one trying to eat the downed spearman however... The mob seems hesitant to approach, after one of them that does finds himself on the receiving end of a vicious strike that throws him to the ground with his arm broken. The monster pushes itself against the spear until it emerges on the other side of its shadowy body. Its shadow hides the poor spearman from sight, but you can still hear his screams and something crunching.
"Warm flesh..."
Meanwhile, the other mobs deal with the other two Taroids that have just arrived. The other two spearmen manage to hold their ground and keep the Taroids at a distance, while the civilians help by pelting them with stones. One of them manages to get a good hit in, stunning one of the monsters and throwing it to the ground.

This isn't turning out so well. Then again, it could had been much worse. Now might be a good time to intervene.

Zechariah chided himself mentally as he continued with the group.

Of course they'd be afraid of shadows, idiot. That's what they're fighting right now, after all! And suddenly, a bunch of strange people show up with promises to help, but towing along a kid who can bend shadows to his will. Brilliant!

"Please don't be afraid," Zechariah reassured. "I'm not one of the monsters. I'm just here to try and help. If this.. 'magic' scares you, then I won't use it for now." He held his staff down as he walked and tried to stay behind Ike and the others. Looking down at his staff, he wondered if his crystal abilities would be reliable enough to use in this area. Considering that he was pained even in an area lit by sunlight before, he doubted it. If he needed to break out the shadows again, however, he seemed to have more than enough power to be able to repel any threat.

It's just a question of whether or not he can control that power.

Stay close like before and try to keep on guard with my sight as best as possible. If I suspect danger, see if I have enough natural light around to gather crystals. If not, gather small amounts of shadows.
Trying to use your staff to manipulate light appears to be a bad idea. It feels like it's sucking the life out of you whenever you try to do so, making you feel dizzy and weak.
So you just watch Ike while maintaining some shadows in the... well, in the shadows, ready to intervene.

((The dice lust for the biggest amount of amusing carnage almost as much as I do. Much like Xan and his id, our desires are nearly one and the same.))

Continue to maintain control until we spot the original jelly monster thing. Hold my carrot back and whisper sweet promises of velocity in its ear.
The urge for release is burning you. You think your skin is starting to turn orange.

I look up at the short man, trying to think of anything I might have forgotten.
"Um, stay near me? I can't avoid burning you if I don't know where you are. Um... I can't think of anything else right now."
Ready? I'm taking the torches by the way.
He nods and goes for the door. He lets it open just a crack, scans the area and then opens it completely. He checks around once more, including above him and then goes outside.
Everything is quiet.
He motions for you to follow him. You get out, close the door and retrieve the lit torch while he watches the area.
When you're ready, Vind takes point and you follow him closely.

<So... There's something I've been meaning to ask you... But... I've never really worked up the courage to do so...>

The village is not that large or wide. There aren't many places you could sneak through, even if you wanted you. You follow the outer wall for a while, moving quietly through the open area close to the wall. You pay special attention to anywhere an ambush could hide, every shaded point. Corners, sheds, creaking windows... Everything seems quiet. There are signs that people rushed away, doors left open, fires still burning. It makes you wonder why they left in such a hurry, what could had alerted them to the danger. Did the news spread via word of mouth? Did they rush away, following the herd like panicked animals? Maybe there was another means of addressing a large number of people? Or maybe they saw the monsters with their own eyes...

<It's something that occurred to me the moment I first laid eyes on you... Your body, your tails... It all looked so...>

The last option becomes even more plausible when you find a couple of corpses sprawled across a shaded porch. Vind spares a minute to carefully approach and investigate them. It looks like whatever attacked them dragged them here to feed on them. Their bodies have been badly mauled and broken and then had their flesh torn with hands and teeth. There's little left on them. The tracks look a bit unclear and distorted, but you think they're human, around three of them. It looks like whatever they were, they left towards the way you came from.

<So, there's just that I want- only if you want to of course... I mean, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or force you to do anything you want, but...>

You move on. After a while, you cut through a side street and head closer to the main road. You're not yet at the centre of the village but he probably just wants to check ahead before you get too close. The area looks clear, so you keep going until you reach the main road. You can already hear something up ahead, slight repetitive movement, dirt and wood, so you use your hand to get his attention, warn him and indicate the direction it's coming from. Vind approaches a building and leans around a corner to look ahead. After a quick peek he gets back into cover and signals you that there are 5 ahead. Probably close, judging from how tense he looks.

<D, now is really not the time.>
<Yeah, but, you know, something might happen and, you know... Something might happen to me, I might never get a chance to speak with you again. So I just wanted to say it while we still had the time. You know, no time like the present, hehe...>

Suddenly, you hear a noise. You think it came from somewhere above you. You pause and try to listen as hard as you can but there's nothing. It has stopped and you're not exactly sure where it came from or if it was even something important. Vind notices you so he joins you in scanning for trouble. But there's still nothing. Maybe it was just wind from your fire disturbing things on the roofs of the buildings. Maybe you're just on edge.

<Okay, here goes. Can you... say 'Moshi Moshi'?>

((I'm late and not that proactively helpful, but also sick, and sad. :-\ :-[ Generally planning Theri to aid with what skills she has here. I think I've caught up in the past 5 pages...))
"Sir with the bow waiting for him in town, would you please get yourself a small bundle of torches, one of them lit, and come with me to guide?"
unless DAF / Tiruin are ready to play, then I'd like to leave their characters here to help guard the locals.
((Totally could help given my advantage in speed and probably strength. Still super thankful for Parisbre/DAF's attitude and mindset of continuous activity!))

Given Theri's current circumstances, she did her best as she could--bereft of magic unlike Irine, something she made known to the villagers in contrast as she tended to them and their needs. She put forward the idea that despite a group going away to take care of their concerns, the rest should keep aware. She was surprised at the recent happenings within the village of Dragon's Hole, and mused that they must be nearing their objective--finding whomever River mentioned a long time ago. Her memory was hazy at the moment.

"I get that I don't look much like someone many of you would like to be with, but I would like to know more about what happened recently. I'm here to help, and so are my friends--I cannot do any magic, but that doesn't mean we're any weaker without it. Can anyone help me here; who leads the village? What are your professions? Who watched the fighting directly?"

Acquire human intelligence resource. Get information. Try to be useful being the only one left behind. Also try to sense for River...
((As far as I recall, there is a way I can contact the others from here, right?))
While taking care of the wounded and organizing a rudimentary group of volunteers to help take care of them, you also do your best to gain information. The mayor in charge of the village listens to your suggestions and assigns whoever he can get to start working on creating fortifications and finding weapons, so that they will be better protected if something happens during the night. You understand, however, that the people here are not warriors. Most of them are either merchants, farmers, craftsmen or simple workers, either helping with the farms, processing their products or doing odd jobs to get by. If there were any warriors amongst them, none of them are here.

The stories you hear about the attack to the village sound bad. The creatures that attacked them were mostly humanoid. They attacked either with swords and clubs or with their bare hands. But they all appeared to be much stronger and tougher than humans should be. There was also a bull-like creature that run through the streets. And animals called Cacolopes, creatures with large sharp teeth that like to jump around on their four thin but dexterous legs.

A few villagers say that leading the attack was some sort of winged, horned, four-legged creature of darkness. They say it was somewhat larger than an Ox and it did not appear capable of flight, but it was quite ruthless nevertheless. It pounced on people and used its tail to throw away anyone that dared to come close. Some say it was a dragon, but others say that dragons don't look like that, that dragons are supposed to be reptiles with a long neck and that this was more like a dark pegasus with a long tail or maybe a large winged cat. You're not really interested in a debate on the morphology of magical creatures right now, and each of them appears to have a different story or description about the creature (some say it had red eyes while others say it had no eyes, some say it breathed fire while others say it breathed darkness) so you don't press the matter. You don't think any of them are very reliable. They're probably still in shock, embellishing and confusing their stories.

As for River... You have a very bad feeling about him. You think he might be in great danger. However, you're still not sure about what you are supposed to do about it. It's just a source of anxiety with no obvious way of resolving it. But you can't just sit around and do nothing. You can't just hope that everything will work itself out, not when your friends are in danger. You feel that you have to do something.

After relaying the information you gained to the others, you leave your telepathic communication wire to the mayor and instruct him in its use. And then you get ready to act.
((To be continued, as per your instructions...))

Here's a video portraying Ike's group's efforts:

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6211 on: June 12, 2016, 03:10:21 pm »

Campaign, Ike!

"Man, this kicks ass."

That snacking Taroid isn't too good for morale. Step in personally and sort out the matter with my sword. Remove the head! Destroy the brain!

And then hopefully reinforce the other groups with numbers and invigorating spirit!


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6212 on: June 12, 2016, 04:00:18 pm »

<Moshi Moshi? what is... why? does that mean something in particular?>

I don't know if that sound is a survivor or not, I need to take precautions but can't go on the offensive yet.
I need to form an overhead sheet of flame first, to avoid the flanker.
Next I need to box in my targets. the road that those 5 shadows are on needs to be walled off by flame.
finally I close the net on the 5 targets, the walls of fire closing in on them to engulf them and end them.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 06:10:57 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6213 on: June 12, 2016, 06:48:40 pm »

"Licorice men! What you lack in vitamins and minerals is clearly hurting your sense of manners! Prepare to be ... SUPPLEMENTED!"

I'm with Ike's group, I assume? Open fire at what looks like the biggest group of things/most dangerous licorice man. Superluminal Vitamin Overdose 9000 GOOOOOOOOO
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6214 on: June 14, 2016, 03:06:52 am »

I assume I'm close to Ike as well, yes? If so, use the Shadows to try and pull those creatures away from any humans if they are harming them. Continue to be defensive and try to minimize casualties.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6215 on: June 22, 2016, 05:27:41 pm »

<Svajoklis, After the End>

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Stop jumping around and just die, dammit. Blast the desk he's hiding behind. Have my crossbow at the ready should he try to move away from the desk. Keep my shield up in case he tries shooting me.
Saevus is really pissed off. He points his golden arm at the desk and its runes glow with power, the air fills with distortions and all that can be heard is an ominous hum, increasing in pitch as he charges his attack.
"Just die!"
The air explodes with telekinetic energy, the shockwave shattering every light in the lobby. The attack goes through the desk like it was nothing and continues through the wall and door behind it, the shrapnel moving with enough energy to travel through the service stairway and demolish the wall on the other side of the stairwell.

This time Svajoklis is not so lucky. While he was already running away and was thus safe from the brunt of the blast, the shockwave was still big enough to hit him. He gets swept of his feet and thrown against a wall. He feels the wall break as he hits it and the pain on his arm and shoulder becomes unbearable. As he struggles to get up he realize that if it's not broken, it's probably seriously hurt. He also realises that a weight is missing from him. His book is missing, having been torn away from him by the impact and the blast.

<You know, you should really look into getting a stronger belt. Or maybe a chain.>
<Hah. Yeah. I bed he'd look like some sort of librarian rapper with that thing around his neck.>
<I meant for his waist, but your way would certainly be amusing.>

Saevus, meanwhile, appears to be suffering from low power after draining his reserves to make such a powerful attack. His movement and reaction times appear quite slow and will remain so until he has recovered.

Go back the way I came. Put as much distance as I can between me and that room. See if I can find some clothes on the way. Try to stay somewhat near some part of the weapon assembly while I recharge. Oh, and take advantage of that miasma purple stuff to avoid Rune.
Going back the way you came is not an option, since that part of the room was the first to start collapsing, but you can do the next best thing and make your way towards the helpful glowing red exit sign above the door. Clothes are also not an option on this room, as it appears that everyone here is thoroughly dead and mutilated. Plus, the room looks ready to collapse at any moment, so sticking around to loot the dead is probably not a good idea.

You manage to reach the exit without stepping onto something deadly. The next room is much better. It's a small reinforced S-shaped corridor split to three sections, some sort of decontamination area most likely. The reinforced doors have been conveniently left unlocked (you don't know if it's because of some emergency procedure, from the damage or some other reason), allowing you to push them open and go through the sections. In there, you find a few cleanroom suits. It's not the most inconspicuous thing ever, but it's probably more conspicuous than being naked. Plus, it conveniently hides your identity.

Centi-Rune pops his head back into the room and assesses the situation. He changes his eyes to negate the effect of this color inversion. If he no longer has his acid cannons, he evolves them again. If he still has them, he fires on his foe.
The effect is probably in your mind, because no matter how much you fiddle with your eyes, you are not able to remove it. I mean, you could try messing with your brain directly and see if that solves anything, but you've always let your ability work on your brain. You've never taken an active role in its manipulation, so you're not sure if that would be possible.

You pop out of the ceiling and look around. Your opponent is running away naked, trying to stay away from poison gas, acid and all the other nasty stuff leftover from your battle. He manages to make his way to the exit. Also, the room looks unstable could collapse at any moment. You should probably not stick around here for long.

Growing cannons with your current body is not very easy. Instead, you settle for a long thin tube across your entire body that can deliver a small but high pressure acid attack, almost like some sort of acid rifle.

Kosak Durar, After The End

((Why does it seem to me like my character has a mind of his own?))

Kosak charges the central trunk thing, aiming to kill it with many punches.
Trying to punch the trunk feels much like trying to cut down a tree by slapping it. You manage to make a sizable hole in it that starts leaking a sticky grey fluid, but that hole is tiny compared to its size. And now it's starting to stir and moan. You can see it starting to vibrate, the vibrations spreading through the leaking fluid.

"Fuck, hang on!"

Hit the braaakes! If I can't stop in time, rapidly shift the driver's seat up so I personally don't hit the wall; a makeshift eject, if you will. If stopping is done safely, start shooting at the target.

Shoot at the drone instead if it's even close to threatening me.

You push the brakes as hard as you can and try to maintain control of the car as it slips around. It turns sideways and slams against the elevated road. The impact rattles you. You can feel the reinforcing bars punch you on the side and scrape against your armour as they stab through the door, thankfully not strong enough to actually penetrate you.

The drone positions itself behind you and beeps as it prepares for another attack. You're a sitting duck out here. You can't drive, you can't get out with your door and window is blocked, you can't even move around all that well with those steel rods coming through the door. So you decide to shoot the drone. The glowing projectile flies towards the drone as it fires off another laser beam, sweeping it upwards. It cuts through the car's roof, your seat, your weapon, your armour, a good part of your chest and shoulder, the steel bars and part of the engine. You can feel all theses, sense the matter as it explodes into molten plasma and disappears from your senses, but only your body actually hurts. It's strange what kind of connections your mind can make as you fall unconscious.

Well, might as well look through some old memories while I'm out.
Luckily, your opponent almost got sliced in half by a drone and fell unconscious, so I can start rolling and moving time forward until one of you wakes up. Now, let's see, how long is this going to take...

You wake up. A man is hanging from the roof above you. Oh, no wait, that's the door of the van. And you are... oh, that's you, you can see your arm moving. It's always disorienting when your vortex gets scrambled. Especially when your everything hurts. You're pretty sure you've got a broken rib or two and you can't hear from one ear. Your sense of direction also feels off.

You try to take a quick look around but your vortexes have grown large and distorted while you were unconscious. It feels like there are things moving at the edge of your vision, pushing against it. The only thing you can see clearly is Central Tower, its form looming above you. You think there are people moving around, surrounding you, getting ready to kill you.

You wake up screaming and clawing as something stabs you at your wound. You blindly try to tear it away, but only manage to fumble and slap it instead, your mind still not used to missing one arm. Immediately you are pulled away, although you can still feel something pressing against your side.
"Sir? Can you hear me? Calm down."
"Restrain him."
You open your eyes. A man wearing a faded grey uniform is holding you down. You can see the dark ceiling of the biosphere high above him, too close and too far away at the same time. You can feel and see another pair of hands on your shoulders, but not to whom the belong.

<After The End>

You're pretty dead. And by that, I don't mean that you are a beautiful zombie.

I'll respawn you at the staging area.

Hmm... "The Pretty Dead". A show about a group of zombies trying to prove they may have lost their lives, but not their fashion sense dammit.

Gah. Sorry for not posting sooner. Many things got in the way. 43°C. Filing tax reports. People being idiots and making it hard for me not to hate them. I'll do my best to post tomorrow, whatever it takes, can't let this world defeat me.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6216 on: June 22, 2016, 05:38:14 pm »


Calm. Calm.  They can help.  Need a real doctor.  I just kludge it.

"Help me... where am I?"

Calm it down; get self under control.  Do not resist medical aid.

Try to identify situation and see what's going on.

Restraint isn't terrible; machines bow to my will.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6217 on: June 22, 2016, 05:44:18 pm »

Centi-Rune immediately leaps down from the ceiling and pursues his quarry. If he manages to find his foe, he unleashes a full spray of acid if he is sure that the shot will hit.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6218 on: June 22, 2016, 06:30:03 pm »

<Svajoklis, After the end>

Empty the clip into the terminator.

((I thought I had the book on a chain. I can't seem to find the description of Svajoklis, so I might be misremembering.))
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6219 on: June 22, 2016, 07:05:03 pm »

Kosak Durar, After The End

"ARRRGH! Why do you not break?"

Kosak goes after the newly created weak point with a flurry of punches, aiming to widen it.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6220 on: June 22, 2016, 07:20:58 pm »

Find out if I'm pinned under anything. If not, try to move away from the van.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6221 on: June 22, 2016, 11:41:11 pm »

"Well that sucked.  What even was that?"

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6222 on: June 22, 2016, 11:44:19 pm »

Keep going along the path I was traveling. If that miasma effect is still a thing I can see, use it to keep track of Rune and avoid him. How's my energy?
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6223 on: June 23, 2016, 09:51:27 am »

((Guess I rolled an 8 or 9 with that blast's power.))

"Thou shall not evade me!"

Pin him to the wall with crossbow bolts. Do not let him grab that book. Raise my shield to block the bullets.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: Special People: After the End
« Reply #6224 on: June 23, 2016, 01:39:43 pm »

"Licorice men! What you lack in vitamins and minerals is clearly hurting your sense of manners! Prepare to be ... SUPPLEMENTED!"

I'm with Ike's group, I assume? Open fire at what looks like the biggest group of things/most dangerous licorice man. Superluminal Vitamin Overdose 9000 GOOOOOOOOO
Open fire with the supercharged attack at the blob of civilian, monsters and Ike. That's a wonderful idea![/sarcasm]
Well, let's see if anyone is lucky enough to survive, because with your luck I'm sure you'll get 6s everywhere at this sort of roll.
I assume I'm close to Ike as well, yes? If so, use the Shadows to try and pull those creatures away from any humans if they are harming them. Continue to be defensive and try to minimize casualties.
Campaign, Ike!

"Man, this kicks ass."

That snacking Taroid isn't too good for morale. Step in personally and sort out the matter with my sword. Remove the head! Destroy the brain!

And then hopefully reinforce the other groups with numbers and invigorating spirit!

Ike sees Alan and Zechariah look incredibly focused and looking at his direction. He's seen enough weird stuff and knows Alan well enough to know what that means.
"Get down!" he shouts as a giant purple tear in reality gets ripped open, a great orange point rapidly forcing its way through it, widening it.
A moment later, the ground under the Taroids erupts with seething darkness, like a living oil well blowout that explodes with enough force to push everything away. Most of the villagers manage to retreat enough to either escape unharmed or receive minor injuries from the darkness, however two of the spearmen aren't so lucky, as one gets launched into the air, dragged by one of the taroids, while the other remains in the grasp of the taroid that had jumped on him.

Meanwhile, the carrot has forced its way through the portal to whatever carrot dimension it came from and is flying towards Ike like a giant elven ballista bolt. Ike jumps forward and to the side to avoid the carrot and get closer to its speed. With perfect precision, he slaps down the tip of the giant healthy projectile. The tip gets pushed down and the carrot stabs into the ground. It bends like a pole jumper's pole and then gets flinged into the air, now spinning with Ike holding onto the leaves on its back. With the darkness now holding the taroids in place and the carrot getting ready to obliterate them, Ike has one thing left to do.

The mighty general pulls the carrot and gets his legs on it and then just at the right moment he jumps off, at the same time drawing his blade. The carrot turns sideways in time to obliterate the two taroids on the left just as Ike flies towards the right, holding it still and letting it slice through the darkness and the taroids' limbs with the aid of his momentum. The slightly dull blade still causes friction, the torque threatening to twist him around, but he manages to counteract it by flying onto the wounded spearman as he passes through the taroids' smoke. The two of them crash through a house's roof, where they roll into a stop.

At the same time, the darkness and the carrot collide. The carrot squishes the dark creatures with a loud crunch before it gets entangled into the dark mess that has errupted out of the ground. Its momentum stretches the darkness thing and for a moment it looks as if it is threatening to uproot it. But rather than sending the darkness towards the sky, it pulls it away, creating a large gash on the road. Its momentum keeps it moving forward, where it eventually meets the ground with a loud thud and disappears into the darkness.

The darkness remains there, reducing the already not-that-great influence of Zechariah's commands to nothing. Instead, it begins bubbling as purplish lights begin appearing beneath its surface.
"Get down again!"
The bubbling intensifies and a few moments later the entire thing explodes, sending puddles of dark bubbling goo and purple lightning everywhere around it. The lightning dies down after a few seconds but it reoccurs from time to time, purple bolts jumping out of the centre of the explosion, causing the light between it to distort as if it is being viewed through a broken mirror

There seems to be little damage to the villagers, just a few bruises and hurting heads. Even the spearman that was thrown in the air managed to land on his feet. The only major injury is the bitten spearman with Ike. He is bleeding badly from a big bite mark on his shoulder, close to his neck. The wound is surrounded by a greygreen bile.

<Moshi Moshi? what is... why? does that mean something in particular?>

I don't know if that sound is a survivor or not, I need to take precautions but can't go on the offensive yet.
I need to form an overhead sheet of flame first, to avoid the flanker.
Next I need to box in my targets. the road that those 5 shadows are on needs to be walled off by flame.
finally I close the net on the 5 targets, the walls of fire closing in on them to engulf them and end them.
<It's a greeting and well, you know what they say. Kitsune can't pronounce moshi moshi. So if someone doesn't respond to your moshi moshi, that means they are an evil fox in disguise trying to seduce you. So I was wondering if this was true for your particular brand of foxgirl.>
You pull a stream of flame from overhead and form it into a sheet of fire that engulfs the roofs of the buildings close to you, setting them on fire.
<But mostly, it's to break the tension. People say that mistakes happen when you're distracted. But I say they also happen when you're too tracted.>
Then you simply drop down the rest of your fire right on top of where you heard the noise. But to your surprise, it's not as easy as you expected it to be. You can actually feel them, vaguely feel their shapes like spots of dark energy in your power, resisting, pushing back. You can hear them too, their off tune shouts, sounding more like they are made in anger than in pain.
<You know. Pay attention too hard. Get too into something. Miss details, fail to consider alternatives. Then next thing you know there's fire everywhere and everyone is screaming.>
But their attempts to stop you are no match for you. You triple your efforts, condense your fire and their resistance is crushed. They try to run around, towards you, but they soon slow down and then stop. And then you can no longer hear them or feel them. If they're dead... then that's probably an acceptable tradeoff, assuming you can maintain it. I mean sure, they appear to have somehow reduced the amount of fire you had, but not by too much, not if you consider how much those now burning buildings will give you.
<BTW, if you want one for 'Lucky Ike', next time you see him, ask him if he's caught the Daltons yet.>
You feel the ground shake. A moment later, somewhere in the distance towards the east, there's a boom and the sound of glass breaking.
<Speaking of Ike, for some reason, I get the feeling he just did something awesome and I'm missing it.>
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